-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.32/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 32</A>
Laissez Faire City Times
Aug 16, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 32
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
The Tibetan Book of the Living Dead

by Richard S. Ehrlich

LHASA, China -- Dying, voodoo-esque Tibetan Buddhist lamas may be
entering other people's corpses, animating the flesh, and living happily
ever after, even better than zombies.

Similar to Frankenstein, the lamas are said to keep their own
personalities and memories while residing under someone else's skin.

The Dalai Lama is intrigued. He believes when his tutor died, the
teacher was able to prevent his own corpse from decomposing for almost
two weeks.

Experts from Columbia University, the University of California at
Berkeley and elsewhere, were so intrigued by the Dalai Lama's insights
that they spent one week with him in 1987 to ask about the possibility
of living in corpses - and other similarly inconceivable behavior.

The Dalai Lama told them, "Through tantric technique, the meditator is
able to transfer his consciousness into a dead body.

"Because the meditator hasn't actualized the clear light state of death,
meaning he hasn't gone through the process of death, he is able to
retain the knowledge gathered during his lifetime.

"Memory is not brain. Anyway, it's a mere hypothesis from the Buddhist
point of view. So it has to be experimented with," the Dalai Lama added,

People cannot, however, achieve immortality by jumping from body to
body. "A total change of the (dead) physical body takes place, but the
lifespan of the (living) person is said to be the same," the Dalai Lama

Participants in the spirited dialogue included Columbia University
Computer Sciences Professor Dr. Newcomb Greenleaf, plus Berkeley's
cognitive scientist Eleanor Rosch, and San Diego's brain development
expert Dr. Robert B. Livingston. Naropa Institute's Dr. Jeremy Hawyard,
along with French neurobiologist Dr. Francisco Varela of the Ecole
Polytechnique in Paris, also attended.

Deep meditators can "see the events of their past lives," according to
the Dalai Lama.

Sex and Death

Ordinary people can, at least, attain low-level near-death awareness and
"clear light"--through sex.

The Dalai Lama told the experts, "There are four ordinary occasions when
a very gross form of clear light arises: at the moments of yawning,
sneezing, falling asleep, and orgasm.

"Orgasm is the strongest of the four ordinary occasions in which clear
light appears, and so it is used in meditation to extend the experience
of the emergence of clear light, to clarify the experience and make it
more vivid."

The Dalai Lama said some lamas who die, keep "very subtle consciousness"
in their own corpse, to prevent their bodies spoiling after the
expiration date.

"As a result, the body doesn't decompose while the self is in the clear
light" of "final dissolution," the Dalai Lama said. "Some people can
remain in that state for a week or more. For example, the late Kyabjey
Ling Rinpochey, my tutor, remained in the state of clear light for 13
days, and his body remained very fresh."

The Tibetan-English Dictionary of Buddhist Terminology defines how to
achieve new life inside a dead person.

"The practice of entering a corpse: An exalted tantric practice through
which a yogi, having gained control of his energy winds and mind,
purposely abandons his body and transfers his consciousness into another
serviceable corpse.

"This enables him to maintain his life even after the break-up of his
original body, in order to fulfill the purpose of other sentient beings.
"The great yogi Dharma Dhode, the son of Lama Marpa, is said to have
demonstrated this practice," the text adds.

This is similar to traditional "voodoo" belief elsewhere in the world,
where "zombies" come to life when a supernatural power enters into, and
reanimates, a dead body.

In the West Indies, however, these zombies are without their own will,
and have trouble speaking. Unlike animated Tibetan lamas, zombies appear
able to perform only automatic movement.

Preparing the Vulture’s Meal

The Chinese who now control Tibet, meanwhile, take a more down-to-earth
view of Tibetans' unusual funeral rites.

Macabre "sky funerals" in which dead Tibetans are hacked apart and fed
to vultures, attract the most attention.

Throughout Lhasa, capital of Tibet, Chinese security forces have posted
English-language signs in hotel rooms, and other places where tourists
appear, warning:

"It is forbidden to visit and photo the sky burial site, according to
the local government's regulations for the minority nationality's habits
and customs. The tourist who breaks the regulation will be punished

During Tibetan sky funerals on Lhasa's northern edge, machete-wielding
undertakers -- sometimes drunk on Tibetan "chang" beer to numb the
horror-chop dead people into mince-meat.

The ceremony displays the bloody messiness of a slaughterhouse, outdoors
atop a large flat boulder behind Sera Monastery.

Ropes are tied to corpses' necks and knotted around big rocks, to
prevent the bodies sliding off the blood-wet boulder.

The undertakers also hammer the corpses' bones, and mix the powdered
bones with human meat, so nothing is left after the vultures eat.

To ensure a delicious feast, undertakers add "tsampa" barley and yak
butter to flavor the diced dead.

Lighting small campfires to make attractive, billowing smoke, the
undertakers signal scores of circling, chubby, shiny-feathered vultures
to devour the mash in an all-they-can-eat frenzy atop the gray flat
rock. As a chilling backdrop, Tibet's Chinese-built, dreaded Drapchi
Prison sprawls nearby.

Paintings on Tibetan monastery walls, detailing the life of Buddha, also
depict Tibet's sky funerals, with pictures of Egyptian-looking vultures
munching people's internal organs -- akin to the medieval paintings of
Hieronymus Bosch.

Dying as a Career Choice

Death and dying are attractive career choices for many Tibetan mystics.

For example, the "ten innermost jewels" of Tibetan Buddhism's Kadampa
tradition include "entrusting" yourself to poverty and, ultimately,
"entrusting yourself to death as the extreme consequence of poverty, and
entrusting yourself to an empty cave as the simplest place to die," the
terminology text says.

While dropping out, you undergo "self-expulsion from human society," and
achieve two extremes, "finding the company of dogs and attaining
heavenly status."

The unique dress code for a Tibetan Buddhist "ascetic who dwells in a
cemetery" -- also known as a "cemetery yogi" -- includes being "crowned
with human skulls."

"He wears an elephant skin as an upper garment" and "wears a tiger skin
as his lower garment."

Cryptically, the text adds, "he uses the skin of a human." Buddhists
like to reflect on the end of existence as we know it, because such
thoughts can bring realization that life is but a dream. To perceive
this, some lamas practice "nine points of meditation on ugliness."

As defined by the Tibetan dictionary, these include the reflective
"perception of a swollen corpse," "a worm-eaten corpse," "a festering
corpse," "a bloody corpse," "a bluish corpse," "a corpse being
devoured," "a scattered corpse," "a burnt corpse" and "a poisonous
corpse." In the Tibetan universe, however, even gods drop dead.

Twilight of the Gods

As a result, gods also should heed foul omens before it is too late,
according to the text.

"The five signs of imminent death for a god: Number one, they lose
lustre and brightness of their body. Number two, they dislike to sit on
their cushions.

"Number three, their garlands fade away. Number four, their robes are
worn out and smell bad. Number five, their body is covered with sweat."

Tibetans claim all of us have come back from the dead, and been reborn
many times, though we have forgotten. The famous Tibetan Book of the
Dead warns all people -- who inevitably face reincarnation -- to select
the best new womb next time.

The book, which dates back to the ninth century, is described as
"testimony" of holymen who "claim to have died and re-entered the human
womb consciously."

After you die, "thou wilt see thine own home, the attendants, relatives,
and the corpse (of yourself) and think, 'Now I am dead! What shall I
do?' and being oppressed with intense sorrow, the thought will occur to
thee, 'O what would I not give to possess a body!' And so thinking, thou
wilt be wandering hither and thither seeking a body.

"Put aside the desire for a body," it adds.

Ideally, an undertaker or "officiant" should whisper instructions into
your dead ears for up to 49 days -- even if you died deaf -- to help you
avoid entering the wrong "womb-door" or, worse, following the road to

You should have freed yourself from the cycle of rebirth, but only
enlightened people achieve that.

Most likely, wombs all over the world will be attracting you, wherever
sperm and ovum unite.

Trick or Treat

"Thou wilt see visions of males and females in union," the Tibetan Book
of the Dead reveals. "Remember to withhold thyself from going between
them," because then you will be conceived.

"Do not enter into any sort of womb which may come by," it adds. Be
wary, because the lures of some wombs may be tricks, which can result in
you being reincarnated as a beast.

"In selecting the womb-door thus, there is a possibility of error:
through the influence of karma, good wombs may appear bad, and bad wombs
may appear good."

For souls who fail to heed this advice, the ancient teachings predict,
"Encased in oval form, in the embryonic state, and upon emerging from
the womb and opening its eyes, it may find itself transformed into a
young dog.

"Formerly it had been a human being, but now, if it has become a dog, it
findeth itself undergoing sufferings in a dog's kennel.

"Or perhaps a pig in a pigsty, or as an ant in an ant-hill."


On his third visit during the past 15 years, Richard S. Ehrlich recently
spent one month in Tibet, including three weeks in Lhasa and a week in
Gyantse and Xigatse. Ehrlich has a Master's Degree in Journalism from
Columbia University, and is the co-author of the classic book of
epistolary history, "HELLO MY BIG BIG HONEY!"-- Love Letters to Bangkok
Bar Girls and Their Revealing Interviews. His web page is located at
http://members.tripod.com/ehrlich , and he may be reached by email at


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 32, August 16, 1999
Published by
Laissez Faire City Netcasting Group, Inc.
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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