-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Is Clinton Creating the First Drug Dealer, Terrorist State in Europe?

Isn't it Time for the US Media to Print some of the Truth About "Albanian

By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources (www.originalsources.com)

June 15, 1999

One of my readers, Linda H., wrote today:

"I have been reading you now for about a year. So many times I find myself
tearing my hair out and saying, "That can't be true, surely someone else
would be saying it too!" Especially the last two and a half months.
Unfortunately for my peace of mind, you have a tendency to quote other
such as news reports from other countries, or the World Almanac for
instance, instead of making wholly unsupported statements. I look at what
say, and I can't help seeing where you are coming from.

"During WWII, there were people who were trying to speak an unpopular
truth we just didn't want to hear. We called them alarmists, or accused
of paranoia, or seeing bogey-men where they didn't exist. Too bad we
didn't listen sooner."

I know just how Linda feels. That's just exactly how I feel time, after
time, when I research an issue and find that what is being SAID by the
media, or sometimes, left totally UNSAID is clearly designed to totally
mislead the public. The real story behind the Serbs fleeing Kosovo is not
what SERBS have done - it's over what ALBANIANS have done for years to

Before the bombing started, I asked what any competent journalist SHOULD
have asked - "Who is the KLA and how are they being financed?"
Albania is the poorest nation in Europe and it's Stalinist communist
government basically collapsed shortly after the USSR disintegrated. I
found, to my
surprise, that the KLA is a large, and wealthy drug cartel that controls
most of the Heroin sales throughout Europe - supplying up to 90% of the
to Scandinavian countries, for example.

Now I am watching so-called journalists reporting while surrounded by KLA
members or supporters, with undisguised smugness that the Serbs are
now "fleeing Kosovo for the first time, while the Albanians jeer." On Fox
News last night I watched a group of armed Albanians shooting their
weapons in the air, while mugging for the cameras in what must have been
in full view of the NATO "peacekeepers."

The day before, a Serb who shot into the air was promptly shot and killed
by German peacekeepers, according to reports from the scene.

What should be obvious at this point is that the Clinton-Gore
Administration has created a situation in Kosovo which will require a very
long term
commitment on the part of the United States. It isn't just Serbs who are
leaving. Other ethnic groups, Montenegrins and Gypsies, seeing what
appears to be a commitment on the part of NATO and the media to create an
Albanian reservation in the heart of the Serbian Orthodox Church's
sacred territory, are fleeing also.

Why? And, why is the dominant media not reporting what is really going on?
One of the sites (http://www.beograd.com) which has developed a
network of first-hand reporters from Kosovo reports today:

     ****** According to the info I am receiving from my friends and
relatives who left Pec, only 2 Serbian priests, Budo and Miljko, stayed
     in the town, The town is on fire. There are no more Serbs and
Montenegrins there. Mass exodus of Serbs toward Belgrade is expected.

     ******** 01:29 KLA stopped the Serbian refugee convoy and killed the
brothers Slavisa and Bogdan Krstic at the spot.

     ******** AFP reports from Rozaje that more than 13,000 members of
non-Albanian minorities (Serbs, Montenegrins, Gypsies,
     Moslems, and others) arrived to Monete Negro. Serbian leader from
Kosovo, Mr. Trajkovic is quoted saying that over 30,000 people
     have fled Kosovo from the Albanians so far.

     ******* Sky News - NATO entered Pec. They met a convoy of YU Army, 5
km long, on the road. They are wondering how come the
     tanks and other arms are not even scratched, while they were told
they have destroyed all tanks in Kosovo.

What Americans are hearing, of course, from their TV screens is that the
Serbs are leaving because they "feel guilty" for participating in "ethnic
cleansing" of Albanians before and during the bombing. What is simply not
being reported is the history - the recent history - of KLA terrorism
Serbs which created the increasingly "ethnically pure" Albanian majority
in Kosovo. It is a story quite similar to the change of ethnicity in many
American cities, in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s - when the "white flight"
resulted in all black inner cities.

While the popular liberal analysis of "white flight" is to chalk it up to
white bigotry, in my family, white flight was a matter of
self-preservation. My
brother and his family ended up as about the only white person in the
South Chicago neighborhood where he had purchased a home in the early
He held on for years, while trying to overlook the fact that his sons
experienced almost daily beatings from black kids who had been taught that
were responsible for all their failures in school and work. He finally

The fact of the matter is the Serbs are leaving because they've already
experienced "Albanian autonomy" in Kosovo under the communist dictator,
from 1974-1989. And in depth study of Kosovo's demographics in 1971 showed
that, in Pristina for example, which is now occupied by NATO
troops and apparently preparing for "Albanian" control, 36% of the
population were Serbs and Montenegrins. In March, the non-Albanian
was said to be 10%. During the period of "Albanian autonomy" which
Madeleine Albright and Bill Clinton want restored to its 1980 level, for
all other groups, who became minorities, were discriminated against. This
is why the peace agreement that Milosevic signed emphasized equality for
ALL residents of Kosovo - not just the Albanians.

That part of the peace agreement at this point is obviously not being
observed. Ruza Petrovic and Marina Blagojevic in an in depth study
entitled: The
Migration of Serbs and Montenegrins from Kosovo and Metohija, documents
the discrimination against the Serbs by asking in depth questions of
Serbs who had fled Albanian "autonomy."

The study had numerous examples of discrimination similar to the

"One respondent, for instance, said that his Albanian neighbor had warned
him before the 1981 demonstrations to steer clear, not to go alone,
he was on a list of Serbs and Montenegrins who were to be eliminated, and
the building in which the household head worked was planned to be blown
sky-high The respondent claims that many people on that list disappeared
or were "accidently" hit by cars and died. Another respondent says that
Albanian friends would warn him before every riot so that he could lie
low. But, public displays of friendship toward Serbs and Montenegrins were
dangerous for the Albanians themselves. One household head related how an
Albanian neighbor had stopped his house from being stoned but had later
had trouble with his compatriots and the authorities. In another instance,
when some Serbs were fired from their jobs, their friend, an Albanian, was
fired too, 'Just because he had been their friend,' said another

So, what is developing in Kosovo is the Clinton-Gore administration
setting up a segregated, terrorist run society, in which the majority will
eliminate all
minorities, while talking endlessly about "minority rights" to the media
in America. The study quoted one long-term resident Serb or Montenegrin as

     "I have to admit that the better educated and more cultured Albanian
inhabitants behaved correctly. We had good neighbors, and my
     brother had good friends. The old-timers are good people, the
immigrants are primitive, all they know how to do is fight, they reach for
     their knives at the drop of a hat. My father used to be friends with
the Albanians, they were like brothers, true friends, they attended each
     other's weddings and slavas.

     "You didn't ask about the settlement of Albanians from Albania. Whole
families settled. Our society gave these families enormous
     properties and houses (property and houses that belonged to Serbian
and Montenegrin families). The objective was to have one such
     family in every village, and then later they brought over their
brothers and friends. These same emigrants fostered hate and unrest in
     Kosovo. They got rich on it."

During the period of time when Albanians had full autonomy, there was a
mass exodus of Serbs and Montenegrins from the province - due to the
violent behavior and discrimination the Albanians practiced towards women
and children. The study quoted Serbs and Montenegrins who had fled the
province as follows:

     "Prior to the 1981 demonstrations, every Serbian house in Podujevo
was marked with a cross so that they would know where to attack.
     The demonstrators stoned the house, broke all the windows, completely
demolished my workshop.

     They started persecuting us and forcing us to move away, they moved
the boundary markers and usurped the land at will, they wanted all
     the Serbs to move out and for us to leave them our riches. The
surveyor said how the boundary went, but that didn't help.

     - People in the village knew exactly who was about to move out.
Albanians drew up a plan, and the Serbs had not a clue. An Albanian
     would appear, knock on the door and say: 'When you move out, I'm
buying your house'. Whether you wanted to or not, you had to move

     - Everything is done deliberately. Serbs are blackmailed, driven off
their property, they are given rock bottom prices for it. But, it's not
     just the material advantage; for some strategic areas the Albanians
pay whatever the asking price is, they pay billions, which means that
     their only goal is to drive Serbs away however they can.

     - Before we moved away, we hadn't worked the land for three years
because the Albanians picked our harvest. Our entire property (10
     hectares of arable land and the house) was left to the whims of the
Albanians, they destroy our houses, cut up our orchards, use our
     meadows, our property, and there's no compensation from either them
or the authorities. (The last Serbs that moved out of the settlement;
     nobody wanted to buy their property.)

But, the factor that must be the most disturbing to Serbs and Montenegrins
is the often repeated charge by KLA members that their women had been
raped by Serbs. According to the report, murder, along with the molesting
of children and rape or attempted rape, was one of the main reasons given
by a number of families for moving away. One household, for instance,
where the members had not had any "major clashes or troubles, decided to
move away in 1969 when a relative of theirs was murdered.

Ever since, the head of the household goes around armed. The murderer of
his relative "was not convicted; they said there was no proof, they said
was involuntary manslaughters."

The widespread attacks on Serb women and children, however, prompted many
Serbs to leave Kosovo: The report quoted a number of incidences of
rape including:

     - "A young Albanian raped my neighbor, a woman of 55. He broke into
the house after midnight and raped her.

     One of the women who moved away described the discrimination to which
women are exposed as follows:

     - "Serbian women in Kosovo aren't even second-class citizens, they
are harrassed, raped, humiliated. The hardest thing in Kosovo is to
     be a woman, especially a Serbian woman.

     Even when it is a question of rape, different generations of
Albanians have different attitudes.

     - "A young Albanian tried to rape my daughter, her mother took a
stick and beat him up, nobody held it against her, even the boy's
     parents said she was right to do it.

Attacks on Serbian little girls and young girls were often meant as
provocations, drawing young Serbian men into conflict so as protect their
neighbors or even unknown girls. One of the keys to understanding the
emigration of Serbs and Montenegrins from Kosovo is the threat to their
children. The selectiveness of the discrimination process is reflected in
the fact that the weakest and most vulnerable were the most exposed to it.
of the situations described in the report by those who left Kosovo because
of discrimination by the Albanians included:

     - We were separated into classes at school, but during recess we
stayed in the classroom, because they deliberately provoked incidents,
     and we were afraid.

     - They harrassed children at every step, they didn't dare go out
during recess, they often came back with their heads smashed.

     - Fights. They grabbed our things. I rode a bike to school and they
kept taking it away from me. Once they beat me on the head with my
     own tire pump, another time with a rock. Slaps were a regular thing.

     - Things were not good between Albanian children and our own
children. They're in the majority, we're in the minority. They beat up
     children. Then the child doesn't want to go to school, his grades

     - Fights, arguments, belittling Serbian children in the streets,
starting arguments, a feeling of fear, especially among female children,
and all
     the rest.

     - Relations became disturbed after the 1981 demonstrations. We didn't
let our children out into the street, because we were afraid
     something would happen to them.

     - I wasn't free to send the child anywhere. My children meant more to
me than the property.

     - Our children were small. They were not allowed to leave the
courtyard, because they always got beaten up if they did. Even when they
     were in the courtyard, if there were no adults around they would be
stoned. That's why we came here.

Albanian girls are not generally allowed to attend school for more than
four years and are then married, in arranged marriages, at very early
ages. The
Albanian families are large, inasmuch as their Muslim faith does not allow
birth control. In the Albanian culture, women have almost no rights.

Does it seem odd that Bill Clinton would be taking such a strong stand for
the Albanians? Well, not really. He own violence towards women illustrates
his real opinion of the fairer sex. But, for the unsuspecting young men
and women of our armed forces, who will be expected to somehow keep a
peace that obviously does not exist, Kosovo could very well become a real
hellhole for them.


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Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
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