-Caveat Lector-

Perhaps more sinister, and certainly more shadowy than the Bilderbergers, the
"Pinay Cercle" is an "Atlanticist" right-wing organisation of serving  and
retired intelligence operatives, military officers and politicians that
conspired to "affect" changes in government. Amongst other things they claim
credit for engineering the election of Margaret Thatcher in the U.K. and may
have been behind the ousting of Australia’s Gough Whitlam.

By David Guyatt

Now almost forgotten, the decade of the "Seventies" was a time of immense
political upheaval, dirty tricks and incessant rumours of right-wing military
Coup d’etats in leading western democracies. Amongst the long list of
resulting casualties of this "decade of tension" were Britain’s Prime
Ministers: Harold Wilson and Ted Heath, Australia’s Gough Whitlam, Sweden’s
Olaf Palme, America’s Jimmy Carter and France’s Francois Mitterand. The more
southern flanks of Nato’s European axis: Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Greece
converted rumour into chilling fact via the steel-blue glaze of gun-barrels.
Italy, home of Pizza, the Pope, and Propaganda Due (P2) came in for its own
brand of political fixit, courtesy of Uncle Sam’s very own CIA.

As the decade of the "eighties" slowly slipped above the now less than pink
eastern horizon, right-wing beneficiaries of a co-ordinated international
destabilisation programme gave their heart-felt thanks. Among them were
Britain’s Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher - Madonna of the Armaments industry -
and America’s less brittle, and considerably less acute, Ronald Reagan -
humble originator of the mega-tax-buck-swallowing SDI "Star Wars" programme
and also, thus, a valued friend of the boys at Guns R Us International.

These two decades saw a proliferation of right-wing, quasi official and
secretive groups that co-ordinated intelligence, propaganda and undertook
covert black-operations around the globe. One of the most shadowy of all is
the "Pinay Cercle", named after its founder Antoine Pinay, Premier of France
in 1951. Known more simply as "Le Cercle" it is recognised as a more
clandestine sister organisation to the already very secretive Bilderberg
Group1 - a "behind-the-scenes ‘invisible’ influence" network.

Both groups share a familiar membership which includes Henry Kissinger,
Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockerfeller. Each of these three luminaries of
the international power network are, in addition to the foregoing,
influential members of The Trilateral Commission and the Council for Foreign
Relations as well as being regular attendees at Britain’s "Chatham House" -
The Royal Institute of International Studies - shadowy twin to America’s CFR.

Antoine Pinay was extremely influential in Europe and the United States,
where he had forged links with President Nixon. Pinay attended the Bilderberg
inaugural meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland during May 1952. By 1969, Pinay
together with Jean Violet, a Lawyer working for the French Intelligence
Service SDECE, and Archduke Otto von Habsburg, heir to the Austrian throne,
formed Le Cercle, and secretly began recruiting men of influence as members.

The intention was to shift the political climate of Europe to the far right
via a secretly financed campaign of propaganda, and to establish a private
intelligence service that would work, unofficially, with the existing
security apparatus of the west. Author Stephen Dorrill also believes there
are serpentine inter-connections between Le Cercle and the Gladio network, a
"stay-behind anti communist"   military guerrilla force set up by Nato’s
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) during the "fifties", that
was largely composed of ex Nazi’s.

Le Cercle has a different flavour to Bilderberg, however. The latter is an
important link to the overt "influence" organisations cited above and almost
certainly focuses its efforts on the broader political issues, being careful
to keep well-away from "direct actions". Le Cercle has a much more "hands on"
role. Interestingly, its membership is more heavily composed of serving or
former members of various Intelligence Services, senior military officers as
well as politicians, bankers and VIP’s with right wing connections. The
"Cercle" was unknown until 1500 internal documents of the rightist (and Le
Cercle funded) Institute for the Study of Conflict, were leaked to Time Out
Magazine in 1975. Subsequently the documents have gone missing. At the time
ISC was headed by CIA agent and "Cercle" Chairman, Brian Crozier who was
heavily involved in another covert action group known simply as "The 61."

Unknown to Crozier, Hans von Machtenburg (a pseudonym) a senior intelligence
official of Germany’s Intelligence service, BND, (and a member of Crozier’s
"61") had been exchanging full reports on Crozier’s secret get-together’s
with Hans Langemann, formerly a senior ranking officer of Germany’s
Intelligence Service, the BND and latterly Head of Bavarian State Security.
In a fit of depression, Langemann blew the whistle on a number of alarming
and sinister conspiracies to the left wing German glossy magazine Kronket.
Soon the story was picked up by Der Spiegel who featured it. One of
Langemann’s more sensational reports, dated 1979, stated:

Specific aims within this framework are to affect a change of government:

(a) in the United Kingdom - accomplished
(b) in West Germany - to defend freedom of trade and of movement and to
oppose all forms of subversion including terrorism.

In another secret memorandum dated 8th November 1979 and addressed "Personal
for the state minister only", Langemann notes that "Crozier worked with the
CIA for years." He concludes, therefore "that they are fully aware of his
activities" and goes on to observe that Crozier "has extensive connections
with members, or more accurately, with former members, of the most important
western security and intelligence services." Further on he advises that
Crozier, together with "Dickie Franks, Director of Britain’s SIS, and
Nicholas Elliot, a senior department head in MI6 "were recently invited to
Chequers (the country home of the incumbent Prime Minister, in this case
Margaret Thatcher) for a working meeting." Langemann continues: "It must
therefore be concluded that MI6 is fully aware of, if not indeed one of the
main sponsors of", Crozier’s "diverse circle of friends in international

Additional subjects covered in the Langemann papers include the "involvement
of the main intelligence and security agencies both as information sources
and as recipients for information in these institutions" as well as
"undercover financial transactions for political aims" that would be utilised
by conducting "international campaigns aiming to discredit hostile
personalities or events," the "creation of a (private) intelligence service
specialising according to a selective point of view" and the "establishment
of offices under suitable cover each run by a corordinator from the central
office. Current plans cover London, Washington, Paris, Munich and Madrid."
The plans also called for "provision of contributions by certain well-known
journalists in Britain, the US and other countries" and the organisation of
"public demonstrations in particular areas on themes to be decided and
selected."  The Cercle and their Chairman, Crozier, clearly had lined-up a
whole strategy of political "actions" that were not only known about, but
approved by the western intelligence community, in additional to leading
political figures including Prime Minister Thatcher and Presidential
candidate Reagan. In his autobiography Crozier regales us with his repeat
visits to the White House to meet senior administration figures. In 1980 he
flew to California to meet Reagan and "brief him" on his network and to offer
his services when he became President. Crozier stayed in close touch during
the election with William Casey, Reagan’s campaign chief, later appointed DCI
of the Central Intelligence Agency. After Reagan’s election victory he
appointed Californian friend, William A. Wilson, to act as a his liaison with
the Cercle and the related 61 group.8

The Cercle has intimate connections with a host of inter-locking right wing
outfits including WACL, Heritage Foundation, Western Goals, ISC, Freedom
Association, Interdoc, Bilderbergers, Propaganda Due (P2), Opus Dei, the
Moonies and the Jonathan Institute. Many of these are funded fully or in part
by the American Central Intelligence Agency. Members have included Nicholas
Elliott (British SIS/MI6 Dept. Head), the CIA’s Director of Central
Intelligence William Colby, Colonel Botta, (Swiss Military Intelligence),
Franz Josef Strauss (German Defence Minister, Head of CSU party and Bavarian
Premier), Alfredo Sanchez Bella (head of European operations for Spain’s
Secret Service and closely connected to Opus Dei), Giulio Andreotti (former
Italian Prime Minister, P2 member and Mafia confidant), General Antonio de
Spinola (head of the Portugese putschists), Silva Munoz (former Franco
minister and senior Opus Dei member), Monsignore Brunello (Vatican prelate
and BNG agent) and Stefano della Chiaie, leading member of P2 and Italy’s
Secret Service, SID.9. This list is by no means complete.

Another major aim of Le Cercle was to influence West German elections to
ensure that Franz Joseph Strauss, the ultra right wing leader of the
Christian Social Union Party, became Chancellor of Germany. In the event
Strauss was defeated, due, it is believe to effective counter-measures taken
by Germany’s security and intelligence apparatus, the BND and BfV, who’s
"operational chiefs do not follow his political lines." However, despite this
set-back, other projects were more successful. During the "Cercle’s" meeting
held on 28-29th June 1980 in Zurich, Switzerland, discussions were focused
around "a series of appropriate measures to promote the electoral campaign of
presidential candidate Reagan against Carter." Elliott reported that in this
context positive contact had been made with George Bush as well.

Journalist, David Teacher, a keen investigator of Cercle activities observes:
"It is becoming more and more apparent that the treatment reserved for Harold
Wilson at the hands of the intelligence services was only the U.K end of an
international phenomenon. Around 1975 a surprising number of government were
targeted by their own (or others’) intelligence agencies
because of their radical policies." He goes on to list a number of known
"destabilisation" programmes that the Cercle are known, or believed, to have
been involved:

"the UK: the concerted efforts by elements in the British intelligence and
security services, with CIA and BOSS, to bring down Wilson, Thorpe and

the USA: the CIA’s Operation Chaos, the FBI’s Cointelpro programme and, of
course, Watergate.

Australia: the loans scandal and other destabilisation of Gough Whitlam by
the CIA and SIS."

Additional Cercle targets may have been Olaf Palme, Sweden’s Prime Minister.
In 1987 the leading Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter carried a sensational
story that the 03 section of the Swedish intelligence service, SAPO, were
heavily involved in Palme’s assassination, following their fury at his policy
of détente towards the Soviet Union, and possibly fearful that
he may discover the extent of their implication in arms sales to Iran. Other
"direct actions" possibly include a Coup d’etat in Belgium during 1973,
"planned by gendarmerie officers and extreme right-wing groups." By no means
least were the allegations by France’s leading daily, Le Monde, which in 1978
revealed the activities of Circle member and head of the intelligence
service SDECE, Alexandre de Marenches. Le Monde claimed that de Marenches led
a domestic campaign of terrorism and disinformation. It is fairly apparent
that these activities were, "designedly", to keep Francois Mitterand from
office during the 1974 elections. However, with the exception of the
Langemann papers, and an ISC memo published in Lobster 17, there are no other
Cercle documents available to confirm these allegations.

Despite a strong focus on European issues, the Cercle were not unaware of the
significance of establishing psyops "action centres" in North America. In
1975 the Washington Institute for the Study of Conflict (WISC) was launched
under the chairmanship of George Ball. Characteristically, Ball, one time
Senior Managing Director of the enormous Wall Street international investment
bank, Lehman Brothers, and Under Secretary of State (1961-66) was
a member of the Trilateral Commission; on the steering committee of the
Bilderberg Group and a member of the Council for Foreign Relations. His
association with the WISC mark him as a close friend of the Cercle. Others
members of the WISC committee were Zgigniew Brzezinski and Kermit …  Four
years later, in 1979, Maurice Tugwell, former head of Information Policy, a
black propaganda unit set-up by British military intelligence in Northern
Ireland, formed the Canadian Centre for Conflict Studies. CCS largely
operates on contract work for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the
Canadian Dept. of National Defence plus others. We have seen that one aim of
the Cercle was to aid in the election of President Reagan. Presumably they
can also cite this aim as being "accomplished"? Their close connection to
George Bush may have extended to helping in his drive to election victory
also. Canada also veered sharply to the right during the eighties.

We may never know the true extent to which the Cercle, and its black psyops
"fronts" the ISC, WISC, CCS and others had in "affecting" a wholesale change
in government in Europe, North America and elsewhere. Clearly the decade of
the eighties witnessed a marked shift to the political right in the western
democratic arena. It would be stretching credulity to suggest that this rapid
swing in political ideology took place accidentally. It is also abundantly
obvious that the Cercle’s primary influence resided in its top level
connections to the shadowy intelligence apparatus of the west. At the same
time it possessed serious clout inside the sinews of transatlantic power that
repose in the Council for Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group.

The foregoing outline - slim as it is - serves not only to underscore the
inherent and potential weaknesses that reside in the institution of
representative democracy, but also demonstrates the "will o’ the wisp" nature
of covert activities that hide comfortably behind the public face of
government. That a small handful of influential men across the planet may be
able to manipulate "free" elections to suit their personal and ideological
advantage, is not a new concept. Generally, utterances of this sort are met
by the blanket rejection: "conspiracist theory" and discarded out of hand.
Such rebuffs rarely take into account the underlying evidence, fragmentary as
it is. Perhaps they are not meant to?

Despite the wholesale collapse of the Soviet bloc, the Cercle has not packed
up its victorious bags nor have its members disbanded. Attendees at the 1990
Cercle meeting at the sumptuous Al Bustan hotel, Muscat, in Oman, included
Jonathan Aitken, (Minister of Defence procurement) Alan Clarke (Minister of
State for Defence), Lord Julian Amery (joint Chairman), Sheikh Qaboos (Ruler
of Oman), General Norman Schwarzkopf (the bear-like Commander of the Allied
forces in the Gulf), Paul Channon (former secretary of State at the Dept. of
Trade & Industry), the Head of the Dutch Secret Service, an unnamed French
Naval Admiral plus other serving or former intelligence operatives and VIP’
s.. Aitken, Clarke and Channon have all been heavily implicated in the arms
to Iraq affair examined by Lord Justice Richard Scott. Significantly, Alan
Clarke revealed in his hugely successful "Diaries" that the Cercle was funded
by the Central Intelligence Agency.

With its apparent "raison d’être" (anti communist psyops) clearly in tatters,
one can only suppose that there is, or, perhaps, always was an additional
hidden agenda lurking behind Cercle activities. To understand what this may
be one must look further ahead. An increasing international focus are the
calls for "minimalist" government. This has always been a
central plank of laissez faire economics. Deregulation and the freeing of
government imposed constraints on international business to engage in
activities as it sees fit, is a long-term and obvious objective. If history
is any judge, the attainment of this singular goal may usher in a new dark
age of unrestrained capitalism, co-ordinated by the gargantuan trans national
corporations - all of whom are heavily represented on the membership rolls of
the CRF, the Trilats, RIIA, Bilderbergers etc.

In the meantime a new millennium awaits.


Stephen Dorrill’s LOBSTER NO: 26.
Robert Eringer’s "the Global Manipulators" (Pentacle Books 1980)
Brian Crozier in his book "Free Agent" (HarperCollins 1994) confirms that he
was an erstwhile "Chairman" between 1971 and 1985 but disputes that there
was a membership in the "formal sense". In his words it was an "informal
group of broadly like-minded people". Make of this what you will. The word
"insignificant" immediately jumps to my mind.
During telephone conversation with this writer. Stephen Dorrill "The Silent
Conspiracy" (Mandarin 1993) p 438
See Brian Crozier’s "Free Agent" (HarperCollins 1994)
Brian Crozier "Free Agent" (HarperCollins 1994) pp 178-186
BOSS = South Africa’s "Bureau of State Security". Jeremy Thorpe was the
leader of the British Liberal Party until forced in to reisignation. See
Stephen Dorrill’s and Robin Ramsay’s "Smear!" (Fourth Estate Ltd 1991) for a
full account of the British campaign of destabilisation.
Stephen Dorrill’s LOBSTER NO: 26
Alan Clark "Diaries" (Phoenix 1994)
ibid. pp 369-374

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