-Caveat Lector-


New York Post
August 15, 1999



WASHINGTON - The chief suspect in revealing top U.S. nuclear
secrets to China, Wen Ho Lee, flunked a lie-detector test last
February, a new congressional report says.

But the 30-page report also says any case against Lee - who
hasn't been charged - was "flawed from the outset" because
officials identified several other suspects but didn't
investigate them.

Lee appeared on the CBS program "60 Minutes" on Sunday and
emphatically denied passing secrets, claiming he was actually
trying to protect secrets that he downloaded into his own
unclassified computed.

But the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee report says Lee was
asked during an FBI polygraph test whether he had ever passed
specific nuclear secrets "to any unauthorized person."

"Wen Ho Lee failed this polygraph test," it says.

Lee told "60 Minutes" that he was being racially scapegoated and
blamed for the leaks because he's Asian-American - a claim that
Energy Secretary Bill Richardson blasted as improperly playing
"the race card."

Lee was fired from his top-secret job last March but hasn't been
charged, and it is unclear whether he will be after the botched

The report also details a series of goofs and miscommunications
by the FBI, Attorney General Janet Reno and her staff that hurt
the probe of how China got secrets that could vastly improve its
nuclear arms.

The probe "was not a comedy of errors but a tragedy of errors,"
said Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), the panel's ranking Democrat.
"There was a shocking lack of thoroughness, competency and
urgency in the government's investigation."

The committee chairman, Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.), said Reno
was mostly "out of the loop" on a probe that she should have seen
as vital to national security.

The report says that the FBI and Department of Energy, which
oversees the Los Alamos (N.M.) nuclear lab, where Lee and his
wife worked, focused almost exclusively on them, although there
were other suspects.

Those others also had access to nuclear secrets, traveled to
China and had contacts with visiting Chinese scientists, the
report says.

Through bungling and miscommunications, the FBI was stymied in
getting Justice Department approval to search Lee's computer,
although he had apparently agreed to the search four years

Possibly for the first time ever, the report says, the Justice
Department refused to help the FBI get a wiretap - agents were
seeking to eavesdrop on Lee.

Critics have also questioned when President Clinton was informed
of possible Chinese spying and why his administration was so slow
to react.

During Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign, Democrats got - and
later returned - megabucks in illegal campaign cash with Chinese

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             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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