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From:                   "Michael Albert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject:                ZNet Commentary Aug 8 Nikos Raptis
Date sent:              Sat, 7 Aug 1999 22:35:47 +0100

Here is today's ZNet Commentary Delivery from Nikos Raptis. The
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Here then is today's ZNet Commentary...


The Statue of a Benefactor
By Nikos Raptis

After WWI at the Versailles peace conference, in 1919, an irregular line
of nations, north to south from Finland to Albania, with Britain
controlling Greece and Turkey, was designated a "cordon sanitaire" to
divide Europe into two parts; the capitalist West and the communist

On February 23, 1945, Joseph Goebbels, gave a speech in which he denounced
the Yalta agreements that acknowledged Russia's right to military security
along its western frontier. At Yalta, the Allies had agreed that the
"cordon sanitaire", created at Versailles was to be denazified,
demilitarized, and dissolved. Astounded that the Allies had agreed to
regroup the Nazi satellite countries, Goebbels declared that an "iron
curtain" had descended over the area. "Behind this curtain ," Goebbels
warned, there "would begin a mass slaughter of peoples, probably with
acclamation from the Jewish press in New York."

On May 1, 1945, only 67 days after the delivery of the above speech,
Goebbels had his six children poisoned with a lethal injection by an SS
doctor and then himself and his wife Magda shot by an SS orderly. It is
reasonable to assume that Goebbels: one knew that the end of the Reich was
a few days away and two that he had already decided to kill his family and
himself. Therefore, it is also logical to ask: why the hell he gave a
speech on geopolitics with both feet in his grave? Anyway, it seems that
the Goebbels speech was not in vain, the paranoia about the New York Jews

About one year after the Goebbels speech, on March 5, 1946, in Fulton,
Missouri, with President Truman sitting behind him, Winston Churchill
spoke to the peoples of the world saying: "From Stettin in the Baltic to
Trieste in the Adriatic an 'iron curtain' has descended across the
Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of
Central and Eastern Europe.... and all are subject in one form or another,
not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in many cases,
increasing measure of control from Moscow."

Unfortunately for the British, only one year after the "historical"
Churchill speech at Fulton, Britain on February 21, 1947 had to admit that
it was broke and that it was incapable of defending its extensive
international interests. On that day, the First Secretary of the British
Embassy in Washington, H.M. Sichel, telephoned Loy Henderson, Assistant
Secretary of State for Near Eastern and African Affairs, with a "rather
important" message from the British Foreign Office. The message: "Britain
could not afford the 500 million dollars it would take immediately to
defend Greece and Turkey against Communism. The United States could either
fill the vacuum or let it go. The future of the Miiddle East was at
stake." Some say that that very day was the end of "Pax Britannica" and
the beginning of the "American Century".

The Doctrine

On March 12, 1947, only 22 days later (that was fast!), "President Truman,
addressing a joint session of Congress, informed America's legislators of
the Greek government's request for assistance from the United States and
asked that $300 million be approved for aid to Greece and $100 million for
Turkey, which "also deserves our attention." Declaring that "the foreign
policy and the national security of this country (the US) are involved,"
he appealed for a speedy approval of the amounts requested for each
country." (Source: Yannis P. Roubatis, "Tangled Webs", Pella, N.Y., 1987,
page 32). Congress approved the bill, and President Truman signed it. That
was the birth of the Truman Doctrine. The rest is history (not so well
known outside Greece).

A glance at the history of the US "attention" towards Greece is
instructive. Take the case of John E. Peurifoy, the US ambassador to
Greece during the first stages of the application of the Truman Doctrine.
Known as "smiling Jack", Peurifoy was a tough South Carolinian pleased
with his image as the man with a "big stick." In November 1953 Peurifoy
was transferred to Guatemala from Greece. Peurifoy's aggressive activities
in Greece were known to have helped destroy the "communist danger." When
Peurifoy brought Diaz, the head of the Guatemalan government, a "long
list" of Communists to be shot "within 24 hours," Diaz refused. He was
replaced the next day by Colonel Elfego Monzon, a "real anti-Communist."
(Source: Blanche Wiesen Cook, 'The Declassified Eisenhower,"Doubleday,
N.Y., 1981, page 286). Peurifoy's contempt for lesser humans than himself
(especially for those belonging to the non-American variety) made him
famous in Greece. To this day, almost a half century later, Peurifoy's
behavior is mentioned in the Greek press, to emphasize the servility of
the Greek elites towards their American masters. (Note; Peurifoy's days in
Greece and Guatemala could be a very interesting theme for a doctoral
thesis..) "After he left office, Truman complained that many
countries,especially France, showed resentment rather than appreciation of
U.S. military and economic assistance given them during his
administration. He did not include Greece in that category, however and
was touched deeply when in 1962 the King and Queen of the Hellenes sent
him personalized holiday greetings. Truman wrote them a thank you, but,
realizing afterward that it was a bit too folksy for royalty, opted
instead to send a formal reply. He filed away this one: January 3, 1963
Your Majesties, You will never know how very much I appreciated your
wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. When a retired farmer
is remembered by the King and Queen of great historical Greece, it
certainly makes him think as if he made a contribution. Your card wiill be
framed and hung in my Library office to show that people do not forget.
Mrs. Truman joins me in best wishes to you for the New Year. Sincerely
yours," (Source: Monte M. Poen, "Strictly Personal and
Confidential,"Little, Brown, 1982, page 42) A few comments on Truman's
letter: Did the "retired farmer" really frame the card? Is it to be found
in the Truman Library? It was the "great historical Greece" that offered
Peurifoy the chance to discover his ability to compile "long lists" of
people to be shot; thousands of them in Greece. Truman was glad that the
Greek royalty did "not forget" the "contribution" of their benefactor, but
they were not the only ones that did not forget their benefactor.

The Statue

The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) did not
forget the benefactor. The AHEPA was founded in 1922 in the US by a group
of Greek American businessmen as a fraternal association with Masonic
influences. The AHEPANs, as they are known in Greece, to express their
gratitude to Truman financed the creation of a statue. The statue, about
1.3 times life-size, cast in bronze and showing Truman to gaze
reflectively ahead with the lower part of his overcoat raised towards the
rear to give the impression of resolute movement, was put up in one of the
most important thoroughfares of Athens, during the Karamanlis era (late
50s to early 60s). Not without some bickering among the US and Greek
elites about the aesthetic qualities of the statue. The Greek people had a
radically different attitude toward the statue and expressed it

The Truman statue has been blown or toppled by the Greeks so many times
that by now no one pays any attention if it is toppled once more. The
latest toppling happend a couple of months ago during an anti-imperialist
demonstration. A member of the Youth of the Greek Communist Party ended up
with a 4 month prison term for "destroying private property." Whose
private property? Anyway, it seems that some foundry in the Athens area
has established a "cottage industry" of reparing or recasting the Truman

After the 1986 toppling of the statue, the "socialist" mayor of Athens
decided not to restore it, but then came Evert, the (next) rightist mayor,
who decided to restore it. The most impressive (and tragic) case of the
attacks against the statue is that of the medical student who during the
Colonels' dictatorship (late '60s to early '70s) blew up the statute three
(!) times. When asked by his (US trained) torturers, after he was
arrested, why did he insist on the same target he answered that it was the
most easily accessible one. During the third attempt a young policeman was
killed, while tinkering, out of curiocity, with the package that contained
the explosives. I was told that the student, later, as an MD, for years
donated part of his salary to the policeman's parents.

Finally, it seems that more trouble lies ahead for the Truman statue. It
was reported in the Greek press that a long time before the placing of the
statute, while the thoroughfare adjacent to it was constructed, the ruins
of a 400 B.C. temple dedicated to Hercules, protector of the shipwrecked
people, the persecuted and the foreigners, had been uncovered during the
excavation works. So, it seems that after the last toppling a discussion
could start about scraping the statue and keeping the temple. My opinion
is that the statue should stay (as a symbol of US benevolence). There are
more than enough temples in Athens, even if Hercules was a protector of
the weak. Besides, the Greeks long ago have switched to a new divine
protector, introduced to them by St. Paul himself, as he was standing on a
rock about 1800 yards from where the Truman statue stands. After all, one
divine protector is enough, not to mention the mortal ones of the Truman

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