-Caveat Lector-

 an excerpt from:
 Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War
 Between English and French Freemasonry
 by John Daniel (C)1994

 Chapter 13 -- part 3 of 3


 Protocols of Sion and the Priory of Sion

 The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail suggest that the Priory of
 Sion, and not the Reform Jews, was connected to the Protocols of
 Sion in Russia.  The authors build their case around Rosicrucian
 French Masons who had worked their way into the good graces of
 Czar Nicholas II.  Here is their story:

 The role of Rasputin at the court of Nicholas and Alexandra of
 Russia is more or less generally known.  It is not generally known,
 however, that there were influential, even powerful esoteric
 enclaves at the Russian court long before Rasputin.  During the
 1890s and 1900s one such enclave formed itself around an individual
 known as Monsieur Philippe and around his mentor, who made periodic
 visits to the imperial court at Petersburg.  And Monsieur
 Philippe's mentor was none other than the man called Papus.(82)

 Papus (1865-1916), a Gentile, was the Masonic code name for Dr.
 Gerard Encausse, a 33rd degree Mason from Paris, who became the
 occult adviser of the ill-fated Czar Nicholas II.(83)  Papus was
 Grand Master of both Memphis and Mizraim Freemasonries, the two
 Rosicrucian lodges that had merged in 1875.  One of Papus's
 acquaintances was Claude Debussy (1862-1918), a famous composer who
 set a number of Victor Hugo's poems to music.  Debussy was the next
 Grand Master of the Priory of Sion following Hugo's death in 1885,
 and reigned in that position until 1918.(84)

 Freemason A.E. Waite tells us that in 1894 Papus was also the
 Grand Master of the Martinist Masonic Supreme Council in Paris.
 Martinism admitted both male and female members on equal terms.
 This Order had a number of lodges throughout Europe and Russia.
 Chapters were also established in Great Britain, the United States,
 Argentina and Guatemala, as well as throughout the Orient.(85)

 Martinism was originally founded in 1754 by a Rosicrucian Spanish
 Jew named Martines de Pasqually, or Martinez Paschalis.  The emblem
 for this branch of Freemasonry consists of six dots, which we have
 learned in a previous chapter is a subtle form of the Masonic
 six-pointed star.  The six-pointed star is the same herald of
 the Priory of Sion, the Mizraim Masonic Lodge and Zionism.(86)
 Pasqually's Lodges were first organized at Marseilles, Toulouse,
 and Bordeaux, then in Paris.  Before long Rosicrucian Martinist
 lodges spread all over France, with the center at Lyons.  Martinism
 was thought to have been a Jewish secret society.  It was operated,
 however in the same manner as was the Mizraim Lodge, in that Jews
 and Gentiles alike were members.  Behind the scenes, however, was
 the Priory of Sion, distinguished by the Rose-Croix capstone in
 Martinist Lodges.

 Nesta Webster explains:  "After the first three Craft degrees came
 the Cohen degrees of the same -- Apprentice Cohen, Fellow Craft
 Cohen, and Master Cohen -- then those of Grand Architect, Grand
 Elect of Zerubbabel of Knight of the East; but above these were
 concealed degrees leading up to the Rose-Croix, which formed the
 capstone of the ediflce."(87)

 Webster also claims that Martinist "disciples inherited from
 Pasqually a large number of Jewish manuscripts."(88)  She leaves
 the reader with the impression that these manuscripts are none
 other than the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion -- in
 existence a full century before they were stolen from its sister
 Mizraim lodge in 1884.(89)  If so, these documents may only have
 suggested Judaic origins because of the Davidic claims expressed
 within them by the Priory of Sion.

 A century later the stamp of "Priory of Sion" is even more evident
 on Martinism when a Freemason named Alphonse Louis Constant
 (1810-1875) joined the Martinist Order.  Constant was a Gentile
 Mason who assumed the Jewish name -- Eliphas Levi.  This is the
 same Eliphas Levi who assisted the Grand Master of Sion, Charles
 Nodier, in methodically sifting and cataloging thousands of Templar
 documents looted from the Vatican by Napoleon Bonaparte.  Levi was
 also acquainted with Nodier's successor, Victor Hugo.  After Levi
 joined the Martinist Masonic lodge, the lodge merged with both the
 Memphis and Mizraim Lodges.

 Levi apparently had access to the forgotten Protocol documents in
 the Mizraim Lodge a decade before they were discovered in 1884
 Webster informs us that "[b]efore his death in 1875 Eliphas Levi
 announced that in 1879 a new political and religious 'universal
 Kingdom' would be established, and that it would be possessed by
 'him who would have the keys of the East."(90)

 Three Protocols have significant relationship to this prophecy:

    Protocol 15:  When the King of Israel sets upon his sacred head
    the crown offered him by Europe he will become patriarch of the

    Protocol 17:  The King of the Jews will be the real Pope of
    the Universe, the patriarch of an international Church.

    Protocol 24:  I pass now to the method of confirming the
    dynastic roots of King David to the last strata of the earth.
    The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all
    the world of the holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people
    all personal inclinations.

 These Protocols are highly suggestive of the Priory of Sion, those
 who claim to be of the seed of David.  Eliphas Levi most likely was
 referring to Sion's King of Jerusalem cult when he prophesied,
 "A new political and religious 'universal Kingdom' will be
 established, and it will be possessed by 'him who would have the
 keys of the East."'

 The authors of Holy Blood inform us that Victor Hugo and Eliphas
 Levi were both members of the same Martinist Lodge.(91)  As we have
 seen, Victor Hugo was associated with Maurice Joly and Adolphe
 Cremieux in the sister Lodge of Mizraim Freemasonry.  Papus, who
 was Grand Master of both the Mizraim and Memphis lodges, was also
 a Martinist, and acquainted himself with Hugo's successor Claude
 Debussy.  All these men, except Cremieux, were Gentiles.  This
 circumstantial evidence points to the Priory of Sion as the author
 of the Protocols.  In the Old Testament, King Solomon himself, who
 is revered by all Masons, says in Proverbs 14:9, "The common bond
 of rebels is their guilt."(92)  In other words, these Masonic
 rebels are guilty by association.

 French Martinism and English Freemasonry

 English Freemason A.E. Waite states that French Martinism had shut
 its doors to Masons belonging to English Freemasonry.(93)  Yet
 Edith Miller, in Appendix IV of Occult Theocrasy, reproduced a
 private letter dated March 26, 1906, from one "Dorec" to 33rd
 degree Grand Orient Mason Theodore Reuss, informing him that 33rd
 degree English Mason John Yarker was the Martinist delegate in

 Miller claims the existence of another private letter, in which
 Papus refers to himself as the delegate of John Yarker for the
 Swedenborg Rite in France.  Correspondence of this nature between
 the most noteworthy Masons of that day contradicts Mr. Waite and
 reveals that Mr. Waite is spreading disinformation by alleging
 a feud between English Masonry and French Martinism where none

 It is true that Rosicrucian English Freemasonry severed fellowship
 in 1877 with Templar French Grand Orient Freemasonry.  However
 Martinism is not Grand Orient Templarism, but rather,
 Rosicrucianism.  Naturally there would be a tie to English
 Freemasonry.  Obviously the French Martinists would want to keep
 this familial tie secret in order to keep abreast of the
 developments in Templar French Masonry.  Martinism apparently
 functioned as an intelligence lodge for English Freemasonry,
 as did Mizraim.  Later the two merged with Memphis, their English

 A.E. Waite could not have been ignorant of this fact.  If
 cognizant, he would have published an opposing view in an attempt
 to hide the facts.  His motive would be to protect Rosicrucian
 Orders on the Continent, which were subversive to the Templar Grand
 Orient.  No other interpretation makes sense of why the hierarchy
 of the Templar Grand Orient -- Dorec and Reuss -- would expose the

 Apparently, Rosicrucian Martinism was a front for the Priory of
 Sion.  English Freemasonry used it as an intelligence gathering
 lodge in the same manner as it did the Mizraim Lodge.  Both having
 similar doctrine, they merged in 1875.  As the Mizraim Masonic
 Lodge provided for Great Britain moles in the French Templar
 Scottish Rite Lodge, through double agents such as Cremieux and
 Levi, so Papus served in that same capacity when Mizraim merged
 with Martinism following the deaths of Levi and Cremieux in 1875
 and 1880.

 There are other Martinist ties to British Freemasonry.  In 1887
 Martinist Freemason Papus joined the Theosophist Society, a
 Rosicrucian order headquartered in New York, with a branch in
 Paris.  The Theosophist Society was founded in 1875 by female
 Freemason Helena Blavatsky, who moved her headquarters from New
 York to London in 1887.  In 1891 Papus helped found the Gnostic
 Catholic Church.  In 1895 he became a member of the Order of the
 Golden Dawn, an English Masonic Rosicrucian order founded in 1887
 in London, with a branch in the Paris Lodge Ahathoor.  In 1902
 Papus became Grand Master of the newly formed homicidal Ordo Templi
 Orientis (O.T.O.) at Paris, a spin-off of the Golden Dawn.

 In 1899 Philippe de Lyon, protege of Papus, went to Russia and
 established the Priory of Sion's Martinist lodge at the imperial
 court, possibly initiating Grigorii Rasputin, since it is known
 that Grigorii was a Martinist.  Philippe was introduced to the
 Imperial Court first, oddly enough, by the same man who was
 Rasputin's sinister adviser, the anti-Zionist and Reform Jew,
 Manoussevitch Manouilof (see chapter 19).  In 1900 Papus followed
 Philippe to St.  Petersburg, where Papus became a confidant of the
 Czar and Czarina.  Papus visited Russia on at least three
 occasions, the last in 1906.  When he became Grand Master in France
 of London's O.T.O., Papus then carried the rituals of this
 homicidal Masonic lodge to Russia, initiating many Russians in St.
 Petersburg in preparation for the Russian Revolution.  Papus died
 on October 25, 1916, one year before he could taste the rotten
 fruits of his labor in the bloody Bolshevik Revolution.(96)

 Substantial evidence suggests that high Masons in France, England
 and Russia were involved in the Russian Revolution.  In fact
 communications were shuttled back and forth between Europe and
 Russia prior to the Bolshevik Revolution by high Masons.  Among
 them were 33rd degree John Yarker, who represented the Martinist
 Order at London; 33rd degree Papus, who, according to Miller's
 documents, was under the control of Yarker; Freemason Philippe,
 who was the mentor of Papus; and Rasputin, who in turn was the
 Martinist mole in the Royal Court at St. Petersburg following
 Philippe.  All these High Masons were Gentiles, not Jews.

 As evidenced by the Masonic activities between Russia and France at
 the turn of the 20th century, both English and French Freemasonry
 were cooperating in fomenting the Russian Revolution.  These
 activities, with the arrival of the stolen Protocols taken from a
 French lodge and carried to Russia, were significant in stopping
 Zionism at the Russian border.  In 1903 the Protocols of the
 Learned Elders of Sion were first translated into Russian and
 published.  Whether engineered by this coalition of subversives or
 not, the events which led up to their circulation could not have
 been by accident.  The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail outline
 the sequence of events.  The Protocols were stolen from the Mizraim
 Lodge in 1884 and taken to Russia by Mlle. Justine Glinka.  She
 gave a copy to Alexis Sukhotin, the marshal of the district of Orel
 who in turn showed them to two friends, Stepanov and a contemptible
 old man named Sergei Nilus.  In 1903 Nilus presented the Protocols
 to the Czar.  The Czar, who had placed himself under the occult
 council of the two subversive Freemasons, Philippe and Rasputin,
 declared the document to be an outrageous fabrication and ordered
 all copies of it destroyed.  Nilus was banished from the court in

 The document, or a copy of it, survived.  In 1903 it was serialized
 in a newspaper, but failed to attract interest, In 1905 it was
 published again as an appendix to a book by a distinguished
 mystical philosopher, Vladimir Soloviov.  This time it began to
 attract attention.   In following years it became one of the single
 most infamous documents of the twentieth century.(98)

 Protocols of the Priory of Sion

 The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail argue strongly that the
 Protocols have a Masonic source -- the Priory of Sion:

 Modern scholars have dismissed them as a total forgery, a wholly
 spurious document concocted by anti-Semitic interests intent on
 discrediting Judaism.  And yet the Protocols themselves argue
 strongly against such a conclusion.  They contain, for example, a
 number of enigmatic references -- references that are clearly not
 Judaic.  But these references are so clearly not Judaic that they
 cannot plausibly have been fabricated by a forger, either.  No
 anti-Semitic forger with even a modicum of intelligence would
 possibly have concocted such references in order to discredit
 Judaism.  For no one would have believed these references to be
 of Judaic origin.

 Thus, for instance, the text of the Protocols ends with a single
 statement, "Signed by the representatives of Sion of the 33rd

 Why would an anti-Semitic forger have made up such a statement?
 Why would he not have attempted to incriminate all Jews, rather
 than just a few -- the few who constitute "the representatives of
 Sion of the 33rd Degree?"  Why would he not declare that the
 document was signed by, say, the representatives of the
 international Judaic congress?  In fact, the "representatives of
 Sion of the 33rd Degree" would hardly seem to refer to Judaism at
 all, or to any "international Jewish conspiracy."  If anything,
 it would seem to refer to something specifically Masonic.

 The Protocols contain other even more flagrant anomalies.  The text
 speaks repeatedly, for example, of the advent of a "Masonic

 The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail concluded:  "On the basis of
 prolonged and systematic research we reached certain conclusions
 about the Protocols of the Elders of Sion.  They are:

 1.  There was an original text on which the published version of
 the Protocols was based.  This original text was not a forgery.  On
 the contrary, it was authentic.  But it had nothing whatever to do
 with Judaism or an "international Jewish conspiracy."  It issued,
 rather, from some Masonic organization or Masonically oriented
 secret society that incorporated the word "Sion."

 2.  The original text on which the published version of the
 Protocols was based need not have been provocative or inflammatory
 in its language.  But it may very well have included a program for
 gaining power, for infiltrating Freemasonry, for controlling
 social, political, and economic institutions.

 3.  The original text on which the published version of the
 Protocols was based fell into the hands of Sergei Nilus.  Nilus did
 not at first intend it to discredit Judaism.  On the contrary, he
 brought it to the czar with the intention of discrediting the
 esoteric enclave at the imperial court -- the enclave of Papus,
 Monsieur Philippe, and others who were members of the secret
 society in question.  Before doing so he almost certainly doctored
 the language, rendering it far more venomous and inflammatory than
 it initially was.  When the czar spurned him, Nilus then released
 the Protocols for publication in their doctored form.  They had
 failed in their primary objective of compromising Papus and
 Monsieur Philippe.  But they might still serve a secondary purpose
 -- that of fostering anti-Semitism.  Although Nilus' chief targets
 had been Papus and Monsieur Philippe, he was hostile to Judaism as

 4.  The published version of the Protocols is not, therefore, a
 totally fabricated text.  It is, rather, a radically altered text.
 But despite the alterations certain vestiges of the original
 version can be discerned.... These vestiges -- which referred to
 a king, a Pope, an international church, and to Sion -- probably
 meant little or nothing to Nilus.  He certainly would not have
 invented them himself.  But if they were already there, he would
 have had no reason, given his ignorance, to excise them.  And while
 such vestiges might have been irrelevant to Judaism, they might
 have been extremely relevant to a secret society.  As we learned
 subsequently, they were -- and still are -- of paramount importance
 to the Prieure de Sion.(99)

 The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail conclude that the Protocols
 issued from the 33rd Degree Supreme Council of the Rite of Mizraim,
 which in turn is controlled by the Priory of Sion!  They were
 "signed by the representatives of Sion of the 33rd Degree."
 The phrase "representatives of Sion" does not imply that the
 signatories were part of a group called "Sion," but rather,
 is indicative of agents, or, shall we say, a front for some
 organization which incorporates the name "Sion": namely the
 Priory of Sion.  The Mizraim Lodge was that front.

 The mistake made by the Supreme Council of Mizraim is the mistake
 made by all Freemasonry.  It never destroys any of its written
 work.  Every word spoken in every Supreme Council throughout the
 world is recorded and safeguarded for posterity.

 A handful of modern conspiracy researchers link the covert Priory
 of Sion to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion.  These
 investigators do not see the Protocols associated in any way with
 genuine Jewish Zionism that exists overtly.  J.R. Church is one of
 them.  He said, 'The title itself, which mentions the 'learned
 elders of Zion,' seems to refer to the mystery religion of the
 so-called Holy Grail and to the Priory of Sion organized by Godfroi
 de Bouillon in 1099 for the purpose of establishing a world
 government and providing a Merovingian king for its throne."(100)

 Commentary on the Protocols of Sion

    Protocol 1:  Our power in the present tottering condition of all
    forms of power will be more invisible than any other, because it
    will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such
    strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.

    Before us is a plan in which is laid down strategically the line
    from which we cannot deviate without running the risk of seeing
    the labour of many centuries brought to naught.

 This Protocol describes an organism that houses a hidden "power."
 We believe the organism is Freemasonry housing the Priory of Sion.

 It was the Priory of Sion that founded the Rose-Croix, which In
 turn founded English Freemasonry.  This began many centuries ago,
 as the Protocol indicates.  The statement, "Before us is a plan...
 the line from which we cannot deviate without running the risk of
 seeing the labour of many centuries brought to naught," suggests
 that Sion is in serious trouble.  Perhaps this refers to the
 establishment of the unexpected movement of Zionism in Russia.
 The "plan" which is "before us" may also refer to a takeover of
 Russia to stop the Zionist movement.

    Protocol 3:  To-day [sic] I may tell you that our goal is now
    only a few steps off.  There remains a small space to cross and
    the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its
    cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people.
    When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked
    in its coil as in a powerful vise.

    When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord of all the World
    to be crowned it is these same hands which will sweep away
    everything that might be a hindrance thereto.

    "Ours" they will not touch, because the moment of attack will be
    known to us and we shall take measures to protect our own.

    Ever since that time we have been leading the peoples from one
    disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn
    also from us in favour of that King-Despot of the blood of Sion,
    whom we are preparing for the world.

 The symbols referred to in this Protocol are of course Rosicrucian.
 The symbol of the Priory of Sion's Rosicrucian Order is a rose
 representing the Serpent, wormed around the upright part of the
 Christian Cross.  The second symbol of the Rosicrucians was the
 circle, or snake biting its own tail, superimposed on the Christian
 cross.  This same symbol of the snake is incorporated in the 33rd
 degree Masonic Jewel (Appendix 2, Fig. 7).

 Dr. John Coleman, a retired British intelligence officer, states
 in Black Nobility Unmasked, that the Monarchs of Europe have always
 referred to themselves as "Crowned Cobras."  The monarchs of Europe
 carry the Grail blood.  All of them, according to Coleman, are
 Masons of the British obedience.

 The statement:  "'Ours' they will not touch," etc., eliminates the
 possibility that the Protocol is Jewish.  If the Protocols outlined
 a Jewish conspiracy, the "our" would have evaded the holocaust of
 Hitler, according to this Protocol.  Yet, after World War II it was
 Freemasonry, as we shall learn in chapter 24, that came back
 stronger than ever, founding the United Nations.

 Finally, this Protocol identifies the Priory of Sion with the
 statement "King-Despot of the blood of Sion, whom we are preparing
 for the world."  This obviously refers to Sion's reigning "King of

    Protocol 4:  Who and what is in a position to overthrow an
    invisible force?  And this is precisely what our force is.
    Gentile masonry [sic] blindly serves as a screen for us and our
    objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very
    abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.

 As we have seen, the Priory of Sion's kings believe themselves to
 be Jews.  When the Priory founded Freemasonry, it was mainly
 Gentiles who joined.  Gentiles are its predominant members and
 leaders.  Naturally the Priory would call Freemasonry "Gentile

    Protocol 5:  In place of the rulers of to-day [sic] we shall
    set up a bogey which will be called the Super-Government
    Administration.  Its hands will reach out in all direction like
    nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions
    that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world.

 What is the "bogey" that is to be called "the Super-Government
 Administration?"  There are two possibilities here.  First, this
 could refer to Russian Communism, which would be used to conquer
 the world.  The top governing power in the U.S.S.R. was called the
 Supreme Soviet.  Soviet in Russian means Council.  In other words,
 it was the Supreme Council that ruled former Soviet Russia, the
 same Supreme Council we find in 33rd degree Freemasonry.  Second,
 this body could be the League of Nations.  Following World War I,
 as we shall see in chapter 21, the League was founded by French
 Freemasonry.  After World War II, English Freemasonry founded the
 United Nations.  The United States of Europe will be a reality by
 1993.  We shall learn that it too is of Masonic origin.  From this
 may come the world kingdom of the Beast -- the ultimate "bogey."

    Protocol 8:  We shall surround our government with a whole world
    of economists.  That is the reason why economic sciences [work]
    [They come] from the principal subject of the teaching given to
    the Jews.  Around us again will be a whole constellation of
    bankers, industrialists, capitalists and -- the main thing --
    millionaires, because in substance everything will be settled
    by the question of figures.

 Notice this Protocol mentions the "Jews," but in a disconnected
 sense, as if they are used by the conspiracy for their economic
 prowess alone.  This Protocol suggests why English Freemasonry is
 overloaded with Jewish bankers and economists.  The Priory of Sion
 admits that Jews are superior economically.  Incidentally, the word
 "Jew" is mentioned only twice in the Protocols, and both times in
 a disconnected sense.

    Protocol 10:  These schemes will not turn existing institutions
    upside down just yet.  They will only affect changes in their
    economy and consequently in the whole combined movement of their
    progress, which will thus be directed along the paths laid down
    in our schemes.

    By such measures we shall obtain the power of destroying little
    by little, step by step, all that at the outset when we enter on
    our rights, we are compelled to introduce into the constitutions
    of States to prepare for the transition to an imperceptible
    abolition of every kind of constitution, and then the time is
    come to turn every form of government into our despotism.

 This Protocol enunciates the format of English Freemasonry, called
 "gradualism," whereas its adversary, French Masonry, takes over
 rapidly and viciously.

    Protocol 15:  When the King of Israel sets upon his sacred head
    the crown offered him by Europe he will become patriarch of the

 Twelve royal families in Europe today have Grail blood flowing
 through their veins.  Two of them carry the title of "King of
 Jerusalem:"  Otto von Habsburg, Pretender to the Austrian throne,
 and Juan Carlos, King of Spain.

    Protocol 17:  The King of the Jews will be the real Pope of
    the Universe, the patriarch of an international Church.

    But, in the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in new
    traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall not
    overtly lay a finger on existing churches, but we shall fight
    them by criticism calculated to produce schism....

 Notice that "The King of the Jews" will replace the Pope.  Jews
 would not be concerned with replacing the Pope.  They do not even
 recognize the Church.  On the other hand, the Priory of Sion used
 the Catholic Church to build its empire.  It was subject to the
 Roman Church for centuries, but withdrew during the Reformation,
 and through Freemasonry became adversarial to the Church.
 Naturally, the Priory would want to call their king "the real
 Pope of the Universe."

 Also, notice the reference to New Age religion.  Before the New Age
 can be perfected, the Protocol states that "criticism" must first
 divide the Church.  This "criticism" is likely the new "Biblical
 criticism," the sources of which Orthodox Rabbi Marvin Antelman has
 revealed to us.  In his book, To Eliminate The Opiate, he devotes a
 whole chapter entitled "The Birth of Biblical Criticism" to the
 subject.  He lays Biblical Criticism at the feet of the
 Frankist-Reform Jews who were protected by illuminated Masonic
 lodges in Germany.  Rabbi Antelman confirms that Biblical criticism
 did not originate with Orthodox Jews, but rather, was orchestrated
 by apostate Jews bent on the destruction of Judeo-Christian

    Protocol 20:  We shall so hedge about our system of accounting
    that neither the ruler nor the most insignificant public servant
    will be in a position to divert even the smallest sum from its
    destination [sic] with-out detection or to direct it in another
    direction except that which will be once fixed in a definite
    plan of action.

 Is this the Mark of the Beast?

    Protocol 24:  I pass now to the method of confirming the
    dynastic roots of King David to the last strata of the earth.

    Certain members of the seed of David will prepare the kings and
    their heirs, selecting not by right of heritage but by eminent
    capacities, inducting them into the most secret mysteries of the
    political, into schemes of government, but providing always that
    none may come to knowledge of the secrets.  The object of this
    mode of action is that all may know that government cannot be
    entrusted to those who have not been inducted into the secret
    places of its art.

    The king's plans of action for the current moment, and all the
    more so for the future, will be unknown, even to those who are
    called his closest counselors.

    Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know
    what is coming.

    The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all
    the world of the holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people
    all personal inclinations.  The Priory of Sion is the protector
    of the so-called seed of King David.

 Notice in the second paragraph the statement that many kings and
 their heirs are being prepared, but only one will be selected.
 There are twelve royal families of Grail blood in Europe today.
 The entire 24th Protocol seems to describe the "hidden hand" in
 the Priory of Sion, which we believe is housed in the 33rd degree
 of English Freemasonry.

 pp 333- 372


 Chapter 13

 1.      "Anti-Semitism and Masonry," Mackey's Encyclopedia of
 Freemasonry, Vol. III.

 2.     Robert John, Behind the Balfour Declaration (Costa Mesa, CA:
 Institute for Historical Review, 1988) 30.

 3.     "Israel," World Economic Review, November 1986: 13.

 4.      John 64.

 5.      Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, trans. James Murphy (1939; Los
 Angeles: Angriff Press, 1981) 174.

 6.     Antelman, entire.

 7.      Antelman 33.

 8.      Antelman 35- 38.

 9.      John 29.

 10.     Antelman 33.

 11.     Antelman.

 12.     Conspiracy researchers have accused Rothschild of siding
 with the Communists when he withdrew his financial support from
 the anti-Communist White Army.

 13.     Hitler 174.

 14.     John Coleman, King Makers: King Breakers = The Cecils,
 audiotape 1984, Christian Defense League.

 15.     Karl Bergmeister, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
 before the Court in Berne (1938; Mettairie, LA: Sons of Liberty,
 n.d.), entire.  The author and his wife were in Basel, Switzerland,
 August 1987.  The author offered to pay a Swiss history professor
 his required fee to obtain copies of the Berne court proceedings on
 the Protocols.  The professor became very interested and began to
 ask questions.  When the author mentioned the Masonic connection
 the historian coldly said, "I don't think I want to work for you."

 16.     Since the exiling of the Templars from Great Britain, all
 Grand Masters of Sion have been from the Continent.

 17.     Miller 410- 411.

 18.     Miller 411.

 19.     Baigent et al, Holy Blood 192, 435- 436.

 20.     Church 90.

 21.     Miller 407.

 22.     James A. Malcolm, Origins of the Balfour Declaration,
 Dr. Weizmann's Contribution (1944; Torrance, CA: Institute for
 Historical Review, 19831 6- 7.  A copy of this document, only 12
 pages long, is in the British Museum, and in 1964 was placed in
 the Harvard University Library.

 23.     John 30.

 24.     Bible, Pilgrim Edition, footnote #6 on Amos 5:26.

 25.     Spaulding 91.

 26.     Geoffrey Wigoder, The Story of the Synagogue, A Diaspora
 Museum Book (Jerusalem: Domino Press, 1986) 20, 49, 79, 90, 103,
 152, 165, 174, 186, 194.

 27.     John 30.

 28.     Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (Springfield, MA:
 Merriam-Webster, 1987).

 29.     John 30.

 30.     Miller 407- 408, 443.

 31.     "Mizraim, Rite of," Mackey's Encyclopedia, Vol. II.

 32.     Miller 407- 408, 443.

 33.     Robinson 77.

 34.     Some of the information the author has been able to gather
 for this book has come directly from Masons, who readily answered
 his questions after he had given them the Masonic handshake.

 35.     Dillon 83.  This is still practiced today.  For example,
 when the United States Congress failed to back the Contras
 financially, President Reagan went to the CIA for funding.
 Hence, the famed "Iran/Contra Affair" involving Oliver North.

 36.     The Growing Menace of Freemasonry in Britain, 6th ed.
 (London: n.p., 1936) 17.

 37.     de Poncins, Freemasonry and the Vatican 196.

 38.     Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets,
 (New York: Plume, 1991) 148- 149).

 39      Stephen Knight, The Brotherhood 284.

 40.     Knight 290.

 41.     John Coleman, "Spy Scandals and Secret Societies," World
 Economic Review, October 1984: 1.

 42.     Phillip Knightley, The Master Spy (New York: Alfred A.
 Knopf, 1989) picture facing page 117.

 43.     A book entitled Henry Kissinger, Soviet Agent was published
 in 1974 by Frank A. Capell, and reprinted by Sons of Liberty in
 1987.  The author documents that Kissinger was born and raised in
 Germany during the Nazi regime.  According to Capell, as a member
 of the German Communist Party, Kissinger was easily recruited by
 the KGB after the war and sent to America to be tutored by Nelson
 Rockefeller.  Henry Kissinger is a man of many colors.  He is a
 Freemason, and member of all three Masonic obediences -- English,
 American and French.

 44.     Knight, The Brotherhood 284, 286.

 45.     de Poncins, Secret Powers 51.

 46.     Miller 417- 418.

 47.     de Poncins, Secret Powers 51.

 48.     Miller 270, 733.

 49.     Miller 412.

 50.     Webster, Secret Societies 441.

 51.     Miller 493.

 52.     Miller 490.

 53.     Miller 491.

 54.     Webster, Secret Societies 410.

 55.     Webster 411.

 56.     Miller 492.

 57.     Miller 492- 493.

 58.     Miller 526.

 59.     Miller 267, 722.

 60.     Miller 244.

 61.     Miller 244, 264, 274.

 62.     Miller 273- 274.

 63.     Miller 268.

 64.     "Hugo, Victor - Political Life," Encyclopaedia Britannica:

 65.     Webster, Secret Societies 409.

 66.     Nilus 100.

 67.     Nilus.

 68.     Miller 408.

 69.     Nilus 158.

 70.     Nilus 181.

 71.     Knight, The Brotherhood 216.

 72.     Knight 49.

 73.     Knight 54.

 74.     Knight 54- 55.

 75.     Stephen Knight, Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution (1976;
 London: Granada, 1977) 158- 159.

 76.     Knight, Jack the Ripper 161.

 77.     Miller 407.

 78.     "Levite of the External Guard," Mackey's Encyclopedia,
 Vol. i.

 79.     Knight, Jack the Ripper 161- 162.

 80.     Antelman 101.

 81.     "Anti-Semitism and Masonry," Mackey's Encyclopedia,
 Vol. III.

 82.     Baigent 190.

 83.     Miller 353, 735.

 84.     Baigent 131, 154.

 85.     Waite, "Martinist Rose-Croix," A New Encyclopaedia of
 Freemasonry, vol. 2, 161- 163.  Arthur Edward Waite, born in
 Brooklyn, New York, in 1857, was taken to England by his English
 mother at the age of two following the death of his father.
 Waite never returned to America, although he had been given
 honorary degrees and positions in American lodges.  Waite joined
 English Freemasonry when he came of age.

 86.     Miller 354. (see Appendix 2, Fig. 5A in Scarlet and Beast,
 Vol. 1).

 87.     Webster, Secret Societies 166.

 88.     Webster 165- 166.

 89.     Webster 310.

 90.     Webster.

 91.     Baigent 436.

 92.     Bible, Living Bible (LB).

 93.     Waite 161.

 94.     Miller 354.

 95.     Miller.

 96.     Baigent 462.

 97.     There are many theories concerning the origin of the
 "Protocols."  One is that they were published in 1903 under the
 direction of Czar Nicholas II, for which he invested the staggering
 sum of thirteen million rubles, and encouraged Nilus to prepare it.
 This theory was one of the first to be promoted, before it was
 discovered that there was an original in French, and that the
 documents were stolen in 1884 from a French Masonic Lodge.
 Some still promote this theory, although it has long since
 been discredited.

 98.     Baigent 190- 195.

 99.     Baigent.

 100.    Church 169.

 pp 824- 827


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