-Caveat Lector-

> Ashley Rye wrote:
> >
> > ->  IUFO  Mailing List
> >
> >        And, again  and again,  when you  get into  the genealogy, my
> >        goodness me, that takes some time and sweat, you hit the same
> >        genetic lines  when you're looking at  people in positions of
> >        power. It  seems  to me  that these  lower fourth-dimensional
> >        entities have actually  been working through what we call the
> >        Illuminati to  actually  control the  planet. And,  while all
> >        this  was  unfolding, I  started  getting  some  very bizarre
> >        stories told to me.
> >
> >        Martin: I bet.
> >
> >        Icke: And the thing about my life, Rick, in the last 10 years
> >        or so, consciously  walking this journey-I now realize that I
> >        was unconsciously doing it  all of my life-is that suddenly a
> >        subject  heading  will  come  into  my  life,  and once  it's
> >        appeared,  I'm meeting  people  literally from  all  over the
> >        world, because  I've  been in  21 countries  in the  last two
> >        years now,  and been back  to quite a  few of  them, so I can
> >        start to see,  as a result of  traveling, these common themes
> >        that are coming up all over the world.
> >
> >        And one  theme that came  up last year, May  '98, it had been
> >        around a  little bit but  I put it on  the back burner. There
> >        wasn't enough evidence to talk about it, really. And that was
> >        that  people  had seen  people  in  positions  of  power, not
> >        exclusively so, but  overwhelmingly so, turn into a reptilian
> >        form and then go back to  human. And, in a period of 15 days,
> >        in May 1998,  I met 12 separate  people in different parts of
> >        America   from  different   walks  of   life   and  different
> >        backgrounds, in  my travels,  who told  me the  same story. I
> >        thought, "What in the hell is going on here?!"
> >
> >        When I  came back to  England, the sequence  continued. I was
> >        asked by a couple of people, who were members of the House of
> >        Lords, in  London, to  go and  talk to  them at  the House of
> >        Lords about  the manipulation,  which they  also realized was
> >        going on>
> >        --------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >        Transfer interrupted!
> >
> >        e, and there was a lady at the meeting who kept saying some
> >        very interesting things about Diana, you know, the Princess
> >        of Wales. And, after the meeting, I said, "Look, hey, we
> >        gotta talk."
> >
> >        She said, "We have." And we went off and chatted.
> >
> >        I said, "Where did you get this information about Diana?"
> >
> >        She said, "My best friend was her closest confidant on things
> >        she couldn't talk about to anyone else for nine years." Now,
> >        this lady has actually appeared in the press from
> >        time-to-time as being a close friend of Diana. Anyway, she
> >        said, "I think this lady might talk to you. She's never
> >        talked to anyone else."
> >
> >        So, I went to see her and her name was Christine Fitzgerald.
> >        She starts telling me about the connection, all of the
> >        treatment of Diana by the Windsors, which was utterly,
> >        utterly outrageous. I haven't talked to this lady Christine
> >        Fitzgerald about these bizarre stories I'm being told by
> >        people around the world. Then, as the conversation unfolded,
> >        she said, "Oh, do you know what Diana's nickname for the
> >        Windsors was?"
> >
> >        I said, "No, go on."
> >
> >        She said, "The lizards or the reptiles." And she said, "She
> >        used to say, in all seriousness, 'They are NOT human!'"
> >        Christine Fitzgerald went on to tell me: "You know, the
> >        Windsors are a reptilian line, they're not human." And that
> >        "the British Royal Family, and its inter-linking bloodlines,
> >        are actually reptilian, they come from a reptilian
> >        extraterrestrial race."
> >
> >        And I'm thinking, "Bloody hell, not another one!"
> >
> >        And I came back here-about an hour and a half from London-my
> >        home is in England. I knew of a guy called Ted Heath, who was
> >        Prime Minister of Britain from '70-'74, and I knew that he
> >        was involved in some serious horrendous things, like
> >        sacrificing children, and all this stuff, because of people
> >        who had seen it. And, a lady I knew, who had contacted me,
> >        wanted to tell me about her experiences with Ted Heath, so I
> >        went to see her, not to talk about shape-shifting reptilians,
> >        but to talk about Ted Heath and satanic ritual involving the
> >        elite of Britain.
> >
> >        And, again, but just as a quick incidental-when you follow
> >        these bloodlines from the ancient world to the present day,
> >        this satanic ritual, human sacrifice and blood ritual, even
> >        using the same deities in the rituals, is a common and
> >        constant, unchanging theme. So, it would be very surprising
> >        if the elite today weren't into this, because these
> >        bloodlines always have been, just like Bush is into it and
> >        people like that. Anyway, I went to see this lady and she
> >        told me about her experiences with Heath and stuff.
> >
> >        In a place called Burnham Beeches, which is an area of
> >        forested land notorious for satanic ritual, among people who
> >        have studied these things, it just so happens that, although
> >        Burnham Beeches is on the outskirts of London, not far from
> >        Heathrow Airport, the place is actually owned by the City of
> >        London, the financial district which is the epicenter of this
> >        control. I just finished me cup o' tea-you know how you do in
> >        her house-and I was just making my way to leave, after she
> >        told me this stuff, and I said to her, just to throw away a
> >        line as I left, I said, "You know, I'm having some bizare
> >        things happening to me at the moment." I said, "I keep
> >        meeting people who tell me that they've seen people
> >        shape-shift into bloody reptiles." And, honestly, she grabbed
> >        her chest and she was gasping for breath like she was having
> >        a seizure.
> >
> >        "Oh, my God," she said, "I thought it was only me." And she
> >        went on to tell me that she wasn't going to say that to me
> >        because she thought that even I would find that unbelievable.
> >        She said, "All that stuff I've told you about Heath and
> >        seeing him in the satanic rituals and all that stuff," she
> >        said, "I wasn't going to tell you what I also saw. He
> >        shape-shifted into a reptilian, during the ritual. What
> >        staggered me," she said, "is that none of the other
> >        participants were at all phased by it, as if it was a natural
> >        thing that always kind of happened."
> >
> >        This has gone on, Rick, to the present day. I was in
> >        Vancouver, speaking, and I met about 4 or 5 people who told
> >        me the same story, including a business woman, who is a real
> >        feet-on-the-ground, you know, power-dressing kind of 5,000
> >        clients business woman. And she said she had this
> >        relationship with a guy who was Portuguese, and he just
> >        turned into a reptile in front of her.
> >
> >        I had just spoken at a financial conference about the
> >        manipulation of the world in the Bahamas, and two people
> >        there told me the same story. One told me how she was in a
> >        religious cult, and on one occasion, the cult leader changed
> >        into a reptile in front of her face. And she said, what was
> >        most amazing is that he focused on her, and the others
> >        couldn't see it, but she could, and she said she just went
> >        out of the room and started driving and never stopped,
> >        really.
> >
> >        You know, this is now hundreds and hundreds of people who
> >        I've met from around the world, from many walks of life-a
> >        couple of television presenters who interviewed this guy live
> >        and, when they went back in the green room one said, "I had a
> >        very strange experience during that interview. The guy's face
> >        turned into a bloody reptile."
> >
> >        "Oh, my God," said the other, "I saw his hands turn into a
> >        reptilian."
> >
> >        And so this is-then you look, of course, at the ancient
> >        world, and you start to see constant references to serpents
> >        and the serpent race. Not that all references are literal-I
> >        mean, there's the serpent symbolism that's used massively-but
> >        when you get, like, the Nagas, the gods of the ancient Hindu
> >        religion, who were said to be able to take human OR reptilian
> >        form, and then, while this is going on, Rick, I thought, "I'm
> >        sure Cathy O'Brien mentioned bloody reptiles in [her candid
> >        and shocking book, with Mark Phillips, called]
> >        Trance-formation Of America."
> >
> >        Martin: Yes.
> >
> >        Icke: I got a copy of that, started flipping through the
> >        index, looking for reptiles, thinking, "My life is getting
> >        more bizarre by the minute."
> >
> >        Martin: (Laughter)
> >
> >        Icke: And, I'm going through the references in the book and,
> >        of course, Cathy talks in the book about being with George
> >        Bush and that George Bush-and she obviously took this to be
> >        part of the mind control, she took it to be a holographic
> >        image, it was part of the mind control-but when you put this
> >        other evidence together, well, hold on a minute.
> >
> >        She talks about being with George Bush, and him saying that
> >        they were an extraterrestrial race that came from a "far off
> >        space place" who'd taken over the world, and no one realized
> >        it because they look human. But, she said, he changed in
> >        front of her into a reptile. She talked about being with the
> >        Bennett brothers, these politicians, political figures in
> >        America, and how they put her through a mind-control program
> >        in which they said they came from another dimension and they
> >        were inter-dimensional beings.
> >
> >        And she had an experience during that time of seeing a White
> >        House cocktail party where everyone turned into bloody
> >        reptiles. And then she talks in the book about being with
> >        Miguel De La Madrid, in Mexico, who was, of course, President
> >        during the Bush years, and how he told her, she said in the
> >        book, the story of the Iguana race. And, Miguel De La Madrid
> >        said that an extraterrestrial reptilian race had interbred
> >        with the ancient Mexican people because they needed to create
> >        bloodlines or bodies they could work through, and these
> >        particular bloodlines could take either human or reptilian
> >        form. She says in the book that he actually shape-shifted,
> >        not totally, but facially, into a reptilian form when she was
> >        with him.
> >
> >        Now, when you start putting all of this together, Rick-I have
> >        a simple philosophy-I follow information, and I'll go where
> >        it takes me. If you come from, anyone comes from, any belief
> >        or background, whether it be religious, political, or
> >        whatever, and they are rigid with it, then they're never
> >        going to uncover what's going on because that belief, that
> >        rigid belief, will start to edit information when it comes
> >        toward you, and you start editing-out information that's
> >        taking you away and challenging your original belief-system.
> >
> >        I haven't got any of that stuff, fortunately, and so I just
> >        follow information, and it's taken me into these areas.
> >        Interestingly, too-and I'm just going back there, so I'm
> >        going to do some more on this-when I was in South Africa,
> >        about February last year, I met a Zulu shaman, a famous Zulu
> >        shaman in South Africa. I met with him for about five hours
> >        about various things.
> >
> >        He knew about the elite and the manipulation and the
> >        extraterrestrial connection, and all this stuff. He's in his
> >        70s now, I mean, he's lived a long time in Africa, and is a
> >        very great expert on African legend and stories and
> >        experience. And he told me, during this chat, that he got a
> >        call in March of 1997-this is before the August when Diana
> >        died-and this caller said that she was the Princess of Wales
> >        and wanted to talk to him. Now, he didn't believe this, at
> >        first, and he certainly didn't believe it when she said to
> >        him that she was calling him from what, he termed, a
> >        supermarket phone. "Princesses don't call from supermarket
> >        phones," he thought.
> >
> >        Well, when I talked to Christine Fitzgerald about two months
> >        later, her confidant, she said, "That makes absolute sense,
> >        because Diana knew that her phones at Kensington Palace were
> >        tapped, and when she wanted a clean line, she used to go into
> >        a local department store," to what this shaman would have
> >        been a supermarket, "to use the public phone to get a clean
> >        line."
> >
> >        This shaman told me-and he later realized they had a
> >        connection, one of his students was a relative of Diana-and,
> >        interestingly, this shaman talks a lot about extraterrestrial
> >        connections with humanity and his own extraterrestrial
> >        experiences, of which he has had some astonishing ones.
> >        Anyway, she said to him that she wanted to talk to him
> >        because she had something to reveal about the Windsors that
> >        would shake the world and she wanted advice in how best to do
> >        it. And, talking to a lady who I met after Christine
> >        Fitzgerald, a lady called Arizona Wilder, who claims to have
> >        conducted rituals for the British Royal Family, that Diana
> >        knew that they were actually shape-shifting reptilians who
> >        shape-shifted during the rituals and, I said to this shaman,
> >        "What was it she wanted to reveal about the Windsors?" And he
> >        said, "I can't tell you, it's just too terrible. I don't want
> >        to get into any more trouble."
> >
> >        So, I said I knew that Diana knew that the Windsors were
> >        involved in the global drug-running operation and she knew
> >        that they were involved in that. And he just shook his head.
> >        He said, "Oh, no." He said, "It was much worse than that."
> >        And I'm going back there soon, so I'm going to have another
> >        go at finding exactly what it was.
> >
> >        But this Arizona Wilder lady, again, came on the scene after
> >        Christine Fitzgerald. I found her in Los Angeles, or near Los
> >        Angeles, and I went to see her, not to talk about
> >        shape-shifting reptilians, yet again, because I wasn't
> >        talking about it at the time; I was just gathering
> >        information. I went to talk to her about the rituals she said
> >        she conducted for the British Royal Family, and the Bushs,
> >        the Kissingers, and people like that in America. Because
> >        Arizona Wilder, even though she's got red hair today, is
> >        actually blond haired, with piercing blue eyes. And the
> >        blond-haired, blue-eyed thing is fundamentally involved in
> >        all of this stuff, and what have you. Anyway, that is why
> >        Project Monarch is overwhelmingly, if not exclusively,
> >        blond-haired, blue-eyed people.
> >
> >        I went to talk to her about the rituals that she says she
> >        conducted. So, we're getting into this stuff, and she's
> >        telling me about the rituals at Balmoral in which, you know,
> >        human sacrifice takes place in Scottland, the Queen's Palace
> >        in Scotland, and also at Glames Castle and the Castle of
> >        Darkness, as it's called, in Belgium, which Fritz Springmeier
> >        and Cisco Wheeler talk about in their book. And I had heard
> >        all of this from other sources, I mean, Christine Fitzgerald
> >        was talking about the stuff they got up to, but then, as the
> >        conversation unfolded, Arizona said to me: "But that's not
> >        the most bizarre thing that happened."
> >
> >        And I thought, "Well, how much more bizarre can you get, the
> >        Queen of England sacrificing children?" And, she said, when
> >        the blood started to flow, they shape-shifted into reptiles.
> >        And, in their reptilian form, they're very, very different-I
> >        mean, like, the Queen Mother, this sounds funny, really-but
> >        the Queen Mother is an old frail 99-year-old, but that's the
> >        physical form in three-dimensional reality. But it's not the
> >        physical form of the reptilian that's working through her,
> >        according to these people.
> >
> > Visit Ash's Mural Gallery at:
> >
> > http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/3517/Ash/index.html
> >
> > -> Send "subscribe   iufo " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ->  Posted by: Ashley Rye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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