Bush family involvement in Deaths of President Kennedy AND Son

Copyright 1999 NewsHawk Inc.

We regret an error made in a news bulletin issued 8.9.99; entitled
"MOSSAD and JFK Jr Crash" in the second to last paragraph of the
article. (Note: this is NOT John DiNardo's piece reprinted directly
after our "lead-in" in the above-referenced bulletin by NewsHawk ; but
our lead-in itself.)"

"Maybe the date had something to do with it. Bush and his crew were in
the Newark area on July 16. Not far from the Caldwell, N.J. airport
where JFK Jr. kept his Piper Saratoga.

In fact Bush and entourage were in the location three days before the
date we previously reported: nonetheless this is equally if not more
significant, as this was in fact the date of a REGULARLY SCHEDULED
servicing of John Kennedy Jr.'s plane at the Caldwell, N.J. airport.

This information has been brought to our attention by parties who have
in fact leveled some serious charges at George W. Bush (Jr.), Alphonse
D'Amato AND George Bush Sr. for their involvement at the highest levels
in planning and executing the murder of JFK Jr.

Our research shows there are indeed factors which tend to support these
allegations, and investigations into this are in progress.

A disturbing current emerging here is an almost-ritualistic parallel
between the undeniable close involvement in the murder of President
Kennedy by then-CIA field operative George Bush Sr. and the questions
now arising about the presence of G.W. Bush's entourage--known to have a
large number of clones from dad's CIA and other spooky outfits in it's
ranks--in the area where John Kennedy Jr.'s plane was kept at the time
the plane was due to receive it's maintenance servicing on July 13.

The layout:
Bush's nomination by the Republican party as their Presidential
candidate is a certainty.

Bush's "election" to the presidency by decree of the New World Order as
implemented through intelligence agencies and PRIVATE, official national
vote-counting organizations with their assistants, the state-run mass
media outlets, is EQUALLY a certainty.

One of the only people who actually could have had more than a
snowflake's chance in HELL of monkey-wrenching this monstrous and
distorted political juggernaut was John Kennedy Jr. Of this there is no doubt.

Beyond any doubt this fact alone gives ample motive for gangster-like
"politicians" with connections such as those known coke-fiend G.W. Bush
certainly has to "bump off" such a formidable and relatively
uncompromised potential rival as JFK Jr.; who perhaps may have even been
someone immune to blackmail and intimidation. Now that latter is a
REALLY scary thought for NWO puppetmasters!

What's more, how much LESS suspicion-arousing to finish Kennedy off
BEFORE he even made public any of his serious political ambitions.
Methinks me smells the bloodstained hand of ex-CIA Director George Bush
behind the scenes, guiding son G.W.'s crew in carrying out this
carefully DISGUISED, PRE-EMPTIVE assassination.

Ritualistic, cultic Masonic aspects so evident in the murder of
President Kennedy in November 1963 seem clearly at work as well the
murder of John Kennedy Jr., pregnant wife and sister-in-law.

The bloodline is effectively CANCELED OUT.

As for Alphonse D'Amato, indications are he had been planted as a "mole"
within the ranks of George Magazine as a contributing editor some 6
months ago--with an office at the magazine's Manhattan headquarters.
D'Amato would have been in a perfect position to spy and report in on
Kennedy; with first-hand knowledge of things like Kennedy's
as-yet-unpublicized political ambitions as well as his whereabouts,
schedule and general plans, on an up-to-the-minute basis. The extent of
D'Amato's general, all-around unsavoriness and corruption in it's more
pure form is an open secret, and surely had a good deal to do with his
recent ouster by New York voters from his cushy job in Congress.

What's more, reliable and knowledgeable sources in New York say D'Amato
works closely with New World Order factions and works tirelessly to
further their interests by effecting compliance--from local/regional
political, governmental, judicial and law enforcement bodies--with
activities operations and agendas being implemented by same NWO
interests in these particular areas. In other words he makes to the
local goons get in line behind the BIG guys' plans.

Copyright 1999 NewsHawk Inc.
(Rights of unaltered reproduction/distribution waived.)

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