-Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

Bradley Allan Bernard's "Here's what I think"
Please also  Read: <link> Executive Order 13132: Amending the 10th Amendment

George W. Bush's Cocaine Problem
The Dope on the
Dope's Dope

-August 17, 1999-

What is the problem with George W. Bush and cocaine? I think there are
several problems and they go deep. Before I go into W.'s coded admission,
let's look at Bill Clinton and the issue of cocaine. Do we know much about
it? I understand many have reported a connection, even under oath, but I
don't believe Mr. Clinton has seriously been held to account. Maybe, before
the press continues to badger Bush on the issue of cocaine, the press should
first ask the President incessantly until we get a satisfactory answer. The
White House Press Corp should agree among themselves that during their press
briefings, with Joe "deer caught in the headlights" Lockhart, whoever is
called upon first to ask a question of the Press Secretary ask about Bill's
use of cocaine. It matters not that Mr. Lockhart gives the same non-answer.
Just keep asking about Clinton's drug use.

Now, back to the other Governor with rumors of drug use. Governor Bush has
now said he will never answer the question. He is going to take the high
road and be the politician saying "enough is enough of this". If he was
clean on the issue, I doubt he would be taking such a mighty stand. He
simply would have answered "no" like the rest of the candidates already
have. He knows that admitting drug use would not be good for his campaign. I
hope avoiding the truth doesn't prove to be good for it either.

I think a lot of people are saying that if this cocaine thing is in the past
let it stay there - it is not really an issue as long as it doesn't affect
his job. In my mind, the use of drugs is an issue and will affect his job.
Why would Bush have used drugs? What areas of his life were so screwed-up
that he needed drugs? We might have a serious problem if this person, as
president, had a history of any of the following: self medicating a clinical
condition, submitting to peer pressure to use drugs or using drugs as an
escape. If this is all in his past, he should be proud of himself for
shaking it. On the other hand, this should disqualify him from being
President. There are literally millions of legally qualified people in the
country who have not used drugs. Let's choose from that pool.

Here's the big one for me. As we all know from the recent impeachment
fiasco, the President is the chief law enforcement officer. It is his job to
uphold the law. Cocaine is illegal in this country. At one time, or more
likely many times, George W. Bush knowingly chose to break any number of
laws for his sole benefit. This represents a principal where this person has
already crossed the line. Once it's crossed - it's been done and can be done
again! A precedent has been set that the law doesn't matter. The law matters
to me and for this reason Bush is not the best man for this office.

Governor Bush says that "It's not the only rumor. The minute you answer one
question they float another rumor. I know how the game works, I saw it first
hand and I'm not playing." He says he's not playing. But that's not true.
His campaign has answered rumors of his heavy drinking, his marriage and his
military service. He is playing the game and he is cheating when the drug
question comes up and he decides he doesn't want to play anymore. I doubt
the press has another rumor on deck just waiting to destroy Bush. George W.
Bush is a darling of the media, except for their continuing search for news,
I don't think they have it in for him at all. Bush's success, in large part,
is a result of the media.

Karen Hughes, Bush's Press secretary, makes a lot of Bush's appearances for
him. He's acting presidential already! Maybe that's why Ms. Hughes seemed to
be channeling Lanny Davis on Meet the Press (Aug 15). Listening to a
spokesperson double talking and straining the limits of credibility is very
difficult to listen to coming from the Republican side. If Bush can send
someone to spin this into that as a candidate, you can be sure it is only a

I was hoping we had learned something from the current disaster in the White
House and its campaigns. If the press keeps at it and doesn't accept
nonsense from Bush, we can either eliminate this man or clear him, if that's
possible. As of right now, on this issue, Bush is playing as loose as
Clinton with the truth. Either he took illegal drugs or he didn't. Only a
democrat could believe this B.S. ..."I can't stand the politics of personal
destruction." The politics of personal destruction. Where have we heard that


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