-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Belgrade, 16 August 1999

Implementation of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) and the Military
Technical Agreement, the current situation and positions of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia

The Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, recalling its communications to the Security Council and the
United Nations Secretary-General, as well as to the Heads of UNMIK and KFOR
and in particular, the positions expressed in its Memorandum of 27 July
1999 relating to the current situation in the Serbian province of Kosovo
and Metohija (hereinafter: the Province), has the honour to draw attention
to the following facts and views:
1. Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) has unequivocally reaffirmed the
territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
and, accordingly, defined the mandates and the terms of reference of UNMIK
and KFOR.
By accepting the Ahtisaari-Chernomyrdin paper and by its consistent
implementation of UNSC resolution 1244 (1999) and the Military Technical
Agreement (MTA), the FR of Yugoslavia has confirmed its commitment to a
peaceful solution for the Province, on the basis of an autonomy
guaranteeing full equality of citizens and national communities within the
framework of the constitutional and legal systems of the Republic of Serbia
and the FR of Yugoslavia.
 2. Proceeding from the guarantees of the sovereignty and territorial unity
of the FR of Yugoslavia, as well as security guarantees for all citizens in
the Province, proceeding also from the inadmissibility of a security gap,
from guarantees of the security and inviolability of international borders
and an understanding regarding the return of a contingent of the Yugoslav
Army and of police forces to the Province - the FR of Yugoslavia has
expected that KFOR will in practice fulfil all its obligations, and
particularly that it will guarantee the physical safety of citizens and
their property, public order and peace.
3. The FR of Yugoslavia is deeply dissatisfied with, and seriously
concerned over, many facts unambiguously showing that KFOR and UNMIK have
not complied with their fundamental obligations as established by SCR 1244
(1999) and by the MTA. The following facts bear witness to it: In the two
months of KFOR and UNMIK taking responsibility for the safety of citizens
and their property, by a systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing, more than
200,000 Serbs, Montenegrins and other non-Albanians have been expelled from
the Province. In these two months, the terrorists have killed over 200 and
wounded more than 400 civilians, women, children and elderly people, mostly
Serbs and other non-Albanian residents. About 40,000 private homes and
dwellings have been looted, demolished or burned, while 40 Serbian churches
and medieval monasteries, many of which have been declared as part of
European cultural heritage have been burned down or demolished. As many as
80,000 Serbs and other non-Albanian citizens have been intimidated and
forced to leave their jobs. Responsibility for that lies with both KFOR=s
and UNMIK=s evidently tolerant attitude towards the terrorist so-called
AKLA@ and criminal gangs, being allowed to cross over illegally into the
The obligation by the so-called AKLA@ and other armed Albanian gangs and
individuals to disarm has not been carried out, nor does the past attitude
by KFOR regarding this vitally important obligation for the implementation
of SCR 1244 (1999) give confidence that it will be strictly and effectively
abided by.
 Statements made by senior KFOR and UNMIK officials on alleged success in
the demilitarization of the so-called AKLA@ have been merely used as a
cover for continuing the process of stock-piling and concealing huge
quantities of weapons, from and via the territory of Albania and partly
from the territory of Macedonia as well. Ever since KFOR became responsible
for the safety of citizens and their property, the Province has turned into
a region of the largest build-up of uncontrolled, illegal weapons,
terrorists, the drug mafia and criminal gangs in general, in contradiction
with the main intent and basic goals of Security Council resolution 1244
(1999) and the MTA, thus posing a wider threat.
4. The assertions by KFOR, made in the monthly report back to the Security
Council (S/1999/868, 10 August 1999), that the Serb exodus has slowed down
as a result of KFOR efforts to ensure a safe environment, as well as the
statements by KFOR and UNMIK officials to that effect, do not correspond to
facts on the ground and divert attention from the heart of the matter.
Indeed, the truth is that during the two months that KFOR and UNMIK have
been deployed, nearly 200,000 Serbs and Montenegrins have been forcibly
expelled from the Province in the face of AKLA@ terrorism, so that only a
small number of non-Albanians now remain in that part of Serbia. Of the
30,000 indigenous Serb and Montenegrin residents of Pristina before KFOR
arrived, there are currently about 2,000, while the others were intimidated
into departing. In the same period, more than 100,000 Albanians, citizens
of Albania, amongst them a large number of criminals, plunderers, thugs,
even members of the regular military forces of Albania, have entered and
reside illegally in the Province with the permission of KFOR and UNMIK.
 5. While UNMIK and KFOR, on the one hand, do not comply with their
essential obligations under UNSC resolution 1244 (1999) and the MTA
regarding personal safety and property security guarantees, in respect of
demilitarization of the so-called AKLA@, while overall, they demonstrate an
unacceptably tolerant attitude towards terrorists, bandits and proponents
of violence, on the other hand, they seek to revise and enlarge in practice
their mandate by ignoring the principle of sovereignty and territorial
integrity, by disrespecting Yugoslav and Serbian laws and by delaying the
implementation of those obligations meaning the protection of the rights
and security of Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, the inhabitants of
Gora, Turks and non-Albanians in general.
6. Bearing in mind the afore-mentioned, the Government of the FR of
Yugoslavia declares that it does not recognize, nor will it recognize, any
changes, decisions or measures that are contrary to the provisions and
purposes of SCR 1244 (1999), the Ahtisaari-Chernomyrdin paper and the MTA
from Kumanovo. The FR of Yugoslavia retains the continuity of its sovereign
rights in the province as an integral part of its territory, in accordance
with the Charter of the United Nations, the OSCE Final Act and the
universal principles of contemporary international law. The guarantees of
sovereignty and territorial integrity, as contained in resolution 1244
(1999), the Ahtisaari-Chernomyrdin paper and the MTA, the FRY considers
final and unalterable.
7. For reasons stated above, the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia expects
the Security Council to consider urgently the presented problems and to
take appropriate steps to ensure full and consistent implementation of
resolution 1244 (1999), in particular:
- to ensure full respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of
the FR of Yugoslavia, as unequivocally provided for under SCR 1244 (1999),
operative paragraphs 10 and 11, Annex 1 and Annex 2, paragraph 8;
- to ensure respect for, and the application of, Yugoslav and Serbian laws
and regulations. This implies the full respect of the unified legal,
economic, financial (the dinar as the sole legal tender), tax, visa and
passport systems; observance of the laws of the Republic of Serbia and the
FR of Yugoslavia that are in force, in particular those relating to
property, legal and status and administrative matters, registry of
citizens, issue of personal identification documents, passports and other
identity papers. Arbitrary decisions and selectivity in applying the
legislation are not founded on resolution 1244 (1999) and constitute a
violation of the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity;
 - to energetically put an end to violence against, and the ethnic
cleansing of, Serbs, Montenegrins and other non-Albanians, to cease the
tolerant attitude towards the terrorist so-called AKLA@ and to establish
the security of citizens and property and public order and peace in the
Province; to conduct an effective investigation into the crimes committed,
leading to the tracking down and arrest of all the perpetrators and those
giving orders to them;
- to disarm immediately and effectively the terrorists of the so-called
AKLA@, as required by operative subparagraph 9 (b) and paragraph 15 of
resolution 1244 (1999); to trace the secret arms depots and cut off any
further infiltration of illegal weapons;
- to ensure the full respect and inviolability of the State borders of the
FR of Yugoslavia with Albania and Macedonia in their parts towards the
Province; to prevent all illegal entries of non-residents of the FR of
- to deploy without delay contingents of the Yugoslav Army and police both
at the border crossings and inside the Province, in accordance with
operative subparagraph 9 (g) and operative paragraph 4 of resolution 1244
(1999), Annex 2, paragraph 6, and the MTA;
- to ensure full safety of Yugoslav customs and other officers, including
their protection at work, an effective and unhampered operation of customs,
visa and passport services, as well as immigration, anti-criminal,
sanitary, phytopathological and veterinary control;
 - to expel all non-residents of the FRY who, with the permission of KFOR,
have illegally entered the Province as part of the sovereign territory of
Serbia and the FRY, in violation of resolution 1244 (1999), the MTA and in
breach of Yugoslav and international laws, rules and practices. In
particular, we demand an immediate expulsion of the thugs and plunderers
from Albania, responsible for organized international crime, the drug
mafia, arms smuggling, trade in people, the prostitution racket and other
criminal gangs;
- to apply the unified visa regime and international agreements of the FR
of Yugoslavia, implying the observance of the normal procedure under the
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations when foreign officials visit a
part of the sovereign territory of the FR of Yugoslavia, the Province
included; KFOR and UNMIK are not authorized to arrange or to allow the
visits of foreign state representatives, with the exclusion of the Yugoslav
authorities, since the Province is a part of the sovereign territory of the
FR of Yugoslavia which is exclusively responsible for international
contacts and visits. Any other behaviour represents a gross violation of
the substance of SCR 1244 (1999), international law and practice and is not
- To respect the democratic procedure and to cooperate in the process of
the establishment of interim bodies of self-government with the competent
authorities. UNMIK and KFOR are not authorized to impose arbitrarily, above
and against the will of citizens belonging to individual ethnic communities
members of interim bodies (councils). Only legitimate representatives of
national communities may sit in those bodies.
- to prevent the establishment of Aoffices@, Abureaus@, etc. of other
States in the Province without the prior consent of the competent FRY
- to provide full protection of the human rights and to ensure and
guarantee conditions for the safe return of all refugee and displaced
Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, the inhabitants of Gora and other
victims of an organized campaign of ethnic cleansing conducted by the
terrorist so-called AKLA@;
- to enable the re-opening and unimpeded operation of the Serbian-language
State and private media;
 - to provide the protection of Serbian cultural, historic and religious
monuments in the Province from the daily vandalizing by the terrorists of
the so-called AKLA@;
- KFOR and UNMIK have no right to declare, let alone treat the indigenous
Serbs and Montenegrins as a Anational minority@ in their own State, as was
done in the monthly report to the Security Council on the KFOR operations
(S/1999/868, 10 August 1999). This is incompatible with international
standards, especially the Council of Europe Framework Convention on
national minorities which are related to States as subjects of
international law and not to provinces and autonomies as administrative
units within sovereign States;
- to ensure the inviolability of private property and to give back without
any further delay all property acquired by violence, and to restore in its
entirety to its former state all movable and immovable property: flats,
houses, companies and public institutions and all other conditions and
relationships that result from violence and illegal conduct of individuals
and groups;
- to respect and protect the ownership rights of the State of Serbia and
the FRY over all movables and immovables; to respect and protect the status
of public enterprises and systems, notably the EPC electricity company,
PTT, Yugoslav Railways and others;
- to prevent, by resolute measures, all attempts at setting-up illegal,
parallel institutions, services, illegal police, organs and bodies, etc;
- to ensure full freedom of movement and access, as well as security for
humanitarian and other NGOs;
- to ensure an unhindered participation of Yugoslav experts and forensic
specialists in the investigation of criminal acts, especially terrorist
assaults, murders, abductions, and to cooperate with the Yugoslav
authorities both in the elucidation of these crimes and the efforts to
combat all forms of international organized crime;
 - to halt urgently all steps and measures taken against the undertakings
and without the participation of the competent Yugoslav authorities
concerning the establishment of public and other services and the
inadmissible favouring of Albanians over other ethnic communities.
8. Taking into account the fact that the Council is primarily responsible
for the implementation of its resolution 1244 (1999), the Government of the
FR of Yugoslavia urges the Council to take effective and resolute measures
to implement its resolution 1244 (1999) and related documents fully and
consistently, in the interest of normalizing the overall situation and
creating conditions for the start of a political process of establishing
the parameters of the autonomy.
The Yugoslav Government reiterates that the conclusion of a comprehensive
agreement between the FR of Yugoslavia, as the host country, and the United
Nations is a necessary prerequisite for cooperation between the Yugoslav
authorities and the international civil and security presences (UNMIK,
KFOR) mandated by the United Nations, as well as for a successful
implementation of SCR 1244 (1999), and it calls on the Secretary-General to
negotiate and sign such an agreement.

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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