-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Famous Quotes on Fluorides and Fluoridation  part 3/3
"We ought to go slowly. Everybody knows that fluorine and fluorides are very
poisonous substances and we use them in enzyme chemistry to poison enzymes,
those vital agents in the body. That is the reason things are poisoned;
because enzymes are poisoned, and that is why animals and plants die." Mr.
James B. Sumner, Director of Enzyme Chemistry, Department of Biochemistry
and Nutrition, Cornell University, and a Nobel Prize winner for his work in
the field of enzyme chemistry.

"No study in the past three decades has demonstrated any significant dental
benefit from fluoridation. The older historical studies, on which claims of
dental benefit are based, are so seriously flawed that most independent
researchers conclude they should be ignored. In fact, several recent
studies, here and abroad, show that fluoridation is correlated with higher
caries rates, rather than lower ones." John R. Lee, M.D."The Truth About

"It is known as a scientific fact that fluoride is a deadly poison to
enzymes, upon which all life depends." Dr. J.J. Rae, 20-year associate
professor of chemistry, and Ph.D. in biochemistry and organics, Univ. of

"The fluoride ion exerts its toxic effect by inhibiting the action of many
enzyme systems." Hugo Theorell, M.D.,  Nobel Prize winner for his research
in the field of enzyme chemistry.

"Contrary to what is widely assumed, the toxicity of fluoride is not always
related to concentration. Under certain conditions fluoride toxicity
actually increases as the concentration decreases. This is what is known as
a paradoxical effect." Albert Schatz, Ph.D., M.C.R.S., Professor at the
Univ. of Chile and co-discoverer of streptomycin.

"The debate should not be the merits of fluoridation of the water supply,
which is a public health problem, but rather the ethical aspects of
universal fluoridation which creates an untenable situation for those
individuals who are intolerant to fluorides. Do we have the moral right to
create a situation from which the intolerant individual has no escape? The
answer thus becomes very simple. Each individual should be granted the
option to choose fluoride prophylaxis depending upon his need and tolerance.
You have my permission to state my position and quote me as against
universal fluoridation of the water supply." Ben F. Feingold, M.D., Chief
Emeritus, Department of Allergy, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, San
Francisco Calif.
(Dr. Feingold headed an organization which cares for hyperactive children,
which has found, incidentally, that fluoride causes a severe adverse
reaction upon the nervous system of hyperactive children. Coincidentally,
so-called "Attention-Deficit-Disorder" or "A.D.D." is a common misdiagnosis
for hyperactive or overly-enthusiastic children, and for which RITALIN is
commonly prescribed. Thus, when a hyperactive child has an adverse reaction
to FLUORIDE, he's commonly put on destructive RITALIN or fluoridated PROZAC
as a "cure.")

"It is of doubtful legality; it offends deep convictions concerning
doctoring without consent; it is against the medical tradition of care for
the individual; against the function of a public water supply; against sane
economics; against the considered opinion of eminent nutritionists,
biochemists, physiologists, pharmacologists, allergists, toxicologists;
above all, it is against natural caution and common sense." Dr. C. G. Dobbs,
Prof. of Microbiology, Univ. of North Wales, Associate Royal College of
Science, formerly at King's College, Univ. of London.

" Hereford, Texas has been called the TOWN WITHOUT A TOOTH ACHE. This is not
true. But the phrase has been used effectively by the people interested in
marketing SODIUM FLUORIDE all over the country. ...I believe that fluorine
does in a mild way, retard cavities, but I also believe that the damage it
does is far greater than any good it may appear to accomplish. It even makes
the teeth so brittle and crumbly they can be treated only with difficulty,
if at all. The dental investigators who came to our county some fifteen
years ago did, in my opinion, make a serious mistake when they gave fluorine
the credit for our good teeth, and overlooked the quality of food grown in
our rich, well mineralized soil. Every person I found who had no dental
caries, consumed much milk. Why use a poison, when correct food will
maintain our bodies free from diseases and tooth decay? It is hellish and
non-American to put poison in city water supplies and force citizens to
drink it." George W. Heard, DDS, 15 March 1954.

" ... My contact with fluoridation came about as a result of cancer
research. In one project, various chemicals were added to the drinking water
of mice susceptible to cancer in order to check the responsibility that some
chemicals might delay the onset of the disease or prevent it altogether.
Among the chemicals used in this research was sodium fluoride. Alfred
Taylor, Ph.D, in a scientific letter appearing in the Oct. 2, 1965 issue of
Saturday Review, June 1965.

"The data indicated that drinking water with as little as 1 PPM shortened
the life span of mice an average of nine per cent. This was true whether
death was due to cancer or non-cancerous diseases. The only notice
proponents of fluoridation gave to this work was to discredit it as much as
possible. ... In experiments where the drug was added directly to
suspensions of cancer tissue before inoculation into eggs or mice, sodium
fluoride stimulated the growth of cancer tissue in concentrations of one
part in more than 20 million. Scientists at Cambridge University (British
Medical Journal, Oct 26, 1963) discovered that concentrations of sodium
fluoride as low as one part in ten million inhibited the growth of a culture
of human tissue. ... the growing weight of scientific evidence that
water-borne fluorides, even at 1 ppm, have toxic possibilities must finally
be recognized." ALFRED TAYLOR, Ph.D., Clayton Foundation, Biochemical
Institute, University of Texas, Austin Texas, 1965.
Some years later Dr. Taylor stated:

"The terrifying conclusion of the studies was that fluorine greatly induced
a cancer tumor growth. If doctors and the public can be made aware of this
catastrophe, fluoridation shall end quickly. It will someday be recognized
as the most lethal and stupid "Health Program" ever conceived by the mind of
man, witch doctors and blood-letters not excepted."

"In 1969 the country of Sweden intended to fluoridate their water supply due
to the strong advice of Professor Yngve Ericsson, a Swedish dentist who was
also the senior representative on the World Health Organization's Expert
Committee on Fluoridation. However, it was then found that Professor
Ericsson coincidentally was the holder of two highly-profitable patents on
fluoride toothpaste!", 13 June 1970 the Gothenburg POST (Sweden); 5 Aug 1970
the NEWS REGISTER (Sweden); and 1 May 1970 NORSK FOLKEHELSELAG (Norway)

1992: Statement by Pennsylvania Justice Flaherty, after 40 days of court
hearings on fluoride: "... I entered an injunction against the fluoridation
of the public water supply for a large portion of Allegheny County. ... In
my view, the evidence is quite convincing that the addition of sodium
fluoride to the public water supply at one part per million is extremely
deleterious to the human body, and a review of the evidence will disclose
that there was no convincing evidence to the contrary." Pennsylvania Supreme
Court Justice John P. Flaherty (Townsend Letter For Doctors - June 1992, p.

"Of course there were also those gigantic financial benefits for the
industries who could at least sell a poisonous waste product for stupendous
amounts of money, but behind those financial assets loomed another spectre:
the small powerful elite feeling the thrill of chemically manipulating a
whole population." Dr. Hans Moolenburgh in his book "Fluoride: The Freedom

"In 1978, the West German Association of Water and Gas Experts rejected
fluoridation for legal reasons, and because "the so-caled optimal fluoride
concentration of 1mg/liter is close to the dose at which long-term damage to
the human body is to be expected." Chemical and Engineering News 8/1/88

"During the Fountain Congressional Hearings of 1977 the NCI admitted that
they had relied upon no scientific data, whatsoever, when they claimed 25
years earlier that fluoride would be safe to add to the community water
supplies. As a direct result of these hearings independent testing was
ordered to begin immediately. Twelve years later they managed to produce a
two year toxicological study of rats. They paid Battelle Research Institute
of Columbus Ohio, an outside contractor, to run the study." David C.
Kennedy, D.D.S.

"The ACLU has never endorsed or taken any position on the merits of water
fluoridation, not have we ever to my knowledge authorized the American
Dental Association to list the ACLU as endorsing the practice." Ira Glasser,
Executive Director, ACLU, January 21, 1997.

"A review of recent scientific literature reveals a consistent pattern of
evidence--hip fractures, skeletal fluorosis, the effect of fluoride on bone
structure, fluoride levels in bones and osteosarcomas--pointing to the
existence of causal mechanisms by which fluoride damages bones." New
evidence on fluoridation. Diesendorf M, Colquhoun J, Spittle BJ, Everingham
DN, Clutterbuck FW, Aust N Z J Public Health 1997 Apr 21:2 187-90

"The fifty-year-old fluoridation hypothesis has not been confirmed. Despite
this, millions of people are still medicated with fluoride by government
decree, on the assumption that this process has been proved to be entirely
safe, and very efficacious in reducing dental caries. In fact, the
scientific basis of fluoridation is very unsatisfactory. It is promoted, in
the main, by emotion-based 'endorsements'rather than by
scientifically-acceptable evidence." Sutton PR, Med Hypotheses 1988 Oct 27:2

"As you are all aware, there can be no legitimate debate about fluoridation
because there is no scientific controversy about it - it remains safe,
effective, efficient, and cost effective, regardless of what Frech and the
other antifluoride ilk say about it. 135 million people drink fluoridated
water in the U.S., with another 10 million drinking water that has natural
fluoride at optimum levels. And the number is growing rapidly as we continue
to fluoridate additional cities, despite the failed attempts of the
fluorophobics. The world total approaches 300 million. 14,300 U.S. water
systems fluoridate their drinking water for 10,500 cities, some cities since
1945...Spend your energy fluoridating communities. The best way to beat the
antifluoride zealots is to to fluoridate their water supply." Dr. Michael
Easley, ADA spokesman,August 7, 1996.

Dave Hartley

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