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             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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             Bush's Drug Furor Shows Clinton Changed 'the

             By Dan Balz
             Washington Post Staff Writer
             Saturday, August 21, 1999; Page A01

             A decade ago, the kind of turbulence that hit Texas Gov.
             George W. Bush's campaign this week might have
             threatened to knock a candidate out of the presidential
             race. For better or worse, President Clinton has changed
             the rules.

             Bush's highflying campaign was brought to earth over the
             question of whether he has ever used illegal drugs, and
             even some supporters believe he will be hurt by this
             week's events. Whether the damage is serious or
             long-lasting was not clear yesterday -- and the candidate
             quickly shifted back to his pre-turbulence posture of
             vowing not to answer questions on the issue.

             The episode revealed a campaign that, however
             smoothly it was operating, could be knocked off stride
             by one ingenious and unanticipated question. But it also
             showed how a decade of scandal politics -- and the
             example of Clinton -- have taught politicians not to
             crumble when the first crisis hits a campaign.

             There once was a familiar pattern when political scandal
             erupted: the media feeding frenzy, the campaign
             deathwatch and the inevitable scene in a hotel ballroom
             where a contrite or defiant candidate withdrew from the
             race. That was the way it played out in 1987 when Gary
             Hart was hit with allegations of marital infidelity.

             But after a 1992 campaign in which Clinton weathered
             questions about infidelity, the draft and smoking
             marijuana, and then the past year in which he survived
             the Monica S. Lewinsky scandal, that old pattern has
             been replaced by something new.

             "You can keep your head down and plow through it,"
             said Republican strategist Ralph Reed, a Bush adviser,
             "and after you have, you're a stronger candidate because
             people see you're not going to be knocked out by it."

             Bush took a calculated risk by reopening the issue of
             when, if ever, he has used drugs. It is that the public
             will forgive mistakes of the distant past if they are
             convince a politician has learned from them -- and will
             not repeat them.

             "I think that ultimately voters will have a sense that the
             governor has admitted to mistakes that were made in his
             youth and [that they] will fall into two camps," a Bush
             adviser said yesterday. "Either they respect that position
             or they disagree with it, in which case they'll find
             another candidate. And we feel far more will agree than

             A poll for CNN and Time magazine by Yankelovich
             Partners released yesterday offers some reassurance to
             campaign officials that the risk is worth taking.
             Eighty-four percent of the poll's respondents said that, if

             Bush used cocaine in his twenties, it should not
             disqualify him from the presidency.

             Bush also hopes to benefit from a public backlash
             against the press. "From everything we've seen, people
             are fairly fed up with the notion of how reporters go
             after this stuff and the prying into public lives," one
             Bush adviser said. The poll for CNN and Time underscored
             that view. Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed said
             reporters should not be asking Bush about cocaine use.

             But Bush also has gambled that he can partly answer the
             question without definitively saying he did or didn't use
             drugs. What he did this week was effectively deny using
             drugs since 1974 (when he was 28) but then refuse to say
             whether he used them earlier in his life.

             The danger is that, after a Clinton presidency replete
             with evasive answers to simple questions, Bush has
             created the impression with voters that he is being cute
             or coy rather than forthcoming. Ultimately, say some
             political analysts, Bush may be forced to offer a
             clear-cut answer to the drug question.

             "I think being forthright is the key to this," one GOP
             strategist said. "I don't think America expects you to be a
             saint. They do expect you to shoot straight with them."

             Bush campaign officials say their candidate is taking a
             much different gamble by refusing to answer detailed
             questions about his past: Voters may assume he engaged
             in behavior that never occurred. But, they say, Bush feels
             strongly that he must draw the line on personal questions
             in order to help change the climate of politics.

             "We have to accept the fact that people may make
             mistaken assumptions," one adviser said. "But the
             governor has a principle, which is the rationale for this
             answer. He's not going to bend his principles. He
             strongly believes, and this is something strongly
             supported by sociological and psychological research,
             that baby boomers should not detail their mistakes to
             their children."

             This week's furor over Bush and drugs marked the first
             real test of his campaign under stress. It happened
             suddenly and unexpectedly.

             On Wednesday, Bush had been peppered with questions
             from Texas reporters about why he would not respond to
             repeated questions about drug use. Bush, in forceful
             terms, accused reporters of succumbing to the "game" of
             forcing politicians to disprove unfounded rumors. Later
             in New Orleans, Dallas Morning News reporter Sam
             Attlesey told a campaign official he wanted to ask Bush
             a question privately. The question was whether Bush
             would insist that appointees to a Bush administration be
             required to answer standard FBI background questions
             about drug use, and could he meet that standard.

             Bush concluded it was a legitimate question that
             demanded an answer. He later told the Dallas paper he
             understood the question to be whether someone had used
             drugs within the last seven years. "I will be glad to
             answer that question and the answer is 'No,' " Bush said.

             Traveling with Bush that day were media adviser Mark
             McKinnon, finance chairman Don Evans and finance
             director Jack Oliver. But senior strategist Karl Rove
             was heading for New York, and Karen Hughes, the
             governor's communications director, and Joe Allbaugh,
             the campaign manager, were back in Austin. Over the
             next 18 hours, they were in constant communication on
             the phone and through e-mail as they scrambled to
             respond to a story that was spiraling away from them.

             Later that day, as Bush and his campaign team moved
             from Louisiana to Virginia, they reviewed what had
             happened and quickly anticipated that the next morning
             the candidate would be asked whether he could meet the
             more stringent standards used during his father's
             administration, which rejected applicants for top jobs
             who had used drugs during the previous 15 years.

             The next morning, the need to clarify his response to the
             Morning News became even more apparent. "Once we
             saw the Morning News story, we realized it left the
             impression that it could be as recent as seven years," an
             adviser said.

             That could create the impression that Bush had used
             drugs well into his forties, which would undermine his
             declaration that he had learned from the mistakes of his
             youth. So Bush told reporters Thursday morning that he
             could have passed the 15-year test at the time his father's
             administration began in 1989. By the end of the day,
             Bush once again had closed the door on further questions
             about drugs -- a stance his advisers say he is determined
             to maintain.

             "I think ultimately that resounds to his benefit, but we'll
             see," one Bush supporter said yesterday. But then,
             acknowledging that risks remain, he added, "It's a
             different way of handling it than has been handled

                © Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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