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             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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Subject:  Aldrich Says Everyone Needs to Speak Up --Insight Magazine (fwd)
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Aldrich Says Everyone Needs to Speak Up
By Stephen Goode

Former FBI agent Gary Aldrich has founded an organization
dedicated to protecting whistle-blowers, fighting political
correctness and preserving First Amendment freedoms.

      Three years ago Gary Aldrich published Unlimited Access, a
book about the extraordinary behavior and serious breaches of
security he witnessed while doing background checks on White
House personnel as an FBI agent inside the presidential mansion.
Unlimited Access was on the New York Times best-seller list for
20 weeks and has to date sold more than 500,000 copies.

. . . . These days Aldrich is president of the Patrick Henry
Center for Individual Rights, a group he founded to help
whistle-blowers and to be a leader in the battle against
political correctness. Aldrich enjoyed his 26 years in the FBI,
but gave it all up to write and publish his book on the Clinton
White House. His big concern today is that Americans are too
cowed by the politically correct to speak what's really on their
minds. The Patrick Henry Center's mission, says Aldrich in the
center's News Bulletin is "to bring truth back into style and
fight the PC police."

. . . . Insight: How did you happen to name your foundation after
Patrick Henry?

. . . . Gary Aldrich: Actually the answer is pretty easy. In
December 1995, when I thought I had an interest in writing a book
about the Clinton White House and determined I could do it, I
still had this nagging question I needed to answer: Why me? How
could I be so presumptuous that I could write a book about the
president of the United States and get away with it?

. . . . As it happened, my son had some school work he had to
complete which required us to go to Colonial Williamsburg. While
I was down there, I was going through some of the material
available on the Founders and found some very interesting
information on Patrick Henry.

. . . . Like everyone else, my knowledge of Henry was his speech
at St. John's Church, "Give me liberty or give me death!" I knew
he was a patriot and a brave man, but I had no idea of the depth
of his participation in the founding. Five times governor of
Virginia. He, George Mason and a few others were instrumental in
assuring we had our Bill of Rights.

. . . . He and others said, "We've just got rid of one monarchy
and we're not about to install another!" Patrick Henry had the
courage to speak his beliefs as he saw fit, and we need more of

. . . . Insight: In a recent issue of the Patrick Henry Center's
News Bulletin, you quote what Confucius said 2,500 years ago when
he was asked what he would first do to change a corrupt
government: "It would certainly be to correct language. If
language is not correct, what is said is not what is meant; what
ought to be done remains undone; morals deteriorate; justice will
go astray; and the people will stand about in hopeless
confusion." Do you see language as a task for the center?

. . . . GA: Our primary mission here, I think, is to identify
what we believe is the most pervasive problem that we have in
this country today: political correctness. I have a belief that
if folks really said or wrote what they really were thinking, we
wouldn't be in the mess we're in today and we wouldn't have the
problems we have in this society.

. . . . But people have been so browbeaten into being quiet! We
want to identify that as the problem and we want to identify
political correctness as what eventually could bring this
government down.

. . . . I believe that with all my heart. Those of us who have an
argument with the liberal agenda -- if you want to be kind and
call it liberal -- have an obligation to stand up and speak out
against it, whether it's in our own community, or in our school,
or at our kid's college, wherever it may be happening.

. . . . Insight: The First Amendment is very important to you.

. . . . GA: When Patrick Henry and George Mason and the others
put the First Amendment as the No. 1 amendment, they knew what
they were doing. The whole idea of the First Amendment is
critical free speech -- not the free speech that allows a Larry
Flynt to publish Hustler magazine but critical free speech, which
means that the population should be at all times free to express
its beliefs. As far as I'm concerned, we don't have that now. We
can express our beliefs as long as they line up with the view
that's politically correct.

. . . . Environment of course is one of them. Kids come home from
school today very conversant on the recycling of aluminum cans.
But they can't have a discussion with you about the importance,
say, of the Second and Third Amendments. They can't talk about
what sacrifices our Founding Fathers made for this country, but
they know all about a species of endangered tree slugs.

. . . . Insight: Have you thought about writing a follow-up to
your critique of the Clinton White House that would discuss your
experiences as a whistle-blower and critic of the current

. . . . GA: I've kicked around the idea and haven't closed the
door on it. The trouble with writing a book like that is that it
is so all-consuming of time and effort. I'd have to drop out to
do it justice, and we've had so many victories here at the
Patrick Henry Center that I would hate to drop out.

. . . . Insight: What are some of those victories?

. . . . GA: When Linda Tripp first surfaced in the Monica
Lewinsky matter, I met with her attorney and we spoke about how
the center could assist her. We went on to give consulting in
areas such as fund raising. We realized she would have massive
legal bills out of this. Having gone through it myself, I was
able to walk them through the process and give them some advice
on what to do and what not to do.

. . . . We also sponsored a letter-writing campaign for her, so
that people would write to her and encourage her, as well as
donate to her legal fund. From my own experience, I knew that
contacts from different people offering encouragement would be
very helpful. If, for example, some one had put together some
kind of letter-writing campaign for me -- where I would have been
able to hear from average Americans who supported me -- it would
have been beneficial, especially at the very beginning.

. . . . There's a silence. Later, I learned that the people were
out there and that they were very supportive, but it was
difficult in the beginning. There's a natural tendency to think
someone else is taking care of this, someone is supporting the
victims. But in my case, there was no one else supporting me. I
was the Lone Ranger.

. . . . We also hired a media consultant for Linda Tripp to
handle all the requests that came in for her spokesperson to be
interviewed by radio, TV and print. We had all that coordinated
so that they didn't have anything to do but communicate with the
consultant on what the schedule would be, where to appear, where
to take the calls; and we're still doing that.

. . . . By the way, we're a Section 502(c)3 organization and
we've been in compliance with Internal Revenue Service
regulations, but of course there's the chance that sooner or
later the IRS will take an interest in what we do here, and I
would be pleased as punch to have IRS employees come in here and
blow the whistle on the IRS.

. . . . Insight: Were you surprised by Clinton's impeachment?

. . . . GA: I expected it. What did surprise me was the degree to
which the substantive issues were put aside in favor of this
obsession for one whole year on Monica Lewinsky, and it's
unfortunate. The judgment was made on the president's sexual
conduct, not on the fact, for example, that the Chinese were able
to get our [nuclear-weapons] secrets, not on the fact that the
entire security apparatus had broken down!

. . . . Insight: What's your reply when commentators claim that
it isn't just the Clinton administration that's to blame for the
loss of secrets to China, but other recent administrations,
Republican and Democrat?

. . . . GA: There's always been espionage going on. It's the
degree to which the administration in charge can handle the
damage to head it off is the answer, I think. You can't stop
every spy, but you can stop most of them. Some administrations
are better at protecting our secrets than others. What I saw at
the [Clinton] White House was a wholesale breakdown.

. . . . Insight: It's surprising there's whistle-blowers at all,
isn't it, given the problems they face.

. . . . GA: One of my big concerns is the fact the federal
government has become what I would call "scientific" about
discrediting whistle-blowers. The White House is not just
reacting to a surprise that somebody has blind-sided them with an
allegation of some kind. It's actually having a process in place.
I don't know but that they have a checklist or a Chinese menu and
go down and check the right blocks.

. . . . The recipe is to try to discredit the whistle-blower so
they move the person out of their assignment quickly, so they'd
no longer have access to information. To get back to where you
were at first takes years and lots of money, with no real hope of
achieving victory. I had it in mind to take the experience I had
and put it to good use to help others in similar circumstances. I
know what's going to happen to them, having been an FBI agent for
26 years. I saw it happen to others in government and in my own
agency as well.

. . . .
. . . .
. . . . Personal Bio of Gary Aldrich:
. . . .
. . . . Born: May 22, 1945, Amsterdam, N.Y.
. . . .
. . . . Family: Wife, Nina; three children.
. . . .
. . . . Education: Dade College in Florida; accounting degree.
. . . .
. . . . Career: Founder and president of the Patrick Henry Center
for Individual Liberty, Fairfax, Va. Twenty-six year veteran of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
. . . .
. . . . Books: Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton
White House, and the political thriller, Speak No Evil.
. . . .
. . . . Favorite reading: Henry Mayer's, A Son of Thunder:
Patrick Henry and the American Republic. "For entertainment," a
good novel by Tom Clancy. Books by Joseph Wambaugh and John D.
. . . .
. . . . Sports: Auto racing and football "are my first loves."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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