-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [apfn] Y2K
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 19:49:25 -0700
From: David Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: David Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A good friend sent this to me, from Australia.  This is the note he had
with it:
This letter was written by a close friend who is a computer professional

and has bought in the bush. He wrote to his wife who together with their
children has deserted him.

I did a post some time ago about how Y2K was planned by the
goverenment.  If you have not read that Post, I suggest you do so (Post
15).  For those who are so sure of suppressing the New World Order with
your hunting rifles, think first about food.  There is none in the US.
Think about that, and what it means for the control of people.  David G.

The computer Year 2000 (Y2K) problem has given the New World Order
planners a perfect opportunity to speed-up the chaos needed to bring the
whole world into a new kind of slavery.

The world's mass media continues its masterful job of misinformation,
and trivialising the whole issue.
People think they already understand the problem, after all, it has been
in the news for more than a year now. But it isn't that simple. In fact
it is anything but simple...

Most journalists do not comprehend the extent of the problem, and those
that do rarely publish serious stories. Their organisations may be
frightened of being blamed for causing panic, rioting and/or bank runs,
or some of their bosses may be high up enough to be part of the whole

The world's computers have not been (and never will be) 100 percent
fixed, and 99 percent is not enough. Most small businesses and many
countries have not even begun to work on the problem.
Some countries are hoping it will all just go away. And in the countries
like Australia that are actually trying to fix the problem, as many as
50 percent of small businesses are simply ignoring Y2K. Yet small
business is our major employer.

Imagine Australia if even a quarter of our employers go out of business
next year! I personally expect more and more of these system failures to
create problems as the date approaches 2000. Please keep your mind open
to the possibilities, so you can get out of the city before public
panic, or a government-declared state of emergency, perhaps martial law,
makes such movement impossible. And have yourselves a relatively safe
place to head for... somewhere with friends or relatives on the land
would be ideal.

"Millennium Hysteria" is a term generated by the Spin Doctors
(government agents of PR dis-information). They use the mainstream media
and some respectable "experts" to ridicule anyone with real concerns
about a financial crash, where the world is headed, global conflict, Y2k
etc, as nut cases. They point out that there was hysteria when the dates
rolled over to the year 1900 or the year 1000. Thus reassured, "Joe
Public" smiles at this and settles back in his settee to drink another
tinny and watch the cable TV. There is no need for him to prepare then.
All is alright in the world. ZZzzz, Zzzzzzzz, zzzzz.

The computers will crash in ever increasing numbers as the months roll
by. There will be few, if any, announcements of these failures. But
there will be increasing numbers of companies making major billing
mistakes and having payroll problems. Then you will hear about (or be
affected by) more power failures, water supply problems, telephone and
cellular phone problems, financial and banking problems. Don't you be
asleep too. Tick them off as they happen. Within the last week or so (as
of 4/8/1999), there was a massive power failure in Taiwan with 23
million people deprived of power for 24 hours. Factories lost their
production runs and there was a large chemical factory fire as a result.
The loss was many millions of dollars. This was "ignored" by the
mainstream media and only reported via the Internet.

The tragic train crash in India recently may have been a Y2K problem.
ABC Television reported in their late news that railway controllers had
experienced a "system failure" where they were unable to control the
track switches, no matter what they tried. The Indian railway staff
watched in horror as the trains converged, then the men fled in terror
believing they would be blamed for the carnage. They were right.

The Y2K date rollover problem is not just a "silly mistake" made years
ago by programmers saving space on 80-column punch cards. Much of it is
because the US government set the MMDDYY date standard 35 years ago (we
use DDMMYY in Australia), and IBM adhered to it on their System 360
mainframes to get the government contracts. The rest of the world
followed with 2-digit years, and although 4-digit dates were later
recommended, they were still left as optional. Even 20 years ago,
changeover would have been prohibitively expensive, so nobody bothered.
Everything else is history.

The Y2K problem is too big. There is not enough money in the planet to
pay for what would have to be done to fix it, and there isn't the time.
Even two years ago, there wasn't really the time... Most of the world's
smaller countries (and the poorer ones, including the former USSR) are
ignoring the problem. When their computers die, they will be unable to
trade with us. That alone will be enough to cause a great recession
worldwide, but the problem is worse than that.

Perhaps you have heard of the "dead-man" lever used on passenger trains?
If the driver collapses at the controls, the system automatically
responds by applying the brakes... Well, I have heard from the Internet
that the Russian nuclear arsenal is set up to activate if communications
to its control centres suddenly stop. The US was so terrified of
possible Russian system failures in the year 2000 that they were going
to send their military people over to help the Russians; but that all
stopped once NATO bombed the Balkans. The Russians have no money to fix
their Year 2000 problems. They cannot even pay wages to their soldiers,
who grow cabbages in the fields and live on vegetable soup.

The top world leaders are not all stupid. Many are not just letting
these events happen, they are orchestrating them to a preset script
compiled by their real, invisible, masters. Other countries and their
leaders just do not understand. They are mere pawns, and we ordinary
citizens are much less than that.

The USA is all set up to declare a state of emergency and to declare
martial law. Police and troops have been training for it. There have
been similar training exercises in the UK and in NZ. We know that in the
United States the US Constitution will be automatically suspended, and
the US military has already set up the detention camps for up to 20
million dissenters. These may even be extermination camps. We will not
know until they are in use. Dissident groups, such as US militias, have
been publishing locations and even photographs of some on the Internet
for more than a year now, and the 20 million figure comes from a US Army
officer who went public over the Internet (using a false identity to
protect himself). I have no proof of any such camps in Australia, but we
too have an emergency management agency and we all know how our esteemed
leaders make a habit of bringing in laws without announcing them to the
electorate first.

It might not happen until next year, but it could also be much earlier
than that. If enough systems fail to handle the July 99 to June 00
financial year, the crash could start as early as September this year,
or it might take a little longer.

So many large companies promised they would be ready for Y2K testing by
the end of last year, 1998, but none have yet announced they have
reached that point. This may just be a reluctance to announce any good
news in case of legal problems later. Certainly few, if any, chief
executive officers are going to be rash enough to announce bad news and
upset investors.

There are just too many unfixed systems to guarantee uninterrupted
electricity, telephone, commerce, banking, water, sewerage,
transportation, petrol, food...  In fact, everything.

An average modern aircraft contains about 500 microprocessors, of which
150 are estimated to be date-sensitive, a Boeing 777 airliner contains
double this amount.

Think about oil rigs, oil refineries, super-tankers, chemical plants,
assembly-lines and factories, power plants, nuclear reactors. Each of
these has tens of thousands of embedded systems, which are not even
being looked at because it is too costly and too difficult. They will
try to "fix on failure". But that only works when all of your support
structure still functions, not when everything hits at the same time,

A significant proportion of these plants and things will malfunction.
Others, like many nuclear power plants will have to be shut down to
prevent meltdown. Then there are food-processing plants to consider, the
food warehouses and supermarket chains that feed us. Even assuming they
can still get fuel for their fleets of trucks, they will be unable to
process orders without telephones and electricity, and they cannot move
goods interstate without electronic funds transfer.

Going back to manual processing is a myth... A fairytale. It cannot be

Banks used to be giant buildings accommodating thousands of clerks and
millions of paper files. Nowadays, they fit everything and everyone into
compact buildings because everything is electronic now. The people who
knew how to do manual book-keeping retired years ago.

Modern supermarkets stock only two or three days' worth of food because
barcode scanning makes manual stocktaking unnecessary. The people who
could have done the stocktaking and manual re-ordering are long gone,
and the kids who work the cash register are totally incapable of adding
up a column of figures on paper.

City populations will face epidemics if stopped water supplies cause
stopped sewage. Cholera, typhoid, typhus, hepatitis, yellow fever plague
and worse killers were only stamped out within the last 100 years
because of good sanitation. Without it, they will return. If
communications and electricity stop commerce and transport, then food
will be gone within three days -- and less if there is a panic. Angry
starving mobs of looters are a very real possibility.

The result will be TOTAL CHAOS. There will be massive loss of life
worldwide... (I believe this is quite deliberate. It will fix our
over-population problem and the survivors will be desperate enough to
accept any new ruler who promises a solution.)

In the end, the helpless, decimated survivors will beg for a new leader
to save them. Unfortunately, they will get him. This leader and his
helpers will make Adolf Hitler seem like a nice guy.

Please look at the back of a US one dollar note. It has a pyramid on it,
topped with an all-seeing eye. This is all occult. The Latin words at
the top read: "ANNUIT COEPTIS", or "Announcing the birth of". The motto
underneath reads: "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM", which means "New World Order".
What, may you ask, is that doing on an American banknote? It is there
because the founding fathers of the US republic, men such as Benjamin
Franklin, were highest-level (33rd Level) Freemasons. These people call
themselves Illuminati, meaning the Enlightened Ones, and they are
pulling the strings behind the scenes while our so-called leaders dance.
There are a few hidden people even more powerful.

The USA was designed for the purpose of leading the rest of the world
into enslavement under a One World government. Look at how it uses the
United Nations, the IMF, World Bank, NATO and other bodies to use
high-sounding pretences to bully, coerce and change countries and their
governments all over the world. For example, the UN Resolution on the
Rights of the Child states that no parent has the right to spank their
child, but the law also says that parents cannot even tell their own
child what is right and what is wrong!

Then there are all these other UN Resolutions on discrimination against
homosexuals, racial discrimination, age discrimination etc, etc. At
first glance, they all have altruistic ideals, but their
carefully-calculated result is to break down and weaken our society.
Look at our drug problem, our violent crime... Drug addicts are
encouraged, violent criminals are rewarded. Look how fear is being
carefully generated to make the public accept new laws and regulations
that would once have been dismissed as invasive or draconian.

I used to wonder why our politicians kept on bringing these UN
Resolutions into law "by the back door". I have now learned the reason.
Our politicians are obeying conditions dictated by the International
Monetary Fund. They and their predecessors signed these pieces of paper
when they borrowed money from the IMF. Some may have understood what
they were doing, which makes them traitors. (Treason used to carry the
death penalty, but our pollies quietly removed that law, a few years
back.) Other politicians may have been conned or pressured into it.

These IMF conditions are how the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds and
other big-big money types now tell our governments what to do. The
politicians are doing as they are told, and we have to live with the
changes they introduce. This is the New World Order, and it is already

New Zealand author, Barry R Smith, describes it well in two of  his
books, "Better Than Nostradamus" and "The Devil's Jigsaw". He explains
that New Zealand was first guinea-pig country to undergo IMF "reforms".
The politicians borrowed big money in 1961, and their successors started
the IMF-dictated reforms in 1984. They go like this:

1       Telecommunications must be privatised and sold overseas.
2       Energy supplies, e.g. electricity and gas, must also be
3       Transport infrastructure (trains, buses etc.) sold.
4       Sea ports and airports up for sale. Roads will follow.
5       Welfare will be gradually phased out. Many aspects of jails and
law-enforcement will also be privatised.
6       Voluntary unionism will gradually destroy the collective
bargaining structures.
7       All would-be workers will sign personal contracts.
8       Consumption tax, VAT or GST will be introduced.
9       Education will be in crisis as governments withdraw funding.
Private funding of education is encouraged.
10      Health and hospitals will suffer the same fate.
11      Shares of ex-government departments will be sold overseas in
asset sales. This gradually strips away sovereignity and independence.
12      Local industries that were the life-blood of each country will
collapse. The key word is deregulation.
13      Each country will be left with just one or two major industries,
and will buy the rest from overseas. The catch-word here is
14      Thus, with the protected industry done away with, no-one in the
manufacturing industry can again feel safe and secure.
15      Farmers will lose their subsidies, as in most cases, they are
targeted for collapse. Food will mostly be imported from  somewhere
else. The key-word here is again inter-dependence.

The Asian meltdown occurred because those nations balked at accepting
IMF conditions. They were proud. They wanted to keep their own
sovereignity (something we lost decades ago), and they were severly
punished for resisting the New World Order. So did Yugoslavia. Do you
believe the US or the UN really cares a damn about genocide? It didn't
make them interfere in Cambodia or the Sudan. In Ruwanda the UN went
through some of the motions of sending in French UN troops, but only to
get foreign nationals out. Then the Hutus and the Tootsies went ahead
and butchered each other in the hundreds of thousands.

What is really happening in our close neighbour, Papua New Guinea? Just
a few weeks ago, the then Prime Minister, Mr Bill Skase, asked the
Christian evangelist preacher, Benny Hinn, to come to PNG and hold
religious services. Some 300,000 people attended and one third of those
accepted Jesus. Mr Skase said he was a Christian, and had been refusing
to accept "help" from the IMF. Pastor Benny Hinn actually held prayers
in the PNG parliament. Skase then opened diplomatic channels with
Taiwan, which upset China. Within days he resigned and a new government
cancels the agreement with Taiwan, and says they will be instituting
"reforms" and accepting IMF terms.

These unfortunate countries serve as examples of what happens to
countries that say "no" to the New World Order. Perhaps we should be
grateful that our politicians have betrayed our country, if they did it
to save us from an invasion by the UN or NATO.

About 200 years ago, the head of the Rothschild banking family made the
statement: "Give me control of a nation's economy, and I care not who
writes the laws". Some years ago, Henry Kissinger said: "By controlling
energy, we can control nations. By controlling food, we can control
individuals". Then, after the Gulf War, President George Bush almost let
the cat out of the bag when he actually used the term "New World Order".
Jimmy Carter had previously referred to it as "Global 2000" when he
signed an agreement to reduce the world's population. It is said they
plan to "remove" anywhere from 1.5 billion to 5 billion people. That's a
lot more than any  Holocaust of World War II.

Cecil Rhodes, the founder of Rhodesia in South Africa, was another
believer in a One World order. Anyone who is a Rhodes Scholar, is
trained up on the process of bringing about these lofty aims, whatever
the human cost. Remember Bob Hawke, the Rhodes Scholar? Such a wonderful
man who could cry tears when reading about those slaughtered Chinese...
Who else have we had in Aussie government who were Rhodes Scholars, I
wonder? I do not know if that includes our former Treasurer and Prime
Minister Paul Keating.

Do you notice how we in Australia now have a GST? Both Labor and Liberal
politicians had been trying to bring this unpopular new tax into effect
for several years and governments fell here trying. Our loyal pollies
were not deterred from their New World Order agenda, and now PM John
Howard has finally done it. Why are countries all over the world
bringing in this hated tax? (It is called VAT in England. New Zealanders
call the GST the Gouge and Screw Tax). The answer is because it is going
to make it easy for the new One World government to tax all of us
peasants. Very Big Business, which will be part of the new Ruling Class,
doesn't pay any real tax. We already know that, don't we?

Liberal and Labor politicians make empty promises to the voters, but
once in power they all continue bringing about these foreign-ordered
"reforms" which only destroy this country, piece by piece. The two-party
system is just as much a charade as the "Good Cop, Bad Cop"
interrogation trick we have all seen in police TV shows and movies.

When Pauline Hanson and her One Nation party appeared out of nowhere and
threatened the status quo, both Liberal and Labor joined forces to get
rid of her as quickly as possible.
The accusation of racism was levelled at her and her supporters, and it
was masterfully orchestrated by the mass media. Ethnic groups were
stirred up to oppose her, and within a short time her credibility was
completely destroyed. If you read the transcripts of her speeches, there
was nothing racial in them. She simply said that most Australians she
spoke to believed that immigration needed to be reduced. There was no
mention of stopping any particular racial group. That was manufactured,
and it worked.

The Gun Ban, here and all over the world, is happening because the UN
(read New World Order) needs its new peasant class to be docile and
harmless. In the "perfect" world to come, there will be no wars, just
armed UN "peacekeepers". There won't be so many people, either.

Many believe the Oklahoma bombing was done by the US government (New
World Order) to make all US militia groups a bogeyman that they could
then wipe out. A US Army colonel, a demolitions expert, said the
building could never have been blown up that way by a truck bomb using
home-made explosive of fertiliser and diesel oil mixture. He said the
building was destroyed by plastic explosive attached to the four main
columns, and asked the building be leftf for further tests. It was
demolished the next day. There was also one federal government agency in
that building, and on the day of the explosion not one of their people
turned up for work!

In Australia, the Port Arthur massacre was also arranged, and Martin
Bryant was the clueless patsy. During the slaughter the killer was so
accurate and efficient, it was nearly one shot, one kill, each second.
Then when Bryant was shooting at the police SWAT team surrounding him at
the burning house, he fired more than 300 rounds and hit not one person?
The police had multiple opportunities to kill him with a sniper shot,
but they all hold their fire despite the fact that more than 40 people
had just been shot, allegedly by this man. Bryant emerges unarmed with
his hands in the air. The guns are inside. Then the house burns to the
ground, and, presto! The guns are miraculously produced from the ashes
without a mark on them! One of the rifles is later proved to have been
surrendered months before to police in Victoria during a gun amnesty.

In the court case, video "evidence" supposedly shot by a tourist that
shows someone looking like Bryant at Port Arthur on the day of the
killings has since been proved to be doctored. The video pictures
conflict with an official police photo showing the same dockside at the
same time. One shows a moored luxury yacht, the other shows no boat.
Records show the boat was at the dock all that day. (The photos proving
this were published in The Strategy newspaper.) The head of the distant
running figure, said to be Bryant, has a face that ,when magnified,
never moves as he runs. The face has been digitally pasted on. The
Tasmanian police refused to reopen the case...

We will see more and more "mad gunmen" incidents in the US until they
can ban guns there like they did here. They have to overcome the
resistance of the National Rifle Association and all people there who
believe in their right to bear arms, as written in the 2nd Amendment of
the US Constitution. It will be a hard nut to crack, but the New World
Order (and its minions or well-meaning puppets) are doing it.

Heglian Dielectic: The German philosopher Hegel is the one whose
philosophies are being used by the New World Order. He states: (1)
Create the problem. (2) Solve the problem. (3) Get the result you wanted
in the first place.  We are on the very eve of the nastiest series of
problems the world has ever seen. These will be so bad that desperate
people everywhere will accept ANYTHING if they think it will save them.
The New World Order has created the problem, but once everyone has been
brought to their knees it will solve the problem. The result? The people
everywhere will have accepted a One World government, one-world monetary
system, one world-religion etc.

Y2K and worldwide bank runs, food, water and petrol shortages have not
hit us yet, but they are as inevitable as tomorrow's sunrise. So is
disease, once the thousands of city sewers stop working with no water.
At a level below the New World Order conspirators, ordinary politicians,
bankers and government leaders are attempting to avoid panic. By keeping
they bad news about Y2K quiet, they hope to postpone bank runs as long
as possible, and avoid riots. Unfortunately, this will make the problem
worse when the breakdown occurs because it will stop people from

You have now heard the truth, no matter how implausible it may seem
right now. There may be slight inaccuracies in this summary, but the
gist of the picture is accurate. It has taken me more than two years'
research. Stay tuned to what is happening all around us. The most
accurate news seems to be broadcast on ABC TV and radio late at night,
often at midnight or 1:00 am. By morning these "interesting snippets"
are not mentioned any more. (I know this because a friend who works
afternoon shift first pointed it out to me. A second friend who is also
a night owl confirms it.) You could use a video recorder to catch the
late-late broadcasts on a regular basis, and watch them the next day.
Share the info with your family and friends.

You still have a little time to prepare while food, fuel and tools are
still obtainable, and while your money still has value. Prepare as if
fuel will be the first thing to be chopped off, food the second. As our
parents grew a "Victory Garden" during World War II, we can grow a Y2K
garden. Use non-hybrid seeds, so your crop's seeds can be sown again.
Get started now.

# # #
The NWO and Y2K Conspiracy -- Page 7 of 7

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"Silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a
legal or moral duty to speak, or when an inquiry left
unanswered would be intentionally misleading... We cannot
condone this shocking conduct... If this is the case we hope
our message  is clear. This sort of decption will not be
torerated and if this is routine it should be corrected
U.S. v. Twell 550 F2d 297, 299-300


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