-Caveat Lector-

>Carl Sagan drew inspiration from smoking pot, biographer says
>Copyright  1999 Nando Media
>Copyright  1999 Associated Press
>SAN FRANCISCO (August 21, 1999 7:28 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) -
>The late astronomer and author Carl Sagan was an avid but secret marijuana
>smoker, crediting it with inspiring essays and scientific insight,
>according to Sagan's biographer.
>Using the pseudonym "Mr. X", Sagan wrote about his pot smoking in an essay
>published in the 1971 book "Reconsidering Marijuana." The book's editor,
>Lester Grinspoon, recently disclosed the secret to Sagan's biographer,
>Keay Davidson.
>Davidson, a writer for the San Francisco Examiner, revealed the marijuana
>use in an article published in the newspaper's magazine Sunday. "Carl
>Sagan: A Life" is due out in October.
>"I find that today a single joint is enough to get me high ... in one
>movie theater recently I found I could get high just by inhaling the
>cannabis smoke which permeated the theater," wrote Sagan, who authored
>popular science books such as "Cosmos," "Contact," and "The Dragons of
>In the essay, Sagan said marijuana inspired some of his intellectual work.
>"I can remember one occasion, taking a shower with my wife while high, in
>which I had an idea on the origins and invalidities of racism in terms of
>gaussian distribution curves," wrote the former Cornell University
>professor. "I wrote the curves in soap on the shower wall, and went to
>write the idea down.
>Sagan also wrote that pot enhanced his experience of food, particularly
>potatoes, music and sex.
>Grinspoon, Sagan's closest friend for 30 years, said Sagan's marijuana use
>is evidence against the notion that marijuana makes people less ambitious.
>"He was certainly highly motivated to work, to contribute," said
>Grinspoon, a psychiatry professor at Harvard University.
>Grinspoon is an advocate of decriminalizing marijuana.
>Ann Druyan, Sagan's former wife, is a director of the National
>Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. The nonprofit group
>promotes legalization of marijuana.
>Sagan died of pneumonia in 1996. He was 62.

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