-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: The Conspiracy Was Strong - Part 2
   Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 20:21:56 -0400
   From: "Timothy Aho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     To: "Watch Unto Prayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 To: The WatchmenFrom: Watch Unto Prayer
http://watch.pair.com/pray.htmlDate: August 22, 1999

                       THE CONSPIRACY WAS STRONG

                        Part II: BRITISH-ISRAEL

                              THE JUDAIZERS


     There are stipulations to the blessing bestowed on these men
     and their seed. Leviticus 26:1-18 deals with Israel before the
     dispersion. In verse 19, we see the dispersion; this occurred
     around 700 B.C. when they were dispersed into Assyria. After
     the time of the Greek and Roman Empires during the middle
     ages, the entire Assyrian Empire moved to France, Germany, and
     northern Spain. They were scattered and made a part of these
     nations. The teachers and educated ones of ancient Babylon had
     been brought to Rome during their occupation by the Greeks.
     This explains why it can be read G-d calling certain places
     Assyria or Babylon in Revelation; He is referring to the
     places where these peoples settled. When hearing "Assyria," we
     think of where it used to be. G-d is referring to the places
     where these people are today or will be at the end time
     referred to in Revelation.

According to Peter Michas, the Unicorn, alluded to in Deuteronomy
13:13-17 by the patriarch Jacob, symbolizes the Anglo-Saxon nations
which would descend from Joseph and become preachers of the Gospel:

     "And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his land... let
     the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of
     the head of him that was separated from his brethren. His
     glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are
     like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people
     together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten
     thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh."

If Peter Michas interpretation of Jacob's blessing sounds like
Replacement Theology -- it is. Remember the Duck Rule? "If it looks like
a duck and quacks like a duck, even if they call it by another name, it
is still a duck." Is it possible that Christians, believing they have
escaped Dominionist and Replacement Theology, are being recycled into
these very movements via the back door -- the Hebrew Roots Movement --
and that this door is held wide open by the Discernment ministries?
Those who dare to critique the Hebrew Roots Movement are falsely accused
of being anti-Semites; however, is not British-Israelism the ultimate
anti-Semitism? British-Israelites, such as Gene Scott or Bible
Restoration Ministries, ascribe Celtic emblems to the tribes of Israel
and would thereby deprive the true descendants of Jacob -- the Jews --
of their God-given inheritance:

     "Instead of trying to identify each tribe as a specific modern
     nation, we note that ancient Israel traveled in four brigades
     of three tribes each (see the on-line tract, "What Is The
     Gospel?" - listed under Bible Doctrines, and also the
     reference given there to Alfred Edersheim's "History of the
     Old Testament.") Each of these brigades had a dominant tribe;
     these were: Judah, Ephraim, Reuben, and Dan. These four tribes
     provided four chief emblems: Lion, Ox or Unicorn, Man, and
     Eagle or Serpent. To quote briefly from W.H. Bennett, "Of the
     twenty-two tribal emblems of ancient Israel, at least nineteen
     still are, or until very recently have been, emblems of one or
     another section of the Celto-Saxon people. We also noted that,
     of the four Brigade emblems, two, the lion and the Eagle, are
     the chief emblems of Britain and the United States; that
     another, the Man, is a prominent feature of the official Arms
     of Denmark, Iceland and Greece; and that the Ox is also common
     to the heraldry of several sections of the Celto-Saxons. So
     all four of Israel's Brigade emblems are in use among the
     Celto-Saxons today." (Symbols Of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage,
     page 89)

According to Bloodline of the Holy Grail, the unicorn is a mythological
beast typifying the virile Christ. An entire chapter is devoted to "The
House of the Unicorns," which is purported to be the Sang Raal or sacred
bloodline of Jesus Christ, whose bride was claimed to be Mary Magdalene,
here referred to as the Sacred Prostitute.

     "We have already seen that the 'Horn' of the Unicorn was
     equivalent to the 'Blade' in Grail lore, and both were
     represented by the male symbol L . Along with the Davidic Lion
     of Judah and the Franco-Judaic fleur-de-lys, the Desposynic
     Unicorn was incorporated in the Royal Arms of Scotland. The
     Unicorn was considered to correspond to the virile Jesus, and
     was related to the anointing (Messianic) imagery of Psalm
     (sacred song) 92:10. The mystic beast was among the foremost
     symbols of the Albigensian Cathars, who were so hideously
     persecuted by the Inquisition. In medieval legend the Unicorn
     was always associated with fertility and healing, and
     Renaissance tapestries portray his head in the lap of the
     Bride. This alludes to the ancient ritual text for the Sacred
     Marriage (the Hieros Gamos), 'The king goes with lifted head
     to the holy lap,' as originally expressed in the poetic rite
     of old Sumerian Mesopotamia-the land of Noah and Abraham." (p.

Predictably, we are given to understand that the House of the Unicorns
are the chosen people of God to overthrow the antichrist Roman Church
which, allied with the monarchies of Europe during the Middle Ages,
dealt harshly with the Merovingian lords. That their crimes were heresy,
occult practices, and subversion is not mentioned:

     "The Cathars believed that only the Christine horn of the
     Unicorn could purify the false doctrines that flowed from the
     Roman Church, and in this regard the revered creature was
     often portrayed with his horn dipped into a stream or
     fountain. Other depictions show the Unicorn trapped within an
     enclosed garden - confined, but very much alive. The seven
     tapestry panels of la Dame a la Licorne at the Cluny Museum in
     Paris were originally from medieval Lyon. The seven Flemish
     Hunt of the Unicorn panels in the cloisters of the
     Metropolitan Museum, New York, come from 16th-century
     Languedoc, and show the Unicorn being chased and persecuted.
     When captured, he is sacrificed, but is then seen alive and
     well in the garden of the Bride. This is a direct replication
     of the story of Jesus.

     "The mythological symbolism of the Unicorn was central to the
     so-called heresies of Provence that were so brutally condemned
     by the Church. It was by no chance that the fabulous beast of
     the Grail bloodline found in his place as guardian of the Lion
     in the Arms of Scotland, along with the early Christian sign
     of male and female unity (L +V=X) - the well- known Saltire,
     popularly identified as the cross of St Andrew." (pp. 315-16)

David himself made reference to the lions and the unicorns in Psalm 22.
This prophecy of Jesus Christ's most bitter and yet finest hour of
shedding His precious blood for sin, records His petition of the Father
for deliverance from their violence:

     But you, O Lord, do not withdraw your help from me: look
     towards my defense. Rescue my soul, O Lord, from the spear, my
     only soul from the hand of the dog. Save me from the lion's
     mouth, and my lowliness from the unicorn's horns. Psalm

The Pharisees who demanded the crucifixion of our Lord were the teachers
whose oral traditions made the Word of God of none effect. As the Lions
and Unicorns, these Kabbalists would have been the spiritual forefathers
of the Merovingians. Considering their ancient heritage, it is no
surprise to find favorable references to the Pharisees in Merovingian,
Kabbalistic and Hebrew Roots literature.

                        THE HOUSE OF THE UNICORNS

The Scottish Stewarts claim to be the sacred Merovingian dynasty,
rightful heirs of the thrones of Scotland, England and, therefore, of
the lineage of Jesus Christ. The Stewart genealogy, however, is
currently contested by other claimants to the dynastic line. The
Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland lists other "sacred families" which were
related to Scotland's contender and king, Robert the Bruce.

     "...Robert the Bruce succeeded not only as King, but also as a
     hereditary priest of the royal line. From the time of King
     Duncan I, son of Archpriest Crinan MacDonachadh, the concept
     of the monarch's dual priest-kingly role (both as sovereign
     and religious patriarch) had remained at the root of Scottish
     culture... Conventional history ignores the fact that Bruce
     was not only the Patriot King of his people, but was also Head
     of the Columban Kindred of their ancient Church. This
     inheritance was passed down to his Stewart grandson Robert II
     when he succeeded in 1371. At that time, others belonging to
     the sacred family included the McNabs, Rosses, Sinclairs,
     Robertsons, Dunbars, Dundasses, Wemysses, Abernethys,
     MacDuffs, Leslies, and Mackenzies, along with the Chiefs of
     Clan Chattan, the Cummings of Altyre, the Celtic Earls of
     Atholl, the Mackays of Strathnaver, and the Lindsays of
     Crawford." (p. 79; also p. 35)

Recently, James Trimm of the Society for the Advancement of Nazarene
Judaism, posted the Scottish Declaration of Independence, which was
Scotland's Written Constitution of 1320 established at the time of
Robert the Bruce. According to the Declaration of Arbroath, posted also
by the Constitution Society, the "sacred families" who were among its
signatories believed that they were Israelites who were previously in
bondage in Egypt. Several of the surnames of signatories are the sacred
families mentioned in The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland:

     "Written in fluent Latin, the Declaration of Arbroath reads in
     English as follows: To the Most Holy Father in Christ and
     Lord, the Lord John, by divine providence Supreme Pontiff of
     the Holy Roman and Universal Church, his humble and devout
     sons Duncan, Earl of Fife, Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray,
     Lord of Man and of Annandale, Patrick Dunbar, Earl of March,
     Malise, Earl of Strathearn, Macolm, Earl of Lennos, William,
     Earl of Ross, Magnus, Earl of Caithness and Orkney, and
     William, Earl of Sutherland; Walter, Stewart of Scotland,
     William Soules, Butler of Scotland, James, Lord of Douglas,
     Roger Mowbray, David, Lord of Brechin, David Graham, Ingram
     Umfraville, John Menteith, guardian of the earldom of
     Menteith, Alexander Fraser, Gilbert Hay, Constable of
     Scotland, Robert Keith, Marischal of Scotland, Henry St.
     Clair, John Graham, David Lindsay, William Oliphant, Patrick
     Graham, John Fenton, William Abernathy, David Wemyss, William
     Mushet, Fergus of Ardrossan, Eustace Maxwell, William Ramsay,
     William Mowat, Alan Murray, Donald Campbell, John Cameron,
     Reginald Cheyne, Alexander Seton, Andrew Leslie, and Alexander
     Straiton, and the other barons and freeholders and the whole
     community of the realm of Scotland send all manner of filial
     reverence, with devout kisses of his blessed feet.

     "Most Holy Father and Lord, we know and from the chronicles
     and books of the ancients we find that among other famous
     nations our own, the Scots, has been graced with widespread
     renown. They journeyed from Greater Scythia by way of the
     Tyrrhenian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and dwelt for a
     long course of time in Spain among the most savage tribes, but
     nowhere could they be subdued by any race, however barbarous.
     Thence they came twelve hundred years after the people of
     Israel crossed the Red Sea, to their home in the west where
     they still live today. The Britons they first drove out, the
     Picts they utterly destroyed, and even though very often
     assailed by the Norwegians, the Danes and the English, they
     took possession of that home with many victories and untold
     efforts; and, as the historians of old time bear witness, they
     have held it free of all bondage ever since. In their kingdom
     there have reigned one hundred and thirteen kings of their own
     royal stock, the line unbroken by a single foreigner.

     "The high qualities and deserts of these people, were they not
     otherwise manifest, gain glory enough from this: that the King
     of kings and Lord of lords, our Lord Jesus Christ, after His
     Passion and Resurrection, called them, even though settled in
     the uttermost parts of the earth, almost the first to His most
     holy faith. Nor would He have them confirmed in that faith by
     merely anyone but by the first of His Apostles by calling,
     though second or third in rank, the most gentle Saint Andrew,
     the Blessed Peter's brother, and desired him to keep them
     under his protection as their patron for ever..."

Of the sacred families of Scotland, the Leslie Clan is of interest to
our inquiry. The Clan Leslie Society presents the following Brief
History Of Clan Leslie:

     "All Leslies, regardless from where in Europe they came to
     America, descended from the same Scottish Clan and Great
     Family, one of the very oldest. It began in 1069 when the
     Saxon claimant to the throne of England, defeated by William
     the Conqueror, fled to Scotland. Edward, the Aetheling as he
     was called, arrived there with his mother, an Hungarian
     Princess, and his two sisters. They were cordially received by
     the King, Malcolm III Canmore. A year later the King married
     Margaret, one of the sisters, who became a great Queen of
     Scotland and a saint of the Christian Church. Her Chamberlain,
     Bartholomew, an Hungarian nobleman, an extremely capable and
     physically powerful man, had much impressed King Malcolm who
     made him commander of Edinburgh Castle. He married Beatrix,
     the King's sister in 1070 and thus the family and Clan of
     Leslie was founded. Granted lands in the Garioch, the Parish
     of Leslie not far from Aberdeen, became the first family seat
     and it is from there that Clan Leslie obtained its name. The
     present Leslie Castle, built on the site of the first
     stronghold, recently was completely rebuilt and restored by
     Baron David Leslie who lives there with his family.

In fact, a genealogical chart of Edward The Exile Atheling on the Clan
Macrae Online documents that the offspring of Edward included Margaret
who married Malcolm III, King of Scots. They produced Mary of Scotland
who married Eustace III of Boulogne, the brother of Godfrey de Bouillon
who with the Knights Templar captured Jerusalem in 1099. Because Godfrey
de Bouillon and his brother, King Baldwin I of Jerusalem, lacked
children, the descendants of Eustache are considered rightful claimants
of the throne of Jerusalem and the Davidic Bloodline.

Andrew Leslie, a signatory of the Scottish Declaration of Independence,
was the great grandson of Bartholomew and Beatrix, the sister of Edward
Atheling, and became the famous ancestor of the sacred Leslie clan:

     "Bartholomew's son Malcolm was knighted by King David and had
     the Leslie lands confirmed to him by royal charter, the oldest
     personal land charter in Aberdeenshire. He also was appointed
     Commander of the Castle of Inverurie, a position held by
     several of his successors. His grandson, Sir Norman, was the
     first to have the family name recorded in a charter. He was
     one of the magnates of Scotland who sat in the parliament
     called by King Robert the Bruce in 1314. His son Andrew, the
     6th Lord Leslie, was one of the great barons of Scotland who,
     in 1320, signed the Declaration of Arbroath, a call to freedom
     not to be equaled again anywhere until the American
     Declaration of Independence. With his sons begins the spread
     of the family through several branches."

We do not know if Sarah and Lynn Leslie subscribe to this sort of
elitism based on sacred bloodlines, however, we do lack a better
explanation for their affiliation with prominent individuals who
advocate British-Israelism, such as Peter Michas and Sir Anthony
Buzzard. Also a member of the "sacred bloodline" is Phyllis Schlafly,
whose Eagle Forum Alerts are circulated throughout the Discernment
network. Prior to her marriage to Fred Schlafly, Phyllis Schlafly was
Phyllis Bruce Stewart, making her a blueblood of both the Bruce and
Stewart lineages. This information is documented at the Parsons
Technology Genealogy Online:

     8703. Phyllis Bruce STEWART (15) was born on 15 Aug 1924 in
     ST. LOUIS, MO..(15) She resided Fairmount in ALTON, IL..(15)
     She received a degree in Bach. of Arts, Washington Univ in ST.
     LOUIS, MO.. (15) She received a degree in Master of Arts,
     Harvard Univ.. (15) Very active in all levels of political
     life and womens rights. Author of many books concerning
     National defense.

     She was married to John Frederic SCHLAFLY II (son of John
     Frederic SCHLAFLY I and Eleanor LYONS) on 30 Oct 1949 in ST.
     LOUIS, MO..(15) John Frederic SCHLAFLY II was an Attorney in
     ST. LOUIS, MO.. (15) Phyllis Bruce STEWART and John Frederic
     SCHLAFLY II had the following children:...

Although there is no minor contention as to whether the Stewart
bloodline later became the Stuart dynasty, it is well known that Robert
the Bruce was in the royal bloodline of Scotland. After the death of
William Wallace (Braveheart) in 1305, Robert Bruce contended for
Scottish independence with King Edward I of England. Robert's son,
Robert I Bruce, was crowned king of Scots in 1314 and he declared
Scottish independence after defeating Edward II at Bannockburn.

Another prominent Evangelical leader of dual pedigree found among the
sacred families of Scotland is Pat Robertson (see list of sacred
families in Forgotten Monarchy, p. 79). Anton Chaitkin's outstanding
article exposing the British Subversion of America: Militias and
Pentecostalism mentions Pat Robertson's descent also from Winston
Churchill, who was a member of the Ancient Order of Druids.

     "Observe the Pat Robertson empire. Robertson writes that his
     family's aristocratic lineage, linking it to the British
     Churchill family, gave his mother, Gladys Churchill Robertson,
     confidence that Pat would succeed. His father, Sen. A. Willis
     Robertson, was London's and Wall Street's chairman of the
     Senate Finance Committee."

Pat Robertson's religious profiteering is legendary, from his use of
Operation Blessing airplanes to transport equipment to his diamond mine
in the Congo, to support for violent dictators such as President Mobuto
of Zaire and Rios Montt of Guatemala, to the sale of his Family Channel
to Rupert Murdoch for $1.9 billion. The latest capitalist venture on the
money trail of Pat Robertson was the reinvestment of his profit from
selling the Family Channel in an aborted deal with the Bank of Scotland
to make use of his financial services company to enter the American
market. Prior to his career as a televangelist, Pat Robertson worked for
two years as financial analyst and management trainee at W.R. Grace Co.,
which employed emigre Nazis after W.W.II. Robertson was also godfather
of the child of company president J. Peter Grace, who was head of the
Knights of Malta in the United States and a key figure in the CIA's
Operation Paperclip to remove classified information from dossiers on
Nazi war criminals.

Pat Robertson's ancestor, Winston Churchill, known among European
scholars as the Godfather of the United States of Europe (a term he is
said to have coined), spoke of his vision for world government in an
address to Zurich University in 1946:

     "I have always believed, as I declared in the war, that a
     Council of Europe was a subordinate but necessary part of the
     world organization. I thought at that time, when I had great
     responsibility, that there should be several regional
     councils, august but subordinate, that these should form the
     massive pillars upon which the world organization would be
     founded in majesty and calm. This was the direction in which
     my hopes and thought lay three or four years ago. To take an
     example from the military sphere, with which our hard
     experiences have made us all familiar, the design for world
     government might have followed the system of three or more
     groups of armies--in this case armies of peace--under one
     supreme headquarters. Thus I saw the vast Soviet Union forming
     one of these great groups. The Council of Europe, including
     Great Britain linked with her Empire and Commonwealth, would
     be another. Thirdly, there was the United States and her
     sister republics in the Western Hemisphere with all their
     great spheres of interest and influence..."

The Ambassador Report which included the aforementioned excerpt
commented upon the singular esteem of Winston Churchill by the Worldwide
Church of God:

     "...for so many years Churchill was not only portrayed by WCG
     ministers as the greatest of all twentieth century British
     leaders (which he probably was), but one who represented, not
     liberal Internationalist ideas, but the kind of British spirit
     that stood for God, country, empire--'Anglo-Israel' values to
     Worldwiders. Yet, it seems, the real Churchill was a far more
     complex man and a far greater visionary than he has been
     portrayed by the likes of Herbert Armstrong..." [Ambassador
     Report, Sept. 1977]

Great Britain's subversion of America depends upon the use of religion
as a cover, and specifically the Pentecostal Movement of which Robertson
is a leading figure and many Discernment leaders, such as Jewel van der
Merwe who is an ordained minister in the Assemblies of God. It is
noteworthy that Pat Robertson's diamond mine ventures have their
precedent in Cecil Rhodes' exploitation of the diamond and gold fields
of South Africa underwritten by Lord Rothschild. Of interest, Robertson
studied for a time at the London School of Economics, founded by the
Fabian Society and took his ordination at the Freemason Baptist Church
in Norfolk, VA (1987 Current Biography Yearbook, p. 477; Sara Diamond,
Spiritual Warfare, p. 13)

The London School of Economics was and is funded by the Ford Foundation,
"...[for] the training of the superior manpower needed to carry out
schemes of reform... [Founder and president Sidney] Webb who could not
wait until a new race of supermen had been bred up to establish the
millennium, felt that improved education and intelligent politics would
at least start the necessary process of regeneration." (MacKenzie, The
Fabians, Simon & Schuster, 1977, p. 291]

Under the LSE directorship of Sidney and Beatrice Webb, an elite group
of Twelve Wise Men, which included Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells, were
selected as the "Co-Efficients" who met to discuss and formulate:

     "Ideas about racial improvement by selecting out the
     efficient&hellip;and [George Bernard] Shaw was working on
     these 'eugenic' notions in his new play Man and Superman.
     Beatrice Webb called it 'the most important of all questions,
     the breeding of the right sort of man.'" (Ibid., p. 291)

Anton Chaitkin's groundbreaking article on the British Intelligence
creation of Pentecostalism traces the current religious operation in the
United States to the Rhodes eugenics operation through Oxford
University's Rhodes Scholarship program. Yes, there is a fifth column of
British elite in America who are still loyal to the dominionist and
eugenics ambitions of Great Britain.

     The Round Table group had been organized by South Africa's
     British governor, Lord Alfred Milner, to fulfill the strategy
     of British South Africa leader Cecil Rhodes for a new-style
     white racialist world empire, in which the annoying
     independence of the republican United States, in particular,
     was to be extinguished. The core of the Round Table group was
     assembled from among the aides to Lord Milner in South Africa.
     Lord Lothian was the first editor of the Round Table
     quarterly, and was the chief executive of the Rhodes Trust,
     administering the Rhodes Scholarships to bring Americans and
     other "colonial" students to Oxford University...The danger
     involved in this British initiative is not a matter of wrong
     or heretical religious beliefs. At issue is the buildup of a
     hostile. irrational, foreign-directed network within our
     military and civilian political life.

Two documents on our website present evidence of the continued work in
our century of the Milner Round Table. Mystery Man: George Louis Beer
served from 1915-18 as American correspondent for The Round Table and
one of the originators of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
in London and its American branch, The Council on Foreign Relations. The
Belmont Brotherhood, an expose of the conspiratorial foundations of the
John Birch Society, includes a section on the Pilgrim Society and
English-Speaking Union from a speech presented to the U.S. House of

Application of the Duck Rule would include in this British-Israel
imperialist network such as Sir Anthony Buzzard, whose Oxford education,
nomination for the Oxford-based Templeton Prize, not to mention his
Restoration Fellowship based on Unitarian British-Israel Replacement
Theology, connections with the Worldwide Church of God and family
connections with the Bilderbergers, Fabian Society and RIIA, are
credentials worthy of Cecil Rhodes' Society of the Elect!

                    Part III: Revived British Empire

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