-Caveat Lector-

These links (which include one for the Manhattan Project)
are on my chem.htm page.

     fluoride: The Fight Over Fluoride Continues

     fluoride: "Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of
     Fluorides" Fluoride Issues

     fluoride http://www.garynull.com/documents/fluoridation.htm


     (see statement by Dr. Michael Schacter)Fluoride

     fluoride: http://www.fluoride-journal.com/

     Intl Society for Fluoride Research
     fluoride http://www.holisticmed.com/fluoride/

     Fluoride and the A-Bomb Program During the ultra-secret
     Manhattan Project, a report was commissioned to assess the effect of
     fluoride on humans. That report was classified "secret" for reasons of
     "national security". http://www.altnews.com.au/nexus/fluoridebomb.html

     fluoride http://www.holisticmed.net/add/mullenix.txt

     # archives of Dr. Phyllis Mullenix' presentation related
     to fluoride compounds and neurotoxicity: "Study flags
     new formaldehyde risks"

Dave wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Dear Ms. Hall:
> You are massively misinformed.
> Fluoride is RAT POISON. In no way should it be CONSUMED.
> Limited topical treatment with Fluoride and proper poison-containment
> barrier methods is one thing- I am not prepared to condemn such practice..
> PROVIDED that the barrier methods are used to prevent ingestion of POISON.
> Please find ONE acceptably objective scientific survey PROVING  fluoridated
> water supply to be beneficial to teeth.
> You will not find ONE, because NONE exist. On the contrary, accurate
> anectdotal surveys abound, which indicate a GREATER cost of dental care in
> FLUORIDATED communities.
> Does this not tell you something?
> Open your mind to the truth, if you dare.
> VERY, VERY MUCH information is available, in scientifically peer-reviewed
> form- of the DEFINITE and PROVEN danger/damage caused by ingestion of (rat
> poison) FLUORIDE.
> I pity you if you cannot see the truth, laid plain before your eyes
> A mind is a terrible thing to waste... and fluoride is PROVEN to be a
> mind-wasting toxin.
> Thank dangerous elements within the government and the ADA (American Dental
> Association) for inflicting it upon the populace.
> Some SMALL thanks may be given to several government agencies, such as
> FDA, who states FLUORIDE is an "UNAPPROVED DRUG/additive."
> EPA, who states that FLUORIDE containing products must be labelled as
> POISONS, and that fluoride is a TERATOGEN.
> ADA is criminally liable for perpetrating a fraud of incredible proportions
> on the populace with the collusion of SOME government agencies. At last
> notice, ADA fraudulently claimed both FDA and EPA approval for municipally
> fluoridated water.
> All of this is public record, and easily proven... with the possible
> exception of some still-classified government research from the Manhattan
> Project, which first revealed sodium-fluoride to be an extremely deleterious
> chemical toxin in association with government ordered tests related to
> atomic bomb projects... which information, via government sponsored tests,
> has obviously been in the possession of U.S. "security interests" for 50
> years...  enough is available via Fredom of Information Act requests to
> prove the basic facts as stated. (keywords: uranium hexaFLUORIDE,
> hydroFLUORIC gas & acid, cesium fluoride)
> Fluoride is a by-product of the nuclear industry (a form of nuclear waste)
> and also a toxic waste by-product of the aluminum industry, and also a toxic
> waste by-product of the artificial chemical fertilizer industry.
> Converting "toxic waste" (per EPA {U.S. Environmental Protection Agency})
> into an "unapproved drug/additive" (per FDA {U.S. Food and Drug
> Administration}) by selling it to municipalities is a major financial coup.
> A small municipal water supplier states 1997 yearly facts:
> Total Fluoride (12,383.6 kg)    27,276.7 lbs
> dispensed in  (3,235,880.0 m3)    711,808,180.0 Imp. Gal
> Over thirteen TONS of toxic waste successfully "disposed" of in one small
> municipality in one year- the "savings" to industry by virtually donating
> this poison (cost to municipalities, approx. $200/ton, roughly equivalent to
> SHIPPING costs.... and shipped in containers marked POISON XX per Federal
> regulations)  is ASTRONOMICAL.  How much per ton would it cost to legally
> dispose of pure RAT POISON in an ETHICAL manner?  $10,000 per ton? more?
> less? maybe only $5,000? -- in any case, the "savings" to the nuclear,
> aluminum, fertilizer and other industries who would have had to pay
> thousands of dollars PER ton to dispose of it "safely."
> Approximate amount of toxic waste Fluoride thus diverted from safe disposal
> and into the municipal water delivered to approximately 140 million U.S.
> residents is 40,000 TONS- hundreds of millions of dollars in savings to
> toxic producing industries.
> "When The WINDS asked Dr. Lee why, according to his research into the
> controversy, he thought there was so much political force driving the
> fluoridation movement, the physician/scientist said, "It's a toxic waste
> product of many types of industry; for instance, glass production, phosphate
> fertilizer production and many others. They would have no way to dispose of
> the tons of fluoride waste they produce unless they could find some use for
> it, so they made up this story about it being good for dental health. Then
> they can pass it through everyone's bodies and into the sewer." [A novel
> approach to toxic waste disposal--just feed it to the people and let their
> bodies "detoxify" it]. "It is a well coordinated effort," Dr. Lee added, "to
> keep it from being declared for what it is--a toxic waste."
> more:
> http://asheville-computer.com/issues/fluoride-toxic-waste.html
> http://asheville-computer.com/issues/
> Dave Hartley
> http://www.Asheville-Computer.com
> http://www.ioa.com/~davehart
> -----Original Message-----
> From: N. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 7:45 AM
> Subject: fluoride
> Dear Dave:
> I too live in N.C. and object to the implications suggested by the fluoride
> report.  I did not see mention that different parts of the country, or
> counties, have varying amount of fluoride present in the water supply.
> I am a Dental Hygienist with 43 years of experience, and have seen the worst
> of both ends of the spectrum -- eiher too much fluoride present in teeth, or
> too little.  I can assure you that some of your facts were not accurate,
> i.e., SOME fluoride stains can be lightened by bleaching and thus some
> improvement. Some cannot be changed other than dental interventions.
>     You may have never seen children's teeth who had was no fluoride
> availble in their water.  Pretty sorry opportunity for  a lifetime of
> smiling and eating.
> Coastal areas tend to be lower in Fl than mountain areas.
> I don't know what your particular beef is, but I would suggest you put a
> caution on your articles such as this.  It loses credibility when not
> properly reported with all the facts.
> Although it is true that we don't know the damage that can be done to the
> rest of the body -- there is a poisoning by excess amounts of any
> chemical -- but we do know the bones of the elderly benefit from some
> amounts of Fluoride.
>                                       novellah
> ==========
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> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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