-Caveat Lector-

> Libertarians agree with George W. Bush:
> Drug use should be a "private" matter
>         WASHINGTON, DC -- Here's how to end the controversy over
> Governor George W. Bush's alleged cocaine use: Simply give every
> suspected drug user the same right to "privacy" the GOP presidential
> front-runner demands, the Libertarian Party suggested today.
>         "Let's treat every American like a presidential candidate: If
> you've ever used drugs, you shouldn't have to answer questions about
> it -- especially if doing so would invade your privacy, or if you now
> consider previous drug use a mistake," proposed Steve Dasbach, the
> party's national director.
>         "Not only would such a don't-ask/don't-tell policy save the
>         $17
> billion the federal government currently spends on Drug Prohibition,
> but it would also let hundreds of thousands of non-violent drug
> offenders out of prison so they could lead productive lives -- and
> maybe even run for president themselves as hypocritical Republicans."
>         Over the past week, controversy has escalated over Bush's
> persistent sidestepping of the "did-he-or-didn't-he?" question about
> alleged cocaine use. While first refusing to answer the question, Bush
> later claimed he hadn't used any illegal drugs in seven, then 15, then
> 25 years.
>         "I'm going to tell people I made mistakes and that I have
> learned from my mistakes," said Bush in Columbus, Ohio.
>         Interestingly, a number of Republicans who are otherwise
> enthusiastic supporters of the War on Drugs agreed that cocaine use --
> by the millionaire sons of past GOP presidents, at least -- is no big
> deal.
>         For example, Elizabeth Dole said drug use was a "personal"
> matter, and Senator John McCain (R-AZ), said people deserve "privacy"
> on the issue.
>         For once, Libertarians -- who have argued for years that Drug
> Prohibition causes crime, threatens civil liberties, leads to police
> and judicial corruption, and acts as a "price support system" for
> criminals -- agree with the Republicans.
>         "If we treated drug abuse as a personal, private problem --
> rather than a criminal issue -- we'd be a lot better off as a nation,"
> said Dasbach. "Instead of being thrown into jail, people would have
> the option to seek counseling or medical help, or simply mature to the
> point where drug or alcohol abuse was no longer part of their
> lifestyle, as Governor Bush seems to have done."
>         In fact, the only Republican who appears to disagree with
> George W. Bush's claim that drug use should be a private issue
> is...George W. Bush. As Texas governor, Bush signed a law that
> toughened penalties for people convicted of possessing less than a
> gram of cocaine.
>         Which leads to another Libertarian proposal, said Dasbach:
> Before politicians are allowed to vote on any Drug War legislation,
> they should agree to be subjected to the same criminal penalties they
> would impose on others.
>         "It's quite simple: If Bush genuinely believes that people who
> use cocaine belong in prison -- and if he has personally used cocaine
> -- he should go to prison," said Dasbach.
>         "Yes, our prisons are overcrowded because of the 1.5 million
> people arrested on drug charges every year...but there's always room
> for one more hypocritical politician who believes that what's good
> enough for presidential candidates isn't good enough for ordinary
> Americans."


"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what
it costs when it's free." - P. J. O'Rourke (1993)

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