-Caveat Lector-

New Jersey High Court Says Ban on
Gays in Boy Scouts Must Go
Wednesday, August 4, 1999

TRENTON, NJ -- In a unanimous decision, the New Jersey Supreme Court today
said that the Boy Scouts of America's practice of excluding or dismissing a
member solely on the basis of sexual orientation is illegal under the
state's anti-discrimination law. The Court also rejected the Scouts' claim
that the First Amendment gives them the right to discriminate.

The American Civil Liberties Union, which filed a friend-of-the-court brief
in the case, hailed the decision as a tremendous victory for lesbian and gay
rights. The ruling upholds a March 1998 state appeals court decision that
prohibited the Boy Scouts from banning gay members.

"This decision debunks the notion that just because someone is gay means he
or she is unfit to serve in the Boy Scouts or any other civic group for that
matter," said Lenora Lapidus, Legal Director of the ACLU of New Jersey. "The
Court did the right thing in denying the Scouts' claim that the First
Amendment gives them the right to discriminate. People have the right to
believe what they want, but that is no more a justification for
discrimination now than it was in the South 40 years ago."

The case arose in 1990 after James Dale, a Matawan assistant Scoutmaster,
was ousted from the Boy Scouts when leaders discovered he was gay. Prior to
his expulsion, Dale, an Eagle Scout, had risen successfully through the
ranks and earned 30 merit badges and other awards during his 12 years in the

"Goverments and local charities have been increasingly unwilling to fund and
sponsor Scout programs because the Scouts insist on discriminating," said
Matthew Coles, Director of the ACLU's National Lesbian and Gay Rights
Project. "This decision is bound to accellerate the trend against anti-gay

The court ruled that because the Boy Scouts of America are "places of public
accommodation" that "emphasize open membership," they must adhere to New
Jersey's anti-discrimination law and cannot deny any person "accommodations,
advantages, facilities and privileges" because of sexual orientation.

While the Boy Scouts vowed to appeal today's ruling to the U.S. Supreme
Court, the ACLU's Coles expressed doubt that they would hear the case.

"The Court rejected a very similar argument that the United States Jaycees,
a business association, made to justify excluding women," Coles said. "That
was 15 years ago, and the Court ruled unanimously. I doubt they would
revisit the issue now."

Today is not the first time the ACLU has taken legal action to halt unfair
practices of the Boy Scouts. In May 1998, the ACLU blocked an Oregon school
district from actively recruiting Cub Scouts since they are required by the
Boy Scouts of America to refuse membership to boys who do not "profess a
belief in God, recognize an obligation to God and declare a duty to God."

For similar reasons, this past April, the ACLU sued to end government
sponsorship of Boy Scout programs in Illinois because they violated the
constitutional requirement of separation of church and state. The ACLU has
been involved in other challenges to Boy Scout bans in California and
Washington, DC.


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