-Caveat Lector-

China Takeover

In reality, if we allow this suicidal course to continue, we will be
transferring our strategic canal not to Panama, but to whichever power moves
in to fill the vacuum. And there is no longer any cause to wonder which
power that will be. Over the past several years, the People’s Republic of
China has made unmistakably clear its designs upon the Panama Canal. In
fact, it has already moved in and begun to take control of this critically
important asset.

Yes, that is true; it is one of the great untold stories that have been
completely ignored by our news media. If we proceed along our present
course, by the end of this year, on December 31st, Communist China will
become the de facto new owners and rulers of the Panama Canal. This is the
same Red China that has been so heavily involved in massive espionage
efforts to steal our satellite, missile, and nuclear weapons technology; the
same totalitarian regime that massacred thousands of students at Tiananmen
Square, yet still denies this atrocity; the same Red China that is supplying
terrorist regimes such as Iran, Syria, Libya, and North Korea with missiles
and weapons of mass destruction; the same Beijing thugs who are threatening
Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines, who are helping Pakistan’s nuclear
weapons program, and who call the United States their "number one enemy";
the same Red China that has so thoroughly penetrated our government and our
military research laboratories during the Clinton Administration.

Over the past year, the American people began to get a glimpse of the
enormity and gravity of the multitude of ongoing Clinton scandals known
collectively as "Chinagate." However, Clinton’s allies in the media have
been only too willing to help the White House divert attention from these
serious matters. Thus, the public has remained largely uninformed on these
vital issues, and we have not seen a sustained, determined attempt in
Congress to hold accountable those individuals responsible for some of the
most devastating betrayals of our national security.

As injurious as the many Chinagate treacheries have been to our nation’s
security, the impending surrender of our Panama Canal is more serious still.
Tragically, Americans have come to take the Canal and its myriad benefits
for granted. One of the great engineering marvels of the world, the Canal is
not only a tribute to the genius, vision, determination, and political will
of an earlier generation of Americans, but a crucially important artery and
choke point for our Navy and merchant marine vessels. Its value far exceeds
the $32 billion we have invested in it over the years, though that price tag
alone is reason enough to question the sanity of those who are so determined
to relinquish this valuable property.

Over 13,000 commercial vessels transit the Panama Canal every year with some
190 million long tons of cargo. In the past year our Naval vessels used the
Canal countless times. This 51-mile waterway cuts 8,000 miles off the trip
around the southern tip of South America, saving as much as two weeks of
transport time. In warfare, time means lives, and that much time can mean
the difference between defeat and victory. The Panama Canal has played a
crucial role in World Wars I and II, the Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm,
and many other conflicts. I find it unfathomable that this tremendous
asset — which was bought at such a cost in gold, lives, sweat, and labor at
the beginning of this century, and that is still so necessary to our nation’
s safety — could be surrendered nonchalantly now at the close of this
tumultuous century.

More .....


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