-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.antiwar.com/justin/justincol.html

By Justin Raimondo

"" ... but the conservative grassroots have to ask: is the US
military now taking its marching orders from Number 10 Downing
Street – and is this what they mean by "NATO expansion"? ""

> August 27, 1999
> With the Kosovo war, the criminal mendacity of U.S. foreign
> policy seemed to have reached its limit. The lies, the venality,
> the puffed-up grandiosity of our preening leaders and their
> repulsive spokespersons – surely, you think, it can't get any
> worse that that. But just wait until you see what they have
> cooked up for us come September – a major new offensive in the
> U.S.-British war on Iraq, according to news reports. And
> preliminary indications are that it can indeed get worse.
> The war on Iraq is not starting up again – because it never
> stopped. Since 1991, the U.S.-British attack has been continuous,
> albeit varied in its intensity, and casualties have been high. As
> many as one million Iraqis, mostly children, the elderly, and
> women, have been murdered by US sanctions, felled by
> malnutrition, disease, and the intolerable conditions imposed by
> the blockade. And also killed, in increasing numbers by the
> bombing raids carried out against Iraqi cities and villages.
> These raids have been stepped up, lately, as if in preparation
> for something bigger – and the propaganda war is also picking up,
> as witness this dispatch from the Associated Press that reads
> like something out of "Ripley's Believe It Or Not."
> AP reports that, after bombing Ba'shqua, a small town a few
> hundred miles north of Baghdad, and killing two civilians, a
> small child and a grandmother, "the US military "denied
> responsibility for the deaths." This is a distinct shift away
> from their old stance, when Jaime Shea routinely reiterated his
> "regrets" over the inability of US super-weapons to "surgically"
> target specific sites – with hundreds of sorties flown over
> Yugoslavia every week, and in view of the vagaries of weather and
> visibility, mistakes were made. But this time they are singing a
> different tune: according to Lt. Col. Mike Waters, the Pentagon's
> man on the ground at Incirlik air base in Turkey, "Saddam Hussein
> is killing his own people by firing at us. If the artillery
> doesn't explode when it's fired up, it will come down and explode
> on the ground." Here is a new message, new evidence of Allied
> megalomania: fight back and be struck down where you stand. The
> act of resistance will be your last.
> How near, how clean, how convenient – and how demented. In other
> words, the death of those two Iraqis was due, not to Allied
> bombs, but to a form of modern-day divine intervention. In the
> enormity of their lies, which have taken on all the
> characteristics of a full-blown delusional system, the military
> and political leaders of the Allied nations have become like
> those Roman emperors who imagined themselves gods; like Caligula,
> who had his palace outfitted to look like Olympus, and, as the
> Roman historian Suetonius tells us, occasionally "affected a
> golden beard and carried Jupiter's thunderbolt, Neptune's
> trident, or Mercury's serpent-twined staff. He even dressed up as
> Venus and . . . wore the uniform of a triumphant general, often
> embellished with the breastplate which he had stolen from
> Alexander the Great's tomb at Alexandria." It is easy to imagine
> Clinton as a 21st-century Caligula, but where is our Suetonius?
> (And, more importantly, for those who know their Seutonius: where
> is our Gaius Sabinus?)
> Colonel Waters' explanation of how those two Iraqi civilians came
> to die sounds suspiciously like that of Caligula, who, Suetonius
> relates, "sent a colonel to kill young Tiberius without warning,
> on the pretext that Tiberius had insulted him by taking an
> antidote against poison – his breath smelled of it."
> Unfortunately, there is no known antidote for the poison of
> Western imperialism, which has infected the collective brain of
> our ruling elites. The result is the rampaging madness of our
> murderous foreign policy.
> This time, there are no regrets. If the Iraqis are dying, it is
> their own fault, not ours. The sanctions are Saddam's fault,
> since he has refused to surrender. The starving children are also
> Saddam's responsibility – since he is supposed to be stealing the
> food and medicine and building palaces with the proceeds of his
> oil money. On top of all this, we are asked to believe that the
> Iraqi government is engaged in a massive auto-genocide. This
> obvious lie is repeated endlessly, hypnotically, to a mesmerized
> and massively indifferent American public, which is prepared to
> believe anything about Saddam. But just how long can they expect
> to get away with it? When the bombs really start falling in
> massive numbers, and the Iraqis have the hubris to actually fight
> back, are we going to have to listen to US officials blandly
> declare that "Saddam is killing his own people"?
> The countdown to war begins at the mid-September meeting of the
> foreign ministers of the UN Security Council member states. Once
> again, Britain is the spearhead of the operation: it is the Brits
> who are expected to submit a resolution that will provide a new
> legal rationale for renewed military action against Iraq. Though
> backed by the US, Britain is taking the lead – politically as
> well as rhetorically. Just as President George Bush has his spine
> "stiffened" by the harpy Thatcher, so Clinton is being
> continually hectored into action by Blair and the British Foreign
> Office. This is a development that no doubt pleases the
> "Atlanticist" conservative intellectuals who surround George
> Dubya, but the conservative grassroots have to ask: is the US
> military now taking its marching orders from Number 10 Downing
> Street – and is this what they mean by "NATO expansion"?
> Much has been written about the psychological effects of war on
> the defeated, and on those who actually have to live under the
> daily threat of sudden death. I believe the psychologists when
> they say that these people will bear the scars of their
> experience through all the days of their lives. But there is
> another aspect of this question, and that is the effect on the
> victors: the conquered are humbled, humiliated, and enslaved. But
> what of the alleged "conquerors"? What is needed is a medical
> study of the mind-numbing effect of war propaganda on the
> nation's mental health. It may turn out that the psychological
> scars of "victory" are less terrible, yet uniquely torturous. For
> once again we face the horrible prospect of having to hear Tony
> Blair's shrill pontifications on behalf of this no doubt
> oh-so-"progressive" war. And that is enough to drive anyone mad.
> The first hard news of pending military action against Iraq – an
> Agence France Presse dispatch which we linked to from this site –
> is written in an oblique and even mysterious style. It quotes a
> nameless Western diplomat "well acquainted with Iraqi affairs"
> who warns that the British resolution, if adopted, "will provide
> the United States and Britain with a new legal tool to take
> measures against Iraq. Pressure is rising in the United States to
> impose a deadline on Iraq to meet conditions set by the United
> Nations, after which Washington must act." The diplomat went on
> to state, with an air of considerable authority, that "the US
> administration is under pressure to act quickly with only six
> months left before the start in earnest of the US presidential
> election campaign." Under pressure – from whom?
> Desert Storm II is brought to you by the same bipartisan cabal of
> politicians, profiteers, and ideologues that hailed President
> George Bush's crusade for a "New World Order." Fresh from their
> great "victory" in Kosovo, where the last of the Serb civilians
> are being hunted down and expelled, the NATO-crats are now
> setting their sights on Baghdad. And while there was some dissent
> in ruling circles about the wisdom of Bill and Tony's Excellent
> Adventure, there is unity on the question of war with Iraq. The
> war-loving "progressives" of the Blairite Left and the war-crazed
> Tories in England and America, the Democrats and the Republicans,
> the oil companies and the arms industry, the foreign lobbyists
> and their American fifth column – soon they'll all be clamoring
> for the Allies to "finish the job." Will we wake up one morning,
> some day soon, to find that US troops are in the middle of Iraq,
> fighting alongside the British on the road to Baghdad? The only
> question is: when?
> Under these circumstances, it is necessary for the antiwar
> movement to once again rev up its reluctant motor – or motors –
> and swing into action. Literally, that is what is needed – not
> editorials, articles, "links," and cyber-talk, but action to stop
> this war before it starts. The fate of thousands of Iraqis is in
> your hands. Americans, and West Europeans, as residents of the
> aggressor nations (or, rather, subjects of the aggressor
> governments), have a particular moral responsibility to act
> before it is too late. In the days before the foreign ministers'
> meeting, the first two weeks of September, a visible and vocal
> protest of an exemplary nature is called for. We may not be able,
> as yet, to mobilize great numbers, but what is important is the
> visibility of these actions. We must raise the issue of Iraq,
> before our elected officials, and in public forums, oppose the
> war plans of this administration, and expose the criminal
> sanctions that are killing Iraqi children. Whatever the crimes of
> Saddam Hussein, he will have to answer to his own people, and to
> history, not to some judicial or political authority acting in
> the name of a "New World Order." Our concern is with the crimes
> of our own governments, who bomb and starve children in the name
> of "international law" – and use war as a rationale to expand
> their own power over our lives.
> As one of the most cravenly loyal Democrats in Congress, San
> Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi slavishly followed the Clintonian
> line on Kosovo, and is sure to back any action in the Gulf, just
> as she has in the past. How is it possible that in San Francisco,
> that supposedly anti-war leftist's paradise, Pelosi is allowed to
> get away with being one of the biggest warmongers in Congress?
> It's a mystery to me, but one theory is that San Francisco
> leftists give her a free pass because she is so politically
> correct on other issues. The proof of this will be the response
> to the call of the San Francisco Antiwar Action Group to
> intervene at a public meeting called by Rep. Pelosi, on Saturday,
> September 18, from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. The meeting will be at the
> Herbst International Exhibition Hall, between Montgomery and
> Moraga Streets, above the Main Post in the Presidio. Call her
> office (415-556-4862) for directions. Now is the time for Left
> and Right to unite and fight against the Clintonian war machine
> before it starts raining mass death on Iraq.
> This is a rare public appearance for Pelosi: she almost never
> faces her constituency, and her bugged-out eyes practically pop
> out of her head in panic whenever she is confronted by them in
> large numbers. And that's what we need: large numbers of people
> who want to know how she can be so concerned about "Livable
> Communities" – the ostensible subject of this meeting – and
> support Clinton as he makes whole countries – Serbia, Kosovo,
> Iraq – unlivable. Give me a break! Let her answer to her
> constituents for her complicity in Clinton's crimes – if she can.
> Click here if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and want to
> get involved. If you live elsewhere, click here to send her an
> email.
> Come on, all you San Francisco lefties, Commies and concerned
> "liberals" alike – and all you libertarians out there – wake up
> and let's get busy. We have to start exposing this one before it
> starts.
> Check out Justin Raimondo's article, “China and the New Cold War”
> “Behind the Headlines” appears Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,
> with special editions as events warrant.
> Archived Columns
> •8/27/99 •8/25/99 •8/23/99 •8/20/99 •8/18/99 •8/16/99 •8/13/99
> •8/11/99 •8/9/99 •8/6/99 •8/2/99 •7/30/99 •7/28/99 •7/26/99
> •7/23/99 •7/21/99 •7/19/99 •7/16/99 •7/14/99 •7/12/99 •7/9/99
> •7/7/99 •7/5/99 •7/2/99 •6/30/99 •6/28/99 •6/25/99 •6/23/99
> •6/21/99 •6/18/99 •6/16/99 •6/14/99 •6/11/99 •6/10/99 •6/9/99
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> •5/28/99 •5/27/99 •5/26/99 •5/25/99 •5/24/99 •5/21/99 •5/20/99
> •5/19/99 •5/18/99 •5/17/99 •5/14/99 •5/13/99 •5/12/99 •5/11/99
> •5/10/99 •5/7/99 •5/6/99 •5/5/99 •5/4/99 •5/3/99 •5/1/99 •4/30/99
> •4/29/99 •4/28/99 •4/27/99 •4/26/99 •4/24/99 •4/23/99 •4/22/99
> •4/21/99 •4/20/99 •4/19/99 •4/17/99 •4/16/99 •4/15/99 •4/14/99
> •4/13/99 •4/12/99 •4/10/99 •4/9/99 •4/8/99 •4/7/99 •4/6/99
> •4/5/99 •4/3/99 •4/2/99 •4/1/99 •3/31/99 •3/30/99 •3/29/99
> •3/28/99 •3/27/99
> Justin Raimondo is the editorial director of Antiwar.com. He is
> also the author of Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy
> of the Conservative Movement (with an Introduction by Patrick J.
> Buchanan), (1993), and Into the Bosnian Quagmire: The Case
> Against US Intervention in the Balkans (1996). He is an Adjunct
> Scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute, in Auburn, Alabama,
> a Senior Fellow at the Center for Libertarian Studies, and writes
> frequently for Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. He is
> the author of An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N.
> Rothbard (forthcoming from Prometheus Books).
> Please Support Antiwar.com
> A contribution of $20 or more gets you a copy of Justin
> Raimondo's Into the Bosnian Quagmire: The Case Against US
> Intervention in the Balkans, a 60-page booklet packed with the
> kind of intellectual ammunition you need to fight the lies being
> put out by this administration and its allies in Congress. Send
> contributions to
> Antiwar.com
> 520 S. Murphy Avenue, #202
> Sunnyvale, CA 94086

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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