-Caveat Lector-

>From intellectualcapital.com

> Truth, Justice and the American Way
> by Pete du Pont
> Thursday, August 26, 1999
> Comments: 89 posts <Picture>
> For decades, the Chinese government has
> been lying about the weather. The China Youth Daily reports that
> the government does not want people to realize that hot weather
> and suffocating air pollution are deteriorating the quality of
> life in Chinese cities. So for more than 30 years -- until last
> month -- the government never has reported a temperature higher
> than 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
> One’s immediate reaction is smugness. How could those crazy
> communists think they could get away with something as
> transparent as lying about the weather? And if they lie about the
> temperature …
> Lying from the top down
> But in America we have liars in high places, too. The federal
> judge in Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit against President
> Clinton found that Clinton gave “false, misleading and evasive
> answers that were designed to obstruct the judicial process,” and
> fined him $90,000 because he “deliberately violated this court’s
> discovery orders, thereby undermining the integrity of the
> judicial system.” (For which the American Bar Association
> rewarded him in the same week with an invitation to address its
> annual meeting. Nice timing, sort of a retrospective aiding and
> abetting of perjury by the organization supposedly dedicated to
> supporting the rule of law.)
> <Picture:  Could a government that lies about sex lie about other
> things? > Could a government that lies about sex lie about other
> things? The president also lied to us when he said, “I did not
> have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” Could it
> be that a government that lies about sex also could lie about
> other things as well? Sort of like the Chinese government does?
> Read on, and see for yourself.
> Item: The July 24 New York Times reported in a front-page story
> that at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, an arm of the Energy
> Department, scientific work tying cancer to electric power cables
> was fabricated in order to gain additional grants. You may recall
> that some years ago the power line/cancer link caused furor among
> the Luddites: The evil industrialists were at it at it again,
> inflicting cancer on unsuspecting citizens. More than a billion
> dollars was spent mitigating a non-existent threat created by
> falsifying data.
> Item: The Alar scare warned that America’s children were at risk
> every time they ate an apple because, according to CBS’ "60
> minutes," Alar was “the most cancer-causing agent in our food
> supply.” Former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop concluded
> after studying the data that “the truth is that Alar never did
> pose a health hazard” and that our food supply is safe “just
> because of chemicals like Alar.” The Environmental Protection
> Agency combined with CBS and the Natural Resources Defense
> Council to falsely use Alar as a scare tactic to increase
> government regulation of suspected carcinogens.
> Item: Remember the silicone breast-implant hoax. The Food and
> Drug Administration (FDA) banned these implants in 1992. With the
> help of Ralph Nader’s organizations, a gory-but-misleading NBC
> news report and the nation's trial lawyers, some 3,500 lawsuits
> were filed, Dow Corning declared bankruptcy, and the left had
> another science-gone-mad issue. Almost immediately, credible
> medical organizations, from the American Medical Association and
> Harvard University to the Mayo Clinic and the New England Journal
> of Medicine found no basis for silicone-gel breast implants
> causing cancer.
> On June 24 this year, the National Academy of Sciences Institute
> of Medicine issued its final congressionally requested report.
> What was the link between the implants and diseases such as lupus
> and cancer? There was none.
> Factual manipulation: an American tradition
> In the first example, the scientist in the government laboratory
> was lying for financial gain. (Does “it’s only about money” sound
> like a good defense?). In the second, an agency of the government
> combined with private organizations to present false data. In the
> third, the FDA lied about breast implants causing disease.
> Unfortunately, it does not stop there. Accepted prevarication at
> the top encourages misinterpretation further down the liberal
> food chain. Public broadcasting stations swearing they are
> unbiased presenters of information while as a matter of policy
> trading fund-raising lists with the Democratic Party, for
> example.
> Or the Death Penalty Information Center, a private advocacy
> group, releasing the conclusions of a study without the
> supporting data, purportedly showing that in Philadelphia black
> murderers are four times as likely as whites to receive the death
> penalty. In truth, blacks received a death-penalty sentence 18%
> of the time, whites 13% -- hardly four times -- and a shift of
> approximately 2% in sentencing among blacks and whites would have
> made the rates equal.
> <Picture:  The manipulation of information is used to increase
> the power of the state  > The manipulation of information is used
> to increase the power of the state The common thread in these
> examples is that the untruthful manipulation of information is
> being used to increase the power of the state. Creating the
> illusion of danger keeps governments in power, issuing more
> regulations, funding more agencies, rewarding faithful
> constituencies with financial gain and pushing the agendas of
> political organizations. The symbiotic relationship between the
> government and environmental activists -- anti-technology
> advocates and racial-quota advocates, for example -- often
> creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.
> So the next time you feel superior to those red retrogrades
> running the government in Beijing, forget it. Unfortunately, the
> bell tolls for us as well.
> Pete du Pont is the editor of IntellectualCapital.com. He is a
> former Republican governor and congressman from Delaware. His
> e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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