-Caveat Lector-

Reno planned final assault with Delta Force operatives
Classified documents, Special Forces sources
show military warned her about use of CS gas


By Betsy Gibson
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Contrary to public statements made in recent days, Attorney General Janet
Reno and FBI officials planned the final deadly assault on the Branch
Davidian church in Waco, Texas, with top officers of the Delta Force,
according to classified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information
Act and Special Forces sources.

The FBI actually requested that Special Forces Delta Force operatives consult
with them, be present on the scene and maintain equipment in preparation for
a resolution of the 1993 51-day standoff that resulted in a fire that killed
80 civilians including many children, according to the documents and a
knowledgeable military source.

Despite this powerful evidence, as of yesterday an FBI spokesman, Tron
Brekke, was still telling the Dallas Morning News that he could not say
whether Delta Force might have actively assisted the FBI in any way in Waco
"because I don't think anybody knows. ... That's part of the reason that the
attorney general and the director are, in a very expeditious manner, going to
have 40 assistant inspectors and whoever is chosen to lead them come down and
find out definitively what did happen," he said. "I don't know what was done
or wasn't done down there."

Meanwhile, the documented information WorldNetDaily has obtained reveals that
not only did Reno actively seek involvement by Delta Force, but she was
warned at one meeting she attended with the FBI, Delta Force Colonel John
Boykin and Webster Hubbell that the use of CS tear gas would have a variety
of effects, one of which would be "Some people would panic, Quote: "mothers
may run off and leave infants."

The FBI's admission just days ago that pyrotechnic tear-gas canisters "may
have been used" was an abrupt reversal of a six-year denial that its agents
used anything capable of sparking a fire at the compound. The Delta Force
document detailing the Delta Force/Reno/FBI meeting notes that when Reno
asked Delta Force officers for their "assessment" of the plan, she was told:
"This was not a military operation and could not be assessed as such. We
explained that the situation was not one that we had ever encountered and
that the Rules of Engagement for the FBI were substantially different than
for a military operation. [name redacted] stated, "We can't grade your
paper," as a way of explaining our position."

A WorldNetDaily Special Forces source who analyzed this and other statements
says Delta Force was clearly uncomfortable with any association with the
FBI's plans at Waco.

In another section of the document, a Delta Force colonel writes: "My final
comments were that I believed that the HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) should
consider pulling their people off the target for a short period to retrain
and polish some of the perishable(WND: difficult to read, looks like
"perishable") skills. I made it clear that I was not encouraging an immediate
execution of the operation. My exact words were, "I don't have a dog in this

WorldNetDaily's source says he believes that statement shows again how Delta
Force cringed over getting involved at WACO, "I believe he (the Delta Force
colonel) meant that he didn't want to be directly involved in it, and did not
want to be dragged into it. Delta Force operators, and Task Force 160
operators continually cautioned the FBI against attempting an "open air
assault" on the target, and stated emphatically that they did not want to be
involved in firing on or assaulting American civilians, according to a
source. These official and unofficial comments went ignored and, in fact, one
Special Operations Officer was threatened with court-martial if he continued
to protest, the source said. At another point in the document, Delta Force
personnel explain to Reno that Special Forces encounters are almost always
militaristic and involve outright enemies who are often heavily armed. Delta
Force explains that in its standard modus operandi it was, "The principles of
surprise, speed and violence of action [that] were essential to any
operation. [redacted] stated that momentum should be maintained and that
ground gained should not be relinquished." A WND military source says
"violence of action" usually refers to killing the "hostiles."

A former Special Forces commando says he spoke yesterday to a Delta Force
commando who was present at the final tear-gas assault on the Branch Davidian
compound. Keith Idema, who was a member of Special Forces and Special
Operations units from 1975 to 1992 and helped to train hostage rescue team
personnel for both Delta Force and the FBI, says pictures from Waco released
this week by the Texas Department of Public Safety have been mistakenly
identified by the department as gun silencers and suppressors belonging to
David Koresh and his followers which were found inside the compound after the
fire. Idema says they are actually concussion grenades manufactured by a
company, Defense Technology, and purchased by the FBI.

Idema also says the bright light seen on video footage as flashing inside the
building moments before the fire broke out have been misidentified as a fire
started by Branch Davidian leader David Koresh, when, in fact, to the trained
eye of a Special Forces explosive expert it is unmistakably the flash caused
by a "concussion grenade" that has been lobbed inside the compound. A
concussion grenade uses a brilliant flash and loud bang to render an enemy in
its vicinity blind, deaf and immobile for a brief period during which
commandos can overpower them. Such grenades should be used only for military
purposes and were wholly inappropriate, if not illegal to be used in a
situation involving women and children -- and any situation where potentially
inflammable tear gas was still hanging in the air, the former Special Forces
operative said.

Charges that the FBI used incendiary grenades which may have caused the fire
were dismissed by Reno. For six years, since the assault on April 19, 1993,
until six days ago, Reno maintained that no military weapons were used. When
a report from Texas DPS forced her to admit that some might have been used,
she still dismissed any possibility that they could have caused the fire,
stating that they were used in the early morning hours before the fire began.
According to Idema, the FBI was taking an ill-advised chance using a military
CS tear gas grenade at any time knowing that, unlike the kind of tear gas
used in civilian situations, this type leaves a vapor that hangs in the air
for a longer period of time and can ignite under certain circumstances.

The concussion grenades and military fuses he says were used moments before
the fire broke out could have ignited the lingering tear gas vapors and
started the fire. Idema also points out that other photographs released
clearly show an FBI agent with a .50-caliber Browning machine gun next to his

Such weapons are to be used only against armored equipment and weapons,
certainly not civilians, says Idema.

"Why were they there?" he asks. "Koresh didn't have any tanks or helicopters,
or APCs. The Geneva Convention states that these weapons are never to be used
in an anti-personnel role."

The bureau's admission that such devices "may have been used" marked an
abrupt reversal of a long-standing denial that its agents used anything
capable of sparking a fire at the church.

Bureau and Justice Department officials have maintained that the devices
could not have played a role in the fire because they were used hours before
the blaze and were fired at an underground bunker adjacent to the wooden
church compound.

A pending wrongful-death suit filed by surviving Branch Davidians and
families of the dead has alleged that agents launched pyrotechnic devices
into the compound and fired into the building. The government vehemently
denies those charges.

Federal officials from President Clinton down have staunchly maintained in
the six years since the tragedy that FBI agents did not fire a single shot
during the entire 51-day siege.

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