-Caveat Lector-

It never is too late.  Never.  According to law enforcement authorities (in
Ohio I spoke to), murder cases are at least theoretically never shut.  It
doesn't matter if it takes 20 years or 50, they can always be re-opened.  As
far as lessons, in point of fact, no -- nobody EVER gets over contorversial
situations or uninvestigated murders.  No.  They really don't.  Look at JFK
-- whoa.  The world has never been the same since, nor have they ever gotten
over Di or Marilyn or the other 50 or more celebs the world loved.  No.  The
NWO does NOT win in these situations.  Thus, what the NWO is attempting to do
now is eliminate EVERY possible icon of Americana that there exists -- celebs
beware.  Get OUT of the public limelight.  Cause, the point as I see it with
so many obvious murders since 1963, is that jealously & envy are the literal
bottom lines of all crime synidcates and the FEDS (FBI & CIA).  We are in
very serious WAR society, which IS like a Gulag, eliminating every single
person it can -- however  clandestinely.  Those who survive are those who are
1) shut up and then protected by either an Intel unit or cult (the cult stuff
often costs money -- like can ruin a person financially) or crime syndicate
like the Mafia (again, financial ruin for the individual), 2) belong and are
liked in freemason org (like Masons, Eastern STar, Mormons, other social
secretive groups), 3) those who are on the run -- living in rec vehicles and
on the move consistently and even this is often not enough tho to protect
them as people DO get tracked from place to place, 4) those who are owned by
pimps/johns and are used by them and protected by them.  What this is, is a
"SEND WAR" -- in part a war about electrical frequencies -- which can effect
nearly any body reaction if they are used appropriately on an individual.
AND this is a mind control WAR, with the entire human public being used for
experimentations.  Changes in electrical magnetic energy in the atmosphere
can indeed change, it appears the WHOLE of human behavior in one region or
community.  Hence, people will wind up in trances in public, in grocery
stores, in malls, in public areas and businesses, IF someone is working a
frequency assault upon that area.  And how these assault occur is another
whole topic, not the topic of this email.

But, the fact that we are living NOW in a false society, with horrendous
public assaults going on in nearly every community (war weapons are both
chemical weapons and beam weapons) is simply not at issue in this author's
mind.  This is REAL.   These assaults on innocent people are real.  People
are not being "allowed" to stay outside even of their homes in the U.S.  The
same is true for Europe (my visits there two months ago and 3 years ago) --
people are not leaving their homes, they are not living normally anywhere in
Holland or in France or in England, in fact the animals aren't living
normally either.  I didn't see a single BIRD in Holland or the UK after
visiting some six cities there.  I only saw about 6 schrikes in Salebury UK.
That was it.  NO BIRDS.  The Bronx hasn't had birds for 5 years, neither has
northern NJ until this year.  And FINALLY we have some sparrows and
mockingbirds.  This is verifiable, through videotapes and people's statements
here.  But, I consider this without a doubt a full-fledged WAR situation.
The environments and people are frozen.

    So when is the public going to break loose and begin major public
outcries depicting the truth????  WHEN????  Are we going to kick the whole
notion of "sly" and begin talking the truth outloud?  When do we start really
opening this thing up?

    On balance, much of this scenario may really be tied to highly unusual
new technologies and elements beyond public human knowledge.  It really MAY
have do with creatures from the deep and other control entities -- IN
REALITY, we may be dealing with a real war assault from outside forces that
are not now public.

    These appear to be the only answers to verifiable situations occurring
around a great many people these days.  Not a doubt that there definitely ARE
(whatever you want to call em) --  highly unusual and intelligent animals
including the "send fish" or "love fish" -- or slippery eels, which these
POOR innocent mind control victims have been used viciously in procuring by
pimps and Intel agents for decades.

    THIS situation probably constitutes the major portion of Intel "black
projects" worldwide -- these are NOT DRUG adventures or stings.  NO. These
are not drug situations directly NO.  These ARE situations of procurement of
specialized, intelligent species which people are using to obtain favors and
gifts from others through.  The people who NEED to carry around these
send-fishes on a daily basis are the following:  1) Intel agents who are
implanted and therefore at risk for harm by those that recognize they are
implanted and being used by syndicates for harvesting these animals and other
animal games, 2) elderly who are at risk of having their funds stolen by
curmudgeon crime groups, 3) the young who don't know better and want to use
the fish to catch a mate or obtain a better job, etc. -- the fish provide
"good sends" in public environments -- and anyone else who knows that
obtaining these fish really does help people to move on with their lives.....

    Many mind control victims are in the position of  being used as nets for
"fishers" who want to move on with their lives.   This obviously brings up
the possibility that CHRISTIANS are in the position of being fisherman -- and
using mind control victims for their "send catches" -- or "send fish" to set
up their lives.  This may be a wrong assessement on my part -- and I
apologize to anyone so offended.  As I believe that Christians have
conscience -- and may be the ones to open UP this use of humans in horrendous
bondage -- as humans in a "frequency" catch, animal scenario.  Pimps KNOW
what is going on here, and if Reptilians exist (which really may be REAL) --
and pimps know all about the use of the send fish.

    SO DO YOU!!!  Look on the sidewalks in your area.  You will see spots of
"tar" all about the sidewalks -- esp. in areas where syndicates hang out.
These are NOT chewing gum.   THey are also not tar.  THese are the dead
remains of these unuusal send-fishes.  The pimps throw them out unless they
materialize and look good.  IF they look bad, they pimps/syndicate throw them
out and on the pavement.  NYC is littered with the dead remains of these
animals on sidewalks.  NO they are not chewing gum.  Try digging these up.
NO they are not tar.  Tar doesn't get on its own 8 feet from the street.  I
say, these are dead TAR BABIES.  Society MUST face its use of this system and
people thrown into it, it MUST face the use of innocent people in the whole
major system of the use of these frequency "SENDS" -- this is an entire study
onto itself.  As Delgado made plain.

    American has grown up WRONG.  Plainly wrong.  So did Europe.  And now
that we know that these creatures from the deep actually DO exist, what the
hell are we gonna do about them???  We need to demand that this govt answer
our questions in PUBLIC.  These horrendous mind control wars MUST CEASE.
And all of us are being badly and horrendously bludgeoned by this day after
day.  The milllineum turning doesn't really mean shit.  IF these wars are not
yet acknowledged and scientifically opened up, and in the public view.  TOMMY
must be released and mourned for properly.  Until this occurrs none of
society will EVER move on with artists, with hope, with a future.

    We haven't had a generation to really unleash great people into society
SINCE the counter culture -- NO.  We have no role models upon which to build
our thinking and imaginations -- we are without JOY.   And I don't expect
that joy will come without opening up these intel secrets -- without opening
up the full story of these creatures from the deep.  The "send fish" or "love
fish" are only the tip, probably a much larger iceberg.

    My best, Judith

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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