-Caveat Lector-

This was forwarded (unbeknownst to me) by a "neighbor" and acquaintance in
the Asheville area to Jean Hudon, who forwarded it to me..  from Asheville
to Quebec and back.... and  on to you...

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hudon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 1999 12:14 AM
To: Dave

Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 17:52:39 -0400
From: Shanna Mac Lean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please post this to our list

Dear Jean and Earth Rainbow Network:  The following is a detailed and
hair-raising description of the next step proposed for eliminating any
personal rights we now have. This bears careful reading. It is the last
frontier for freedom fighters, and it is very real. If this occurs, free
will and all individuality will cease!  In love, Shanna

From: "ScanThisNews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: Who can I talk to about IDs for school lunch programs?

Hello Eric:

In response to your request for input on the "pros and cons" of some of the
various methods and technologies that could be used to identify, monitor,
and track children in the administration of school lunch programs, I have
the following to offer.

I am thoroughly convinced that as you explore this issue you will ultimately
conclude, the only truly secure method for record keeping and monitoring of
children is to use implantable microchip IDs.

Implanted microchips are the only solution where "positive identification"
is perceived as a need. All of the other techniques you mentioned - i.e. ID
number, fingerprint scans, and voices recognition - are too fallible. They
are all prone to error and hacking. They are not reliable.

With implanted microchips, a complete and accurate accounting can be made of
each child's lunch purchase. Each child can be numbered, monitored, and
tracked with no obtrusive interaction with the monitoring system. In fact,
the children will not even know when or how they are being tracked,
monitored, and counted.

Keep in mind: Kids and adults forget login passwords and numbers. People are
already becoming tired of all the many different cards and digital keys they
have to keep up with. And, logging in and out of systems takes up too much
time using conventional identification techniques. To suggest yet another
one of the conventional methods is not likely to sell well with a finicky
public. For these and other reasons which I will get into, I'm certain you
will ultimately conclude - after long, careful study - that implanted
microchips are your best choice. They are the only identification technology
which will both eliminate the inherent potential for errors and at the same
time relieve the recipient of the inconveniences of multiple cards,
memorized numbers, and arcane passwords.

Let's face it: ID numbers, ID cards, voice recognition, fingerscans, etc.,
all require considerable, time-consuming interaction with the "accounting
device" - whatever that turns out to be. Imagine each student, for instance,
having to pause upon entering school to get their finger scanned, then again
when they go outside for Physical Education, another time when they came
back in, and once again when they leave school at the end of the day. Add to
this all the other interactions where ID is necessary, such as the lunch
program, testing, counseling, field trips, ball games, after school
activities, and - well, you get the idea. All this would add hours to the
school day!

The implanted microchip will eliminate all this time-consuming interaction.

Oh sure, there'll be numerous programs implemented in the interim using
conventional systems. But ultimately, all of these will be deemed
unreliable, tamper-prone, cumbersome to use, and generally unworkable. Why
waste time on the other technologies when they are destined to fail?

You would, however, be truly remiss to limit your thinking to only the
school lunch program.

As you are undoubtedly aware, considerable attention is being given
presently to the issue of safety in public schools. Everyone, from the
President and U.S. Attorney General on down through Congress, is currently
wrestling with the problem of how to protect children in school. It's
perfectly conceivable that whoever first suggests the implanted microchip ID
system for school children will be sitting on a virtual gold mine. The key
to success will be to time the proposal to coincide with some national
tragedy or emergency. A cadre of Congressmen and legislators will also first
have to be cultivated. Additionally, you'll need an established
bleeding-hearts organization to beat the media drum - the anti-gun groups
are well-seasoned at this task. Then, when the tragedy hits and everyone is
rushing to adopt a "solution" - any solution - spring the microchip
proposal. This is a tried and proven method. The legislation will, of
course, need to have already been drafted well ahead of time, so get an
early start.

As you know, the pilot programs for microchip implants using animals have
been a huge success. The initial phase was to implant non-domesticated
animals such as cows and other livestock. The program was then moved on into
the domesticated animal group. Initially, there where some who were
skeptical of whether the public would accept this application. Those fears
were quickly abated, however, when the public rushed out in droves to get
their dogs and cats chipped. Very soon, a whole generation of kids will have
grown up around pets having an ID microchip buried just under their flesh.
These kids will have seen that their cuddly little Fido and cute little
Felix had no adverse affect whatsoever from the tiny number-encoded implant
that can't be seen or felt.

Unquestionably, the conditioning process is ripe for moving on to children.
I doubt there will be much serious objection from the majority of parents
who have, after all, already VOLUNTARILY gotten their children numbered and
their pets chipped.

In case you are not already familiar with the technology, implantable
microchips are about the size of a grain of rice. Each one has a unique
number programmed into it. The ones used for animals, marketed in North
America primarily by Avid, use the numbering convention of: NNN-NNN-NNN
(with "N" representing a numerical digit). These nine-digit numbers, not
coincidentally, correspond nicely with the Social Security Number which also
has nine digits in the format: NNN-NN-NNNN. Each child's SSN could simply be
programmed into their individual chip, alleviating the need to develop yet
another numbering system. The implant only takes a minute and can be done
using local anesthesia. All children in a given school could be chipped in a
single day.

With present technology, microchip data can be scanned from slightly more
than a foot away. As improvements are made, the distance for scanning will
be increased to several feet and perhaps several yards very soon. The
scanners themselves cost only few hundred dollars and the cost will quickly
go down as more go into use.

Implanted microchips will stay permanently attached to their host for as
long as their flesh clings to their bones - they last for ever.

Remember, the attraction for implanted microchips goes far, FAR beyond the
obvious benefits of simply tracking kids through school. Once the entire
population is chipped, State and Federal government agencies throughout the
world will finally have a tool to completely eliminate all crime. The
problems of terrorism, dead-beat dads, illegal aliens, welfare fraud,
insurance fraud, tax cheats, AND ALL OTHER CRIMES will be totally and
completely eliminated once the microchip concept is launched!

Eventually, chip scanners will, by law, be required at entrances to all
publicly-accessible buildings. The precedence for this was set when
governments began requiring handicap parking spaces at all public
facilities, and with the bans on smoking in privately-owned public
establishments. It will be a simple matter - with the justification of
eliminating crime and fraud - to require every establishment to install
microchip scanners at all entrances and then only to allow access to those
individuals whose chip-scan is approved. This in itself could effectively
eliminate robberies.

Businesses will only be allowed to hire workers who have chips; this will
serve to crack down on the employment of illegal-immigrants. Only those
people with chips will be allowed to drive so that the state can get "bad
drivers" off the road. No one will be allowed to board a plane without a
chip; this will eliminate international terrorism. All purchases will
necessitate a microchip implant which will stop check-writing and credit
card fraud. No public, social benefits will be allowed unless and until the
recipient has a chip - of course to stop welfare fraud.

A lifetime of information can be easily databased using a microchip system.
All movement, transactions, and interactions can be recorded and monitored
once everyone has their own unique identifier. Every detail of a person's
life will finally be accessible to authorities through the wide-spread use
of implanted ID chips. This will take several years - perhaps even a
generation - to fully implement however. But, it must begin somewhere and
school children are the most likely candidate.

All of the tools and mechanisms to enforce compliance are already available
and in place. And the public has demonstrated a readiness and willingness to
accept such a system.

Once the idea catches on, the "implantees" will undoubtedly see the huge
benefit of using their microchips for all of their routine monitoring and
control applications that they have become so fondly accustomed to - such as
licensing, identification, check-writing, traveling, buying and selling,
voting, etc. As you can see, the possibilities are truly endless. They'll
appreciate the "safety and security" the microchips provide.

You may ask: What if some ungrateful social misfit thinks he can "escape the
system" and attempts to surgically remove his chip? The answer is simple,
he'll not be able to function socially without one! The framework for this
was developed and established with the Social Security Number. In the
future, all transactions and social interactions will require a
machine-readable implanted microchip in place of the number. Chip scanners
will be installed everywhere; just like the product scanners are now.

O.K., there'll be some opposition at first. There'll be those who'll put up
a small amount of resistance. Some will holler: "The Constitution this, and
the Constitution that." But only those social misfits, kooks, and rebels
with something to hide will hold out strongly. Little will they know, the
very act of objecting, in itself, will suffice to "identify" them as
trouble-makers. They can then be arrested and force-chipped as part of the
booking process! Besides, most Americans - after they've been reminded of
all benefits and services they will sacrifice if they refuse - will soon
acquiesce. This is how it worked when Congress enacted laws to coerce
parents into numbering their children at birth. A few grumbled for a short
while. But, once the threat of no-longer being able to claim their children
on tax returns set in, they got right in line down at the Social Security
Administration and had their children numbered, one-by-one.

Besides, give me one good reason that a responsible member of society would
object to a simple little ID chip, in light of all the benefits to society
they would provide?

The injections hurt only slightly more than ear-piercing, and nowadays
they're piercing every conceivable part of their body. It's many-times less
painful than circumcision. After a short healing period, the chips are
completely painless, can't be felt, and can't be seen. With all the
convenience they'll provide to both society and individuals alike, why
should anyone object? Clearly, only lawbreakers with something to hide will

Don't give me that religious argument. Everyone will still have a right to
believe anything they want to. Besides, no one's going to force anyone to
get a chip; they just simply won't be able to function in normal society
without it. It'll be each individual's own choice whether to get one or not.

By the way, since the public schools have been so successful in their "drug
and sedate" campaign, most of the "problem" kids - the "rebels" - are
already on Ritalin and Prozac. As a result, they won't be capable of
resisting and therefore the microchip program is going to be much easier to
get established there.

Thanks for contacting me and providing an opportunity for me to address this


Scott McDonald

>I'm researching the use of biometrics technology in school
>cafeterias to ID students. What are the ethical issues involved?
>Is it better for kids to punch in an ID number, have a finger
>print scanned or have their voices recognized by a computer in
>order to buy food off of their "account". What are the things
>we should be concerned about as we deploy cafeteria systems?
>Who can I talk to about these issues by phone?
>Eric Lazarus
>560 West 43rd Street, Suite 8J
>NY, NY 10036
>Phone: (212) 239-9768
>Fax: (212) 290-8384

Date: Sat, 22 May 1999
From: Shanna Mac Lean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: More on biochip implants

Date: Fri, 21 May 1999
From: Wayne Moody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

May 8-20, 1999

Companies Want Biochip Implants to Control and Monitor Employee Performance
By Steve Bevan
(Thanks to Greg Calvert for sending this one in, under the heading, ìWe Are

BIG BROTHER could soon be watching from the 'inside.' Several international
companies are consulting scientists on ways of developing microchip
implants for their workers to measure their timekeeping and whereabouts.
The technology, which has been proven on pets and human volunteers, would
enable firms to track staff all around a building or complex. The data
could enable them to draw up estimates of workers' efficiency and
productivity.   Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University, a leading
cybernetics expert, has been approached by several firms including a
leading software company with a British subsidiary and Blackbaud Inc, the
American software giant. Warwick hit the headlines last summer when he had
a silicon chip transponder surgically implanted in his forearm. He was
subsequently able to show how a computer could monitor every move he made
using detectors that were scattered around the building in which he worked.
  In his experiment, Warwick showed how the system could also benefit
workers by programming it to switch on lights, computers and heating
systems as he entered a room - and turning them off when he left.   The
technology is likely to have a strong appeal to companies with high labour
costs, for which small increases in staff
productivity can have a big impact on profits. It is also relatively cheap
- just a few pounds for each person, according to Warwick.   "For a
business the potential is obvious," he said. "You can tell when people
clock into work and when they leave the building. You would know at all
times exactly where they were and who they were with."  Warwick admits that
people will be "shocked" by the idea of companies asking their employees to
have such implants. He said: "It is pushing at the limits of what society
will accept but it is not such a big deal. Many employees already carry
swipecards. I think this is just a step on from that."   His research
follows earlier experiments by companies such as the telecommunications
firm AT&T that showed how smart cards carried by staff could be programmed
to relay a worker's position back to a central computer. AT&T Laboratories
in Cambridge has been working on its "smart badges" for two years. They use
ultrasound to tell the main computer exactly where the wearer is, allowing
their desktop computers and phone calls to "follow" them around the
building.   The company has, however, stopped short of suggesting staff
should have devices inserted into their bodies.  The first practical
application of such technology is, however, not in humans but in pets.
Under the government's new "passports for pets" scheme, which replaces the
quarantine system from 2001, dogs will have a microchip implanted beneath
their skin to identify who they belong to.  Representatives from police
forces in Britain and the United States have also expressed interest in the
implant technology, according to Warwick.   He believes that submitting to
an implant could be made a condition, for example, of being granted a gun

Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 16:30:18 -0400
From: Shanna Mac Lean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: more on microchips

Posted by Nexus on September 08, 1997
The Microchip and the Mark of the Beast

"Dr Carl W. Sanders is an electronics engineer, inventor, author
and consultant to various government organizations as well as IBM,
General Electric, Honeywell and Teledyne. He is also a winner of
the Presidents and Governors Award for Design Excellence. "Thirty
two years of my life was spent in design engineering and electronics
designing microchips in the Bio-Med field. In 1968 I became
involved, almost by accident, in a research and development project
in regard to a spinal bypass for a young lady who had severed her
spine. They were looking at possibly being able to connect motor
nerves etc. It was a project we were all excited about. There were
100 people involved and I was senior engineer in charge of the
project. This project culminated in the microchip that we talk about
now a - microchip that I believe is going to be the positive
identification and mark of the beast.

This microchip is recharged by body temperature changes. Obviously
you can't go in and have your battery changed every so often, so
the microchip has a recharging circuit that charges based upon the
body temperature changes. Over one and a half million dollars was
spent finding out that the two places in the body that the temperature
changes the most rapidly are in the forehead (primary position),
right below the hairline, and the back of the hand (alternative

Working on the microchip, we had no idea about it ever being an
identification chip. We looked at it as being a very humanitarian thing
to do. We were all excited about what we were doing. We were
doing high-level integration for the very first time. This team was
made up of people out of San Jose, people from Motorola, General
Electric, Boston Medical Center - it was quite a group of people.

My responsibility had to do with the design of the chip itself, not
the medical side of if. As the chip came to evolve, there came a time
in the project when they said that the financial return on bypassing
severed spines is not a very lucrative thing for us to be into, so we
really need to look at some other areas. We noticed that the
frequency of the chip had a great effect upon behavior and so we
began to branch off and look possibly at behavior modification.

The project almost turned into electronic acupuncture because what
they ended up with was embedding the microchip to put out a signal
which effected certain areas. They were able to determine that you
could cause behavioral change. One of the projects was called the
Phoenix project which had to do with Vietnam veterans. We had a
chip that was called the Rambo chip. This chip would actually cause
extra adrenaline flow.

I wonder how many of you know that if you can stop the output of
the the pituitary gland (the signal from the pituitary gland that causes
oestrogen flow), you can put a person into instant menopause and
there is no conception. This was tested in India and other different
parts of the world. So here you have got a birth control tool, based
on a microchip.

Microchips can also be used for migraine headaches, behavior
modification, upper/downer, sexual stimulant and sexual depressant.
This is nothing more that electronic acupuncture, folks.

There are 250,000 components in the microchip, including a tiny
lithium battery. I fought them over using lithium as a battery source
but NASA was doing a lot with lithium at that time and it was the
going thing. I had talked to a doctor at the Boston Medical Center
about what that concentration of lithium in the body could do if the
chip broke down. He said that you would get a boil or grievous sore.

As the development moved along, I left the project and came back
as a consultant several times. I was used in many meetings as an
expert witness in regard to the uses of the microchip. I was in one
meeting where it was discussed. How can you control a people if
you can't identify them ?" All of a sudden the idea came: "Lets make
them aware of lost children, etc." This was discussed in meetings
almost like people were cattle. The CIA came up with an idea of
putting pictures of lost children on milk cartons. Since the chip is
now accepted, you don't see the pictures anymore, do you. It's
served it's purpose.

As we developed this microchip, as the identification chip became
the focal point, there were several things that were wanted. They
wanted a name, an image (picture of your face), Social security
number with the international digits on it, finger print identification,
physical description, family history, address, occupation, income
tax information and criminal record.

I've been in 17 "one world" meetings where this has been discussed,
meetings in Brussels, Luxembourg, tying together the finances of
the world. Just recently in the newspapers they've talked about the
Health Care Program, the "Womb to Tomb" identification!  A
positive identification. There are bills before congress right now
that will allow them to inject a microchip in your child at the time
of birth for identification purposes. The president of the United
States of America, under the "Emigration of Control Act of 1986",
Section 100 , has the authority to deem whatever type of
identification is necessary - whether it be an invisible tattoo or
electronic media under the skin. So I think you have to look at the
facts, folks: this is not coming as some big shock. The paving has
been done ahead of time."

From: "ScanThisNews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ScanThisNews Recipients List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FP] SCAN FAQ - Microchip Technology

[Note: This version of the SCAN Microchip FAQ has been shortened for email
purposes. The web page version has additional excerpts from referenced
articles and additional commentary.]

ver: 5.23.99

(Frequently Asked Questions)

The complete Microchip FAQ is available at:


There are basically three categories of individual microchip devices
available today; they are: 1) implantable microchip capsules which are
either injected or surgically implanted for permanent applications; 2)
insertable microchip capsules which may be introduced into body cavities or
swallowed for temporary requirements; and, 3) external devices that can be
either worn or carried for applications where only intermittent use is

Of these three types of individual microchip technologies, a multitude of
applications already exist, and new ones are being considered. The
commercially available implantable chips have limited functionality using
present technology. Typically, these implantable and insertable chips are
only capable of storing very small amounts of information or monitoring a
limited number of specific body functions. This information can then be
transmitted to an external receiver.


Frequently Asked Questions:

1) What implantable microchip systems currently exist?

2) How do individual microchips work?

3) Who is presently using implantable ID chips?

4) Who keeps track of the animals using their implanted ID chips?

5) What new and future uses are emerging for individual microchips?


5) What new and future uses are emerging for individual microchips?

A. There are very few official public reports which reveal exactly what is
being considered for possible future uses of microchip technology. Several
reasons exist for this secrecy. One is that such information is generally
proprietary and companies do not want to expose their technology.

However, some of the uses for microchip implants that have been reported in
public news outlets include:

o At least one researcher, Professor Kevin Warwick (the same on who was
injected with a microchip in the ten-day test) has publicly discussed using
microchip implants to: control gun ownership; regulate access to public
facilities; and, monitor employees.[4]

o The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is developing
implantable microchip technology for a number of new monitoring technologies
for both space-related and commercial applications.[5]

o A newly developed technology will allow prescription drugs to be
automatically dispensed and administered using implanted microchips. The
chip itself will contain tiny amounts of concentrated doses in hundreds of
individuals compartments. The chip can be programmed to release the drug
upon command or on regularly scheduled intervals.[7]

o International bankers may be considering using implantable ID chips for
financial transactions.[9]

o General Motors, Toyota, and Ford Motor Company are among the major auto
makers using microchip technology in conjunction with satellites the Global
Positioning System (GPS) to locate stolen automobiles. Additionally, these
systems are used to lock and unlock car doors, start or stop the
automobile's engine, or to summons emergency personnel in the event the
vehicle is involved in an accident, which can also be detected by the
system. Monitoring is handled at a single, central location.[10]

o Another company, GlobalTrac, claims to have a similar system in place that
can be used to locate children, dignitaries, and senior citizens who wear
one of their chip-imbedded bracelets.[11]


[1] A.V.I.D.

AVID Canada

Trovan Identification Systems

Destron Fearing Corporation

C U R R E N T  A N I M A L  A P P L I C A T I O N S

[2] Detroit May Track its Dogs with Microchips

[3] Pets to get anti-rabies passports in four years

C U R R E N T  H U M A N  A P P L I C A T I O N S


[4] Professor Kevin Warwick claimed today to be the first person in
the world to have a computer chip surgically implanted into his body.

---Related Story---

Professor Feels Himself Become Closer to the Machine Chipping at
the Future ABC News online

---Related Story---

CNN interactive- Is human chip implant wave of the future?

I M P L A N T A B L E  M I C R O C H I P S  I N  T H E  N E W S

[8] Microchip implants to foil VIP kidnaps By Bruce Johnston in Rome

F U T U R E U S E S - F I N A N C I A L T R A N S A C T I O N S

{9] TIME Magazine: The Giants Want Your Money - The Future of Money

T R A N S I T I O N A L  T E C H N O L O G I E S

Before personal microchips ever come into wide-spread use, there will be
many transitional technologies in the interim. Some of these are mentioned

[10] OnStar http://www.onstar.com/index.htm

Cell Phone Tracking

[11] GlobalTrak- http://www.americaol.com/

The BEAST- http://www.symbol.com/solution/032SS.HTM


[12] "Store 80 megabytes on a key chain"


[13] Defense Department to Issue High-tech, Microchip Dog Tags

---Related Article---

Pentagon introducing high-tech dog tags
[photo included]

---Related Article---

Proving Ground Tests DoD's Digital Dog Tags



[14] What is an iButton? http://www.ibutton.com/overview.html


[15] Gemplus- http://www.gemplus.com
Gemplus Smart Card Links: http://www.gemplus.com/links.htm

SmartGov- http://policyworks.gov/org/main/me/smartgov

Smart Card Forum– http://www.smartcrd.com

Mondex- http://www.mondex.com

Global Chip Card Alliance- http://www.chipcard.org

Military "M.A.R.C." Smart Cards-

Date: Mon, 24 May 1999
Organization: Center for CropCircle Studies/US Network
Subject: [Fwd: ramifications for individual privacy]

I'm really outraged with this continued running rampant over our
personal privacy RIGHTS that local, State, and Federal gov'ts do.
Requiring one's SS# on various documents is NOT okay by me; nor are
fingerprints, blood samples, implanting chips into driv licenses,
passports, and 'smart' cards (soon-to-be GPS chips to enable individuals
to be tracked anywhere in the world), with who-knows-WHAT info on them
(allegedly at LEAST personal stats, medical, financial, criminal), along
with whatever else they deem they have a right to know about us.  The
SS# is being used as a Universal Identifier, and I absolutely DON'T want
my personal data to be known to such a universe without my explicit
permission and knowledge having been given in advance of its
dissemination.  It's bad enough that they're compiling such records on
each citizen, but what's even more galling is that even the most
personal information we're required to give out if we want certain
conveniences is then SOLD to any- and everyone who's willing to pay
their price for it.  Once again, it boils down to 'business' as usual --
whatever's 'best' for 'business' -- without regard to the wishes of the
individuals involved.

Will the masses ever awaken and decide to 'not take it any more'???

     - ilyes

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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