-Caveat Lector-




Ruth Paine was born Ruth Hyde in New York City on September 3, 1932.


When Ruth Paine was 15 years old, she preached with a traveling Bible
school. Ruth Paine told the Warren Commission: "I was asked to be a leader,
a teacher with a traveling Bible school. We went to three different small
towns in Indiana and Ohio, and taught young children. I led songs and games
and read stories." Ruth Paine became a Quaker while attending Antioch
College in 1951 and was a delegate to two conferences of the Friends World
Committee in England in 1952. She graduated from Antioch College in 1955. In
1993 Ruth Paine described herself as a financial contributor to the Friends
World Committee.


According to the Warren Report: "In 1955 Mrs. Paine was active in the work
of the North American Young Friends Committee, which, with State Department
cooperation, was making an effort to lessen the tensions between Soviet
Russia and the United States by means of...exchanges of young Russians and
Americans. It was during this period that Mrs. Paine became interested in
the Russian language. Mrs. Paine participated in [and arranged] a
Russian-American student exchange program...Ruth Paine was the "convener or
clerk" of the East-West Contacts Group of the North American Young Friends
Committee which was established in 1955. She has corresponded, until
recently, with a Russian schoolteacher." [WR p285]

Ruth Paine told the Warren Commission:

Paine: It was at this conference, toward the later part, arising out of a
discussion of the need for communication and more of it between the United
States and the Soviet Union, by no means the bulk of business of this
conference, but a small committee of interested people, was working on this

Jenner: Are these interested young people?

Paine: These are all young Friends.

Jenner: And you were then of what age, 1955. Twenty-three?

Paine: Yes...This was at the time that plans first began for encouraging an
exchange of young people between the Soviet Union and the United States, and
I became active with the committee planning that, and from the planning
there was an exchange, three Soviet young people came to this country and
four young Quakers went to the Soviet Union...

The Committee worked on: "Organization of pen pal correspondence between
American and Soviet young people." In 1958 Ruth Paine was involved in a
Russian/American exchange program on a leadership level. [Friends Journal


Another Quaker group, the American Friends Service Committee, sent a
delegation to the Soviet Union in 1955. The American Friends Service
Committee was very much on the Left. The Friends World Committee soon sent a
delegation to the Soviet Union. The CIA had an interest in "cultural
exchange programs." CIA DD/P Richard Bissell stated: "Exchange of person
programs...are more effective if carried out by private auspices than if
officially supported by the United States Government." [Marchetti Cult of
Intell. p52] The SSCIA reported that from 1964 to 1974 "the FBI identified
over 100 intelligence officers among the approximately 400 Soviet students
who attended universities as part of an East-West student exchange program.
Also, in this program's 14-year history, more than 100 American students
were the target of Soviet recruitment approaches in the USSR." [SSCIA For. &
Mil. Intell. V1 p164] What was the story behind the Friends World Committee?

Ruth Paine answered negatively when she was asked if she had been aware of
any intelligence community interest in student exchange programs. She
stated: "The Soviets that came over were real party-line types, very
doctrinaire." Ruth Paine was asked to name the State Department official who
was involved with her program. She responded, "I haven't a clue, but you
know they were working on cultural exchange at that point. Trying to make a
crack in the Iron Curtain." Michael Paine stated, "I remember reading about
that kind of thing in The Times and finding it so frustrating that a genuine
effort to try to get person-to-person contact was being subverted by the
government there."


Neither CIA Headquarters, nor the CIA's Office of Security traces on Ruth
Paine have been released as of 1996, and she was mentioned only tangentially
in the HSCA Report - "They never even called me. Someone called - to be sure
where I was - if they wanted to call me." Despite much correspondence with
the USSR, Ruth Paine did not show up on HT LINGUAL indices before 1966.
(That year an American sent a letter to her from Moscow.) Withheld documents
on the Paines included USSS 179-10001-10034, 10036; FBI NARA
179-10001-10091, 10094, 10101, FBI 179-10002-10084, 10244, 10251; HSCA
180-10116-10150; HSCA 180-10112-10450.


The father of Ruth Paine, William Hyde, had contact with the CIA and the
CIA's Office of Security had traces on him: "Files of the Office of Security
reflect that Ruth Paine is the daughter of William Avery Hyde, OS C-157,435,
(deleted)." William Avery Hyde [CIA SSD-157,435] was an anti-Communist who
supported Socialist Party candidate Norman Thomas. Norman Thomas received
millions of dollars in CIA subsidies because of his anti-Communist views.
William Avery Hyde related: "Our introduction [to the Communists] came at
the 1929 annual meeting of the Eastern Cooperative League. There were a
number of Communist delegates to the convention. When they found out they
did not have enough votes to control the meeting, they set out to obstruct
it, and succeeding in preventing it from doing any business worth
mentioning. Mother and I entered the meeting knowing very little about
Communists, and left as their enemies, which we have been ever since 1948.
>From 1930 to 1942 I worked for, and with, various New York metropolitan area
consumer cooperatives. They were subject to attempts at communist
infiltration almost continuously. Both Mrs. Hyde and I took our part in
trying to block this. From 1939 to 1941 I was the District Sales Manager of
Greater New York for the Farm Bureau Insurance Companies of Ohio (now
Nationwide). No one could get an agent's contract from the companies in my
district except through me. Apparently the Comrades were anxious to
infiltrate the outfit because a continuous stream applied for contracts. The
fact that we had no specifically Communist type trouble from any agent I
appointed leads me to think that my screening was successful. In our first
few years in Columbus we met a few people we suspected of Communist
leanings, but we have not been aware of such since the end to the Wallace

A report by Bruce Solie of the CIA generated on December 5, 1963, stated:


Chief, Research Branch/OS/SRS


nee: HYDE

aka: Mrs. Ruth Paine

1. FBI S.A. Cregar on December 4, 1963, confirmed that the Subject is the
daughter of William Avery Hyde, SSD-157435. Cregar was furnished a copy of
two 1957 investigative reports on William Avery Hyde, for lead purposes
only, and was informed that Hyde was under consideration for a covert use by
this Agency in Vietnam in 1957, but was not used. This information had
previously been obtained from (deleted) CI/SIG.

2. Subject is the individual who is taking care of the widow of LEE HARVEY
OSWALD and has apparently been quite well known to the widow of LEE HARVEY
OSWALD for an undetermined period of time. The possibility that William
Avery Hyde was the father of Ruth Paine was previously brought to the
attention of Mr. Papich through Mr. O'Neal, CI/SIG. The Security File of
William Hyde contains a copy of a 1956 FBI investigative report (Security of
Government Employees) on Sylvia Ludlow Hyde aka Mrs. John Hoke who is the
sister of Ruth Paine. The file of William Hyde also contains a 1956 OSI
report on Sylvia Hoke.

3. In addition to the above, it was previously known that William Avery Hyde
and wife Carol Hyde were associates in the late 1920's and later of Talbot
Bielefeldt, #29931, who is currently employed by this agency in FDD. A
certain amount of information concerning William Hyde, Carol Hyde, and other
associates of Hyde and Bielefeldt during the latter 1920's was furnished by
Talbot Bielefeldt during interviews several years ago. At that time the
Bielefeldt case was under extensive investigation. Bruce Solie.

On April 30, 1964, Birch O'Neal generated the following document:


SUBJECT: Mrs. Ruth Paine nee Hyde

Shortly after the assassination of President Kennedy the press carried
information concerning a Mrs. Ruth Paine who had befriended the OSWALD
family. Mr. Bruce Solie, of the Office of Security, called to my attention
that the Office of Security has information of possible interest concerning
William A. Hyde, who had three children; namely Ruth Hyde, Sylvia Hyde Hoke
and Carl Hyde. Mrs. Ruth Paine was known to have had the name Hyde prior to
her marriage.

On November 29, 1963, I advised Sam Papich to contact Mr. Solie of the
Office of Security for information of possible interest in connection with
Mrs. Ruth Paine. I indicated to Mr. Papich that the Office of Security
information was of possible security significance and consideration and I
was subsequently informed that the Bureau had been in touch with Mr. Solie
for its information. Birch D. O'Neal Chief, CI/SIG.

[NARA CIA 1993.07.08.09.:07:31:900520]

On March 1, 1964, FBI S.A. Charles M. Beall, Jr., ascertained at CIA that
its security and foreign indices did not contain any references identifiable
with Michael Ralph Paine. CIA advised its only reference to Ruth Avery Hyde,
nee Hyde, was set out in CIA Report prepared in 1957 on William Avery Hyde,
father of Ruth. This CIA material was furnished the Bureau via Liaison on
December 4, 1963, with request the CIA material not be inserted in the
Bureau reports. Dallas is cognizant." [FBI 105-1717-225 - Hosty's name on
the "Searched, Indexed, Serialized and Filed April 19, 1964, FBI - Dallas"
stamp on this document.] HEMMING told this researcher: "He was covering his

The FBI reported: "On December 4, 1963, CIA made available information to
the Bureau Liaison that in 1957 CIA considered using this individual to
operate a cooperative educational center in Vietnam but he was not used by
the CIA. Investigation by CIA at that time concerning William Avery Hyde was

Ruth Paine commented: "The information about the CIA considering my father
for Vietnam was a surprise. I doubt if he would have accepted such an
invitation, if it was offered. He certainly didn't go. He went to Peru. He
was working with the Agency for International Development. He helped to
develop rural credit unions for the compasinos so that they could save
enough money to make loans to themselves, instead of always paying the huge
bank rates. He loved it. I know that USAID asked my father to appraise a
situation in Georgetown, Guiana. He recommended against starting a project
there, as he thought the local officials corrupt." In 1964 Ruth Paine
informed the Warren Commission:

Paine: My father is working for Nationwide Insurance Company. He has been on
special assignment from them to - I am not certain of the name of the
organization - to cooperative alliance in Europe.

Jenner: That is a cooperative alliance of insurance companies?

Paine: Having to do with insurance; yes.

Jenner: Insurance companies?

Paine: Yes; that is my understanding.

Jenner: This is a commercial activity, isn't it?

Paine: Yes; I believe so. And -

Jenner: The cooperative alliance in Europe, does that include any Iron
Curtain countries?

Paine: No. He is presently teaching a course at Ohio State University and he
is on loan for that portion of time which he occupies with teaching from his
regular job at Nationwide, although he is at the company most of the time.

Michael Paine was told about William Avery Hyde and ANGLETON. Michael Paine:
"I thought he was an insurance salesman. He would never have any connection
to the CIA. This is getting ridiculous. Out of hand." Michael Paine, who was
usually talkative, said: "There's a good movie on T.V. and I want to watch
it now, so goodbye." He later refused further comment upon receipt of the


Ruth Paine grew up in the Democratic Socialist, anti-communist tradition of
Norman Thomas. Democratic socialists were willing to work with the CIA to
defeat the Communists, who they viewed as a totalitarian perversion of
socialism. William Avery Hyde was not the only socialist-type CI was willing
to collaborate with; it also worked with David Dubinsky of the Garment
Worker Union. [Scott - Deep Politics p374]


According to Herbert Philbrick, the mother of Ruth Hyde Paine, a Unitarian
Minister, Mrs. Carol E. Hyde, was a radical: "Ruth Paine's mother, Mrs.
Carol E. Hyde, was active in the Woman's International League for Peace and
Freedom, one of the very first fronts I came to know through the Cambridge
Youth Council." (If this was correct, why did the CIA consider her husband
for employment)? The FBI stated that Carol E. Hyde was insane, and had been
institutionalized for mental illness. J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission
was informed that these reports were Secret. The FBI also discovered that
Carol E. Hyde had allegedly admitted to neighbors that she was a communist.


During the Warren Commission hearings Ruth Paine was asked:

Jenner: Do you now or have you ever had leanings which we might call
Communist Party leanings?

Paine: No, on the contrary.

Jenner: Are you now or have you ever been a member of any groups which you
consciously recognize as being, let us say, a Communist front group?

Paine: No; I have not and I would be quite certain I had not been
unconsciously a member of any such groups.

Jenner: I take it from your response that you have an aversion to communism?

Paine: Yes; I do...I am offended by the portion of the communist doctrine
that thinks violence is necessary to achieve its aims. I am likewise
offended by the doctrine that any means to what is considered a good end is
legitimate. I, on the contrary, feel that there is no justification at any
time for deception, and the Communists, as I have observed their activity,
have no reluctance to deceive, and this offends me seriously...

Paine: As I have already testified, I dislike deception in any form. I might
go on to say that I think the people of Russia on the whole have very little
choice about their leaders at elections.

Jenner: It is the antithesis of democracy?

Paine: Yes it is certainly a dictatorship.

Jenner: And that is abhorrent to you?

Paine: Yes it is.

Jenner: I take it, far from having any sympathy or admiration for communism
or what we call the Russian system or philosophy, you have an aversion?

Paine: I have an aversion.

Jenner: Have you ever studied Karl Marx?

Paine: No; not in the sense of studied. I think one history course in
college included a few readings from Karl Marx.

Jenner: I think I have asked you this, but I want to make sure it is in the
record. You are a pacifist?

Paine: I consider myself such. I don't like to consider myself as adhering
to any particular doctrine. I believe in appraising a situation and
determining my own action in terms of that particular situation, and not
making a rigid or blanket philosophy dictate my behavior.

Jenner: But you are opposed to violence?

Paine: I am...I consider violence to be always harmful to the values I
believe in, and just reserve the right to, as I have said, appraise each
situation in the light of that initial belief.


As stated Ruth Paine came from a democratic socialist, anti-Communist
tradition and was a genuine anti-Communist. The only reason she let a
"Communist" like OSWALD live with her was because someone in her immediate
family had told her that OSWALD was "alright." Ruth Paine was a Quaker but
not a pacifist. She commented, "Pacifist is a label I object to. I would
tend to look first and much harder for non-violent solutions than most
people. I am not a Desert Storm enthusiast."


The sister of Ruth Paine, Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke (born October 2, 1929),
worked at the Labor Department from 1949 to 1953. She started working at the
CIA in 1954. Her cover was Personnel Research Technician, Placement and
Employee Relations Division, Director of Civilian Personnel, Headquarters,
Department of the Air Force, Washington, D.C. Marina Oswald told this
researcher in 1994: "Ruth Paine never mentioned her sister was in the CIA."
The Sylvia Hyde Security File 348 201 was held by the Office of Security,
Security Analysis Group. On June 15, 1955, this CIA Official Routing Slip
from Bruce Solie was sent to (Deleted) whose initials were "wmw"- "Remarks:
Please have file set up on Sylvia Hyde Hoke nee Hyde MS 8201."


On December 21, 1955, this document was generated:

To: Mr. Bruce Solie, 2046 I Bldg.

From: Talbot Bielefeldt, 2401 Y Bldg. (Ext 2150)

Subject: ORR, Paul and Violet and others.

1. William A. Hyde was in Washington this last weekend, visiting his
daughter and son-in-law, Sylvia and John Hoke, 763 Kennedy N.E. The latter
invited (Deleted) and me over to meet him on Saturday night December 17,
1955, since we were friends at Stanford. (Deleted) Memo Dated December 21,
1955. Sanitized version appears above. Deleted Sections contain references
to the Hokes, only 3rd party personal info.

In 1965 Talbot Bielefeldt, Chief USSR Branch, Foreign Documents Division,
CIA, 1200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia, was questioned by Naval
Intelligence about Hoke. He gave the Navy favorable references and stated
that "the sister of the Subject's wife was the one who rented an apartment
to LEE HARVEY OSWALD and wife in Texas."

On March 21, 1956, the Department of the Air Force issued Sylvia Hoke a
Final Secret Clearance which remained in effect until May 31, 1957, six
months after the investigation by OSI, at which time Sylvia Hyde resigned
her cover employment with the U.S. Air Force to accompany her husband
overseas to Germany. As of 1965 the above clearance was still in effect.
Sylvia Hyde Hoke was granted a Top Secret Clearance from the Agency for
International Development on April 17, 1956. On September 20, 1956, and on
September 21, 1956, the CIA noted that Sylvia Hyde Hoke's name appeared in
FBI Reports about her father, William A. Hyde. Another document stated: "For
additional Information regarding Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke Refer to:

1. OSI (U.S.A.F.) Rpt. dated December 14, 1956, (#33-3439) Title: Sylvia
Ludlow Hyde Hoke.

2. FBI Rpts covering period September 17, 1956, to February 6, 1957,
(FD-204; May 7, 1954). Title: Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke.


In February 1957 Sylvia Hyde Hoke was the Subject of an FBI investigation,
when her mother-in-law called her husband from a telephone monitored by the
FBI. Mrs. Helen Hoke had called her son from the office of Dorothy H.
Wilson: "Dorothy Wilson, according to the informant, also advised (Deleted)
that Helen Hoke has a son, John Hoke, who works for "AAA" in Washington,
D.C. and whose wife works in 'Navy Intelligence.' Wilson continued with the
information that John Hoke's wife was being upgraded from a semi-secret
position, to a top secret position, and the authorities had informed her
that she could not have this top secret position because of Helen Hoke's
association with Wilson. Too, Wilson advised (Deleted) John Hoke's wife was
told that it did not appear that she would get the top secret position if
she could not be cleared, they did not believe she was fit to hold her
present position. Wilson said John Hoke's wife was faced with dismissal,
which could have been frightful, except that she was expecting a child and
was leaving in February anyway." [WCD 508 p1] The FBI reported that "New
York T-2 (SF 613-S* Telsur on CP Headquarters San Francisco), who has
furnished reliable information in the past, advised in February 1943,
Dorothy Wilson was a member of the North Beach Branch of the Communist Party
in California and attended her first party meeting during that month. In
1943, Dorothy H. Wilson's name turned up as Communist Party member during a
FBI trash cover. In 1946 Sylvia Hoke gave the name of Gerritt E. Fielstra as
the person to contact in case of emergency when she worked for Time
Magazine. Fielstra was a Communist sympathizer and union organizer. [FBI
105-1716-16] The United States Civil Service Bureau advised the FBI by
letter dated June 27, 1957, that Sylvia Hoke had resigned prior to a
determination being made in her loyalty case. [FBI 105-82555 NR 199 4.3.64]
On August 13, 1958, a Card For Action Report contained a cross reference
between Sylvia Hoke and "CF #29931 (Talbot Bielefeldt) rep. December 21,
1955, p.1. Sylvia Hoke's CIA Security File contained "Two sealed
envelopes"were withheld as was "Information regarding father / 3rd Party /
3rd Agency Information Contained memo dated June 11, 1959, (3rd Agencies -
OSI, U.S.A.F. + FBI)." [NARA CIA 1993.07.25.08:39:37:560310]

Sylvia Hyde Hoke's clearance with the Agency for International Development
was revalidated on January 17, 1962. On November 11, 1963, Bruce Solie asked
Mrs. M.D. Stevens of the Office of Security to do a search on Sylvia Hoke
and Carl Hyde. There were overt and covert traces on Sylvia Hyde and covert
traces on Carl Hyde. The files on Sylvia Hoke and Carl Hyde included
"*157435 Type Covert *Hyde, William A. FBI report September 20, 1956, p 2.
FBI Report September 24, 1956, p2, MS-8201 Overt and *157435 Covert Hyde,
William A. FBI Report September 21, 1956 p1. FBI Report September 20, 1956,
p1. Ethel Mendoza SRS."

On September 22, 1963, the CIA reported its files contained "No Pertinent
Identifiable Information on Subject."

In 1965 Sylvia Hyde Hoke worked for the Department of Health, Education and
Welfare in a non-sensitive position.

On May 9, 1967, Mrs. E. Mendoza of OS/SRS wrote: "Files of the Office of
Security contain numerous references to Subject who is daughter of William
a. Hyde, G-157435. (Sister to Sylvia is Ruth Paine, known to have been a
close associate of LEE HARVEY OSWALD and Marina Oswald).

"Hoke's mother-in-law is Helen Hoke Watts, who is a partner in a New York
publishing firm with Dorothy Wilson, aka Dorothy Wilson Seligson, aka Mrs.
Lou Seligson, who has been identified as a member of the Communist Party.
Wilson is known to have been in contact with Isadore Gibby Needleman
concerning financial payments received by her from Bernard Geis (1962 to
1963)." Gibby Needleman was an attorney who represented the Amtorg Trading
Corporation, the registered Russian Trade Agency in the United States.


June 30, 1971



FILE # 348 201

1. Subject, under name of Sylvia Hoke with an address of 523 Monticello
Drive, Falls Church, Virginia, was identified as a CIA employee in the 1961
issue of the Falls Church Virginia Directory:

2. Since it is known that opposition intelligence services have in the past
checked similar publications, it should be presumed that the indicated
employment of Subject by the CIA is known to other intelligence
organizations. The basic memorandum on which paragraph one is based is
available in Volume III of Exposure of CIA Personnel, OS #601 818. This
memorandum contains no additional information concerning SAC and further
review of file # 601 818 can normally be considered unnecessary. Bruce
Solie, Deputy Chief, SRS.

Hill's 1961 Falls Church, Virginia, City Directory contained the listing:

Hoke John (Sylvia) emp US Govt h523 Monticello Drive, (Fax Co)

Hoke Sylvia, Mrs. emp CIA r h523 Monticello Drive, (Fax Co).

[CIA 646-277; FBI 105-82555 NR 12.17.63 Sullivan/Branigan; WCD 508p1;
10WH167; WCD 75 p78; WCE1983 p7; FBI 60-109060-1784; ONI Report NCISC-32/dwc
9.13.65; CIA OS SF #348 201 Bruce Solie C/SAG 7.18.78]

Sylvia Hyde Hoke was contacted on November 22, 1993. She was asked if she
had ever worked for the CIA: "No, I'm not going to answer any questions. I
refuse to give interviews." Ruth Paine was asked about her sister: "I would
doubt it seriously. When I asked her if she worked for the government she
said she did statistical work for the Air Force. It's very unlikely and
something I never heard from her. It's unknown to me." Michael Paine was
told about Sylvia Hyde Hoke's connection to the CIA. Michael Paine: "I don't
believe it. It is not true. I don't remember what her occupation was. I had
no idea this was the case. Ask Ruth, what does she say? If it was true, it
had no bearing on the Kennedy assassination." [Hoke, Sylvia Hyde 5421 Waneta
Road Bethesda MD 20816 telephone 301-229-5998]



Ruth Paine's brother-in-law, John Lindsey Hoke, (born June 26, 1925,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), worked for the American Automobile Association
from 1951 to 1957. He accepted an appointment with the International
Cooperation Administration (the predecessor of the Agency for International
Development) on February 4, 1956, as a "audio visual consultant (regional)
to be assigned to the U.S. Operations Mission (USOM), Panama City, Panama."
John Lindsey Hoke told the Deputy Director of Communications of the
International Cooperation Administration, Gale Griswold, that, "while
assigned in Latin America he had been requested, and did, intelligence type
work for the American Embassy." Gale Griswold did not know for whom John
Lindsey Hoke worked, or what his job was.

On June 24, 1957, John Lindsey Hoke was transferred to Paremaribo, Surinam,
where he worked with the International Cooperation Administration's Office
of Program Support, Communications Research Division. One of his family
members could not adapt to the field and Hoke returned to Washington, D.C.
where he worked with the Agency for International Development in the Office
of Program Support, Communications Research Division. Ruth Paine stated,
"You want to know why he left - his wife couldn't stand Surinam." A notation
in Hoke's Naval Intelligence File was "Mrs. Van Sast, CIA, on September 25,
1962, called and wanted to know Hoke's TS clearance and basis."On June 30,
1963, Hoke terminated his employment with AID, no reason given. In 1962,
"DIO-NDW Confidential Informant (P-1) advised that Subject was approved as
eligible for Top Secret Clearance during the years of 1962 to 1963 by a
Government Agency who conducts security investigations [CIA]."On August 21,
1962, the CIA granted an Approval for Liaison with John Lindsey Hoke:

TO: Chief, Employee Activity Branch PSD/OS

THROUGH: Chief, Security Officer, OC

The following is hereby requested to be effective on a continuing basis:

CIA Employees: NAME (Deleted) and other such member of the Engineering Staff
designated by him. Ext. 2952 Office OC-E

Non-CIA Employee: John L. Hoke. Organization AID, Communications Resource
Specialist State Annex #1, Washington, D.C. On September 28, 1962, Subject's
Security Officer advised that SAC was cleared for access to classified
information up to and including TOP SECRET April 19, 1954, per (Deleted) x
113-3005] Classification of matter to be discussed: SECRET, Chief
Engineering Staff, OC Ext. 2952 (Deleted) Authorized Signature.


Agency For International Development personnel and security records
reflected that Congressman Porter Hardy, Chairman, Subcommittee on
Government Operations, held hearings on John Lindsey Hoke on August 13,
1962, that produced evidence that Hoke seemed to be serving two masters, in
connection with a solar-powered boat project between AID and Hoffman
Electronics Corporation of California under circumstances which Congressman
Hardy described as "collusion."Hoffman's president denied company profit on
the contract. Hoffman "denied banality and explained false limousine fares
covered purchases." A newspaper clipping, undated, Washington Daily News,
stamped September 25, 1962, reflects results of a committee hearing, that
caption read "Aid Official Has Wings Clipped." This article charged that
Hoke was the promoter of a project to finance a solar powered boat for use
in Surinam while at the same time he was planning to "make personal profit
from the venture." On November 9, 1962, Assistant United States Attorney,
Fredrick G. Smith declined prosecution in the case on the grounds that
violation of Federal laws by Hoke were merely a technical nature. Hoke was
embittered over the way this Congressional investigation was handled.

On June 20, 1963, the Hokes received a telephone call from the Paines to
congratulate their son on his 10th birthday. On June 30, 1963, John Lindsey
Hoke left the Agency for International Development. No reason was given.

On August 22, 1963, the CIA again granted an Approval for Liaison with John
Lindsey Hoke on a continuing basis. This document was identical to the first
Request for Approval of Liaison except that a block stamp on it was signed
by Howard Osborne and the notation "EAB card reflects on September 28, 1962,
Subject's Security Officer advised that SAC was cleared for access to
classified information up to and including Top Secret." Ruth Paine visited
the Hokes in August 1963. In August 1963 Ruth Paine was in Washington D.C.
to attend a mass civil rights march. [WCE 1983 page 7] Ruth Paine described
her trip in a letter to Marina: "Tomorrow we and the children will go to
Baltimore, Maryland, where Michael's brother and wife live. We will spend
one day there and then we will go back further to Washington, where we will
stay with sister until Thursday. Then back to Paoli again, where we will
wait for my father. He will be here with us for two days. I expect to be in
Paoli until September 10, 1963, and then to go to Ohio and Indiana, where
our relatives and friends live, and to arrive in New Orleans on the 20th..."
[WCE 78 p253] When Hoke's Request for Liaison Approval was renewed on August
13, 1964, it was identical to the others except for a block stamp that read
"On August 20, 1964, Subject's Security Officer advised that Subject was
cleared for access to classified information up to and including Top Secret
TERMINATED June 30, 1963. Return, no action."


In July 1965 John Lindsey Hoke was the subject of a security investigation
by U.S. Naval Intelligence because of his connection to Ruth Paine combined
with his employment by Atlantic Research. Atlantic Research was founded in
1949 and is an Alexandria-based, high-technology firm, which is engaged in
the production of rockets, gas generators and chemical research techniques,
design and development of command and control systems for space and air
defense, data processing, computer facilities management, computer based
research and analysis and the development of defense software. Atlantic
Research was involved in launching unmanned satellites in 1956. Hoke was
granted a company confidential clearance. [NYT 9.25.56] Everyone who was
interviewed by Naval Intelligence recommended him "for a position of trust
with the U.S. Government."


John Lindsey Hoke was contacted in November 1993. He asked: "What is the
purpose of your book? If this is another one of these books that's doing an
exposé on plots and so forth and so on, I'm simply not interested in getting
mixed-up in it." It was explained to John Lindsey Hoke that his wife's close
connection to the CIA had been exposed. "She worked for the CIA, no
(laughs). Well, let me ask her and find out. Honey, did you work for CIA? I
don't know what you got, or where you got it. I don't particularly want to
get into it. I don't need a copy. I don't know where all this crap is coming
up from. I'm sure I'm in it too." John Lindsey Hoke was read the document
that stated he was doing intelligence work: "Me? I really don't want to
discuss it anymore. Thanks for calling."


On December 12, 1963, the FBI reported: "Ruth Paine's brother, Dr. Carl D.
Hyde, was investigated by the Bureau in 1953 as a Conscientious Objector
(CO), basing his objections on religious convictions. No subversive
information was developed during investigation and persons interviewed
expressed belief he was sincere in claiming status as CO [new paragraph]
(deleted) CIA (deleted). CIA confidentially advised (deleted). On December
6, 1963, CIA furnished (deleted)...Separate investigations have been
initiated in the view of the Paine's association with LEE HARVEY OSWALD and
the subversive background of Michael Paine's parents (deleted) 3rd Agency."
[FBI 105-126129-NR 12.16.63]


Ruth Paine came from a family well-known to the intelligence community. She
was not the run off the mill housewife she pretended to be. Ruth Paine was
asked that if her father, sister and brother-in-law worked for the CIA, what
about her? She said this was "guilt by association."


Ruth Paine claimed her first meeting with OSWALD happened purely by chance.
Michael Paine said he met Everette Glover at the Unitarian Church. Everette
Glover asked him if I wanted to meet a Marine who had defected, then
redefected, from the Soviet Union. Michael Paine: "I thought, 'Oh boy, that
sounds interesting.' It never struck me too odd that he should be allowed to
come home. To be allowed back would be a feather in the cap of the United
States. So I didn't have trouble. Without asking him, I assumed that was why
he was so readily allowed back. I expected to find him politically
interesting. And I didn't find him that way. He was very different from the
kinds of people who had come to talk to my father. He didn't like

Michael Paine did not attend Everette Glover's party, but Ruth Paine did. In
July 1993 Ruth Paine stated: "This whole thing is still very painful.
Kennedy was the first President I ever voted for who won. I had no
association with the Dallas White Russian community. I did not know
DeMohrenschildt. The party was put on by Everette Glover. I sang English
Madrigals with Everette. That was the only time I met DeMohrenschildt. A
colorful fellow, though."

It was pointed out to Ruth Paine that the HSCA linked her father to George
DeMohrenschildt. Ruth Paine: "Well it might be, you know, things happen."

On February 22, 1963, Ruth Paine met Marina Oswald and LEE HARVEY OSWALD.
Ruth Paine said she discussed censorship in the Soviet Union: "He referred
to a letter sent to him by Robert Oswald that he later learned, after he had
come back to the United States, had been sent. He had not received it. He
judged that they had simply stopped it, and he commented that they are more
apt to just take a letter than to take out a piece of it and then send it
on, and that censorship is more obvious." Ruth Paine said he told her how he
attempted to give up his United States citizenship when he was in Russia.
Ruth Paine was asked:

Jenner: When was your next contact with either LEE OSWALD or Marina Oswald?

Paine: I wrote a letter, a note to Marina at the address I had been given,
and I got a note back saying, 'We have moved. This is the new address. Come
in perhaps a week.' From that time. She wanted to get the house cleaned up
before I came...I drove to her home. There would be no way for her to come.

Jenner: You just waited a few days, guessed how long it would take her to
have her home in order, and you visited her. Am I correct in my summary?

Paine: She suggested Tuesday, as I recall in her letter, but what Tuesday I
don't know. If it was written on the Tuesday March 8, 1963, that would be
Tuesday March 12, 1963. There is no notation on my calendar.


Ruth Paine visited Marina Oswald on March 20, 1963. On April 2, 1963, she
invited LEE and Marina to her home for dinner. Michael Paine picked them up
and drove them to Irving, then joined them for supper. On April 7, 1963,
Paine invited Marina to move in with her. On April 10, 1963, Marina and
Paine got together and on April 20, 1963, OSWALD went on a picnic with Ruth
and Marina. A visit was arranged for April 24, 1963. When Ruth Paine arrived
on April 24, 1963, OSWALD was about to depart for New Orleans. Paine offered
to drive OSWALD to the bus station. She said his trip came as a complete
surprise. Ruth Paine and OSWALD drove to the bus station, cashed in a ticket
OSWALD had purchased for Marina, (since Ruth Paine had offered to drive
Marina to New Orleans), then they returned to OSWALD'S apartment and moved
some belongings to Irving. They then returned to the bus station and OSWALD
left for New Orleans.


Ruth Paine launched an aggressive campaign to insert herself in OSWALD'S
life. She called on Marina, and not visa versa. She acted hastily in
exposing her children to strangers. Someone had instructed her to do this.


On January 9, 1964, the FBI questioned members of the East-West Contacts
Group about Ruth Paine. Wilmer Joseph Stratton told the FBI "It is his
understanding that either Ruth Hyde Paine and Mrs. Marina Oswald placed an
ad in one of the Dallas, Texas, newspapers expressing a desire to establish
contact with some person who could exchange conversation in Russian
language. He said he did not recall Ruth's statements concerning this fact
but is of the opinion that Ruth Paine took the initiative in placing the
newspaper ad. He related it was through the newspaper ad at Ruth Paine met
OSWALD." Another Quaker, Paul Alvin Lacey, told the FBI: "He recalled Ruth
Paine had mentioned that either she had placed an ad in the Dallas newspaper
for contact with some person who spoke Russian, or that Mrs. Oswald had
placed the ad, seeking some one who would teach her to speak English. He
stated, on reflection on the conversation, he is of the opinion that Mrs.
Paine placed this and in this way, Mrs. Paine established her original
contact with Mrs. Oswald. He related that he did not know when Mrs. Paine
first made contact with Mrs. Oswald but assumed that it would have been
during winter of 1962 or spring of 1963 and prior to that time Ruth returned
East for the summer to visit with relatives. He stated that Ruth had
commented on the fact that Mrs. Oswald was unhappily married and that her
husband was an emotionally upset person, and she expressed concern as to the
possible reception she would receive in making contact with Mrs. Oswald and
was uncertain as to the reaction of LEE HARVEY OSWALD with regard to
returning Mrs. Oswald to Dallas, Texas." [FBI interview with Stratton, Lacy
IP 105-3441 Pettijohn / McDonald-1.15.64] Ruth Paine commented: "You are way
off here. I have no idea of what you are talking about. You know how I
established my relationship with Marina." She was told that the FBI was
merely passing on reports from several reputable Quaker leaders. Ruth Paine
interjected, "You believe everything the FBI says, huh?" I told her I did
not. She continued, "Now we can talk."


Ruth Paine was upset because she was caught lying. Why did Ruth Paine lie
about the circumstances of the origin of her relationship with OSWALD before
the assassination? Why didn't she say that she met OSWALD at a party through
a mutual friend? How did she really meet OSWALD?


Ruth Paine knew the OSWALDS for about two months before she allowed Marina
Oswald and her daughter to move in with her on a full-time basis and LEE on
a part-time basis. Ruth Paine stated, "I visited with them in Dallas and
discovered that LEE was all packed-up ready to go to New Orleans to look for
work. This is late April, or early May 1963. He had tickets for Marina
Oswald to get on a bus and follow him as soon as he found work. They did not
have a phone. She was pregnant. I suggested she stay with me for ten days so
OSWALD could call her." A few months later, she allowed OSWALD to live with
her on weekends. The Warren Commission:

Sen. Cooper: What made you willing to have this man, you have said, this
very curious man, from all you have described about him, to have him in your

Paine: He was Marina's husband and I, like her, as I have described, was
both lonely and interested in learning the Russian language. I would have
been happy had he never come out, indeed happier had he not come out on the
weekends. But they were not separated as a married couple nor contemplating
such separation, and I didn't feel that this - it was appropriate for him to
have to stay away. I did not ask that.

Ruth Paine was already teaching Russian when she met Marina Oswald. She
testified: "I presume to teach Russian, not because I am fluent, but because
I think my pronunciation is particularly good for a non-native." Ruth Paine
commented in 1994: "I had one student."


Why had Ruth Paine trusted OSWALD enough to live with her two children and
herself on weekends? If she honestly thought OSWALD was a Communist, Ruth
Paine would not have let him in her home. S.A. Hosty said Ruth Paine told
him OSWALD was "a very illogical person and that he had told her that
weekend that he was a 'Trotskyite Communist.'" Ruth Paine knew that OSWALD
was connected to the CIA through someone in her family. Her family had
strong ties to the intelligence community and may have been unwittingly
used. What was not accounted for was that a sexual relationship developed
between Ruth and Marina.


Scott Malone reported that when Dallas Police searched the home of Ruth
Paine after the assassination they found a commercial pornographic film
depicting acts of lesbianism. Ruth Paine: "I certainly never saw them. I
don't know what they thought they found." The police also found "Operating
Manual for Sears Tower Automatic Projector No. 9885." [FBI
105-126128-Enc.]On page 17 of the description of items found in the Paine
home items J and K are marked DELETED. [FBI 105-82555-5TH NR 2579] On
November 26, 1963, S.A. WARREN C. DEBRUEYS informed SAC Gordon Shanklin:
"Movie reels in possession of Dallas Pd on November 24, 1963, and November
25, 1963, as result of seizure by search warrant from the home of Ruth
Paine, November 23, 1963...were reviewed and bore no pertinence to instant
case." [FBI DL 89-43-616] The National Archives reported: " After an
extensive search we cannot locate this film in the JFK collection." [Ltr.
1.5.96 from Martha Wagner Murphy NARA to AJW] The movie reels were probably
returned to Ruth Paine. The FBI explored the possibility that Ruth Paine was
a lesbian, however, it found no evidence and excised any indications of
Bureau interest: "Stratton related that he had no reason to consider that
Mrs. Paine was a sex pervert or in this way involved with either of the
OSWALDS. Amended page inserted February 17, 1964." [FBI IP 105-3441 p13]


Hede Massing was a friend of Isaac Don Levine. A CIA document indicated that
Massing had spoken with Isaac Levine and he had told her Paine "gave him
five letters written by LEE OSWALD and that these letters are new
evidence."[CIA 1283-1022] The FBI reported: "The existence of these letters
allegedly has never been made known to any U.S. Government authorities."
William Branigan stated "Bureau would like to have Ruth Paine immediately
interviewed to determine whether or not she has been in contact with Isaac
Don Levine and if she has been in contact with him, has she given him any
letters or any documentary material concerning LEE HARVEY OSWALD. (Paragraph
deleted.) Mrs. Paine allegedly has given Levine some documents not
previously explained. Mr. William Branigan suggested we go one step further,
and interview Marina to see if she has given him anything."
[FBI-100-10461-4869 Dallas copies: Gemberling, Heitman, Odum and Hosty] On
March 31, 1964, SAC Gordon Shanklin, Dallas, advised that Mrs. Paine "denied
giving any letters to Isaac Don Levine. It will be noted, according to SAC
Shanklin, that on March 6, 1964, Mrs. Paine was contacted concerning her
effects as they might relate to the OSWALD investigation. At that time she
advised she had six letters, four personal, written to her from Marina at
New Orleans and two short notes written by Marina while Marina and LEE
HARVEY were living at 214 West Neely, Dallas. She also had a note which she
intended to deliver to Marina but never did. All of these were in the
Russian language. She stated that she had reviewed them and that they
contained nothing of any significance regarding the investigation of LEE
HARVEY OSWALD. One letter, written about June 5, 1963, at New Orleans, by
Marina, indicates that LEE OSWALD wanted to send Marina back to Russia. She
said she recalled sometime in the latter part of March 1963, Marina told her
LEE wanted to send her back to Russia. She said the tone of conversation and
the letter indicated to her that LEE did not intend to return to Russia
himself. At that time she declined to make these letters available because
they contained a great deal of personal talk regarding personal difficulties
both in the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Paine and in the marriage of LEE HARVEY
OSWALD and Marina Oswald. She stated that she did not desire the contents of
these letters to be made public and if she furnishes them to the Commission,
it will be with the understanding they are not to be made public. On March
21, 1964, when she was contacted, Mrs. Paine, Mrs. Paine advised that when
she appeared before the President's Commission, she was required to turn the
letters over to the Commission in whose possession they now remain. In
addition, the letters were read into evidence as part of her testimony."
[FBI Branigan to Sullivan 105-82555-29(?)84]

Some correspondence between Ruth Paine and Marina Oswald contained veiled
references to lesbianism. One of them concerned a conversation with Dr.
Froelick Rainey of the University of Pennsylvania's Music Department.


Ruth Paine alleged that the reason she associated with Marina Oswald was
because she was merely interested in speaking Russian. She wrote Marina
Oswald: "I confess that I think the opportunity for me to know you came from
God...God asked me that I study a language..."

Michael Paine agreed that it was his wife's interest in the Russian language
that brought her together with Marina Oswald: "Ruth would have been more
effective in the East/West Exchange program had she spoke Russian. She went
to Middlebury College one summer to learn it, and then, in Dallas, she was
paying people from the Russian community to read Russian literature on to
tape for her. That was fairly expensive and cumbersome. She mentioned, when
we were in bed together, the possibility of inviting Marina to come live
with us. And would there be a danger in that? And how would OSWALD respond
to that? How would I feel about that? Well, I was fully in favor of it. I
thought, he probably won't be hating us because we would be relieving his
economic load. As for the cost to us, it was negligible. We had a free
house, I mean a free room there, and it was baby sitting and company for
Ruth and a free in-house tutor."

Michael Paine was asked if his hospitality to OSWALD was totally innocent
and not effected at the request of an intelligence agency: "Absolutely, not.
It was a free way to get a Russian-speaking person in the house. A

HEMMING told this researcher: "I doubt if they found lesbian movies. Her
watching movies? She's a religious freak. If she was involved in homosexual
activities she could have been compromised. They wouldn't take the chance."


Ruth Paine was nine years older than Marina Oswald and had never conducted a
similar living arrangement with a woman before. Evidence presented in later
information nodules indicated that Marina Oswald was a sexually active
individual. She could have engaged in homosexual activities with Ruth Paine.
Ruth Paine looked very "butch" around this time and had separated from her
husband, perhaps for sexual reasons. She never remarried. Ruth Paine
maintained that everything she did was totally innocent, including her
relationship with Marina. Another possibility was that the films belonged to
Michael Paine and he had left them behind when he moved out of the dwelling.

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