As Mae Brussell once remarked, "they pick the presidents 20 years ahead."

The 'thing' that always gets me, is ya dig deep enough into this sh*t and
some F%^&*(#
general or some other hoodwinked stooge will pop up and say, "well,  its
better that we do it than some one else."

The national security state is looking to bite your ass.

From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Arizona leads the nation in narcotics trafficking.  The Qualye owned ARIZONA
REPUBLIC monopoly newspaper makes it seem like no problem at all.  I did not even
bother to post the $2 billion Phoenix cocaine bust early this year or the murder
of a federal judge in Tucson.  I have been trying to point out the FBI activity
going on here under Weldon Kenndey who became
OKC bombing chief investigator after his time as FBI SAC in Arizona.

For over one hundred years Shull and Bones has selected U.S. presidents.  Baby
Bush has double blood since both George and Barbara Bush are descended from
Alfonso Taft, the founder of Skull and Bones.  Is it not empty to discuss
presidential politics in any other terms?

Brian Downing Quig


> In a message dated 8/31/99 10:24:44 AM, you wrote:
> >Actually this is the page I meant to send last e-mail
> >regarding the New England opium cartel and the Skull and
> >Bones.  Sorry.
> >
> >brian quig
>  Brian, Great to have you onboard CIA-Drugs, I have always enjoyed your web
> site.
> Is there any new news on the temple murders, heroin and such. From what I
> read, Arizonia is an interesting place.
> Having been looking into Skull and Bones for many year, please let me  point
> out the few inacuracies in your fine piece.
> It is William Hunington Russell not Harrison.
> The Russel Trust Association wasn't formed until 1856.
> Richard(Dick) Bissel  is not a member. He went to Yale and is the member of
> one of the other  senior secret societies there, which one escapes my noodle
> at the moment.
> The Russell and Company flag was officially not the Skull and Crossbones and
> I have seen no printed reports in the opium trade books to suggest  so. Their
> flag  was blue and white and was two opposing blue triangles and two opposing
> white trianles to form and X on its side. Check out the Opium Clippers by
> Basil Lubbock(1933)
> W. H. Taft was Collector of Internal Revenue for the First District(Ohio)
> 1881-1883
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