Received from a NewsHawk reader--

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Bush Family's Massive Hard-Drug Involvement
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 13:47:22 +0000

You are so right! But WHY, if it's true that George Bush Sr. is
responsible for bringing all those drugs into the country, WHY is he
not sitting in jail??? Why is he still a free man?? This is outrageous!
But you know what? We'll see George Jr. as president anyway, whether we
want him or not because the Illuminati bastards are going to get him in.


= = = = = = = = = = = =
We pretty much agree such an eventuality as described above is pretty
damn likely.

But OF COURSE it has nothing to do with something that was made such a
big deal of on page 8 of Newsweek's August 23 issue; NAMELY--that
according to "Burke's Peerage", a high[er] percentage of) royal blood is
the BEST indicator of who will become a U.S. President. Publisher Howard
Brooks-Baker says the best bloodlines have won "without fail". The
situation has been this way since GEORGE WASHINGTON'S time. In other
words, it's been this way the WHOLE time.

And this is supposedly by accident?; or WHAT, exactly? Could it be it's
because the United States (or is that the "Uptied States") is in some
obscure way still under the domination of the (impostor at that!) royal
family of Britain?

Any guesses?

NewsHawk Inc.

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