-Caveat Lector-

Gay Awareness Film Sparks Debate
By Martha Irvine
Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, August 31, 1999; 12:30 p.m. EDT

CHICAGO (AP) -- Third-graders in New York are seen debating the idea of gay
marriage. Eighth-graders in San Francisco are heard firing questions at a
gay man and a lesbian who visit their classroom.

Storytime for first- and second-graders at a school in Cambridge, Mass., is
shown to include the book ``Asha's Mums'' about a little girl who has two
lesbian mothers.

All are excerpts from a controversial documentary, ``It's Elementary:
Talking About Gay Issues in School,'' which first caused a stir when several
public television stations decided to air it this summer.

Now it's being used by many school districts nationwide as a training tool
for teachers -- unifying what some say is a growing move to incorporate gay
and lesbian issues into school curriculums.

Critics say talk about such issues belongs at home. But others argue it's a
matter of dealing with issues that students already see every day in
newspapers, on television, in movies -- and maybe even in their own
communities or classrooms.

``Both schools and families have to address the issue somehow because it's
there -- and it's not going back into the closet,'' said Tony D'Augelli, a
psychologist at Penn State's College of Health and Human Development.

Chicago school officials -- who stress that ``It's Elementary'' will not be
shown to students -- said last week that the district's 589 principals would
view the film beginning in September and receive a copy for their schools
Today, however, officials said they have revised that plan, saying
principals will be told about the film during training sessions and can
request a copy for their schools.

A city official who helped get the film into the district and who will
conduct the training sessions said the decision to provide the film was
aimed at fostering tolerance and, in turn, preventing violence against gay
and lesbian students.

``It's practical. It makes good sense. It's about safety for children. I
don't think anybody, regardless of their religious background, can argue
with that,'' said Mary Morten, Mayor Richard Daley's liaison on gay and
lesbian issues.

School officials in San Francisco, who also are using ``It's Elementary,''
have gone as far as imposing a ban on anti-gay slurs.

``Go stand on a playground. I guarantee you that you will hear within
minutes kids saying, 'Oh, that's so gay. What are you, a fag?''' said Kevin
Gogin, who counsels kids at the San Francisco Unified School District.

Moves to address gay issues in the classroom are not, however, without
opponents, among them tough-talking radio talk show host Dr. Laura
Schlessinger and several religious groups who have made ``It's Elementary''
a priority target.

Patti Johnson, a member of the Colorado Board of Education who has spoken
out against the use of the film in her state, said she agrees with having a
no-slur policy but said some teachers are going too far.

``I don't think you have to go into big, deep explanations, especially when
kids are little,'' Johnson said. ``It's kind of like when you want to stop a
2-year-old from running into the street. They don't always understand death
or dying. But they understand a quick swat on the butt.''

Filmmaker Debra Chasnoff, who directed and co-produced the film, said she's
simply providing resources to teachers who already have to deal with such
issues in the classroom.

``It just doesn't work to say, 'We're going to all be nice to one another.
Don't use those words here.' I think you need to explain who those words are
hurtful to,'' she said.


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