-Caveat Lector-

Dear Gennifer - http://www.genniferflowers.com

"Dear Gennifer" Members,

Subject: Hair Color From Hell

Dear Gennifer:

Recently, I spent an evening at The Algonquin in NYC with two women
who have beautiful blonde hair.  My hair was grey.  I say "was" because,
with the encouragement of my friends, I finally decided to color it.
First I went blonde.  I knew I was in trouble when the colorist fainted.
I knew I was in BIG trouble when I looked in the mirror.  It looked just
like the wig on a Chatty Cathy Doll.

My friend, Lucianne Goldberg, who Mirabella magazine calls one of the 25
Smartest Women in its current issue, came to the salon.  She was very
brave -- she didn't scream.  She just got me into a cab so I could go home
before my knees buckled.

Part II:  The next day, I decided...maybe everyone was right. I knew I had
to go "red."  Well...I did.  Unfortunately, it came out a weeeeeeee bit
dark; sort of like having a dead monkey on top of my head.

So here's the thing:  You are very smart and really pretty and know a
thing or two about style, fashion, and how to hang in there through
adversity.  I wonder if you can tell me:

    1)  Do I have to wear a paper bag over my head for the rest of my life?
    2)  As the co-host of a Radio Show, do you think the audience knows
my hair came out too dark?
    3)   Do you think it's just something I have to get used to?  (Like my
thighs in a bathing suit, a slot machine that never pays off, or that
miserable Hillary Clinton  never giving it a rest and going back into her

I think your advice column is sensational.

...Now if only I can figure out how to get my hair a little bit lighter...


Dear Ronni,

To answer your questions,

1)  It's possible....I have a favorite paper bag, if you would like to
borrow it!

2)  Oh Yes!....I believe radio listeners have a sixth sense that allows
them to see what we look like while we are on the air.  Ugh!

3)  Yes.

Ronni, my husband and I are thinking about opening a Beauty Salon
named the "Blonde Bitch".....surely, we could get your color right?!

Good luck,


Subject : Wake Up America

Dear Gennifer.....

First of all I am broken hearted that you are married... you are fabulous
: )

Briefly, I am Military and been that for 17 years now and I've seen what
you said on the AH show of how we look to other people around the
world, next... if you can believe this.... We (the military) have received
a direct order not to quote or communicate in any way shape or form
anything about President Clinton.... I am ashamed to have to salute him as
my commander in chief, and then I have to say that I am proud to see that
you have the courage and dignity to stand up for what's right and
wrong.... everyone keeps sweeping his (the Pres) junk under the carpet
time and time again... WHEN WILL THIS COUNTRY WAKE UP???  well.... please
take care ...be careful.... and I do salute you... thanks.


Dear Fritz,

I SALUTE your integrity!

As an individual that has a tremendous respect for the military, I have
great empathy for your position.

Hang in there Fritz...........a new President and Administration could
mean renewed hope and respect!

Time will tell.


Subject : Twin Peaks

Dear Gennifer,

Hey ... I think you are beautiful!  I'll stand up for you any day.  I love
your ideas and courage.  I only wish I had as much inner strength.

I have found myself in a rather awkward situation.  I am married to a
twin.  Her sister lives with us also and I have a difficult time telling
them apart.  There are ways to tell, but after I have a drink or two, it
becomes even more difficult.

Two days ago, I accidentally seduced my wife's twin sister.  Her sister
never let me know that she wasn't my wife.  But she told my wife the next
day what happened and now my wife is threatening to divorce me, and is
demanding her twin sister move out.  Her sister now hates me because she
blames me for breaking up their family.  I never meant to create any
problem.  Things are really heating up around here and if I don't do
something quick, I'm afraid I'm gonna lose everything.  Please tell me
what you would do if you were in my shoes.


Dear Nigel,

You definitely have.....DOUBLE TROUBLE!!!

The twin you slept with by mistake owes you and your wife (her sister) a
huge apology!

She is the "snake in the grass" and should be the one to make an
immediate EXIT!

In the meantime, I suggest you keep off the booze and avoid having
"double vision" in the future.

Good luck,


Thank you all again for your continued support!  I'm listening for your
comments and look forward to hearing from you.

My Best,


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Federal Government defined:
....a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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