-Caveat Lector-

>From The American Partisan

> Strange Disposed Times
> Courage to Fight Executive Orders
> by Michael R. Allen
> Perhaps you have seen the frightening television ad, in which BobDole tells the
> audience that it takes courage to talk about some things. It's too bad that he
> is not speaking out against Executive Orders (E.O.), because then more people
> might care about their freedom.
> To speak out against the profligate issuing of Executive Orders in recent years
> shouldn't be an act of courage; it should be a no-brainer for anyone serious
> about liberty.
> Executive Orders and their close kin, Presidential Decision Directives (PDDs),
> have been around since America's constitution was ratified. Their initial
> purpose was very pedestrian: a way for the president to accomplish routine
> tasks, like hiring employees in his office, without having a congressional vote
> every time. In other words, consider EOs and PDDs executive tools for
> housekeeping.
> How did they ever become the tools of tyranny?
> Like many other features of the government given to this land by the
> Constitution, the EO/PDD feature did not prove to be restricted enough. As the
> presidency took on the role of actually making policy, EOs proved an easy way to
> bypass stagnant (or stubborn) lawmakers. Without having to put something to a
> vote by the people's representatives, the president could get his way and make
> sure radical proposals barely got noticed.
> The Congress may have its power to write laws usurped through EOs, but it has
> one last check -- however feeble it is -- against executive power. A comment
> period of ninety days after the issuing of an executive order is allowed, and a
> congressman can file a complaint against the offending EO. This complaint
> feature doesn't normally prevent bad EOs from being issued, but it has been
> useful to draw attention to recent EOs.
> <Picture>In 1998, President Clinton wrote EO 13083, supposedly to reaffirm
> federalism. EO 13083 instead gave the president broad powers to suspend the few
> remaining rights of States against the national government. Hundreds of
> thousands of concerned patriots flooded their representatives with messages, and
> Clinton retracted the EO in the face of protest.
> Unfortunately, he might strike again on federalism -- that is, if he even needs
> to.
> Clinton's PDD 25 allows him to put American soldiers in the command of the
> United Nations. EO 12919 established an industrial resources preparedness plan
> that gives the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) direction over private
> industry. More recent EOs have undermined the internet's freedom to operate and
> have allowed us to be further regulated by international organizations.
> More than any other, EO 12656, "Assignment of Emergency Preparedness
> Responsibilities," already gives Mr. Bill the dictatorial powers he wants. It
> gives federal agencies the power to command all law enforcement. It puts local
> policeman to work for the United Nations. It allows for any citizen's assets to
> be frozen and travel rights rescinded. Of course, these horrible controls are
> contingent on the occurrence of a "national emergency."
> Since the "national emergency" is declared by the president, one imagines that
> some pretty bad things could lie ahead. A "Y2K" problem, real or contrived,
> might be enough cover for Clinton to call a "national emergency." Under PDD 63,
> Clinton's administration created the Infrastructure Protection Agency
> specifically to "manage" any problems next year. Agencies that would aid in the
> saving of America are only those incorruptible institutions including the Secret
> Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Defense --
> agencies that are proper for warfare and police action.
> Even if Bill Clinton never uses his emergency powers, who can one trust with
> dictatorial powers? Al Gore? Surely not the son of an ex-CIA director who wrote
> a few EOs of his own, George W. Bush? After all, EO 12565 was written by a
> Republican administration.
> Ronald Reagan's legacy is looking more wobbly every day. Any president who would
> issue an executive order for anything beyond a cheese-and-pepperoni pizza
> deserves scrutiny. Any president who would grant himself, his successors, and
> the extra-constitutional UN so much power should impeached.
> Of course, time runs one way. Citizens of 1999 have to live with the fact that
> we are governed by over 13,000 executive orders in addition to that legislative
> tool of tyranny, the US Code. The people need to be educated about what powers
> their president has acquired. Reading the text of the executive orders should
> give them the courage they need to demand the impeachment of future executive
> miscreants. The sooner the truth is known, the sooner America can rid itself
> this post-constitutional hangover.
> --------
> Michael R. Allen is Senior Editor and a regular columnist for the American
> Partisan.

<<And why would anyone want to tamper with the 2nd amendment?  Planning

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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