-Caveat Lector-

> Thursday, September 9,1999
> The Blood Trail: Part I
> By Dale Hurd
> September 8, 1999
>  -- On May 19th, on the same night an office in Montreal was broken
>  into and burglarized, in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, a clinic was fire
>  bombed. How could seemingly separate incidents in Quebec and Arkansas
>  be related? A message was delivered...the same message. Someone, somewhere is very
> concerned about an incredible scandal that most Americans know nothing
> about, but about which Canadians know only too well. This is a story
> about tainted blood collected from Arkansas inmates and sold to make a
> profit. It's about hundreds of dead and dying Canadian hemophiliacs
> who used it, and a former governor who could be held legally respo
> nsible for it. The blood trail starts at Cummins prison, near Grady,
> Arkansas. Cummins was one of several prisons in Arkansas in which
> blood products were collected from infected prisoners, sold on the
> spot market at a huge profit, and then shipped all around the world.
> The federal courts once condemned the Arkansas prison system as "a
> dark and evil world completely alien to the free world." In 1978, its
> conditions were declared unconstitutional. Inmates used to be murdered
> inside Cummins prison; their bodies thrown into unmarked graves.
> Arkansas was one of the last prison systems to use slave labor. And it
> was the last prison system in the country to stop selling plasma
> donated by prisoners. Michael Galster is a board certified
> prosthetist/orthotist. He's worked at Cummins prison from the 1970s
> until the present day. " I would try to look on their charts and see
> if they had had a blood test, because they'd have a Band- Aid at
> their elbow, and they'd tell me, 'No, they hadn't had a blood test;
> they'd just sold their blood the day before.'" Galster says some of
> his patients, who were also in the blood program, had no business
> giving blood. "Some of them were just too ill to walk, if they could
> walk in the first place. They'd come in in a wheelchair, they'd have
> distended abdomens, they'd be yellow, the whites of their eyes would
> be yellow -- al l the obvious signs of hepatitic infections." What
> Galster eventually uncovered about the prison plasma program was
> turned into a book: Blood Trail. It's not a book for everyone because
> it contains adult language and adult situations. Galster chose to
> write his account as a novel under a pen name, Michael Sullivan,
> because he was afraid for his family's safety. He would later find out
> he had reason to be. But back in the 1980s, Galster assumed prison
> officials must have known what they were doing: "I assumed that the
> people in the prison who were buying and selling this blood had some
> technique of cleaning it up, running it through a filter, or
> whatever..." But they apparently did not. John Schock was an inmate at
> Cummins in the '80s. He donated blood so that he could get a few
> dollars in paper scrip to spend at the prison canteen. But he paid
> dearly for it. It was through the blood program that he contracted
> the incurable hepatitis C that wrecked his first liver. "I've never
> seen them tear open a needle, a clean needle, and stick it in you. "
> Schock said he saw plenty of sick inmates who were allowed to bleed,
> "[I saw]
>  sick people going in and bleeding...coughing, hacking, choking,
>  carrying on all over the place, you know, [and] all over everybody.
>  [Some had] pneumonia or the flu or [I would] know that they are a
>  homosexual, and they're in here bleeding, just like I am.
> "Sometimes they would let you go two or three weeks and they'd be
> sticking you every time, testing you. Sometimes it'd be two or three
> months before they'd stick you and test you again." In other words,
> Schock confirmed  that he and other inmates gave blood without being
> tested. The plasma was spun out of the blood, which was then put back
> into the inmates. The bleeding program was a gold mine. Inmates only
> got about five dollars per liter, but with sometimes thousands of
> liters being collected each month with a market value of 50 dollars
> or more per liter, HMA should have netted more than at least a million
> dollars per year. There are suspicions it made several million a year.
> The plasma was shipped out stamped ADC plasma. What may not have been
> clear to the buyers is that "ADC" stood for Arkansas Department of
> Corrections. The plasma was sold all around the world, but in the
> 1980s, much of it ended up in Canada, where a Toronto company used it
> to make a blood-clotting product called Factor 8, which was then
> distributed by the Canadian Red Cross and, finally, put into the blood
> streams of unsuspecting Canadians
>  like James Krepner.
> "When I was in my early twenties and feeling fine, I weighed about
> 180, 185 pounds, and now I'm about 105 pounds." Krepner, a Toronto
> attorney, is dying from Aids and hepatitis C from Arkansas prison
> plasma. " I mean, initially, when I was infected, I thought, well,
> it's bad luck, you know, it's just bad luck. You got some factor that
> was contaminated. There was nothing they could have done about it and
> it was bad luck. But as I investigated I found that no, it's not just
> bad luck." Arkansas prison blood created a health crisis in Canada and
> big problems for the Liberal party government of Jean Chretian. At
> least 42 thousand Canadians have been infected with hepatitis C, and
> thousands more with HIV, thanks to poorly screened plasma from a
> number of sources. More than seven thousand Canadians are expected to
> die because of it, and an estimated one thousand of those have died or
> will die from Arkansas prison blood. "It's very, very painful. It's
> not supposed to be like this, " says Denise Orieux. The Toronto mother
> has already lost one son to Arkansas blood, and another son is
> infected. Michael McCarthy, faced with a slow death sentence from
> Arkansas prison blood, is known throughout Canada for leading the
> fight for justice for the victims: "My uncle's dead. I have another
> uncle sick. I'm sick with Hep C
>  from this prison blood. Somebody in the States decided that for me,
>  it was okay to get this stuff; that the money was important to
>  provide prisoners with some cigarette money and millions of dollars
>  left over to go into
> the coffers of the state of Arkansas."
> The question is what did Bill Clinton know about the bleeding program?
> The program was operated by Health Management Associates, a private
> company. HMA, which provided all medical services for the prison
> system, was headed up by a close friend of then Governor Clinton.
> Reports obtained by CBN news as well as press clippings suggest
> Clinton was fully aware of the medical problems at the prison. To say
> HMA had some problems would be putting it mildly. An outside audit
> found HMA had a large number of medical personnel who had had their
> licenses revoked, and that HMA had "consistently failed to live up to
> its contract." In 1982 and '83, the FDA shut down the plasma program
> for shipping contaminated blood, poor storage of blood components, and
> over bleeding of inmates. But rather than terminate the blood program,
> the prison's board of directors voted to change the name and open
> under a different charter. So, whenever there was a problem with the
> FDA or other authority, Galster says the name was changed from ADC
> Plasma to ABC (Arkansas Blood Components) to
>  Pine Bluff Biological. HMA was finally dissolved in 1986, but another
>  business took over the blood program and even expanded it. Arkansas
>  prison plasma was collected and sold until 1994. "This program was so
>  successful,
> it made so much money for the prison and for the people that were
> running the show, says Galster, "that they went to the prison
> hospital, the diagnostic unit where I worked most of the time, and set
> up a bleeding center there so that inmates that were sick in the
> hospital could go down twice a week and sell their blood. It's just
> incredible." And when HMA came under fire in the Arkansas press for
> its problems, Galster alleges that then Governor Clinton organized a
> payoff plan to a judge as a way of keeping HMA in business. The media
> scrutiny forced Clinton to authorize a state police investigation of
> HMA. And records from that investigation show that more than one
> corrections official had heard of the bribe. The White House told
> Canadian TV that "it's impossible to say the president knew. The
> accusations that President Clinton knew the blood was tainted are
> wrong." Galster replies: "It would be very difficult for Bill Clinton
>  to say that he did not know what was going on. He would have to
>  convince me he was never governor of the state of Arkansas."
> The White House did not respond to our questions about Bill Clinton's
> knowledge of the blood program. Perhaps it's not used to questions,
> since there's been a virtual media blackout on the story in the United
> States. When
>  Galster brought tainted blood victims to the National Press Club in
>  February, he was all but ignored by the media and Janet Reno's
>  Justice Department.
> But there is evidence that during President Clinton's first term, the
> White House was tracking the blood scandal very carefully. The man in
> charge of damage control is thought to be the late Deputy White House
> Counsel Vince Foster. White House Secretary Linda Tripp said that a
> few days after Foster's mysterious death in 1993, she took a phone
> call from someone who said Foster had been very concerned about a
> tainted blood issue. Tripp also said when she tried to enter data from
> the call into the computer of Vince Foster's secretary..."every time I
> entered a word that had to do with this particular issue, it would
> flash up either the word 'encrypted' or 'password required' or
> something to indicate the file was locked." Galster, who knew Foster,
> believes the blood trail caught up with the Clinton's trusted friend
> and legal counsel in the summer of 1993. "Look at it this way:
> Canadians suddenly are infected and are dropping like flies. And they
> start their own little research and they backtrack this blood and find
> it comes from the state of Arkansas, and they find that the governor
> at that time that was tied up tightly in this medical system is now
> the president. They're going to call Foster." And it was just as
> Canadian officials were launching a massive probe to uncover where the
> tainted blood came from that Foster was found dead. READ The Blood
> Trail: Part II CBN NOW CBN


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