A Catastrophics Newsletter

                           VOL III, No. 12
                           Aug 31, 1999

EDITOR:  Amy Acheson
PUBLISHER:  Michael Armstrong
LIST MANAGER:  Brian Stewart


PARADIGMS AND IDEOLOGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Mel Acheson
BY JOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Dave Talbott
ASTROBIOLOGY . . . . . Ev Cochrane, Dwardu Cardona, Dave Talbott
CHLORINE DISCOVERY NEAR IO . . . . . . . . . . . by Wal Thornhill

By Mel Acheson

I get newsletters from several think tanks.  A recent one
contained an article analyzing the effects of "ignorant masses"
and "expert elites" on public policy.  One paragraph described a
political dynamic which, with the substitution of only two words,
also occurs in science.  In the following quote, I've substituted
the appropriate sense of [science] for the author's use of
"politics" and [paradigm] for "ideology'.

[A paradigm] "constrains" [scientific] attitudes-imposing
conceptual consistency on them, but at the cost of
screening out information that would undermine doctrinaire
conclusions.  This is unavoidable if [paradigms] are to
accomplish their cognitive purpose:  making sense of the
otherwise incomprehensible world of [science].  The
[believer in a paradigm] is able to absorb more
[scientific] information because his preset convictions
allow him to better organize data-convenient data, at
least-than can members of the [scientifically] innocent
mass public.  But part and parcel of the [paradigm
believer's] ability to assimilate self-confirming data is
the ability, and the need, to dismiss conflicting data-and
to condemn their purveyors as stupid or evil.  If one's
[paradigmatic] opponents were merely mistaken, one would be
obliged to study and rebut their erroneous ideas, and that
would undermine the time-saving convenience of one's own
[paradigm].  Opponents must be written off entirely if
their ideas are to be safely ignored.  Thus, animating the
most sophisticated of [paradigm believers] is usually the
unquestioned assumption that no decent, caring person would
oppose [statements derived from the paradigm]….  ("Public
Ignorance and Democracy" by Jeffrey Friedman.  CATO Policy
Report, July/August 1999, V. XXI, No. 4, p. 11.)

But this need to write off opponents is not a necessity inherent
in the nature of paradigms.  It's an invasive need, carried
unconsciously into the competition of paradigms under the
character armor (chronic personality rigidities) of the
participants.  Tolerating other paradigms carries just as much
(or as little) logical necessity.  But the frequent choice of
intolerant attitudes reveals something about the nature of

Paradigms in science and ideologies in politics are expressions
of the underlying nature of human cognition:  the ability to
recognize patterns of intelligibility. In a complex world about
which we have limited experience, there can be more than one way
to make sense of it.  The history of ideas provides a long list
of paradigms and ideologies proposed and imposed, adopted and
abandoned, revived, revised, and ignored.

Some ways of making sense work better than others for
accomplishing the goals we want.  But that is an evaluation from
utility.  The political dynamic described above is an evaluation
from righteousness. The switch from "does it work?" to "are you
right?" is also the expression of an underlying nature, but one
not of cognition but of anxiety. The (cognitive) values of
"right" or "correct" are largely defined by and limited to the
paradigms themselves, but they are applied to other paradigms
with the non-rational necessity of a primal fear and guilt.  What
began as a purely intellectual activity is transformed under the
heat and pressure of a deep-seated terror into a moralistic and
religiose caricature of religious activity.

"[M]aking sense of the otherwise incomprehensible world" is an
activity quite different from being right.  There are more
paradigms than a person has time to study, and there's no
inherent necessity to write them off or even to rebut them in
order to pursue a chosen one.  Writing them off is surrendering
to the invasion of fear and abandoning your responsibility,
freedom, and power to make what you can of your own paradigm.

Mel Acheson

By Dave Talbott

[The following comments are excerpted from the Kronia
electronic discussion group and should be read in conjunction
with other published articles.]

"Saturn" (the Universal Monarch) has both elder and younger
aspects.  I think it may have been Macrobius who said that the
younger Saturn is Jupiter and the elder Jupiter is Saturn.  (Be
that as it may, I didn't invent the idea!)  :>).  The principle
is inherent in Greek approaches to the two gods.  Though Kronos
and Zeus were clearly two different planets in Greek times, their
biographies nevertheless overlap.  Zeus is acknowledged to be the
younger form of Kronos, of course.  However, the two aspects are
impossible to miss: Kronos is never portrayed as a victor over
world-threatening dragons of darkness.

You see the same thing in the relationship of Osiris to Ra.
Osiris is inseparably connected to Ra as the son of Ra, and the
"second Ra", but he is certainly not IDENTICAL to Ra.  The
Egyptians remembered Atum-Ra as the central sun presiding over
the creation and the First Time; and they gave detailed accounts
of the god's first appearance.  No such story is told of Osiris.

Conversely, Ra has virtually disappeared in connection with the
Osiris story, as recounted in the Sed Festival ritual and
numerous other accounts.  This is a story of cosmic transition -
death, dismemberment, resurrection, and transfiguration.  For all
intents and purposes Atum-Ra is not even around at the more
critical junctures, any more than Anu or Shamash are involved in
the cosmic ordeal confronting Marduk (Jupiter) in the Babylonian
Akitu festival.  (Anu has already fled the scene when Marduk
confronts the dragon Tiamat.)  Nor do any of the great "sun" gods
- with whom the planet Saturn was identified - figure directly in
this "second half of the story".  It is always the younger form
of the Universal Monarch that we see emerging victorious from the
period of cosmic darkness.   At some point you have to reckon
with the underlying pattern here, for which there MUST be an

It is interesting to note that the Babylonian priests of
Marduk/Jupiter, in listing various tribal names of the god,
include the name Asar, which happens to be the name of the
Egyptian Osiris.  Taken alone, I would not make a point of this,
nor of the fact that various Egyptologists (among them, E.A.W.
Budge) HAVE linked Osiris to Jupiter.  The line of reasoning is
really much more fundamental and based on world patterns which do
not seem to allow for any other identification.  Who could deny
that the best-known Jupiter figures are "born" from Saturn-
figures, and are seen as the younger and triumphant forms of the
father.  Possible physical explanations for the sequence may
vary, but I do not see how the fundamental paternal relationship
could be denied.  And in ancient myth, the idea "to be born from"
is a very literal idea, one certainly not suggestive of a
personality arriving from elsewhere in the sky.

The seeming paradox is actually the key.  Are we dealing with one
sovereign power, or two?  The fact that both answers are correct
is a direct pointer to the solution.  One mythical figure
progressively separates into two aspects precisely because these
two aspects became two separate planets.  It was no doubt easy
for the Greeks to see Kronos and Jupiter as separate, even
warring powers, despite their paternity.  It was easy to identify
Kronos, the displaced form, with the powers of cosmic rebellion,
because the very existence of two different planets worked
against the idea of one underlying personality.  But the Egyptian
material, of course, preceded all observational astronomy and all
ideas of separate "planets".  So the emphasis is naturally on the
manifestation of the elder in the new form of the younger.

Nevertheless, you will still find in Greek sources many
indications of the original idea - one sovereign power
manifesting himself in a succession of "forms".  In Orphic
cosmology Dionysos will be seen as the supreme power finding form
in successive personalities or "bodies" of the primary gods.
Before the dismemberment of Dionysos at the hands of the Titans,
"he became a youthful Zeus, an aged Kronos, a babe, a youth".

In the pairing of Kronos and Zeus you will never find the "elder"
and "youthful" roles reversed, despite the fact that Zeus was
often presented as a sovereign power encompassing all of the
creative roles elsewhere reserved for Kronos (including even the
"castration" of his own father, a story element in the bios of
BOTH gods).

An interesting comparison would be the Hindu Brahma, though the
Hindus achieved a far more elevated philosophical concept. In the
course of creation, Brahma manifest himself in a succession of
forms, DISCARDING PREVIOUS BODIES in the juncture between world
ages. That is one very natural interpretation in the sequence we
are dealing with.  Because the story clearly arose before
astronomy and was told without reference to remote planets on
predictable orbits, it can help to illuminate those traditions
which WERE influenced by later planetary identities.  The new
form of the god displaced in the world-changing crisis is always
Jupiter.  And that is the fundamental character of the Egyptian
god Osiris, I believe.


If Cochrane is correct in that Indra was Mars (with which you
agree), then so must have been the Greek Zeus. Their mythological
profile is identical. Who, then, in your scenario, would stand
for the planet Jupiter in Greek mythology?

There is no question in my mind about the equation of Indra and
Mars.  In the case of Indra, there are so many documented Martian
attributes and episodes as to make the case airtight.  Indra is a
more authentic, more obviously cosmic version of Heracles, the
latter's cosmic stature being progressively diminished over time
(as was Indra's in many later traditions).

For several years I tentatively accepted the conventional
scholarly identification of Indra with Zeus.  It was in the early
eighties that Ev suggested an identity with Mars, and that made
me curious enough to investigate.  The result was a hands-down
victory for the Martian identity.  Moreover, the entire basis for
any equation with Zeus collapsed.

Oversimplifying, it is the difference between a sovereign god
(Jupiter) who HURLS lightning as a weapon against chaos, and a
god (Mars) who IS or PERSONIFIES the lightning-weapon itself-
this "lightning" being represented in the form of an arrow, dart,
sword, spear, trident, phallus, etc.   Mars is the vertical,
electrically active, piercing weapon in service of the sovereign
power.  Such a statement cannot be made about Zeus, who IS the
sovereign power, allowing for not even a hint of another master.

Zeus, of course, was the Greek name of the planet Jupiter.

While numerous warrior-hero figures were progressively brought
down to earth, or humanized and diminished over time, there was
also a tendency for the sovereign power to fall into the
background, due to his more passive role. (Contrast the
incredibly active role of the warrior-hero, which provided
endless story content for the myth-makers.)  This growing vacuum
was often filled by the most revered hero-figure.  You will see
these tendencies clearly in the case of Indra.  While his
worshippers sought to elevate his stature above all other gods,
the less devout chroniclers progressively reduced his stature to
a more human, or even demonic form.  But from start to finish the
STORY is the story of Mars.

Dave Talbott

by Ev Cochrane, Dwardu Cardona, and Dave Talbott


I have long argued for the possibility that microorganisms
migrated between Mars and Earth.  Such a cross-seeding is much
easier to imagine, needless to say, if the two planets were close
neighbors only a few thousand years ago, as per the Saturn


What I would like to know is how such cross-seeding between Earth
and Mars could have taken place during  Saturnian configuration
times when, according to Talbott, Mars was raining red-hot debris
on Earth in that continuous stream that was the polar column.


Dwardu, I think I may have misled you with something I said about
the "redness" of Mars.  I believe that removal of Martian
atmosphere and oceans preceded its acquisition of the reddish hue
with which so many Martian figures are associated.  The very
first forms of the warrior-hero do not seem to suggest this
redness, but in the case of the more active phases of the figure,
including his terrible aspect (Set, Typhon), redness is a
dominant feature.

Rather than speak of "red-hot" material streaming toward the
Earth, I've expressed the suspicion that lower levels of Arctic
or Antarctic ice include water and dust pulled from Mars.  More
than one rock identified as Martian has been removed form
Antarctic ice, but that does not take into account any of the
much larger volume of Martian rock that would have been removed
from deeper levels by an electrical discharge capable of creating
the stupendous Valles Marineris (the deeper material would lack
the chemical signature of surface material identified by the
Viking probes of the soil).

>From what Wal has described dynamically in electrical
interactions, I can imagine active transport of atmosphere and
dust without necessarily killing off all microorganisms.

Dave Talbott

by Wal Thornhill

I am forwarding the appended important report from the Galileo
team, along with my comments.  But first, here is a copy of an
answer I sent to Dave Davis and Dwardu on the 5th of April this

To Dave and Dwardu,

. . . you will no doubt be interested to know that, according to
Louis Kervran's nuclear cookery book, salt (sodium chloride) has
as its main ingredient - nitrogen! Both sodium and chlorine are
formed in the correct one to one ratio by a series of low energy
nuclear transformations, beginning with N2.

So, the ingredients for sulfur and salt deposits are present in
our own atmosphere!

Velikovsky believed that Saturn was a source of chlorine,
presumably because there is not enough chlorine in terrestrial
rocks to account for the enormous quantity present as sodium
chloride in our oceans. Also, he mentioned that there are legends
concerning precipitation of salty water.  That would be direct
confirmation of the extraterrestrial or atmospheric source of
sodium chloride since it is impossible to evaporate NaCl along
with water in the usual weather cycle.

With Kervran's new insight, Saturn need not be the direct origin
of chlorine. The fact that Saturn's large moon, Titan, has a
nitrogen atmosphere may indicate that Saturn is a source of
nitrogen instead. In fact, Saturn is known to have an atmosphere
of hydrogen, ammonia and methane which provides all of the raw
materials necessary, along with oxygen and nitrogen in the
Earth's atmosphere,  to produce the salty water, hydrocarbons and
sulphur mentioned in association with the activities of the
Saturnian Configuration.

That is, if we accept Prof. Kervran's nuclear cook book. And, as
I've said before, his work fits quite well with Sansbury's new

Wal Thornhill

>From the NASA article:

The recent discovery of chlorine above Io, a moon of Jupiter,
indicates the odd object may hold common table salt, according to
two University of Colorado at Boulder scientists.

This discovery is important because of the unsolved mystery of
how our seas became salty. Velikovsky noted that there is not
enough chlorine in terrestrial rocks to account for its abundance
in sea salt.

Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system, said
CU-Boulder Associate Professor Nick Schneider and former post-
doctoral researcher Michael Kueppers of CU's Laboratory for
Atmospheric and Space Physics.  They believe the presence of
chlorine -- an ingredient of sodium chloride, or common table
salt -- is related to the violent volcanic activity.

Now, as I have argued in an earlier post we may safely discard
NASA's description of the jets on Io as "volcanoes". They are
plasma jets caused by powerful electrical discharges between
Jupiter and Io, impinging on Io's surface. The material being
electrically "machined" from Io's surface will also undergo
nuclear transformations since the plasma jets are like scaled up
particle accelerators. As I have said before, the Gallilean
satellites of Jupiter seem to be characterised by an abundance of
water ice in their makeup, so we may safely assume that Io is no
exception. The nuclear reaction that converts 2 atoms of oxygen
into one atom of sulphur is a trick that the lowly thiobacillus
can perform on Earth. So that simple nuclear fusion is sure to be
the source of the red and yellow global sulphur deposits that
surface Io. (Notice that the ridges on Europa are also a reddish
colour which I attribute to localised sulphur production by
interplanetary lightning travelling across the surface of that
moon in the recent past).

"In fact, Io seems to have a higher proportion of chlorine in its
atmosphere than any other object in the solar system," said

Chlorine is highly chemically reactive and so would not be
expected in atmospheres unless it is being replenished (like the
ozone layer on Earth).

"The huge volcanoes on Io are similar to giant geysers, spewing
material hundreds of miles into the atmosphere, said Schneider.
The two researchers used a telescope at the National Science
Foundation's Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona to make
their findings, including the discovery of chlorine emissions in
the doughnut-shaped ring of charged particles surrounding Jupiter
known as the Io torus.

The volcano story is . . . required only because electrical
discharge effects are denied by astronomers. What kind of volcano
has a vent that glows at the temperature of a lightning arc? It
was described as the hottest spot in the solar system apart from
the solar photosphere!

The Io torus, which is five times larger than Jupiter, glows with
a power greater than all the electricity generated on Earth, he

The problem for astronomers is to explain where the power is
coming from and why it is manifest in this way. In the Electric
Universe model the power comes from the galaxy and is often
delivered in tori that encircle stars, planets and moons. The
energy intercepted by Jupiter and its moons is a small fraction
of the galactic energy on its way to light up the Sun.  The same
energy source creates the 1500 mph winds on Neptune and creates
similar electric geysers on its frozen moon, Triton.

Prior to the discovery of chlorine, the only elements observed
escaping from Io's atmosphere were sulfur, oxygen, sodium and

Sulphur and chlorine are next door neighbours in the periodic
table.  Based on the pioneering work of Prof. Louis Kervran, each
of the low atomic weight elements listed are strongly involved in
biological nuclear transmutations so it is reasonable to assume
that chlorine, like the abundant and obvious sulphur deposits on
Io, will be created in the energetic environment of a plasma arc
impinging on water ice.

The most common inorganic compounds of chlorine are sodium
chloride, which is ordinary table salt, and hydrogen chloride, a
colorless gas that is emitted from the volcanoes, said Schneider.

"It's not yet clear how salt would form on Io," said Schneider.
"Unlike Earth, Io has no oceans that could evaporate and leave
behind salt deposits.  But it is possible that underground rivers
or aquifers fuel Io's volcanoes and may carry dissolved salt.
Salt also could be made by chemical reactions in Io's

The sodium and chlorine would be created from other lighter
elements in Io's arcs and most would combine and fall back to the
surface as salt.

The recently discovered chlorine may be emitted by Io's volcanoes
or may come from the breakup of salt on Io's surface by charged
particles in the torus that constantly bombard the surface of the

In the electrical model there is no need for a source of chlorine
intrinsic to Io.  The discovery is very important from
Velikovsky's point of view. He said that the water of The Flood,
following the breakup of the Saturnian system, was salty. The
most probable origin of the bulk of the salt in our oceans is
from the nuclear reactions that took place in the powerful cosmic
electrical discharges involving the atmosphere of proto-Saturn. I
will be interested to see the isotopic makeup of the chlorine at
Io.  On earth the ratio is Cl37:Cl35 = 1:3

The discovery also has implications for the chemistry of Io's
atmosphere, he said. On Earth, relatively small amounts of
chlorine from human-made CFC's play a major role in breaking down
fragile molecules like ozone in the atmosphere.

"My guess is that we won't find any ozone on Io," said Schneider,
noting the proportion of chlorine in Io's atmosphere is a billion
times greater than that on Earth.

We are not just talking lab chemistry here. Just as you get ozone
from a photocopier because of the high electrostatic fields
employed in the xerox process, you will get ozone on Io because
of the presence of oxygen and powerful electrostatic effects in
its thin atmosphere.

"Chemical reactions may actually produce salt in the atmosphere,"
he said.  "The study of chlorine on Io is sure to benefit from
the extensive research on Earth's ozone hole, which in turn
benefited from the study of chlorine in the atmospheres of other

This has all of the hallmarks of a paid political announcement -
an attempt to relate the faulty science NASA does in deep space
to the flawed science back home on Earth.

Wal Thornhill


Other suggested Web site URL's for more information about

Subscriptions to AEON, a journal of myth and science, may be
ordered at the I-net address below:

Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered, 10 Pensée Journals may be
ordered at the I-net address below:

The THOTH electronic newsletter is an outgrowth of scientific and
scholarly discussions in the emerging field of astral
catastrophics.  Our focus is on a reconstruction of ancient
astral myths and symbols in relation to a new theory of planetary
history.  Serious readers must allow some time for these
radically different ideas to be fleshed out and for the relevant
background to be developed.  The general tenor of the ideas and
information presented in THOTH is supported by the editor and
publisher, but there will always be plenty of room for
differences of interpretation.

We welcome your comments and responses.

New readers are referred to earlier issues of THOTH posted on the
Kronia website listed above.  Go to the free newsletter page and
double click on the image of Thoth, the Egyptian God of
Knowledge, to access the back issues.

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