-Caveat Lector-

Q: I want to go back to your statement that you planned to shut down the
plant. The GAO testified at the congressional hearing that the state decided
to get out of the anthrax business when FDA came in and inspected them and
they weren't prepared to make the financial commitment to make the
improvements that were necessary.

A. “There's been a great deal of confusion about that … There were no issues
that FDA had with the purity, the strength, any of the things that they want
when that vaccine rolls out at the end, but there were bookkeeping

Comment: Contrary to the assertions of this anonymous senior military
officer, a 29 Apr 1999 GAO report found: “The FDA inspections of the
facility where the licensed vaccine was manufactured uncovered numerous
problems. The facility received warning letters from FDA, including one in
March 1997 stating its intent to revoke the facility's license.”  The GAO
report also described manufacturing deficiencies found by the FDA “that
could compromise the safety and efficacy of any or all batches.”

In fact, Bioport’s Chief Operating Officer admitted to Congress that,
“immediately after receiving the [warning] letter, we met with our clients,
including the DoD, to rapidly develop and execute a comprehensive plan to
resolve FDA concerns about our operation.” However, despite his actions, a
20 Feb 1998 the FDA inspection report found, “the manufacturing process for
Anthrax Vaccine is not validated.” The report specifically criticized the
vaccines’ purity, potency, sterility, and stability. All vaccine used
to-date was manufactured under this non-validated process.

 Q: You're still using the untested vaccine?

A: No, as the gentleman said, this vaccine has been tested and this contract
change does not affect that.

Comment: When the vaccination policy was announced, SecDef Cohen set four
conditions before the policy was to be implemented. One of those conditions
was “supplemental testing to assure sterility, safety, potency and purity of
the vaccine.” DOD allowed Bioport to perform the testing even though the FDA
had threatened the vaccine manufacturer in March 1997 with a revocation of
their license. DOD hired a non-pharmaceutical defense contractor to oversee
testing by the manufacturer. In his April 1999 testimony, the anthrax
vaccine program manager, BG Eddie Cain, admitted to “inconsistencies” in the
supplemental testing procedure. He stated: “based on this inconsistency,
JPOBD suspended supplemental testing and sent a "Tiger Team" of subject
matter experts to help resolve the problem. Corrective action is being
implemented. We expect to resume testing within six months.” This admission
of “inconsistencies” by DOD’s program managers means that the supplemental
testing performed on anthrax vaccine used on servicemembers is of
questionable value.

Additionally, on 29 Apr 99 the GAO reported to Congress that anthrax vaccine
“quality cannot be guaranteed from final tests on random samples but only
from a combination of in- process tests, end- product tests, and strict
controls of the entire manufacturing process.” Therefore, supplemental
testing, even if without “inconsistencies” admitted to by DOD, cannot
compensate for a flawed manufacturing process revealed by FDA inspections
and documented by the GAO.

 Q: Are there other strains of anthrax that you can -- as a weapons
designer -- you slightly alter that and therefore bypass your vaccine?

A: There are a couple of answers to that. One is, it's theoretically
possible to alter anthrax so that our vaccine would not be effective against
it. It's theoretically possible. Nobody has one that we know of.

Comment: On 5 Apr 1999 the New York Times reported on a recent book by a
defector and former deputy director of the Soviet germ-warfare program, Ken
Alibek. He stated anthrax “was genetically altered…to resist five kinds of
antibiotics.” Additionally, a November 1998  Nation Magazine article
reported, “at the end of 1997 Russian scientists had published a paper in
the British medical journal Vaccine describing the creation of a genetically
engineered anthrax strain that was resistant to standard Russian anthrax
vaccine.” Alibek stated in another interview: “Vaccines are not the

Q: Are there more severe [reactions] than that? Are there people who are
crippled because of this? Are there people who...

A: We're not aware of anyone who's crippled...It's on the order of three to
five people.

Comment: This admission contradicts statements about the vaccine by Mr.
Bacon, who said last January, “It’s safe and reliable…It works and has no
side effects.”  This admission also contradicts DOD’s anthrax website, which
states: “No reports of serious adverse effects have been received by the
manufacturer” – unless DOD is not reporting adverse reactions to the
manufacturer. If DOD is not, then it is in violation of federal rules (21
CFR 600.80), as is the manufacturer, if it does not promptly report adverse
reactions to the FDA. Further, servicemembers are getting seriously ill –
and some have testified before Congress.

Q: So what percentage of the people who are getting the shots are coming up
with some sort of reaction on their arm? Twenty percent, 40 percent?

A: The data I'm aware of would say closer to the order of 40 to 50 percent
would have something. They'll have some soreness, redness. The number that
are going to have systemic illness with fevers, they're going to have to be
hospitalized, are still extremely small. Much less than 40 to 50 percent.

Q: So 100, 1,000 people out of your million shots, out of your 320,000?

A: I don't have a number for you of that order. We looked at two small
subsets. The numbers that have got fevers were probably in the 7 to 10

Comment: DOD’s vaccine tracking system does not track adverse reactions –
they rely on servicemembers to send a form to the FDA. In March, the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs testified, “there have
been 42 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports submitted to
the FDA and CDC (an adverse reaction rate of 0.007 percent).” However, low
reporting of adverse reactions may be because “initially patients who
reported their illnesses as potentially related to the anthrax vaccine were
viewed as "malingerers", "whiners"," liars" and "hypochondriacs,” according
to Congressional testimony by a career medical officer in June.

At the 5 Aug 1999 briefing, senior officers admitted, “as we have gained
experience, we have found that those sort of local, self-limited, and
actually harmless reactions are much higher than we thought.” Despite
characterizations of reactions as “harmless”, the briefing made clear that
DOD implemented the anthrax vaccination policy without ever having studied
the long-term effects of the vaccine on servicemembers, and therefore they
have no statistical basis of asserting a vaccine reaction is “harmless.”

Q: What is your latest statistic on how many servicemembers have refused the

A: We don't have a formal tracking mechanism where we query and require
commanders in the field to report back to us the numbers.
[and later]
Mr. Bacon: The answer is I'm not aware that any specific... We have
approximately 200 people out of 320,000 who have received this vaccine have
come into the disciplinary system. It's a small number.

Comment: After an admission by a military officer that DOD has no way to
track refusals or the retention impact of the anthrax vaccine policy, Mr.
Bacon gave a very carefully worded follow-up by limiting his response to
address only those servicemembers who “have come into the disciplinary
system.” This omits discussion of those who are forced out of the military
with a less than honorable discharge in lieu of a court-martial, and those
who transfer, resign or retire before they have to refuse.

Mr. Bacon: There is some indication that, in fact, some soldiers have said
that they refused to take the vaccine because they didn't want to deploy to
some place such as Korea where they would be required to have this vaccine.

Comment: Mr. Bacon has made similar assertions before. Yet DOD has never
presented any evidence to support this claim which ignores that fact that
many of the servicemembers who have been punished for refusing the vaccine
were already deployed overseas, including Marines on Okinawa and sailors
aboard the USS Constellation. Mr. Bacon did not explain why hundreds of
reservists, who as volunteers can resign at any time, and who have served
repeated overseas tours in the past, have chosen to leave specifically when
their units have required the anthrax vaccination.

Mr. Bacon’s comment appears to be part of a Pentagon effort to ridicule or
impugn loyal servicemembers, including combat veterans, who have volunteered
to serve their country. The official DOD anthrax website newsletter states:
“Much of the hand-wringing and bizarre allegations about the vaccine is
coming from a vocal minority of people who think the "field" is where a
farmer works and "Gortex" is one of the Power Rangers.” In fact, many of
those opposed to the anthrax vaccination policy are combat veterans.

Q: ...on the Hill. You've got two pieces of legislation...

Mr. Bacon: We're not disciplining the people on the Hill.

Q: But you've got to deal with them. There are two pieces of legislation
introduced in the House, a growing number of cosponsors. And they're holding
more and more hearings…

Mr. Bacon: …To make vaccine use voluntary would be irresponsible …

Comment: Apparently, more and more “irresponsible” Congressmen disagree with
Mr. Bacon. Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) has introduced H.R. 2543 seeking to make
the vaccine voluntary. Rep. Benjamin Gilman (R-NY) has introduced H.R. 2548
seeking a halt to anthrax vaccinations pending an investigation by the
National Institutes of Health. Rep. Gilman’s bill had 17 cosponsors as of
late August.  Rep. Jack Metcalf (R-WA) has written SecDef Cohen requesting
DOD fund research into possible links between the anthrax vaccine and Gulf
War Illness investigated by the GAO and reported in Insight Magazine.

More Congressmen are getting involved because they are hearing from their
constituents. If you have an opinion about the DOD mandatory Anthrax
Vaccination Immunization Policy we urge you to contact your Congressional
Representative and Senators now to let them know your thoughts.
Congressional staffers inform us that letters and telephone calls are taken
more seriously than email messages.


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