-Caveat Lector-

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Dave Hartley

This article appeared in the November 20, 1998 issue of Executive
Intelligence Review.
Rice caught in Iran-Contra-style capers in Africa
by An EIR Investigative Team

Susan Rice brooks no opposition
Susan Rice, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, is reported to
have won her post at the U.S. State Department through strong pressure from
Roger Winter, executive director of the U.S. Committee on Refugees, who
pushed for her candidacy over the appointment of Howard Wolpe, now U.S.
Special Envoy to the Great Lakes region, who was also a contender for the

Her other known patron is Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who has
been a life-long friend of Rice and her family, as Albright is quoted in the
Washington Post of March 30.

She also comes to the administration with the vetting of the neo-colonial
apparatus in the British Commonwealth, which is the source of the policies
Rice is carrying out.
*****A Rhodes Scholar, she received her masters and doctorate degrees in
International Relations at New College, Oxford University. In 1992, she was
the recipient of the first annual award given by the ******Royal Institute
of International Affairs and the British International Studies Association
for the "most distinguished dissertation in the United Kingdom in the field
of International Relations." Her topic was "The Commonwealth Initiative in
Zimbabwe, 1979-80: Implications for International Peacekeeping." In 1990,
she had also been awarded the Royal Commonwealth Society's Walter Frewen
Lord Prize for "outstanding research in the field of Commonwealth History."

Her first job was a management consultant in Toronto, for McKinsey and

Her next posting was at the U.S. National Security Council, as director for
International Organizations and Peacekeeping in February 1993, and then as
Special Assistant to the President and as Senior Director for African
Affairs, from March 1995 until May 1997, when she was appointed by President
Clinton as Assistant Secretary.

An EIR team probing the causes behind the genocidal wars that have been
ravaging East and Central Africa over the last four years, has uncovered a
covert arms and logistical supply network run out of the U.S. State
Department, which mirrors precisely the notorious Iran-Contra arms supply
operation of the 1980s. As in the case of then-Vice President George Bush
and Col. Oliver North's covert Iran-Contra operations, the arms and
logistical supply to marauding forces in East and Central Africa is being
organized "off the books," and in direct violation of the official, public
policy of the United States government toward the conflicts involved.

The parallel to the Bush-North operations is precise: Incontrovertible
evidence accumulated by EIR demonstrates that the same extra-governmental
"assets" used by North in widespread illegal narcotics- and
arms-trafficking, are channelling arms and military aid into Central Africa.
In this new "Central African" supply operation, standing in for the
drug-smuggling gangsters of the Nicaraguan Contra operation, are the African
"rebels" fighting the governments of Sudan, the Democratic Republic of
Congo, and any other Central African nation targetted by British
intelligence's leading warlord in the region, Ugandan dictator Yoweri

The two leading operatives who have been caught red-handed in such dirty
operations toward Central Africa are U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for
African Affairs Susan Rice, and Roger Winter, executive director of the U.S.
Committee on Refugees.

EIR has uncovered two, overlapping operations. First, is the covert supply
of arms to the Sudanese People's Liberation Army (SPLA) of John Garang,
which has waged a totally unsuccessful but nevertheless genocidal war
against the Sudan government since 1983. The second involves covert military
logistical aid to the so-called rebel forces arrayed against the government
of Laurent Kabila in the Democratic Republic of Congo, an operation being
run directly out of the U.S. State Department with the oversight of Rice.

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