-Caveat Lector-

Another theory I have heard was that Henry Kissinger was on Flight 800
and that he was killed but he has 2 doubles.So it may be a good idea to
see if he has changed facial features.Not that his face has a lot of
character anyway. Just to add to the pile of theories.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [TheEagle-L] Re: Why TWA 800 was shot Down
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 17:17:23 -0700
From: DC Arneson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Can't speak to this, but I have heard, can not confirm,  that the
original plane in this time slot was an El Al 747. During taxi it
developed mechanical problems and had to abort for maintenance. The TWA
bird was next in line. Seems to have a ring of truth to me. Does anybody
have anymore knowledge of this? The Center Tank explosion does not carry
weight in my view. After Waco, does this also need to opened up also?  I
think yes.


David Terry wrote:

> Faction 2 info:
> TWA 800 was downed by a U.S. missile because it was carrying
> billions of dollars of counterfeit bearer bonds. These bonds had
> matured and were about to be cashed in. If they had reached their
> destination and had been discovered to be fake, the entire Federal
> Reserve banking system would have been audited, and the American
> people would have discovered that the 10% fractional reserve that
> banks have to have in order to borrow from others to lend to others,
> is based on counterfeit paper.
> Cmdr. William S. Donaldson, USN Retired, has challenged the
> official NTSB position on the cause of the crash of TWA Flight 800
> in a series of letters to James Hall, Chairman of the NTSB between
> April 1997 and today. Over the past two years, Cmdr. Donaldson
> has been working with other Retired Aviation Professionals, including
> some previous crash investigators as well as persons inside the NTSB
> investigation itself. Cmdr. Donaldson has extensive experience as a
> Naval crash investigator and he and others have concluded that the
> NTSB's explanation of the Center Wing Tank explosion is not
> credible. With the help of these other concerned aviation
> professionals, Cmdr. Donaldson has produced an extensive report on
> the cause of the crash. This report was delivered to the Aviation
> Subcommittee of the House of Representatives was released on July
> 16th, 1998. Recently uncovered information now shows that
> TWA Flight 800 could have been shot down by one or more
> shoulder-fired missiles.
> Note:
> Faction 2, as noted, is a loosely woven group of intelligence
> operatives from many different countries who oppose a New World
> Order under the United Nations and the international bankers.
> Operated by U.S. Naval Intelligence.
> It was them that backed President Bush Against the Grand Canyon
> and warned about his New World Order.
> The result was the Tailhook Scandal that caused these individuals,
> who were framed, to be removed from the WhiteHouse.
> DT

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