-Caveat Lector-


More spies to be named

Up to 12 more Britons recruited into the KGB will be unmasked
later this week. Some are understood to be still alive and living in
the UK.
Last night, Professor Christopher Andrew of Cambridge University,
the secret service historian who identified the 87-year-old great-
grandmother Melita Norwood as a Soviet agent, said: "One of those
named will be a prominent public figure who is now dead."
The disclosures will increase pressure on the Government, which is
facing intense criticism for not prosecuting Mrs Norwood, who was
unmasked yesterday as a Soviet spy of 40 years' standing and the
KGB's most important catch. Jack Straw, the Home Secretary,
yesterday asked the director general of MI5, Stephen Lander, to
prepare a full report on the case. The Home Office insisted he had
not been involved in the decision not to prosecute.
Earlier this year, John Morris, then Attorney General, had been
made aware of Mrs Norwood's identity, but decided that "it was by
then too late to undertake a prosecution".
At a press conference outside her home yesterday, Mrs Norwood
said: "I did what I did not to make money but to help prevent the
defeat of a new system which had, at great cost, given ordinary
people food and fares they could afford, a good education and a
health service." Asked if she regretted her actions, she said: "No,
no, no."
The identity of Mrs Norwood and the other spies is contained in a huge archive of 
files brought out of Russia by a defector, Vasili Mitrokhin, in 1992. He smuggled out 
six trunks of files from the KGB's most secret archiv
According to Professor Andrew, the files identify KGB agents and operations in 
virtually every country outside the Communist bloc.
Tom King, the former Tory Secretary of State for Defence, and now chairman of the 
Parliamentary Security and Intelligence Committee, said the unmasking of Mrs Norwood 
was part of "the most complete and extensive intellige
nce ever received from any source". He said that there would be further revelations in 
the coming days.
A British intelligence officer agreed yesterday that further major KGB spies would be 
revealed. ''There could be up to 12 more names to come out. You have to spend weeks, 
sometimes months, painstakingly going through file
 after file checking codenames and places then trying to match them with the names of 
real people who are either still living or existed."
Some of the files deal with KGB agents in Britain who were active right up to the end 
of the Cold War. Mrs Norwood, codenamed "Hola", is herself believed to have helped to 
recruit agents for the KGB. In 1967 she allegedly
 helped the agency recruit a civil servant who was codenamed
"Hunt". Through the 1970s he was a paid agent and provided
information on British arms and arms deals.
The imminent publication of the Mitrokhin archive has sent
shockwaves through Whitehall, with departments rushing to wash
their hands of the matter. Questions will now be asked about how
much ministers knew, and whether the director general of the
security services decided not to inform them of the contents of the
Mr King said his committee would conduct a thorough investigation
into the documents, and also into the handling of the case by both
Conservative and Labour administrations. "Questions need to be
asked about who knew what and why there were no prosecutions,"
he said.
Michael Howard, Mr Straw's Conservative predecessor, said he had
"no knowledge" of the case. Kenneth Clarke, Home Secretary from
1992 to 1993, and Kenneth Baker (1990-92) will also be quizzed.


"Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy." 
-- Franz Kafka

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