-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: The Transformation of a Butterfly Part II
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 22:55:00 -0500 (CDT)

continued from Part I -

Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 11:45:42 EDT
Subject: The Transformation of a Butterfly Part II

>From The Konformist ( http://www.konformist.com )

The demonization of Earth First! is the direct result of an organized
campaign promoted by the FBI and the timber companies.  Admittedly, Earth
First! made it quite easy to be discredited originally: most members spoke
favor of the practice of tree spiking, and in 1987, when George Alexander
nearly decapitated at a Louisiana Pacific lumber mill in Cloverdale mill,
group showed little sympathy for his plight.  Soon after, they were blamed
the press for the accident, though no evidence has ever been presented for
the allegation and nobody was ever charged.  Still, the smear was an easy
stick, based on the leaderships' refusal to disavow acts of sabotage that
were potentially lethal.  The aftershock of such reckless philosophical
nihilism lasts to this day: although there have been no injuries of
lumberjacks caused by Earth First! members, the label of the group as "tree
spikers" still exists.

In 1988, the FBI launched a major sting operation against Earth First! in
Arizona, Operation THERMCON.  Over $3 million dollars were spent trying to
entrap and frame members of Earth First! in acts of destruction.  Over 50
agents were involved in the operation, including agent Michael Fain and
informant Ron Frazier.  Both Fain and Frazier were the leaders of five
caught trying to disrupt power lines in the Arizona desert.  Despite the
that the failed act of sabotage was conceived and commanded by FBI
provocateurs, the further damage to Earth First! and its reputation had been
done.  It could have been worse: among the plans Fain couldn't convince
others to participate in was attacking nuclear power plants.

In 1990, the campaign heated up in reaction to Proposition 130, the
California initiative, dubbed Forests Forever, which would have ended
unsustainable logging and clearcutting.  If it had passed, the losses to
Pacific Lumber, Louisiana Pacific and Georgia Pacific would have been in the
hundreds of million dollars.  Even worse, a new leader in the Earth First!
movement was emerging: Judi Bari, who insisted that Earth First! as a group
condemn all potentially hazardous acts of disobedience.  Bari, a former
organizer, also began reaching out to local loggers.  The twin values
promoted by Bari were a threatening combination to the status quo: it's hard
to demonize those that preach non-violence, and her developing alliance with
workers could drive a stake in one of the most effective tools for business
monoliths: pitting workers against environmentalists, making the issues of
jobs and ecological balance appear to be in conflict.  (In truth,
the shoddy treatment loggers receive from the lumber giants - Louisiana
Pacific has laid off over a thousand workers since 1988 and engaged
in union-busting activities, and Pacific Lumber under Hurwitz has looted $55
million from the worker pension fund - they actually share a common opponent
in exploitation with forest activists.)

The big three lumber companies soon hired Hill & Knowlton, the PR firm that
would later sell America on mass murder in Iraq.  Soon, Prop 130 was labeled
"The Earth First! Initiative."  Phony Earth First! flyers and press releases
calling for violence and sabotage were released.  Something known as the
"Earth First! Terrorism Manual" began circulating as well.  According to San
Francisco Examiner columnist Rob Morse, a press kit he received from H&K and
Pacific Lumber "included a press release on the Earth First! letterhead, but
not written in the usual careful, sweet style of Earth First! It read like a
bad Hollywood version of what radicals talk like... At the bottom of this
ridiculous flyer was the name of Earth First! leader Darryl Cherney, with
first name misspelled..."

Then, on May 24, 1990, Judi and Darryl were both nearly killed, when a
motion-triggered pipe bomb hidden under the driver's seat of Judi's car
exploded in Oakland, California. Oakland Police immediately arrested them,
blaming the bombing on the victims, who they claimed were injured by their
own bomb going off by accident.  Over the next month and a half, the Oakland
PD and the FBI trotted out claim after claim of sensationalistic lies, all
convince the public of their guilt.  Bari informed the police she had
received numerous death threats in the months preceding the bombing, but the
cops weren't interested.  "If you turn up dead, then we'll investigate,"

If they had ever bothered to investigate, their findings would have been
quite interesting.  Just a month before the bombing, the FBI conducted a
investigation training in Humboldt County.  FBI bomb expert Frank Doyle
(agent for the well-named FBI Terrorist Squad) used pipe bombs to blow up
cars, the same FBI bomb expert who later showed up at the crime scene and
immediately shifted the blame to Judi and Darryl.  The exercise took place
a Louisiana Pacific logging site.  The chief of Louisiana Pacific's security
force was an ex-FBI bomb expert himself.  Meanwhile, according to another
bomb expert, David R. Williams, the Judi Bari device "was made with
craftsmanship and it was well conceived.  It did not come out of Anarchist
Cookbook; it did not come out of Poor Man's James Bond.  It was a complex
bomb, very well made."  In other words, the work of experts.  A very similar
device was used in the bomb investigation training.

Recently, Flatland Magazine, a magazine popular in the conspiracy theory
subculture, published a story arguing that the bomber wasn't FBI related,
a disgruntled member of Earth First! sour over personal relationships.  The
story, interestingly enough, has been picked up and promoted by news outlets
that previously ignored Flatland's "fringe" viewpoint, but who long have had
a bone to pick with the political cause of Earth First!.  The debate rages
on, but one thing is certainly clear: if the FBI didn't try to kill her,
weren't interested in finding out who did.  That being the case, perhaps
wasn't too far off when she declared, "The FBI should find the bomber and
fire him."

Tainted by connection to a supposed "terrorist" group (and facing a nearly
million ad campaign financed by the timber industry), Prop 130 died.  Yet
campaign against Earth First! continued: it reached its most absurdly
moment in 1991, when the San Francisco Examiner printed an article where an
"ex"-CIA agent accused Earth First! of funding scientific projects to
a virus as part of some diabolical plot to wipe out the human race (an
ironically amusing charge, considering the source.)  That such
unsubstantiated charges could be repeated in the mainstream press explains
how the Humboldt County Sheriff's Department could react after the death of
David "Gypsy" Chain last September 17th.  Rather than investigate the
who fell the tree that killed him for manslaughter (after they shouted
obscenities, promised to get a "pistol," and even threatened, "I'll make
I got a tree comin' this way!") the only individuals they even hinted at
investigating were Chain's fellow Earth First! activists for supposed
For anyone who is remotely aware of modern political history, the
of the FBI in harassing those in Earth First! is business as usual.  The
operation even had a code name: COINTELPRO (short for "Counterintelligence
Program".)  COINTELPRO was the FBI's Top Secret program to undermine the
activities of those labeled as "subversive"
organizations.  FBI kingpin J. Edgar Hoover ordered agents to "expose,
disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities those
he deemed as a menace to society.  Officially, the program was disbanded in
1975, the reality is it never disappeared.  According to M. Wesley
Swearingen, a retired FBI agent with inside knowledge of COINTELPRO, "The
program is still in operation today, but under a different code name. The
operation is no longer placed on paper where it can be discovered through
release of documents under the Freedom of Information Act."

Two of the more infamous victims of COINTELPRO are Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt,
the Los Angeles Black Panther leader, and American Indian Movement leader
Leonard Peltier.  Both were framed for murders that they didn't commit: in
both cases, Richard W. Held, a veteran FBI agent, was directly involved,
committing perjury and destroying evidence along the way.  Held,
coincidentally, was the special agent in charge of the
San Francisco FBI office at the time of the Bari bombing.

In recent years, those in the Patriot-Militia movement have become frequent
targets of harassment by the feds, and much of the violent, dangerous
behavior supposedly attributed to them by the establishment follows the
predictable pattern of frameups and provocateurs.  Some would argue this
shows the FBI is waging not a battle of ideological purity, but rather a war
against those who don't get with the program.  All groups (left, right or
center) that stand in the way of this goal become an enemy of the state that
must be attacked.

I bring this up to Julia, and ask her what she feels about the Patriot
movement.  After all, for all the supposed differences between Earth First!
and the Militia crowd, they're basically groups of people who are taking a
stand against the path our society is heading.  In fact, I suspect that if
the members of the two groups met with open minds, they'd discover they have
a lot more in common than they ever imagined.

Julia thinks for a moment, and speaks carefully, perhaps rightfully
that her opinions and words will be misunderstood and open her up to
criticism.  "I can't talk about the particulars, but I can say this: anyone
who takes a stand against societal norms will be subject to attack, and I do
empathize with all who do this.  We live in a sick consumer society:
consume, consume.  Anyone who opposes it can expect to be persecuted."

"I try to always go through life with peaceful actions.  A few years ago, I
felt I had to use a weapon, as someone was trying to kill me.  But when I
began learning how to use the weapon, I became sick in the stomach, it made
me ill.  I decided to give it up, that it was a temporary solution, that I
was going to live my life with peaceful actions as my way."

"But do I sympathize with their opposition to where our society is heading?
"This isn't just about Pacific Lumber, or Maxxam, or Charles Hurwitz.  There
is an international corporate structure behind this.  There is a healthy
balance, a path of equality that protects and preserves life.  And this is
being destroyed by the rich and powerful."

She pauses for a moment, hearing the raising passion coming from her voice.
"When I say this, I come not from a place of anger, but a place of love and
sacredness.  We really don't have to destroy the earth and life.  I really
believe if we all just open our eyes, our spirit, and our hearts, this will
become evident."

"I know there are a lot of people with an insider point of view, but if they
can just be tweaked, made aware that these issues are connected, that what
they are supposedly doing for their own benefit is in fact destroying them
and the world, I believe that they can change their attitudes and actions.
believe in the humanity of all, that we all can find redemption."

Judi Bari passed away on March 2, 1997, a victim of breast cancer.  At the
time of her death, she was an icon for the Earth First! movement, a person
who brought peace and wisdom to a structure that was clearly lacking it.
Hers was a story of gradual change, from the woman who sang cheery songs
about spiking trees to an advocate of non-violence and unity between workers
and ecologists.  Perhaps it says something that Bari (like Malcolm X) was
targeted after she began denouncing divisive policies and encouraged the
gathering of tribes.

As important as Bari was (and is) to the environmental movement, Julia is
perhaps already more so.  The lessons it took Judi Bari a lifetime to
embrace, Julia seems to understand almost instinctively.  The simple truth
nobody benefits more from violence and destructive rebellion than those with
power, and nobody is more frightened by peace than those who control the
armies.  By her own admission, Judi Bari's advocacy of non-violence was more
a tactical move, while with Julia it is a spiritual choice.  The demons
Bari had to grapple with to the end, Julia has already conquered.

Though she is not planning on leaving Luna soon, Julia does have dreams and
visions for her future.  Currently, she is working on becoming a great poet.
"I want to make people aware of the beauty in the world around them, and at
the same time, I want to expose the lies.  So much money is spent on writing
for toothpaste commercials, it's misplaced priorities.  Even worse, weapons
of mass destruction are sold to us like a toothpaste commercial.  It's

"Our media feeds off that: we have a culture that worships celebrities.  I
admire people who are famous for being themselves, helping the homeless,
stopping oppression.  People like Rosa Parks, Leonard Peltier."

"I do think we can change.  It happened with slavery.  The idea that people
could be private property was once accepted.  We all have the potential to
make a difference: you can be a hero or a destroyer, celebrate lightness or
in darkness.  We all have choices in life, and we can all choose to cherish

Maybe her cheery, hopeful ideals are naive. Considering what she has already
accomplished, it may be unwise to second guess her.  Her battle to save Luna
is not her end, but merely a beginning in her transformation into a leader
peace.  At worst, her ideology sounds a bit like REM's "Stand," a silly,
simple pop song on the surface that actually is a call to open your eyes and
be aware of where you are in the world. This may be to Julia's benefit, as
lets her sneak up on people who don't take her too seriously.  When she
entered Luna, nobody (including herself) expected it to be as important of
event as it has turned out.  Somehow, I get the feeling that she's going to
keep sneaking up on us.

Note: In August 1999, Home Depot, the largest single retailer of lumber in
the world, announced that by 2002, it will stop selling goods made from wood
cut in ancient forests in a sweeping policy change aimed at protecting
redwoods, the rain forest and other ecologically sensitive tracts. They
other retailers to join the effort to save endangered forests and pledged to
hold the line on prices as vendors and customers switch to products made
alternative materials.  And with that, another domino comes crashing down.

Luna Tree: The official site of Julia Butterfly

Albion Monitor: Judi Bari Resource Center

Earth First! Media Center
Andy Caffrey, facilitator
** see update below **
Contributions to further the Earth First! Media Center's promotional work in
support of the above and dozens of other EF! campaigns, may be sent, payable
to Earth First!, to:
Earth First! Media Center
P.O. Box 324
Redway, CA 95560
   update inserted by *STRIDER* -
   andy's old ef! site [Earth First! Media Center] is no more -
   here is the current info:

   PLEASE NOTE theses changes:


   Hayduke Rocks! an Earth First! Media and Action Network

JAIL HURWITZ! Save Headwaters Forest!

The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC)
P.O. Box 397
Garberville, CA 95542
(707) 923-2931
Fax 923-4210
Contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to join our listserver

Bay Area Action

Headwaters Forest Weekly Update & Action Alert List
High quality list with action alerts, news, and info. Moderated.
To subscribe send email to:
No subject line needed. In the message body write:
subscribe headwaters

Julia Butterfly
To write to Butterfly, send letters to:
Julia Butterfly
PO Box 1265
Eureka, CA 95502

Donations are welcome and can be made payable to Luna. Please email us for
inquiries regarding donations of goods or services.
To subscribe to the Luna list send email to:
No subject line needed. In the message body write:
subscribe luna

To order the Luna/Julia Butterfly video.

VIRGIN SACRIFICE - Headwaters Agreement gives away the forest to save the
Sonoma County Independant


>From The Konformist ( http://www.konformist.com )


Search /RENEGADE/ for articles on Julia Butterfly & Luna -

Search /RENEGADE/ for articles on Headwaters -

Search /RENEGADE/ for articles on Forest Action -

/RENEGADE/ Search - GO TO:  http://fornits.com/renegade/peaars.cgi?
and just type in your topic.  For differing results you may uncheck
"article" and search on just "subject," etc.  /RENEGADE/ also has
"time-frame" in the search, so you can tailor your results that way, too.



*STRIDER*       Sector Air Raid Warden at /RENEGADE/

          /RENEGADE/ news_service:  http://fornits.com/renegade/
Bay_Area_Activist list: http://fornits.com/renegade/peaars.cgi?fetchT
         usenet: news:alt.thebird   news:misc.activism.progressive
          chat: http://jupiter.beseen.com/chat/rooms/i/1055/
                 e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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