-Caveat Lector-

if you read past the fish story or discount it
and just address what she is saying then you are
fine.  Normally I would not mess up such a good
line but -
she needs to add in that

pimps - usually for money, or to push a agenda
    a type like Clinton
    can include pedophiles, ect
angels - they do watch over people BUT
    you would have to have enough education
        to be able to understand them  AND
    they would have to have enough education to
    understand you.
so people pick brains and others empathy

Truth or Consequences
    these people try to burn you to make sure you do
    not do it again.

fancies themselves as the fallen (Lucifer or dark angel)-
    same as truth or consequences with a twist
    are they only allowed to tempt or do they
    take over now days? To tempt means that
    they are following some set of rules, like
    many of the stylized films about the devil
    and his contracts.
    Animated Hercules being the most recent.

Jabr 333 wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> About the fish thing -- these may not be actual fishes.  They are more
> leeche-worm-eel like -- and when they die they are dark black, like tar.  And
> I may have something wrong about the fishing expeditions/systems itself here,
> but I think not.  You have heard of men saying to women or pimps saying about
> prostitutes -- "selling their wares?"  -- This ain't just sex.  It is these
> special animals.  And, I go further -- a portion of the U.S. is set up, esp.
> women, with implants that bring in these animals.   These dead send fishes
> are all over NYC streets -- and scattered by the hundreds throughout the NYC
> subway system's walkways.  This is NOT tar.  There is NO tar in the subway
> system areas -- all walks are cement.  There is no tar in the subway tunnels
> -- they are wood and dirt and cement.  There is NO tar in the subway cars.
> These tar baby things are ALL OVER the sidewalks of Manhattan. All over
> them...they are NOT tar.  Try scraping one of them up -- it is not the least
> bit like tar. ANd it is not chewing gum.  Which years ago I though it might
> be. It simply is not.  Scraping any of them off the street will tell you
> this.  I had a police officer confirm that these black things were "love
> fish" -- he knew.  I believe, cause I have caught 4 of them -- and have felt
> the sends off of these things -- that people literally are using these to get
> by and get good jobs done at doctor's offices, etc.  Carrying one of these
> around makes life around you much nicer -- cause of the sends they put off.
> Where do they come from?  Some people, not everyone, are set-up for the
> catching of these.  The implants in body draw in the animals -- and these
> people seem ot have, I know it sound weird, but wind-tunnels which are
> invisible to naked eye around em.  In these tunnels these animals seem to
> live -- almost like glass fish -- see though, until they are caught -- then
> they take on color.  I also believe that people have been used in these
> stranger-than-life stories for literally centuries -- the implants used for a
> long long time.  And the animals fishing stuff is what many prostitutes are
> set-up with -- the johns own them.  It is amazing to see these fishes come
> alive off the frequency draws too -- amazing.  Because the catching is really
> something to behond. The fishes show in a flash -- and with a strange
> pancake-like face on them.  This really is a real event -- not imagined.  The
> evidence of the fishes' existance is all around you now too -- look at these
> tar babies.  I am photographing this stuff in Manhattan now and NJ.  The
> pimps know this, that the sex trade actually IS about selling these creatures
> from the deep.  Ask a pimp (you know what they look like -- the well dressed,
> thick haired men...Italian a lot of them) -- to show you how they catch the
> send or love fish.  Ask him if you pay him, if he has any for sale.  Pretend
> you know what you are talking about -- if he says yes, ask the price, ask to
> see it, and ask him how to care for it.  He won't be able to show you how
> they are caught unless he has a mind control implant victim nearby -- to
> catch the fish off of.  THis is part of the underground workings -- girl.  It
> is considered pretty seedy stuff by many people.  But there is a whole
> cottage industry working about the procurement and use of these strange
> animals.  And as I said the evidence of these things being real is on the
> sidewalk.
> About eugenics -- there are specialized crime groups -- called curmudgeons --
> who often carry out implanting people who may become targeted for various
> reasons.  Once implanted, cults they begin working the victims over with mind
> control programming -- often in an effort to own the person.  The
> curmudgeon's may work for Freemasons in communities who are targeting
> particular people for elimination or torture or use in the satanic cult
> protocols.  The curmudgeons also handle tracking and following people set-up
> as nets for the fishing stories -- and the curmudgeons can make their money
> through getting the selling the love fish.  City officials and police may be
> making money on these victims and many victims are owned by pimps.  These
> curmudgeon couples are recognizable -- rather homely -- often huge eyes --
> they may not even be married.  They are tied into the workings of the sex
> trade and love fish trade.  They can track and follow mind control implanted
> slaves/victims for long periods.
> Judith ABR
> In a message dated 9/6/99 12:24:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << Subj:     Re: [MC] Re: GI Cop/Paramilitary/MC
>  Date:  9/6/99 12:24:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time
>  From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lyn Milnes)
>  Thank you for your comments, Judith, but I have nothing further to add.
>  A lot of what you say rings true to me, including your current remark about
>  eugenics.
>  I am baffled by the fish thing you mention, though, and I suspect it may
>  switch people who read your comments off, because it is SO strange to them.
>  Don't be offended by the question, but are you sure it (the fish thing) has
>  not been partly a hypnotic suggestion?   On top of genuine experiences, I
>  mean.
>  Just plain logic makes me ask.   It would be logical to put weird-sounding
>  things in beside the truth so that any story you told would sound untrue,
>  wouldn't it.   And it is so weird.
>  Lyn
>  ______________________________________________________
>  Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
>   >>

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you will

Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
      ---- Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people: those who do the work and
who take the credit. He told me to be in the first group - there is less
competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

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