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Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 15:40:25 -0700

-----Original Message-----
Date: Saturday, September 11, 1999 2:29 PM
Subject: Chomsky interviewed on East Timor

>East Timor on the Brink
>Noam Chomsky interviewed by David Barsamian KGNU, Boulder, September 8, 1999
>DB: Noam Chomsky, long-time political activist, writer and professor of
>linguistics at MIT, is the author of numerous books and articles on U.S.
>foreign policy, international affairs and human rights. Among his many
>books are Year 501, Keeping the Rabble in Line, World Orders Old and New,
>Class Warfare and The Common Good. His new book is The New Military Humanism.
>This special edition of Alternative Radio will focus on East Timor, which
>is once again a killing field with mass murders, expulsionsaand ethnic
>cleansing. According to a story in this today's New York Times, East
>Timorese are being rounded up and forcibly moved across the border to
>Indonesian West Timor. Joining us from his home in Massachusetts is MIT
>professor Noam  Chomsky, who was, along with his colleague Ed Herman,
>probably the first to write about East Timor in their book Washington
>Connection and Third World Fascism.
>Noam, the situation in East Timor has gone from bad to worse. You have
>written an article for the MoJo  Wire on why Americans should care about
>East Timor.
>NC: The primary reason is that there's a lot that we can do about it. The
>second reason is it's a huge catastrophe. Actually, it's considerably worse
>than when I wrote a couple of weeks ago. And there is a bit of history
>involved. The U.S. has been directly and crucially involved in supporting
>the Indonesian invasion, arming it, carrying it through the worst
>atrocities, which were in the late 1970s under the Carter Administration
>and pretty much right up till today. But putting aside history, we can do a
>lot. This is a place where the U.S. has plenty of leverage, can act to stop
>something which, if the U.S. doesn't act, might turn into a Rwanda, and
>that's not an exaggeration.
>DB: In your essay you say that "President Clinton needs no instructions on
>how to proceed." Then you go on to describe some events that happened in
>late 1997 and in the spring of 1998. What exactly went on?
>NC: What went on is that General Suharto, who had been the darling of the
>U.S. and the West generally ever since he took power in 1965, carrying out
>a huge mass murder, the CIA compared it to the slaughters of Hitler and
>Stalin and Mao, described it as one of the great mass murders of the
>twentieth century, it was very much applauded here. He wiped out the main,
>the only popular-based political movement, a party of the left, killed
>hundreds of thousands of peasants, opened the place up to Western
>investment, virtual robbery, and that was greeted very warmly. And so it
>remained, through atrocity after atrocity, including the invasion of East
>Timor, which was supported very decisively by the U.S.  and up until 1997.
>In 1997 he made his first mistake. One thing was he was beginning to lose
>control. If your friendly dictator loses control, he's not much use. The
>other was, he developed an unsuspected soft spot. The International
>Monetary Fund (IMF), meaning the U.S., was imposing quite harsh economic
>programs which were punishing the general population for the robbery
>carried out by a tiny Indonesian elite, and Suharto, for whatever reason,
>maybe fearing internal turmoil, was dragging his feet on implementing
>these. Then came a series of rather dramatic events. They weren't much
>reported here, but they were noticed in Indonesia, widely, in fact. In
>February 1998, the head of the IMF, Michel Camdessus, flew into Jakarta and
>effectively ordered Suharto to sign onto the IMF rules. There was a picture
>taken which was widely circulated in Jakarta and Australia showing a kind
>of humble Suharto sitting at a table with a pen and an imperious-looking
>Camdessus standing over him with his arms folded and some kind of caption
>saying, Typical colonial stance. Shortly after that, in May 1998, Madeleine
>Albright telephoned Suharto and told him that Washington had decided that
>the time had come for what she called a "democratic transition," meaning,
>Step down. Four hours later, he stepped down. This isn't just cause and
>effect. There are many other factors. It's not just pushing buttons. But it
>does symbolize the nature of the relationship.
>There's very good reason to believe that if the Clinton Administration took
>a strong stand, made it very clear to the Indonesian generals that this
>particular game is over, it would be over. I doubt very much, though there
>is talk about an intervention force, which the U.S. is refusing to make any
>commitment to, and about sanctions, which the U.S. is also dragging its
>feet on, and there are other, even weaker measures that could be considered
>that could be very effective, such as, for example, threatening the
>Indonesian generals with war crimes trials, which is a serious threat for
>them. It means they're locked up in their own countries for a long time.
>One of the Indonesian generals, the architect of the massacre in Dili, it's
>already happened to him. He was driven out of the U.S. by a court case
>which he lost and had to flee. But those are things that the generals care
>about. They're easy. But I frankly don't think that any of these things are
>necessary. We don't know that they're necessary, and we won't know until
>the Clinton Administration does something simpler, namely, take a strong
>stand, saying approximately what they said to Suharto in May 1998. I rather
>suspect that that would work. Although by now it may be too late. The time
>to do this was February or March, certainly not later than April, when the
>killings were already picking up substantially, serious massacres, like
>killing sixty people hiding in a church in Liquica, for example.
>DB: That happened in April.
>NC: There were a lot more. This is one particularly awful one. The Clinton
>Administration again dragged its feet on even allowing unarmed U.N.
>observers. They finally let in a couple of hundred observers, the UNAMET
>observer team that was there. I should say that the remnants of that team
>is now, as of a couple hours ago, locked up in a compound being attacked by
>Indonesian troops and Indonesian militia and running out of food and water.
>One of the people holed up in there apparently is Allan Nairn, a friend of
>ours, who escaped. Dili, the capital city, is apparently wiped out,
>according to the few people who are left. A lot of it is burned down. The
>population is driven out. Allan was trying to keep looking in to see what
>was going on in the city and was finally trapped by Indonesian soldiers. He
>somehow made it to the U.N. compound and is at least alive. That's what's
>happening right now.
>After the referendum, which of course was an overwhelming victory for
>independence and a remarkably courageous act on the part of the Timorese,
>to vote for independence in the midst of terrible terror with an occupying
>army organizing it, that takes a lot of guts.
>DB: Almost 99% of eligible voters turned out, and close to 80% voted for
>NC: There were tens of thousands of people who came out of hiding to vote
>and fled back into hiding. Right after that started, the rampage which is
>devastating the country. This morning the U.N. reported 200,000 refugees.
>Church courses in Dili, very reliable ones, I presume this goes back to the
>Bishop, who's now in exile, driven out of the country, have reported about
>3,000-5,000 people killed in the last few months, mostly in the last couple
>of days. Those numbers are going up. Those numbers alone are approximately
>twice as bad as Kosovo in the entire year before the bombing. That was at a
>time when there was a big guerilla movement going on which had occupied
>forty percent of the country. Here it's just plain massacre in a country of
>less than half the size of Kosovo. So the scale is huge, and it's going up.
>We don't know how bad it is because the first thing that the Indonesians
>did was to drive all observers out of the country. So virtually all the
>journalists were forced to flee. Some, like Allan and a couple of
>Australians, stayed. The U.N. has been compelled to withdraw virtually
>everyone. If they can get those people out of the compound in Dili, I
>presume they'll get them out, too. That means that terror can go on
>unobserved. In the countryside nobody has any idea what's going on.
>Telephone service has been cut off. The university has been burned down.
>The Bishop's residence has been burned down. He had to flee. He was taken
>out by the Australian military. What's going on there nobody knows. The
>descriptions that are coming through, mainly from Australia by Australian
>reporters and diplomats, are pretty horrendous. Dili, the one place anybody
>knows anything about, has been virtually cleansed, apparently. That's the
>term used by a few U.N. officials. Also tremendous looting, robbery,
>apparently they're trying to destroy the place.
>DB: The Indonesian apologetic for what they're doing in East Timor is that
>if East Timor becomes independent it will set a precedent for Ambon, Irian
>Jaya and Aceh.
>NC: Let's remember that East Timor is not part of Indonesia. East Timor was
>invaded and conquered by Indonesia. That has never been recognized by the
>U.N., never even been recognized by the U.S. It's been recognized by the
>U.S. press for a long time. Up until very recently, the reports used to be
>"Dili, Indonesia." But it's no more a part of Indonesia than occupied
>France was part of Germany during the Second World War.
>DB: So when Seth Mydans, who writes for the New York Times, describes
>pro-independence advocates as "separatists," is he off the mark?
>NC: That's like saying the French resistance were separatists under the
>Nazis. Indonesia has been ordered to withdraw instantly, back in 1975, by
>the Security Council. The U.S. didn't even veto it, though it undermined
>it. The World Court has declared that the population retains the right of
>self-determination. Australia did grant de jure recognition, but they've
>essentially withdrawn it. That's it. The Indonesians have no right
>whatsoever to be there except for the right of force and the fact that the
>U.S. has supported their presence. Otherwise they'd be out.
>What happened has been very graphically and lucidly described by the U.S.
>U.N. Ambassador, Daniel Patrick Moynihan. He was the U.N. Ambassador at the
>time of the Indonesian invasion. He wrote his memoirs a couple of years
>later and was very frank about it. He said, The State Department wanted
>things to turn out as they did. It was my responsibility to render the U.N.
>"utterly ineffective" in anything it might do, "and I carried it forward
>with no inconsiderable success." Then he goes on to say what happened
>afterwards. The next couple of weeks about 60,000 people were killed,
>roughly the proportion of the population of Russia killed by the Germans.
>That's him, not me. Then he turned to some other subject. That's pretty
>accurate, and it continued. It got worse under the Carter Administration.
>Richard Holbrooke, who just presented his credentials to the U.N. as
>Ambassador yesterday. The press, in reporting this, did talk about his
>diplomatic successes at Dayton. They didn't look at his diplomatic career
>in connection with another item that's on the front pages, namely East
>Timor. He was Undersecretary of State for Asian Affairs for the Carter
>Administration, and he was the leading apologist for the Indonesian invasion.
>DB: Will Seaman (International Federation for East Timor Observer Project),
>who has just returned from six weeks in East Timor, wants me to ask you
>about the U.S. military ties with Wironto and the Indonesian military.
>There is not an overt green light, but there is a yellow light for the
>Indonesian military to carry out operations in coordination with the
>militias in East Timor. Do you have any information on that?
>NC: The Indonesian military was for a long period essentially a U.S.-run
>military force. The officers were trained here. They had joint exercises.
>They had mostly U.S. arms. That's changed. By now I think Australia is
>probably much more involved in training and joint exercises. In fact, they
>had joint exercises very recently, including with Kopassus, the commando
>forces that have a horrible record and are modeled on the Green Berets.
>They have been implicated in most of the current massacres. Britain has
>been a major arms supplier. The U.S. government, the White House, has been
>blocked by Congress from sending most arms and carrying out direct
>training. The Clinton Administration has evaded those restrictions in the
>past, found ways around them and continued under another hat. Whether
>that's still continuing is very hard to say, because nobody is looking at
>it, as far as I know. These things usually come out a couple of years
>later. But whatever the arrangements may be, there is no doubt that the
>U.S. military has plenty of leverage, and the White House, too, if they
>want to use it. The Indonesians care quite a lot about what stand the U.S.
>takes with regard to what they do.
>I should say that they are not powerless, however. One of the reasons why
>the U.S. is maybe hanging back, apart from the fact that Indonesia is a
>loyal, rich client and there are plenty of U.S. corporations operating
>there and they don't care one way or another about the Timorese, quite
>apart from all of those things, which have been operative for quite a long
>time, there's another problem looming right now. It doesn't get reported
>much. A couple of days ago the Chinese President Ziang Zemin was in
>Thailand. He made a very strong speech which got a lot of attention in
>Southeast Asia in which he condemned U.S. "gunboat diplomacy" and economic
>neocolonialism. He talked, not in detail, but he discussed security
>arrangements between China and ASEAN, the Southeast Asian countries.
>According to the limited press coverage from Southeast Asia, the Thai
>elites welcomed this because they are glad to see a counterforce to the
>U.S., which much of the world is very much afraid of now. China is clearly
>offering some kind of security arrangement in which it will be the center.
>That means also an economic bloc with the Southeast Asian countries or part
>of them, maybe Japan ultimately brought in, and North Asia, that would
>exclude or at least marginalize the U.S.
>You have to remember that the major concern of the U.S. in that region of
>the world since the Second World War has been to prevent that from
>happening. That has been the driving concern behind the remilitarization of
>U.S. allies, including Japan, the Indochina war, the U.S. clandestine
>operations in 1958 which tried to break up Indonesia, which at that time
>was neutralist and right on to the present. They didn't care much about
>Russia. They didn't have a Cold War connection. But it was a concern that
>the countries of the region might accommodate to China, as it was put in
>internal documents, and create a kind of an Asian bloc in which the U.S.
>would not have privileged access and control. I can't imagine that
>Washington policymakers aren't aware of this. Indonesian generals may be
>thinking of it, too, thinking that it offers them a certain degree of
>leverage against even mild U.S. pressures.
>DB: What suggestions would you make to ordinary Americans, listeners to
>this broadcast or readers of this interview, what can they do?
>NC: There is one last chance to save the Timorese from utter disaster. I
>stress "utter." They've already suffered enormous disaster. In a very short
>time span, in the next couple of days, probably, unless the U.S. government
>takes a decisive, open stand, this thing may be past rescue. It's only
>going to happen in one way, if there's a lot of public pressure on the
>White House. Otherwise it won't happen. This has been a horror story for
>twenty-five years. It's now very likely culminating, and there isn't much
>time to do anything about it.
>DB: Thanks very much.
>The number for the White House comment line is (202) 456-1414.
> For information about obtaining cassette copies or transcripts of this or
>other programs, please contact:
>David Barsamian Alternative Radio P.O. Box 551 Boulder, CO 80306 (800)
>444-1977 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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