-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
From: Bill Kingsbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 05:40 PM 9-13-1999 GMT, Sean wrote:
 >this theory has one serious flaw [seems to me]:
 >what on earth would the ADL have to gain from this?

  According to Internet reports:

  Since they were Christian 'Jews' ('Davidians' are Jews) --
  and therefore an especially HATED 'Christian Identity' church
  -- moving to Israel was obviously 100% forbidden by both the
  Israeli authorities, and the predictably- outraged Orthodox Jews
  who hold the balance of power.
Now THAT'S interesting AND it leads me to speculate on some other things.  I
have involved myself in several online discussion groups on various
religions including Judaism and Christianity [disclaimer: more of interest
than anything - I have also been on pagan lists].  One thing I continually
got flamed about is STRESSING the fact that Jesus [Yeheshua?] was a DEVOUT
Jew.  As such he would accurately acuse modern Christianity as heresy,
blasphemy, and methinks would not want any part in his own deification.
According to the very religion that he devoted himself to, it is tantamount
to hubris.  As a devout Judaic WORSHIPPER, how could he spiritually lead
ANYONE being so self-centered as to worship himself.  If one argues that he
did not worship himself [as many Christians do while not even realizing it]
but worshipped his father, then it would be ancestor worship and would put
him in the same boat as many pagans [we begin to see why ANY reasonable
scrutiny of doctrines threatens ANY orthodoxy].

So an intelligent follower of Jesus, IMHO, could not ascribe to anything but
some form of Judaism, potentially recognizing Jesus as a prophet [let's not
get into the hiearchy of prophets, i.e. Jesus was MORE prophetic than
Muhammad, etc.].

All of the afore mentioned would be a threat to orthodox Judaism, the
dominant brands of Christianity that deny their Judaic/Pagan merger history
[mediated by Emperor Constantine in the 4th century].  Not only that, but it
would be a threat to much of the foundation of what we call HIStory [who's
story?].  In fact, given that religious doctrines are perhaps the thing that
is most fiercely hammered into the heads of the masses, can one doubt that
some controling element deems such to be necessary to the maintenance of its
own position?

Such things would be a major threat to the cornerstone of society as we know
it - which is a complex maze of taught habits that make it easy for the few
to control the many.  If the most fiercely hammered doctrines society has
taught us are IGNORED by people, those people can be deemed capable of what
to the controllers would be a threat and to the pioneering  - merely
open-minded.  If such a group of people actually had the audacity to arm
themselves with the knowledge of the entire community in which they were
nestled and not, as a result, make the community feel in the least bit
threatened, controllers would say that they are getting away with too much.
A statement must be made to that community.  As well, a statement must be
made to ANY that would have the audacity to believe as they wish, assume the
prerogative of being able to defend themselves, and, worst of all, actually
get people to listen.  Obviously, the feds [or someone above the feds?] felt
that to be that un-orthodox AND to have the tolerance, and in some cases -
admiration, of a whole typically conservative community that the Davidians
had far too much charisma for their own good.

All it takes to tell such would-be seekers to knock it off would be to burn
a bunch of them alive.  Can you say WITCH HUNT?  Can you say BURN THEM AT

There are a whole slew of power brokering elements in the world that would
feel the need to stamp out such naughtiness.

  (The Davidians' property was purchased in early 1959 by
  Benjamin Roden, the founder of the Branch Davidians.  The
  Israeli property remained the property of the church when
  Koresh assumed leadership.)

  CAN and ADL proved their worth on Waco Holocaust day, but it
  'appears' they soon dissolved the Cult Awareness Network,
  out of fear they would all be implicated in a court of law.
  (Scientology's efforts may? also be partly responsible.)

  There was also the PROMIS software biz -- allegedly THE target
  of the entire Waco Assault.  Vince Foster was deeply involved
  in both the Waco Crisis and Systematics' PROMIS software.
  Systematics had Israeli subsidiaries -- Boston Systematics
  and Israeli Systematics...

     (From Conspiracy Nation 4.82:   "The ramifications of the
     Systematics story could bring down the Clinton presidency.
     Just prior to Foster's death, Hillary reportedly told Foster
     that his spying for Israel was known; that he was about to be
     indicted on charges bordering on treason, making him another
     Jonathan Pollard.")

  And another alleged issue:

     Numerous stolen 50 caliber machine guns (and who knows
     what else!) -- stolen in 1959 from the US National
     Guard armory in Oxnard, California, and hidden at Waco
     (NOT stolen by the Davidians) -- that involved the
     Israeli Government, according to the following info :

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  From: "NewsHawk Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999
  Subj: WACO--We're Now Finding Out HOW... But WHY??

  WACO--We're Now Finding Out HOW The Government Murdered Over 90
  ... But What About WHY??

  This email was received today.  We have no way at this moment of
  verifying the information within but OUR source is credible.

  We have received many messages claiming many different "reasons"
  for WHY the government slaughtered the Branch Davidians; however
  most such messages we receive are long on supposition and way short
  on anything resembling hard, factual evidence.  For that reason
  this material below stands out from the crowd, and so we offer it
  at least as "food for thought" and perhaps even more than that.

  John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
  = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  Hi John,

  This was sent to me with cautionary words
  advising me to use extreme caution to protect
  my source and IF I sent it out to protect myself.
  Maybe you have already gotten a copy by now.
  IF you use it, please protect my privacy though.


  = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999
  Subject: Fwd: Waco

  While Sen. Lloyd Bentsen was Treasury Secretary he secretly ordered
  the BATF to destroy Waco to conceal the fact that stolen National
  Guard weapons were concealed there and if exposed would reveal
  Menachem Begin's part in the burglaries and trace them back to the
  Israeli Government.  It would also have exposed William P. Clark's
  involvement in the burglaries along with Oxnard Superior Court
  Judge Jerome Berenson and his partner, U.S. Commissioner Ben
  Nordman and U.S. Appeal Court Judges Harry Pregerson and Stephen R.


  The above statement comes from a well known web site.  The current
  stories on Waco focus on "HOW" not "WHY" it all happened.  The
  evidence being leaked is yet another scam to cover the "WHY".
  Time will prove that little will be found to incriminate anyone and
  a minor uproar will soon lead to the "final" conclusion while still
  protecting those involved.

  The National Guard weapons mentioned came from the Oxnard,
  California armory, stolen in 1959.  Among the weapons were
  numerous 50 caliber machine guns.  Over the years they have been
  mainly under the control of William P. Clark.

  David Koresh made a trip for a meeting in Hollywood just a short
  time before the Waco siege began.  Proof of this meeting can be
  found in the many books and some videos on the Koresh story.

  The meeting was with the California Mafia, headquartered in Oxnard.
  He and other high-up Davidians were paid to hide these 50 cal.
  weapons at the compound.  When he was ordered to move the weapons
  he refused and tried to use the weapons for ransom.

  Fearing the weapons would somehow be found if Koresh persisted in
  his normal flamboyant ways, the order was given to get them back or
  destroy the evidence in any manner necessary.

  This is why the ATF went after the compound and never tried to
  arrest Koresh in town when he was alone.

  After Waco, the official ATF Press Release listed all the weapons,
  parts and ammo found in the remains.  Strangely, no 50 caliber
  weapons were mentioned.  Yet, in testimony before Congress, the ATF
  and FBI stated that the Davidians had and used 50 caliber weapons.
  None were produced as evidence, only 50 caliber projectiles or
  bullets were held up as evidence.  The actual 50 caliber weapons
  found at the Waco compound were the Oxnard 50's.

  The Texas Rangers and the FBI knew the origin of these weapons and
  have concealed their existence to this day.  The serial numbers
  will prove where they came from.

  To much to believe ?  Ask yourself this.

  [1] Why was such massive force used against a church for the
  suspected violation of child abuse ??  Have you forgotten that the
  first reason given was child abuse, dutifully played out by the
  Texas media just before the initial raid.

  [2]  How did the Federal ATF become involved in a State of Texas
  law involving child abuse ??

  There is a lot of digging for the truth.  If anyone comes to close
  to the "WHY" for Waco you will see an attempt to divert attention
  to the "HOW", just what is happening today.

  The 50's are the key to it all.  Expose the truth here and you have
  all the players, including members of Congress.

  Check the records to see the information on the 1959 Oxnard Armory
  stolen weapons.

  Check the records to see the information on Koresh's trip to

  Check the records to see the BATF Press Release to the media on the
  evidence found in the compound.

  Check the records to see the statements made before congress on the
  use of 50 cal. weapons at Waco.

  Check the records to see only 50 cal. bullets were shown to

  Check the records to see that the NRA offered to pay for x-rays of
  the so called "illegal" weapons and it was refused.

  From: "NewsHawk Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999
  Subj: More on WHY re: WACO

  More on WHY re: WACO


  Recieved from a NewsHawk reader--

  We may never get the WHY nailed down, but we do know this- the
  front door and the roof will have bullet holes going from the
  outside in.  The government fired first.  The survivors were gunned
  down as they tried to escape the flames.  The CS gas used was
  illegal.  17 little children are dead.  The NRA DID offer to x-ray
  the weapons.  The wreckage of the building was BURIED....

  We can expect nothing but more of the same as long as the murdering
  bastards who did this continue to draw a public paycheck and enjoy
  freedom and privilege....

  = = = = = = = = = = = =

  Subject: Re: WACO--We're Now Finding Out HOW... But WHY??
     Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 10:36:01 -0700
     From: "CCW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
       To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  John Quinn/NewsHawk:

  You need to contact Gareth Wean, author of "There's A Fish In The
  Courthouse" - he tells ALL concerning William P. Clark, the Oxnard
  National Guard Armory break-ins and the theft of the .50 cal
  machine guns which Koresh refused to handover and thus set in
  motion the destruction of the Branch Davidian Church.

  Gareth joined the Los Angeles Police Dept. in 1946 and graduated
  from the academy.  He later worked as a Detective Sgt. for the
  Ventura City Police Dept. and as an Investigator for the Los
  Angeles District Attorney's Bureau of Investigation, the Criminal
  Intelligence Unit.  In September 1966 he became the Chief
  Investigator for the Ventura County Public Defender's Office until
  1970.  His book, "THERE'S A FISH IN THE COURTHOUSE" exposes ALL of
  the judicial corruption in the Federal and State Courts in the
  Federal Ninth District.  Check out his Website at
  http://www.gareth.com/ and be sure to read the several linked items.


  /s/ John R. Prukop

  "Reason obeys itself; and ignorance does whatever is dictated to it."

     --Thomas Paine, Rights of Man ("Conclusion")

  "All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."

     --Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)

  CCW Coalition: Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
  John R. Prukop, Executive Director
  11910-C Meridian Ave. E., #142
  Puyallup, Washington 98373


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