-Caveat Lector-

>From http://news.excite.com/news/r/990915/20/politics-spies-lawsuit
Female Spy Files Discrimination Suit Against CIA

Updated 8:09 PM ET September 15, 1999
By Tabassum Zakaria

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A female spy is suing the CIA claiming discrimination
in job promotions after an incident in which a foreign intelligence recruit
kissed her, an action the spy agency saw as a potential security breach, her
lawyer said Wednesday.

The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Monday. "We haven't received the suit yet so we don't have any comment," a
Central Intelligence Agency spokesman said.

The legal action was taken by a woman identified as Grace Tilden, a
pseudonym because her identity is classified secret. Between 1990 and 1998,
Tilden was part of the CIA's highly clandestine "NOC" program, which stands
for non-official cover.

She would collect information from people known in intelligence lingo as
"assets," who in some cases did not know they were informing the CIA.

>From 1992 to late 1995, Tilden worked in a foreign country, described in the
suit as "Foreign Location A." In 1993 she met a foreign recruit in a hotel
room who "unexpectedly" kissed her on the lips, the lawsuit said.

"Ms. Tilden discouraged the asset from attempting to pursue any kind of
romantic relationship with her by informing him that their relationship was
a professional one," the complaint said.

Tilden was uncertain whether she was required to formally report the
incident to the CIA and asked a female co-worker, who advised her not to
worry about it because the incident was too insignificant for a formal
report, the complaint said.

That co-worker later told a male CIA operative about it and he included it
in a written report, the lawsuit said.

A few days later, Tilden was summoned to a "domestic" location for a meeting
with the CIA's deputy chief of station and the chief of operations for the
foreign country where she was based.

CIA "employees and managers, who subscribe to unfortunate stereotypes about
women, immediately presumed that Ms. Tilden was being deceptive, and that,
in fact, she was engaged in a torrid love affair with an enemy agent and
spilling national security secrets in bed," the complaint said.


The lawsuit said the CIA has a double-standard in such areas and that a man
would have been instructed to seduce or establish a sexual relationship with
a foreign recruit to learn enemy secrets.

At the worst, the man would have been informally counseled verbally, "with a
wink and a nudge," not to do it again, the lawsuit said.

"That's utterly ridiculous," said an intelligence official who did not want
to be identified.

But Tilden's lawyer, Roy Krieger, said in other cases he has handled, "we
have learned that in some instances male case officers have been encouraged
if not specifically instructed to develop sexual relationships or foster
sexual interest in them in order to develop a potential asset."

In Tilden's case, however, "she toed the line, but nonetheless she was still
penalized and it's essentially because she's a female," Krieger said.

That one incident put the brakes on Tilden's career at the CIA, the lawsuit
said. Her caseload was stripped, she was denied additional responsibilities
and put on a slower track for promotion than male colleagues, the lawsuit

When she was assigned a new "asset," it turned out to be an American
citizen, a category considered "a much lower priority" and given less
importance by CIA management than foreign nationals, the complaint said.

Her performance review for 1993 was unfavorable and referred to the kissing
episode as a "possible security incident," the lawsuit said.

Tilden was later transferred to an unidentified domestic location after
marrying a foreign national. She was eventually dismissed from the "NOC"
program, but is still employed by the CIA, the complaint said. She is
seeking unspecified damages and is demanding a trial by jury.

"The CIA does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, religion,
gender, disability or any other basis," the CIA spokesman said.

Dan S

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