-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Fri, 17 Sep 1999 14:17:10 -0700
To:                     TiM GW Bulletins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   Bob Djurdjevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                "New World Order Crisis Factory Retools, Stirs Up Trouble in
        Russia, Asia" - TiM GW Bulletin 99/9-4 (Sept. 17, 1999)


Violence Flares Up in Russia, Indonesia


MOSCOW, Sept. 17 - Greetings from Moscow!  Wish it were a
postcard.  Instead, it could be an e-mail echo of a bomb exploding
somewhere in the Russian capital, as the New World Order's
proxies from the Caucasus unleash a reign of terror against the
innocent Russian civilians.  And whoever else happens to be in the
apartment building when the bomb goes off, of course.

On our way today from the Sheremetyevo airport into the center of
city, several Moscow police vehicles could be seen pulling suspects
over and searching the trunks of their cars.  Which brought back
memories of Paris and London in the 1970s, when the Arab and
the IRA
terrorists used to blow up trains and buildings.  And of Germany
Italy at about the same time, when the "Red Brigades" and other
factions killed innocent people for a lost cause.

But the color of terror is green these days.  The Islamic green.
in Russia and in Indonesia, as it is now in Kosovo during NATO's
"peace farce."  Different countries, different bombs and bullets;
similar hatreds stirred up by the NWO Crisis Factory.  One
the world-over is the color of innocent blood.  Which is flowing in
increased volume as the deadliest century in human history draws
to a

Meanwhile, Indonesian protesters launched a wave of sometimes
demonstrations on Sept. 16 as news broke that a multi-national
peacekeeping force of about 8,000 troops would soon be landing in
Timor.  Australians will lead this NWO expedition. volunteering
4,500 candidates for body bags in the cause of global imperialism.

Bill Clinton announced that about 200 US troops would be ready to
in 48 hours to support the international peacekeeping mission in
Timor.  Although no aircraft will fly into East Timor, and the role of
ground troops will be limited, US forces will help provide
"communications and logistical aid, intelligence, airlifts of
personnel and material and coordination of the humanitarian
to the tragedy," Clinton said, according to the Associated Press.

The American troops will be drawn from regional military
installations, including Japan, Hawaii, and Guam.  Half will be
stationed in Darwin, Australia, and half will be placed in East Timor.
Nations already committed to sending troops include Australia,
Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Portugal.

Reaction in Indonesia to the news of the U.N. intervention was swift
and negative.  Crowds gathered outside the Australian and British
embassies in Jakarta, but were held in check by police. "There is a
genuine feeling among elements of Indonesian society that the
is being treated unfairly by the outside world," the London Telegraph
reported on Sept. 16.

There is particular resentment at the moralizing human rights
being delivered by Portugal, the former colonizer of East Timor,
abandoned the place abruptly in 1974 having ruthlessly exploited its
population for four centuries, the Telegraph notes. There is also
anger at the similarly lofty tone adopted by Australia, which
the Indonesian army's invasion of the territory in 1975 and
its annexation as a province.

The East Timorese question appears to occupy the same place in
Indonesia as Northern Ireland does in Britain, or Kosovo does in
Serbia - a hope beyond hope that the problem would somehow go

Analysts say this is what drove President B. J. Habibie to make his
startling offer, first of autonomy, then of independence to the
800,000 inhabitants. An observer said: "The idea was to get rid of it
once and for all." But that attitude failed to take account of the
peculiar place that the scrap of land, inconsequential in the context
of the vast 13,677 island archipelago, holds, especially for the

Relations between Australia and Indonesia hit a new low as Jakarta
cancelled on Sept. 16 a four-year-old security agreement between
two countries over the East Timor crisis.

The decision coincided with a wave of anti-Australian sentiment
was sweeping through Indonesia as the Australian-led
force prepared to enter the province to restore peace. Intimidating
telephone calls, including bomb threats, have been received by the
Australian embassy in Jakarta, the consulate in Bali and a number
businesses, some of whom have begun withdrawing staff from
as a precaution.

Diplomatic ties between Australia and Indonesia were dealt a further
blow when a leading Indonesian official said on Sept. 16 the
1995 defense consultation agreement with Australia had been

The European Union yesterday formally adopted its decision to
impose a
four-month embargo on arms sales to Indonesia.

If all of this reminds you of the early phases of the Bosnian and
Kosovo crises, you're not alone.  Here's a contribution we received
today from Blagovesta Doncheva, a  Bulgarian writer.  Re-colonizing
Timor is wrong, she says.

"Once again, a media campaign in western countries is generating
public support for a military intervention. East Timor is 'the next
Kosovo'. But the comparison with Kosovo indicates why an
is wrong.

A military intervention would establish a UN protectorate: Kosovo
shows what that means. At first, all decisions would be taken by
international organizations. As in Kosovo, they would exercise
absolute military power. They would appoint the courts, the police,
any local armed forces. The vast majority of the population would be
excluded from all political process. A tiny pro-western,
English-speaking, elite would be placed in positions of power - first
as translators and assistants, later as founders of the UN-funded
'democratic' political parties. The media would be controlled entirely
by the UN, which would have censorship powers.

In Bosnia and Kosovo, political and cultural life has become
on western foundations.  In the Timorese case, the Catholic church
would assume that role. Those who opposed the UN protectorate
have no resources to organize an opposition.  They will be politically

Timor intervention is not an ethical duty, as some media claim (the
BBC spoke of a 'moral crusade'). There is no moral duty to help
in danger, beyond the personal level. I can not go to Timor in person
to protect anyone, therefore I have no further obligations. I
certainly have no moral obligation to support the Australian army, or
the Portuguese army, or the US army.

Remember - armies kill people. An intervention in Timor with no
casualties is impossible. As in Kosovo, there will almost certainly
revenge attacks - on the Javanese immigrants to Timor. No
to assist' extends so far, that I have to give political support to a
military intervention. There are good reasons to oppose intervention:
in reality it is a re-colonization of East Timor.

Timor will become a UN protectorate, on a poor Asian island, close
a rich country with neo-liberal economic policies. It will inevitably
become a victim of neo-liberalism. The prevention of genocide can
justify neo-liberalism.

The best comparison is with Haiti. Thanks to US intervention, the
population live in abject poverty, with no future except as
ultra-cheap labor for US firms. Typical of the conditions on Haiti is,
that a main supply of protein is slaughterhouse waste from the US.
Even in Bosnia, the poor were reduced to scavenging on the waste
of US bases. That is how the US treats a white European
population -
no wonder the Haitians are treated as human garbage dumps.

That is the future which the Timorese can expect from an
Australian-Portugese controlled protectorate. All thanks to a
combination of media, 'left-wing' activists and intellectuals,
military lobbies, and promoters of a neo-liberal Asian-Pacific

It would be morally wrong to blackmail Timor's inhabitants into
accepting that by giving them the choice of 'genocide or
neo-liberalism;' the choice - 'be colonized or be killed'.

Reducing a population to a humiliating dependent status, under
conditions of extreme poverty, can not be described as 'help'.
Colonization is not 'help'. Colonialism was wrong, and is wrong -
if the colonial force prevents violence. The Timor intervention is
unethical. It is morally wrong for any soldier to take part in such an
intervention: soldiers should refuse orders to participate in an
intervention force."

Blagovesta Doncheva, Bulgaria

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