The following listing includes the most prominent national corporations that
have lent their corporate support to gun control initiatives or taken
position supporting gun control.

Folks, You should try not to patronize these traitors to the 2nd Amendment.
Note to Non-Browser users.  Will furnish text if requested;  is too long
to include herein.


Are you... beginning to think violent rebellion might be the ultimate,
dreaded answer? Stop! Wait! There are a lot more things you can do!
--from Don't Shoot the Bastards [Bitches] (Yet) by Claire Wolfe

Crooked politicians, illegal aliens, a country in moral decay . . .
all of that and more made Steve Vaus mad.
So mad that he decided to write a song.

The song has become a rallying cry for "patriots" from coast to coast.
It is probably the most popular recording on talk radio.
Listen and you'll understand why.

The music video which was prominently featured on The Nashville Network
and Country Music Television is available at Steve Vaus' web site.

A & M Records.url

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