<< Hey, just wanted to let you know that I've got an embyronic Paranoia web
site up, including a link to Konformist.com.
Also, I've been meaning to ask you for permission to excerpt a piece you
wrote a while back about JonBenet and ritual sacrifice. If we can use it, I
would of course put your website address and any other info at the end. It
would go in either the December or April issue of Paranoia. Thanks.
Al Hidell
Editor, PARANOIA: The Conspiracy Reader
http://members.aol.com/alhidell/paranoia/ >>

Thanks for the link.  A likewise will be up on my front page with my one week
delayed update of the site.

Of course you can excerpt the JonBenet piece.  It will be a main piece of the
first Konformist book, "A Pack of Lies!!!: A Konformist Krap Kollection,"
which should be out in 2000.

Two recent updates on JonBenet:

1) The recent revelation that JonBenet appears to have been molested on
multiple occassions is old news to those who read The Konformist, though now
this claim is solidified.  For those who want to pin this crime on Patsy
Ramsey (or, even worse, the other Ramsey child) must account for the evidence
of regular sexual penetration by an adult male penis.  Hmm, wonder who it
could have belonged to?

2) Stephen Singular, in his first book since his investigation of the Simpson
case and LAPD deceit ("Legacy of Deception"), has written about the Jon-Benet
case with "Presumed Guilty".  Despite the title, he is not an apologist for
the Ramsey parents.  Indeed, he heard convincing evidence that Ramsey's
company Access Graphics (the Lockheed shell corporation) was involved in the
underground child pornography market.  There is a reason he didn't
investigate it further though he suspected it would be true: if he himself
downloaded kiddie porn (which would have been neccesary to prove the case),
he  could have been arrested for possessing illegal materials.  Singular did
inform the Boulder authorities of the evidence, and they did not investigate
it.  Further, he requested that he be given their authority to investigate it
further (so as to be shielded from prosecution.)  They refused.  Therefore,
one of the key allegations of suspicion that I raised in the Jon-Benet Ramsey
article was fully known by investigators, and given to them by a
well-respected source.  Despite this, they did nothing.

Robert Sterling

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