-Caveat Lector-

(0n the news last night-pictures of Thabo Mbeki
Just as nelson did before him Thabo Mbeki went and kissed the ring of the
arch capitalists.

There may indeed be something symbolic in terms of ascending power, that
First Thabo Mbeki first addresses the UN, then visits Pres Clinton and then
finally makes his trip to see David Rockefeller.

Thabo Mbeki was a lifelong (Gucci) communist until 1990 and his arrival back
in South Africa ad the fall of the berlin wall, so its ironic that he has to
now go and visit the worlds arch capitalist(then again maybe not.)

But also more ironic is that the whites in the country need the NWO to keep
Black nationalism under some sort of check, otherwise there remains the
possibility the Haiti scenario.

(one of the ways Anglo american used to remove the poitical logJam in South
Africa was by various polical economic scenarios. Ironically in the final
analysis, the nedbank pessimistic scenario has been the most accurate, but
it is still unfolding. Its a pity that none actually adressed the central
issue in the country, but there purpose finally was political not academic)

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