----- Original Message -----
From: Kate - The Grid
To: virginia mccullough
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 1999 11:39 PM

Received from Virginia McCullough; written by her pal Kate Dixon.
Excellent article.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

by Kate Dixon

The FBI has or had an operation running to investigate the PHINEAS PRIESTHOOD!
Source: "Threats to National Security", Statement for the record by
Louis J. Freeh, Director, FBI before the Senate Select Committee on
January 28, 1998:
"As another example, you may be familiar with the FBI's "Rapid
Lightning" investigation. This investigation involved a series of
criminal acts committed by individuals associated with a domestic
terrorist organization known as the Phineas Priesthood. The subjects of
the investigation were responsible for at least two bombing/bank robbery
incidents in Spokane, Washington, in April and July 1996. Three subjects
were arrested in October 1996, and a fourth in 1997. Since then, all
four have been convicted of all eight felony counts for which they were
charged and have received lengthy jail sentences."

Did operation "Rapid Lightning" end? Since various killers such as the
Columbine shooters and Texas Baptist Church shooter claim affiliation
with Phineas Priesthood (part of the Identity movement), did the FBI
have information about these individuals, and moreover about their guns,
and communications.

Who is currently running the PHINEAS PRIESTHOOD? Sometimes the FBI uses
inflitrators or informers when  investigating groups. And this often
results in the FBI's becoming compromised, because it receives
information it rejects, and then is later embarrassed, or it fails to
stop the group's anticipated violence, or the group outwits the FBI, or
the FBI is somehow using the investigation of the group. Aprime example
is that of Carol Howe, who infiltrated the Staussmier right wing group,
affiliated with Timothy McVeigh. Howe gave the FBI data about the
group's activities and plans to commit violent acts and about what
turned out to be John Doe's involved in the Oklahoma City bombing. The
FBI apparently didn't react too quickly or thoroughly to its own
informers' data. The Oklahoma bombing occured. What did the FBI do? The
Department of Justice, assisted by the FBI prosecuted Ms. Howe. She was
acquitted. In the trial of Timothy McVeigh, Howe's testimony about John
Doe's and her FBI role was excluded. In the trial of Nichols, Howe did
testify, and the verdict regarding NIchols may have been more favorable
to him because of her testimony.

Another example of FBI monitoring of a group which turned into
quasi-complicity and then into coverup, was the Guy Bannister operation
at 544 Camp Street New Orleans. Bannister was an FBI agent. He employed
various runners out of 544 Camp. One of these was Oswald, who was
inflitrating the pro-Cuban groups. Oswald past out Fair Play for Cuba
literature near 544 Camp, working as an agent provacateur. Bannister
also worked with Clay Shaw, and David Ferrie. Ater President Kennedy was
assasinated, the FBI went to great lengths to cover up the activities of
Mr. Bannister vis a vis the FBI, and to cover up Oswald's relationship
to the FBI. It appears that Oswald may have received money for
information he provided to the  FBI.

The U.S. Attorneys obtain convictions mostly based on testimony of the
informant, the turn coat, the snitch, and those yearning for federal
witness protection, or an early ticket out of jail. Therefore, the U.S.
attorneys and FBI have very close relationships to the
aforesaid--relationships which often get too cozy and backfire. I think
that FBI's investigation of PHINEAS PRIESTHOOD may be a fumbled investigation.

Kate Dixon

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