-Caveat Lector-


Colorado School Shooting 'Martyr' Account In Doubt

Updated 5:27 PM ET September 24, 1999
By Judith Crosson

DENVER (Reuters) - Cassie Bernall, the teenager hailed as a martyr in the
Columbine High School massacre for professing her belief in God before she
was shot dead, may never have had such an exchange with her killer,
officials said Friday.

The story of the 17-year-old, one of the 13 people shot to death when two
teen-age gunmen stormed Columbine High School last April 20, has inspired
religious fervor among Christian teenagers across the United States and
spawned Web sites for her bravery and faith while staring down the barrel of
a gun.

Her parents last week published a book about her life called, "She Said Yes:
the Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall."

But police said Friday they cannot confirm the exchange between Cassie
Bernall and her killer ever happened. "There just seems to be a real
question whether the dialogue took place," said Steve Davis, spokesman for
the Jefferson County sheriff's office.

"The Bernalls were made aware there seemed to be some doubt," Davis added.

The parents were not available for comment but the publisher of the book
stood by the account that Cassie Bernall died after answering "Yes" when
gunman Dylan Klebold, 17, asked her if she believed in God.

"We were aware of variations of the account and we interviewed three
students who gave corroborating stories and they stick to it," said Chris
Zimmerman, editor of The Plough Publishing House book.

Davis said some of the students do maintain that the exchange took place,
but said doubts arose after investigators put the stories together with the
time line and where witnesses were when they said they heard the exchange.

The Denver Rocky Mountain News reported that Joshua Lapp, one of the
witnesses to the account, said he has not changed his mind. But another
student, Emily Wyant, 16, who was crouched under a table less than 2 feet
(0.6 meters) from Bernall, said she never heard Klebold ask Bernall if she
believed in God, the paper said.

Klebold and Eric Harris, 18, turned their guns on themselves after they
killed 12 fellow students and a teacher.

In the book Misty Bernall recounts how her own daughter had traveled down a
difficult road, falling in with the wrong crowd and becoming distant. She
said she found letters Cassie had received from a friend urging her to kill
her parents.

Cassie threatened suicide and tried to see the friends about whom the
parents were worried. But three months after the girl was transferred to a
new school, she attended a weekend religious retreat and came home a changed

"We don't feel this discussion (about the exchange before her death)
detracts from the value of the book," Zimmerman said.

Kinkel Pleads Guilty In Oregon School Shooting (Previous story)
Colorado Medical Research Center Told To Halt Tests (Next story)

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