-Caveat Lector-

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Today's Lesson from Steppenwolf

by Hermann Hesse

We need not be surprised that even so intelligent and educated a man as
Harry should take himself for a Steppenwolf and reduce the rich and
complex organism of his life to a formula so simple, so rudimentary and
primitive. Man is not capable of thought in any high degree, and even
the most spiritual and highly cultivated of men habitually sees the
world and himself through the lenses of delusive formulas and artless
simplifications--and most of all himself. For it appears to be an inborn
and imperative need of all men to regard the self as a unit. However
often and however grievously this illusion is shattered, it always mends
again. The judge who sits over the murderer and looks into his face, and
at one moment recognizes all the emotions and potentialities and
possibilities of the murderer in his own soul and hears the murderer's
voice as his own, is at the next moment one and indivisible as the
judge, and scuttles back into the shell of his cultivated self and does
his duty and condemns the murderer to death. And if ever the suspicion
of their manifold being dawns upon men of unusual powers and of
unusually delicate perceptions, so that, as all genius must, they break
through the illusion of the unity of the personality and perceive that
the self is made up of a bundle of selves, they have only to say so and
at once the majority puts them under lock and key, calls science to aid,
establishes schizomania and protects humanity from the necessity of
hearing the cry of truth from the lips of these unfortunate persons.
Organized Crime

The FBI's Trie Notes Are Missing

They meant to write a new, improved set.

A Senate committee will investigate the disappearance of an FBI agent's
notes describing Justice Department efforts to block an investigation
into campaign finance abuses by Democratic fund-raiser Charles Yah Lin
Sen. Fred Thompson, Tennessee Republican and chairman of the
Governmental Affairs Committee, said he was unhappy with ongoing Justice
Department and FBI internal probes, and would call department and bureau
officials for depositions by committee lawyers.

"We had an entirely unsatisfactory meeting Thursday with officials from
the Justice Department and FBI offices responsible for handling this
internal investigation into the pages apparently removed from an FBI
agent's notebooks," Mr. Thompson said.

"They've known for a month the agent's notes have apparently been
altered, but even when we met with these officials specifically to
discuss their findings to date, they were wholly unprepared to talk
about details," he said. "The committee now intends to find out the
details on its own."

Mr. Thompson said the notes were "apparently removed" after they had
been suboenaed during a House inquiry.

He said their disappearance caused him "very serious concern," adding
that those responsible face potential criminal charges.

Agent Roberta Parker, a 14-year FBI veteran, told the panel during
nearly four hours of testimony last week that 27 pages from a spiral
notebook describing the Trie probe -- including a recounting of her
disagreements with Justice Department lawyers -- disappeared after she
turned them over to her FBI superiors. The notebook, one of several she
maintained, had been sought in response to questions by a House
committee concerning Justice Department and FBI disagreements over the
campaign finance probe.

Mrs. Parker testified that the pages were torn out of the book, although
she had no information on who was responsible.

She was one of four FBI agents who told the panel that Justice
Department lawyers blocked their efforts to pursue investigative
targets, including Trie.

They described department lawyers assigned to oversee the probe as
unaggressive, saying they sought to impede or delay the investigation
with "ludicrous" restrictions.

One of the agents, Ivian C. Smith, who headed the FBI's Little Rock,
Ark., field office even complained in a personal memo to FBI Director
Louis J. Freeh the lawyers in charge of the probe were "at best, simply
not up to the task."

The agents testified that:

* Justice Department lawyer Laura Ingersoll, who headed the campaign
finance probe, blocked their bid for a search warrant to stop a
destruction of evidence by Trie and his assistant.

* Miss Ingersoll and her boss, Lee Radek, head of the department's
public integrity section, refused for four months to allow agents to ask
a magistrate for a search warrant after a "trash cover" investigation
showed financial, business and travel records were being destroyed.

* A search warrant affidavit written by Mrs. Parker, a lawyer herself,
said Trie's assistant, Maria "Dia" Mapili, had "shredded or torn"
documents into "small pieces by use of hand shears or some other manual
cutting device."

* The affidavit identified the documents as check records for Trie's
company, Daihatsu International Trading Co.; a statement from the Bank
of China in Macao; travel records for Chinese financier Ng Lap Seng, who
had wired $1 million into Trie's bank account; bank deposit slips and
wire-transfer documents; and an unexplained Federal Express package
showing 2 pounds of documents had been sent by the White House to Trie
on May 5, 1997.

* Agents watching Trie's office saw a man drive up and load legal boxes
into his car. Their request to Miss Ingersoll for permission to stop the
car was refused. Later, another trash search found photocopies of
canceled checks to the president's legal defense fund, each for $1,000
and dated in 1996.

The search warrant was approved four months after the agents had first
requested it. By then, Miss Ingersoll had been replaced by former
federal prosecutor Charles G. LaBella.

Trie, a leading contributor to Democrats in 1996 and to President
Clinton's legal defense fund, pleaded guilty in May to making false
statements and giving political donations in the names of others. Facing
five years in prison, he was sentenced to probation.

A longtime friend of Mr. Clinton's, Trie delivered $640,000 to the
president's legal defense fund in 1996 -- which was returned when its
source could not be determined. The donations included checks with
signatures matching those on other checks and money orders numbered
sequentially, but from different cities.

Mrs. Mapili later said Trie told her to get rid of documents sought by
the Senate committee.

Mrs. Parker and Mr. Smith, along with agents Daniel Wehr and Kevin
Sheridan, said they were blocked from serving the search warrants
because Miss Ingersoll did not believe they had established probable
cause to show that a crime had been committed.

Mr. Wehr also testified that contrary to claims by Attorney General
Janet Reno and other top Justice Department officials that the campaign
finance probe would be vigorous and all-encompassing, Miss Ingersoll
told the agents they should "not pursue any matter related to
solicitation of funds for access to the president," adding that the
reason given was: "That's the way the American political process works."

He also said he was blocked from pursuing an informant who said he had
seen Trie bring in "duffel bags full of cash" for delivery to the
Democratic Party.

Miss Ingersoll, a Justice Department lawyer since 1989, told the panel
there was "no smoking gun" in documents submitted by the FBI for the
warrant. She said "nothing we saw indicated to us" there was "anything

Mr. Thompson said he believed Miss Ingersoll had been set up as "a fall
person. I don't think a lot of this necessarily has to do with her. I
think she was doing what she was told by Mr. Radek."

The Washington Times, September 29, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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