-Caveat Lector-

On 99-09-30 07:42:18 EDT, Das GOAT pointed out:

> ..."the Law" is what's killed JUSTICE,
> each and every step along the way.

More accurately 'legislation' (i.e., the words and
scribbles of shysters and scoundrels masquerading
around a 'da gubbmint') is what killed natural law
and 'natural justice' every step along the way:

        Natural justice is either law, or it is not.
        If it be law, it is always law, and nothing
        inconsistent with it can ever be made law.
        If it be not law, then we have no law except
        that which is prescribed by the reigning
        power of the state; and all idea of justice
        being any part of our system of law, any
        further than it may be specially prescribed,
        ought to be abandoned; and government
        ought to acknowledge that its authority rests
        solely on its power to compel submission,
        and that there is not necessarily any moral
        obligation of obedience to its mandate.

        On this principle, then -- that mere will or
        power are competent to establish the law that
        is to govern an act, without reference to the
        justice or injustice of the act itself, the
        will and power of any single individual to
        commit theft, would be sufficient to make
        theft lawful, as lawful as is any other act
        of injustice, which the will and power of
        communities, or large bodies of men,
        may be united to accomplish.


        If our governments would but themselves
        adhere to natural law, there would be little
        occasion to complain of the ignorance of the
        people in regard to it. The popular ignorance
        of law [that is, just law] is attributable
        mainly to the innovations that have been made
        upon natural law by legislation; whereby our
        system has become an incongruous mixture of
        natural and statute law, with no uniform
        principle pervading it. To learn such a
        system, - if system it can be called, and
        if learned it can be, - is a matter of very
        similar difficulty to what it would take to
        learn a system of mathematics, which should
        consist of the mathematics of nature,
        interspersed with such other mathematics
        as might be created by legislation, in
        violation of all the natural principles
        of numbers and quantities.

> When will we ever realize that "the law" is
> SUBSEQUENT to our rights and liberty, NOT the
> SOURCE of these, and seldom if ever the GUARANTOR
> of our freedoms?

        The ultimate truth on this subject is, that
        man has an inalienable right to so much
        personal liberty as he will use without
        invading the rights of others. This liberty
        is an inherent right of his nature and his
        faculties. It is an inherent right of his
        nature and faculties to develop [sic]
        themselves freely, and without restraint
        from other natures and faculties, that
        have no superior prerogatives to his own.
        And this right has only this limit, viz.,
        that he do not carry the exercise of his
        own liberty so far as to restrain or infringe
        the equally free development of the natures
        and faculties of others. The dividing lines
        between the equal liberties of each must
        never be transgressed by either. This
        principle is the foundation and essence
        of law and of civil right. And legitimate
        government is formed by the voluntary
        association of individuals, for the mutual
        protection of each of them in the enjoyment
        of this natural liberty, against those who
        may be disposed to invade it.


        Everybody has a natural right, as individuals,
        to punish other men for their crimes; for
        everybody has a natural right not only to
        defend his own person and property against
        aggressors, but also to go to the assistance
        and defense of everybody else, whose person
        or property is invaded. The natural right
        of each individual to defend his own person
        and property against an aggressor, and to go
        to the assistance and defense of every one
        else whose person or property is invaded,
        is a right without which men could not exist
        on the earth. And government has no rightful
        existence, except in so far as it embodies,
        and is limited by, this natural right of


        It is impossible that a government should
        have any rights, except such as the
        individuals composing it had previously
        had, as individuals. They could not delegate
        to a government any rights which they did not
        themselves possess. They could not contribute
        to the government any rights, except such as
        they themselves possessed as individuals.


        What, then, is legislation? It is an
        assumption by one man, or body of men, of
        absolute, irresponsible dominion over all
        other men whom they can subject to their
        power. It is an assumption by one man, or
        body of men, of a 'right' to subject all
        other men to their will and their service.
        It is an assumption by one man, or body of
        men, of a right to abolish outright all the
        natural rights, all the natural liberty of
        all other men... to arbitrarily dictate to
        all other men what they may, and may not do;
        what they may, and may not, have; what they
        may, and may not, be. It is, in short, the
        assumption of a right to banish the principle
        of human rights, the principle of justice
        itself, from off the earth, and set up their
        own personal will, pleasure, and interest in
        its place. All this, and nothing less, is
        involved in the very idea that there can be
        any such thing as legislation that is
        obligatory upon whom it is imposed.


        The greatest of all crimes... are committed,
        not so much by men who violate the laws, as
        by men who, either by themselves or by their
        instruments, *make* the laws; by men who have
        combined to usurp arbitrary power, and to
        maintain it by force and fraud, and whose
        purpose in usurping and maintaining it is
        by unjust and unequal legislation, to secure
        to themselves such advantages and monopolies
        as will enable them to control and extort
        the labor and properties of other men, and
        thus impoverish them, in order to minister
        to their own wealth and aggrandizement. The
        robberies and wrongs thus committed by these
        men, in conformity with the laws -- that is,
        their *own* laws -- are as mountains to
        molehills, compared with the crimes committed
        by all other criminals, in violation of the

> The Founding Fathers of our revolutionary nation
> must be rolling over in their graves!

        The practical difficulty with our government
        has been that most of those who have
        administered it have taken it for granted
        that the Constitution, as it is written,
        was a thing of no importance; that it
        neither said what it meant, nor meant
        what it said; that it was gotten up by
        swindlers... who said a great many good
        things, which they did not mean, and meant
        a great many bad things, which they dared
        not say; that these men, under the false
        pretense of a government resting on the
        consent of the whole people, designed to
        entrap them into a government of a part,
        who should be powerful and fraudulent enough
        to cheat the weaker portion out of all the
        good things that were said, but not meant,
        and subject them to all the bad things that
        were meant, but not said. And most of those
        who have administered the government, have
        assumed that all these swindling intentions
        were to be carried into effect, in place of
        the written Constitution....
        --Lysander Spooner

see also:

  by Randy E. Barnett;  Austin B. Fletcher Professor
  at Boston University School of Law


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